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Wait for just a couple of days and we'll see this duo ignore, sidestep, and attack this ruling



Honestly, because they speak in English and get more intl exposure, more hateful to me than most of the Israeli leadership when it comes to this war.
Alongside Blinken, they're the most despicable, pathological liars and the symbol of the foreign policy failure of this US administration.

Pieces of shit of the highest order.
Mix of usual talking points I assume.
  • The ruling is "non binding".
  • The ICJ don't have "jurisdiction" on this.
  • A Palestinian state has to be negotiated between Israel/Palestinians themselves and not imposed on them by the international community.
Stuff like that.
They actually do.

Its one of the biggest lies this administration has constantly hammered in their support of the Gaza genocide.
Are the US the only country now which hasn't resumed funding to UNRWA?

At least Biden wants to feed the starving Palestinians and bring aid in.
Yesterday I had one of the craziest conversations of my life. There was an israeli bloke in the group I was it and of course this topic came up. He said there were no civilians in palestine because they chose hamas. I asked what about israeli civilians? They also elected the government that's attacking palestine, are they also a legitimate target?

He said they are, that october 7 was a legitimate attack on hamas' part, that this is an existential war, one side will exist in a hundred years and the other will not. There are innocents or civilians on either side.

Everyone kept avoiding him for the rest of the evening.
That's not crazy at all, it's normalized now.

In the beginning of this phase of the conflict, I said that I had some Jewish friends in Lisbon and they are all radicalized now to the point that I avoid addressing these matters with them because it's pointless. They are completely brainwashed.

I remembered a talk in Bairro Alto where i appealed to their humanity, tried talking about IDF war crimes and they were unfazed and said that I didn't knew what I was talking about because I never lived in the region and didn't understand the dynamics of the conflict. That talk was also fueled by clear Islamophobia and that I should move to Poland because it's a question of time before Muslims take over Lisbon. Muslims have a residual percentage here and although I have no Muslim friends, the ones I've interacted, mostly in restaurants, are all harmless and friendly. Unfortunately instead of being like @Amir or @ScholesyTheWise, they are drifting towards the extreme right. They weren't like this when I met them or they were hiding their true feelings.
We Volunteered at a Gaza Hospital. What We Saw Was Unspeakable.
The constant begging for money, the malnourished population, the open sewage — all of that was familiar to us as veteran war zone doctors. But add in the incredible population density, the overwhelming numbers of badly maimed children and amputees, the constant hum of drones, the smell of explosives and gunpowder — not to mention the constant earth-shaking explosions — and it’s no wonder UNICEF has declared the Gaza Strip as “the world’s most dangerous place to be a child.”
I've tried to be restrained with this analogy but this is absolutely Nazi thinking:

For me there is absolutely no question now that the top leadership and individual military units need to be tried and shot, and the population re-educated. Nothing like that will happen of course.
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I've tried to be restrained with this analogy but this is absolutely Nazi thinking:

For me there is absolutely no question now that the top leadership and individual military units need to be tried and shot, and the population re-educated. Nothing like that will happen of course.

Ah Giora Eiland. The man who in 2004(!) suggested in a leaked diplomatic cable that Gaza was a huge concentration camp. Not as a condemnation in any way. Lovely guy.
I had the misfortune today of coming across Israel's Twitter page in Arabic. The messaging in their propaganda is a bit different from their other channels but the fabrication of unbelievable lies is still the same.
Hopefully Israeli athletes will be booed during the opening ceremony of the Olympics.

Also, what word can be best to use Israel at this point? What is the worst of the worst?