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Hearing about the history of the East India Company, and the first of their infamous famines in bengal actually caused a domestic outcry in Britain with Robert Clive becoming somewhat of a pariah figure rather than a hero. This was in the late 1700s, I don't think that was the most woke public around...Interesting to see the difference with this today. I guess the settler aspect of settler colonialism cultivates a more "realist" society.
Hearing about the history of the East India Company, and the first of their infamous famines in bengal actually caused a domestic outcry in Britain with Robert Clive becoming somewhat of a pariah figure rather than a hero. This was in the late 1700s, I don't think that was the most woke public around...Interesting to see the difference with this today. I guess the settler aspect of settler colonialism cultivates a more "realist" society.

Maybe because they didn't feel them as a menace and now Arab = terrorist that can hurt me and the collective guilt of the Holocaust. Also, in 1700s 99% couldn't read and now we are fusioned with our screen gulping media manipulation

A better example would be the S.A. apartheid that is closer, 30 decades and I don't think you would find many people sympathizing with the white colonizers. Because the jew-arab factors were not in the mix
Hearing about the history of the East India Company, and the first of their infamous famines in bengal actually caused a domestic outcry in Britain with Robert Clive becoming somewhat of a pariah figure rather than a hero. This was in the late 1700s, I don't think that was the most woke public around...Interesting to see the difference with this today. I guess the settler aspect of settler colonialism cultivates a more "realist" society.

One of the reasons why subjects of the Empire were heavily restricted from visiting the motherland, was to stop them seeing how shit British working class conditions were. Britain showed an edited version of their country to the rest of the empire and they didn't want the reality to be known.
One of the reasons why subjects of the Empire were heavily restricted from visiting the motherland, was to stop them seeing how shit British working class conditions were. Britain showed an edited version of their country to the rest of the empire and they didn't want the reality to be known.


Victorian Britain, whilst absolute shite compared to modern standards of course, was still exponentially better than most of the colonies, USA, Qing China, and was in the same ballpark as the rest of the major European powers.

Victorian Britain, whilst absolute shite compared to modern standards of course, was still exponentially better than most of the colonies, USA, Qing China, and was in the same ballpark as the rest of the major European powers.
Colonial subjects were told that even the poorest person on the mainland lived like royalty and ate feasts everyday.
Not sure how accurate this is but apparently a deal after 28th July guarantees nothing happens to Netanyahu's government for at least 3 more months.
What a shameful performance and the American Congress lapped it up. How cucked you have to be to let a foreign leader into your own backyard and let him attack American citizens protesting, academic institutions and their academics.
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I'd normally stay out of discussions on this subject as there are levels of complexity that I don't fully understand and I have sympaties for those on both sides to a degree but i just turned on the news and saw that speech. Genuinely the most shocking thing I've seen in my lifetime.

she has not endorsed harris, which should make her vulnerable for a primary next time
Wow, the whole congress applauds a war criminal. Please, we do no want any lectures in morality from western governments.
Wow, the whole congress applauds a war criminal. Please, we do no want any lectures in morality from western governments.
They really aren't aware how the rest of world sees America now. Everything America says can be taken with pinch of salt.
Of course they are, they just don't care.
Well, I do agree that they don't care, I just don't think they are aware how much less soft power they have to convince people to do things that are in their, American interest under the pretence of mutual democratic values, after Gaza.
To see all these sycophantic US congressmen, grovelling at the feet of this genocidal war criminal. Truthfully, feck Israel and feck the US too and their glorified white Taliban mantra.

(No disrespect to the lovely and reasonable Yank posters here, you deserve better representatives)
Benjamin Netanyahu asserted that every man, woman and child in Gaza is receiving more than enough food.

“The prosecutor of the international criminal court has shamefully accused Israel of deliberately starving the people of Gaza: This is utter, complete nonsense. It’s a complete fabrication. Israel has enabled more than 40,000 aid trucks to enter Gaza. That’s half a million tons of food!” he said, wagging his finger.

Well, that's that sorted then.
His speech was laced with lies too.