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"Cool woke agenda"

I'm sorry perhaps I'm mistaken, but surely if you are such a moral person you care so passionately about other tragedies such as what's happening in Sudan and Ethiopia right? Or do those don't count because it doesn't involve the evil zionists?
I'm sorry perhaps I'm mistaken, but surely if you are such a moral person you care so passionately about other tragedies such as what's happening in Sudan and Ethiopia right? Or do those don't count because it doesn't involve the evil zionists?
All your whataboutery does is expose your own moral vacuum, which you can then happily fill with muslim dead.
I'm sorry perhaps I'm mistaken, but surely if you are such a moral person you care so passionately about other tragedies such as what's happening in Sudan and Ethiopia right? Or do those don't count because it doesn't involve the evil zionists?
It is September 1st, 2024. The Israel/Gaza "war" has been going on for almost an entire year. This thread has been entirely about it for the last 600+ pages. These points have been made and addressed many times already.

The issue Zionists have isn't that people haven't heard their points. It's that they don't find them persuasive. Repeating them isn't going to do much.
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I'm sorry perhaps I'm mistaken, but surely if you are such a moral person you care so passionately about other tragedies such as what's happening in Sudan and Ethiopia right? Or do those don't count because it doesn't involve the evil zionists?

Out of interest, are you saying you care equally about all tragedies, or that you’re not a moral person?

(Or both, and you just don’t care about any?)
Out of interest, are you saying you care equally about all tragedies, or that you’re not a moral person?

(Or both, and you just don’t care about any?)
I'd assumed the latter as there seems to be an assumption that anyone expressing any care is doing so in order to look cool.
I don't see what's wrong here. I'm desperate for a deal to happen but to state that Hamas is a murderous evil organization is some kind of controversial statement now? HAMAS TERROSISTS BLEW UP A FENCE, INVADED ISRAEL, MURDERED 1200 INNOCENT MEN WOMEN AND CHILDREN, KIDNAPPED 300 INNOCENT MEN WOMEN AND CHILDERN. I know some of you don't like to be remembered of those small facts because it gets in the way of your cool woke agenda of hating everything Israel touches. Apologies.
If you think their actions mean they must be 'eliminated' then sure you feel the same about the Israeli's responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of innocents?
I'm sorry perhaps I'm mistaken, but surely if you are such a moral person you care so passionately about other tragedies such as what's happening in Sudan and Ethiopia right? Or do those don't count because it doesn't involve the evil zionists?

This is a thread about Israel and Palestine. Stay on topic. Defend Israel's actions by all means but cut out the silly whataboutery.
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I'm sorry perhaps I'm mistaken, but surely if you are such a moral person you care so passionately about other tragedies such as what's happening in Sudan and Ethiopia right? Or do those don't count because it doesn't involve the evil zionists?
Been a while since I came across such a disingenuous post.

Please tell us more about you, your outrage and your whataboutism.
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I'd assumed the latter as there seems to be an assumption that anyone expressing any care is doing so in order to look cool.
It's just not a very persuasive argument because we are clearly supposed to care... for Israel. "Caring" is only bad now that Israel looks bad.
Histadrut Labor Federation chief Arnon Bar-David announces a general strike set for tomorrow over the failure to release hostages held in Gaza, stating that “a deal is more important than anything else.”

The action will start at 6 a.m. and is currently planned as a one-day strike, with Bar-David saying decisions beyond Monday will be made later.

The demonstrations will change nothing.

The strike, which is not going to be held by everyone - bodies led by Netanyahu supporters will generally avoid it - will change nothing.

Netanyahu just doesn't care about anything and anyone but himself. The only thing that can motivate him is fear, and that's just not going to do it.

On the other hand, Biden and Harris continue to serve the needs of Netanyahu like good dogs.

Biden is letting U.S. citizens die in captivity. That’s a problem too. This administration is either not trying or unable to influence the decisions of Israel. Either way, it’s a problem beyond this specific crisis.
Not one single post about the 6 dead hostages that were found today huh? Didn't think so. Tragedies only apply to Palestinians I guess. To not get a ban I'll add the official party lines: evil zionists, apartheid, Genocide. Apologies if I forgot something.

Yes, rapists, rapist apologists, killers of hostages when they wave a white flag, kidnappers, war terrorists, users of human hostages, torturers, land thieves, terrorist state, child killers, dehumanizers

And yes Hamas should disappear of the face of the earth and the 6 hostages is a tragedy that pales in comparison with number of hostages that israel has, tortures, rapes and kills. Then we can go to the +40.000 (official) deaths including 15.000 children and many more maimed and traumatized. So yeah, should be 40.000 posts (or more) vs 6 posts.
UK has suspended some military export licenses for Israel.

