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The thread author disqualifies a number of the team because they don't live in Palestine.

One gets criticised for being born in a refugee camp in Syria.
Maybe his parents/grandparents just fancied leaving their home to try life in a refugee camp. And the founders of Israel were of course all born in that land.
Israel's minister of Foreign Affars as a response to Erdogan's "threat" against Israel. Totally normal diplomacy here.

Erdogan follows in the footsteps of Saddam Hussein and threatens to attack Israel. Just let him remember what happened there and how it ended.

Israel's minister of Foreign Affars as a response to Erdogan's "threat" against Israel. Totally normal diplomacy here.

Do these people graduate from the Kim Jong Un school of diplomacy? Jesus christ.

Also, what on earth is Israel's end goal here? They're alienating all of their int'l partners in the region. It's baffles the mind, they've long abandoned common sense and decency and resorted to ideological and theological dogma.
Do these people graduate from the Kim Jong Un school of diplomacy? Jesus christ.

Also, what on earth is Israel's end goal here? They're alienating all of their int'l partners in the region. It's baffles the mind, they've long abandoned common sense and decency and resorted to ideological and theological dogma.
In their mind, they probably don't think they're really alienating their allies. Because those same allies pretty much have given Israel a blank cheque. Israel seemingly can do anything it wants and witness no consequences for its behavior.

That being said, Netanyahu needs to keep this going for his own political survival and in that process he needs those who are just as, if not more extreme than himself.
In their mind, they probably don't think they're really alienating their allies. Because those same allies pretty much have given Israel a blank cheque. Israel seemingly can do anything it wants and witness no consequences for its behavior.

That being said, Netanyahu needs to keep this going for his own political survival and in that process he needs those who are just as, if not more extreme than himself.
It boggles the mind that this is all based on a man's attempt to stay out of jail.
It boggles the mind that this is all based on a man's attempt to stay out of jail.
But we have to admit that others like Gallant, despite some public disagreements here and there, also go along with it.
But we have to admit that others like Gallant, despite some public disagreements here and there, also go along with it.
We have seen this time and time again in European history - the French in Algeria, the British in Kenya, the Portuguese in Mozambique... No amount of barbarity is enough in the fight to defend 'civilisation'.
Do these people graduate from the Kim Jong Un school of diplomacy? Jesus christ.

Also, what on earth is Israel's end goal here? They're alienating all of their int'l partners in the region. It's baffles the mind, they've long abandoned common sense and decency and resorted to ideological and theological dogma.
I mean, the entire point of Israel is ideological and theological dogma.
Do these people graduate from the Kim Jong Un school of diplomacy? Jesus christ.

Also, what on earth is Israel's end goal here? They're alienating all of their int'l partners in the region. It's baffles the mind, they've long abandoned common sense and decency and resorted to ideological and theological dogma.
Its essentially a culmination of decades of oppression, subjugation and flat out land theft being unchallenged by the major international powers - they persist simply because they learn there are no repercussions. Its what's cultivated this sense of arrogance and entitlement from them, not least when the US bails them out - diplomatically and politically at every given point. Pretty much akin to a child that has never been told no, nor faced punishment nor repercussion for constantly misbehaving. Or a bully that's constantly protected by teachers.

As for losing international partners, I'd disagree with that. Their major allies - notably the US, UK and others will stick by them to the bitter end, irrespective of many red lines they've crossed. That'll only change once its becomes politically unfeasible for them to continue doing so - i.e. when it becomes a serious electoral issue that costs politicians their jobs. As for the likes of Erdogan, the Israelis know very well what game he's playing. He's just pandering to his base and the wider Muslim world to score points, and if/when things simmer down, he'll return to the same cordial and diplomatic relationship he's always had with them, continuing trade and military cooperation. There isn't a world where he permanently ends ties with Israel, or worse yet - actually follow through with his threats of military intervention. The Israelis aren't an easy punching bag for him like the Kurds are. The other nations they've lost diplomatic ties with - notably the African and South America ones are unfortunately inconsequential. While its admirable they've taken the right stance, it bears close to no weight or deterrence to Israel, not compared to what would happen if the US and UK started pushing sanctions.

The only thing different this time round is the fact that Israel have been condemned by the ICJ, putting its allies in an awkward spot, desperately trying to absolve Israel while appearing to respect the rule of law and their obligations to the court. The parallel conflict in Ukraine has also drawn awkward parallels for the West, where Russia has rightly been condemned, sanctioned and squeezed out by the international community, while Israel seems protected and absolved for the most abhorrent crimes, openly broadcasted to the world, thereby hampering the West with further hits to their credibility.
Paris Olympics 'We stand and call for peace'. Yes okay France. I don't think anyone is naive enough to believe such statements or what not but it's really grating now. As for the States let's see if there will be a boycott US WC campaign even a fraction of the Qatari one. Probably not.
There was zero talk about Germany's involvement in the genocide during the Euros from basically anyone who talked about Qatar, so definitely don't expect anything in 2026.
There was zero talk about Germany's involvement in the genocide during the Euros from basically anyone who talked about Qatar, so definitely don't expect anything in 2026.
Yeah the Germans deserved the Qatar treatment, their position on this has been criminal. What makes it more ridiculous and two faced is how much they were crying regarding Qatar even going as far as that embarrassing mouth covering gesture before a game. No one believes their BS grandstanding anymore.
Sources in the Israeli justice department are saying the evidence is so clear and the cases so severe, it will be an open and shut case for international courts. This is a horror that will never be forgotten. A permanent stain on the state of Israel.

I think (successfully?) storming army bases with the helped of masked reservists is a bit more than Jan 6th!
Only democracy in the Middle East ™️
I've always found it funny they use that as some badge of honor, when in fact it just makes everything much worse. At least with dictatorships the common citizen can claim their leaders are tyrants and they have no say in the shit they do. With israel, this is what the people want. The people freely elect genocidal criminals to lead the country.
The world: You have gone too far....well too far...

Israeli society: We have not gone far enough, we haven't executed all of our Palestinian prisoners and tortured them to death Mexican Cartel style yet.
I've always found it funny they use that as some badge of honor, when in fact it just makes everything much worse. At least with dictatorships the common citizen can claim their leaders are tyrants and they have no say in the shit they do. With israel, this is what the people want. The people freely elect genocidal criminals to lead the country.
It's also an obscene claim. Yes the Middle East is hardly abundant with thriving democracies, but Israel certainly isn't the shining example it claims to be amongst them. For one, a country that exercises apartheid, subjugates millions of people into glorified open prisons, and carries out state sponsored land thefts on a daily basis has no right dignifying itself as remotely democratic.
@2cents absolutely insane reactions like today make it easier for me to imagine, for the first time ever, some rupture between the US and Israel, they apparently can't take yes for an answer.
Do these people graduate from the Kim Jong Un school of diplomacy? Jesus christ.

Also, what on earth is Israel's end goal here? They're alienating all of their int'l partners in the region. It's baffles the mind, they've long abandoned common sense and decency and resorted to ideological and theological dogma.
Unless I'm mistaken, they're the chosen people

One unarmed prisoner clearly threatening a mob of Israeli armed soldiers, had no choice but to rape him. I'm sure Israel investigating themselves would conclude this was all fair in the name of self defence.

Another exemplary act from the world's most moral army.