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I remember the philosopher Slavoj Zizek talking about the time he had a conversation with two men who took part in the ethnic cleansing
in Kosovo. He said both men talked about the events with a sense of nostalgia and of lost freedom.

Zizek point was there is a perverse sense of freedom far right ethic politics offers to its followers.
Listening to some news channels there are apparently no children in palestine, only minors.
These pro-rape, pro-torture, genocidal discussions, produced by Israeli citizens and soldiers, government ministers and cabinet members read like the callous, sadistic letters and diary extracts from slave masters and the Columbus voyages. They drip with entitlement and an expectation to be able to enact their most perverted urges with complete impunity.

A sociological study of Thomas Thistlewood's diary appears entirely obsolete when you have podcasters in the present happily broadcasting their depraved psyche to the world.

And governments around the world, primarily the US, are managing this horror show with the delicacy a prison gang rape.

With their lies, public support and financial backing, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are doing their utmost to facilitate documented and detailed rape and murder. This is not some nebulous, it's complicated fog of war. How can this even be disputed anymore.
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With their lies, public support and financial backing, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are doing their utmost to facilitate documented and detailed rape and murder. This is not some nebulous, it's complicated fog of war. How can this even be disputed anymore.

It isn't disputed, americans just don't give a shit so their government is a reflection of that.
I got a telling off from a mod for calling the IDF/Israeli Government, modern day Nazi's, a few months ago...I'm owed an apology.
The modern day ones are far worse mate. The OG ones tried to do the worst bits covertly, the current ones are being as explicit and overt as possible, without a care in a world about what it thinks of them. They're far far worse.
"from the river to the sea" is a genocidal idea, they said.

They are going all in because they know they will be forgiven. Some inmediately, others in just a few years. And the rest of the world in a few decades
since all evil is hamas, and bibi does something maybe-sort-of-kind-of evil, bibi is hamas...?

The modern day ones are far worse mate. The OG ones tried to do the worst bits covertly, the current ones are being as explicit and overt as possible, without a care in a world about what it thinks of them. They're far far worse.

I don't think they're worse. It's really hard to be worse than the Nazis. There's a reason Nazi/Hitler is a shorthand, one-word way of saying "as evil as possible." You think of the most evil individual act of an Israeli soldier or some diabolical written or unwritten policy they've implemented, and you can bet you'll find the Nazi troops or the regime doing the same. And a lot more. To start with, they had way more victims to work with!

Btw, the *exact* same thing was said by pro-Israelis when making Oct 7 worse than the Holocaust ("Nazis were covert, Hamas is open"), and was irrelevant then too.

The whole society is rotten. Has a society ever changed into something more positive without being on the losing end of a war?
American activist killed. Presumably she was protesting an Israeli settlement.

As always, not the right kind of American for there to be outrage

that's true of shireen abu akleh (the journalist they sniped) or this one, but the IDF also killed a real american (white, born in the US) girl rachel corrie by crushing her with a bulldozer, celebrating her murder with pancakes, and the US has obviously done nothing about it.
that's true of shireen abu akleh (the journalist they sniped) or this one, but the IDF also killed a real american (white, born in the US) girl rachel corrie by crushing her with a bulldozer, celebrating her murder with pancakes, and the US has obviously dont nothing about it.
Fair point, after posting initially, i did think of editing/adding "American killed by the wrong bullet to cause any outrage"
that's true of shireen abu akleh (the journalist they sniped) or this one, but the IDF also killed a real american (white, born in the US) girl rachel corrie by crushing her with a bulldozer, celebrating her murder with pancakes, and the US has obviously done nothing about it.
Still the wrong type of American. If it happened today the MAGA idiots would have labelled her a woke, commie, Arab-loving traitor, whereas Dems will have insisted on Israeli investigating themselves while signing off more weapons and funds for them.
Israel spies on Americans, hacks the US and repeatedly attempts to influence and undermine their democratic process, they deliberately humiliate and undermine the sitting president whilst promoting an inseurrectionist, they smear American citizens and they murder American citizens. The US pays for it all with tax dollars, defending them for it at every opportunity.

Can you imagine if a West Bank Palestinian reaches the end of their tether, picks up an assault rifle and guns down a settler terrorist who happens to be a US or UK dual national. We'll hear a vastly different tune from the spineless virtue signallers like Mathew Miller, Vedant Patel and David Lammy.
They have the same right and I'm all in favor of anyone who can smuggle in weapons so that they can defend themselves and kill as many fascists as possible.
Well when you deprive them of that right and support, they do it themselves anyway and seek outside help from whoever is willing to siphon it, despite their own selfish reasons for doing so. How and why was Hamas created and consequently supported again?
It's odd. All the movies tell me that the moment even a single American citizen is killed, you incur the wrath of the famous American war machine.

Trump's rise has distorted the political compass for the whole world. Biden/Harris would not and should not even come close to another term if there was anyone with a conscience against them either in the primaries or in the Republican camp. How can one expect enthusiasm when the least of two evils is still providing unconditional support for a genocidal regime that kills your even own citizens for sport and celebrates those 'kills'?