Something relatively small, but I guess it's a start and better than nothing.
UK has suspended some military export licenses for Israel.

Something relatively small, but I guess it's a start and better than nothing.

There is a theory that the "civil unrest" we had with the far right was less about mozlems and immigrants and more about stuff like this happening politically.

The thugs on the street weren't in on it, more the likes of funded agitators like Tommy Robinson and Douglas Murray et al.

Similar happened with Obama, or there were threats of this happening (in his memoirs).
I'm not sure how big the protest/strike actually are in Israel, but at least it appears that there is some pressure from within the population for a ceasefire. Even if it is only because of the hostages being killed, it is better than nothing. Saying that if I was Hamas, I wouldn't trust Israel not to immediately start bombing again the moment all hostages are handed over, regardless of what they say.
Not as sweet as a rock to a racists skull but the tambo has an oddly satisfying timbre nonetheless:

They are every bit as radicalised as a society as the Russians we ridiculed early in the Ukraine war for being out of touch and brainwashed. Except if you’re the kind of sensible rational centrist who got very upset about that, you get to completely ignore this whilst talking about cranks and unhelpful gestures over your Pret macchiato because you’re essentially too much of coward to address it.

They are every bit as radicalised as a society as the Russians we ridiculed early in the Ukraine war for being out of touch and brainwashed. Except if you’re the kind of sensible rational centrist who got very upset about that, you get to completely ignore this whilst talking about cranks and unhelpful gestures over your Pret macchiato because you’re essentially too much of coward to address it.

The Russians are in no way as radicalized and there's absolutely no comparison to be drawn here.

We're talking about more than 75 years of hardcore indoctrination, methodical dehumanization of the perceived enemy and skillful manipulation of historical facts, beginning from the Kindergarten. You and many others just don't understand how deep the rot lies within the Israeli society and how carefully it's been cultivated. It's a fundamentally racist, colonial society filled with an immense feeling of superiority and bolstered by the West's continuous and unquestioning support. The number of courageous Israelis objecting to this suicidal course has been steadily dwindling as time went by.

There is no left, moderate side to talk about in Israel anymore. Ben Gvir, Smotrich and their supporters aren't outliers, they are Israel's future.

@Amir, @ScholesyTheWise, feel free to dismantle my argument if I'm wrong.
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Genocide before our eyes in 2024. And the world watches on. I was a fool for believing we had evolved past this.
The Russians are in no way as radicalized and there's absolutely no comparison to be drawn here.

We're talking about more than 75 years of hardcore indoctrination, methodical dehumanization of the perceived enemy and skillful manipulation of historical facts, beginning from the Kindergarten. You and many others just don't understand how deep the rot lies within the Israeli society and how carefully it's been cultivated. It's a fundamentally racist, colonial society filled with an immense feeling of superiority and bolstered by the West's continuous and unquestioning support. The number of courageous Israelis objecting to this suicidal course has been steadily dwindling as time went by.

There is no left, moderate side to talk about in Israel anymore. Ben Gvir, Smotrich and their supporters aren't outliers, they are Israel's future.

@Amir, @ScholesyTheWise, feel free to dismantle my argument if I'm wrong.
The exact same line of thinking applies to Palestinians if we are going for such a broad brush approach.
The Russians are in no way as radicalized and there's absolutely no comparison to be drawn here.

We're talking about more than 75 years of hardcore indoctrination, methodical dehumanization of the perceived enemy and skillful manipulation of historical facts, beginning from the Kindergarten. You and many others just don't understand how deep the rot lies within the Israeli society and how carefully it's been cultivated. It's a fundamentally racist, colonial society filled with an immense feeling of superiority and bolstered by the West's continuous and unquestioning support. The number of courageous Israelis objecting to this suicidal course has been steadily dwindling as time went by.

There is no left, moderate side to talk about in Israel anymore. Ben Gvir, Smotrich and their supporters aren't outliers, they are Israel's future.

@Amir, @ScholesyTheWise, feel free to dismantle my argument if I'm wrong.

I’m agreeing with you you weirdo.
They are every bit as radicalised as a society as the Russians we ridiculed early in the Ukraine war for being out of touch and brainwashed. Except if you’re the kind of sensible rational centrist who got very upset about that, you get to completely ignore this whilst talking about cranks and unhelpful gestures over your Pret macchiato because you’re essentially too much of coward to address it.

No one will here this and wont be disgusted.