I don't like it in India, either.
That said - this is a thread about the Israeli / Palestinian situation.
I don't like it in India, either.
I don't like it in India, either.
That said - this is a thread about the Israeli / Palestinian situation.
Great technicians.Israel is such a wonderful state, full of wonderful people.
I’d say it has always been there, it is just now un-afraid to show itself in public again.My point was how similar the concerns and rhetoric are globally. Lots of stuff about race-mixing on the right wing American internet too, though of course for many of them, the Jews are behind it. Wonder if it's just a revival of the 60s pre-legalisation bigotry, or this is a new one.
Israel is such a wonderful state, full of wonderful people.
Israel is such a wonderful state, full of wonderful people.
Ireland has been one of the better counties on this. It probably won’t do much but it’s a start. Isreal are probably going to end up invading us next! Top of the list. Christ above that’s all we need![]()
Only Limerick.
I didn’t know this. My gf is actually from limerick and she said the story locally is that they were afraid of German bomb attacks during WW2. Ireland has always been neutral so there wouldn’t have been much we could have done in retaliation or even to protect the population. Hitler definitely had an invasion plan in the works for us too. That’s a fact. I’ll definitely watch this. I don’t doubt the Jewish people have been through it. As an Irishman I see parallels between us all over the world. It’s the recent history that we can’t get with. Why let crazy nationalists/criminals run your country when you could have a two state solution and live without fear and propaganda. I think it’s financial and tactical more than over any religious or cultural differences.
Thanks in advance for watching this. The Irish and the Jews have a very interesting up and down history, especially their shared, co-ordinated struggles with the British colonialism. Again, I never meant to piss you off when I first broached that subject, but this is such a nuanced, multi generational crisis that only gets more complicated when seen in black and white terms hindered by selective time frames. I want peace, of course. My mother lives in Tel Aviv, and you can only imagine what it's like to hear air raid sirens and explosions over a dodgy WhatsApp conversation from the UK to Israel that night . Surreal. I also feel terrible when Palestinian innocents are caught up in this. I've made that clear, but equally have been shocked (but not surprised) when I stood alone in expressing empathy for both sides.
You may also find this interesting. I hope it's not true....
You’re getting your news from a very one sided source there that gets clicks by keeping you afraid. Plus I think the important question is how many Israelis/Palestinians would let each other into their homes and why. You’re welcome in my house anytime fearless.
So Ireland has a long history with colonisation and genocide. Like really appalling massacres and our wealth, lands and homes stolen from us over and over. That’s why we can’t get Israel’s actions. It’s not anti Jewish I can assure you that. It’s because you guys have fought and got your country and your army and wealth and that’s all well and good but you aren’t looking for a peaceful outcome, you are still trying to take more and more. Where does it end? To an outsider it’s very dark and ominous indeed. The only hope is that the ordinary people stuck in the middle eventually want peace but how can you have impartial ordinary people when you are literally paying them to move in all the time as an act of defiance/aggression/war… if the roles were reversed imagine how helpless you’d feel? You’ve won the war and you have the power. So what’s next?
That piece of cack got three life sentences. Be careful how you generalise.
It's good to hear that the authorities came down hard on the individual, you need to be heavy handed with terrorist acts such as those. As a follow up question, was his family home also demolished?That piece of cack got three life sentences. Be careful how you generalise.
Is that a threat? Should I expect a roof knock anytime soon?
It's good to hear that the authorities came down hard on the individual, you need to be heavy handed with terrorist acts such as those. As a follow up question, was his family home also demolished?
He's still a legend in ultra Zionist cirlces. Same coin with 2 sides.No idea. But had he been Palestinian he'd have an entire street named after him.
He's still a legend in ultra Zionist cirlces. Same coin with 2 sides.
He's still a legend in ultra Zionist cirlces. Same coin with 2 sides.
Thank you. As you said earlier, generalising is not helpful. I hope you don't take my disdain for ultra Zionists to mean all Jews.I am ashamed to be even associated by faith and species with scum like that.
Thank you. As you said earlier, generalising is not helpful. I hope you don't take my disdain for ultra Zionists to mean all Jews.
fair point.
Thanks for taking it the way it was meant Dwazza.
Offline for the weekend guys. Have a good one.
Believe me, it get the narrative from your side. I really do. I also understand why the Irish in particular has bolted on to the Palestinian cause (though imo the wrong way around). I also appreciate why you perceive me as blinkered if not completely blind and to that end mercilessly turn away from all Israeli actions that result in the death of innocents. I get that.
What frustrates me is that everything about this conflict, again, is the wrong way round. I can already feel you tensing up right now. But hear me out.
Boiling this down to a bunch of "should know better' Hebrews turning up one day to steal land that wasn't theirs at all, or at best, thousands of years ago, is wayyyy to simplistic and inaccurate. While it may neatly fit in to the good old Rocky Balboa underdog story (which is when we were loved the most by Ireland until the 70's) and harmonise with other social justice agenda's the whole story is back to front. Many of my 'propaganda' posts have Arabs attesting to that fact. But hey, I'm a paid bot.
In your previous post re Limerick, you were honest enough to proclaim that you never knew this. Well, did you know that the
West Bank and Gaza were officially of no interest to the Palestinians until 1964? They didn't want it. Hard to believe but true. So...not the Palestinian land you thought we'd stolen. But that suddenly changed when Israel won it off an attacking Jordan and Egypt. So again....whose land?
According to San Remo conference, it was supposed to be for the Jews anyway. That decision is still the only legal decision on boundaries. Then Churchill lopped off 80% of historic Palestine (remember it wasn't a country but a nickname derived form the word Philistine as a Roman insult to the Jews by renaming Judea /JEWdea) to the Hashemites as a gift for helping defeat the Ottomans, birthing Jordan (80% of Palestine - thereby easily fecking up the silly maps you've seen) .
So again....whose land?
PLO Carter Article 24: This Organization does not exercise any territorial sovereignty over the West Bank in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, on the Gaza Strip or in the Himmah Area. Its activities will be on the national popular level in the liberational, organizational, political and financial fields.
Moving on, when Israel became a state in 1948, from the remaining 10% slice of the historic Palestine cake, with the other half of the remaining cake for another Arab Palestine (which btw, means two Arab states already carved out) the entire Arab world erupted and launched a war on Israel.
Destroying the Jewish state was a priority over any Palestinian one.
Now imagine if they didn't attack and the Arabs agreed....we'd probably would never met Ali.
But they lost, and as per my earlier video's with Mahmoud Abbas (PA President), they ended up refugeeing the very Arab palestinians they promised victory too (while genociding the Jews) when they returned. So this, and all the other subsequent wars against Israel kept on piling up the refugees, still festering away in the Arab states who refuse them, quite illegally, to citizenship. (Apartheid anyone?) Talking of refugees where is the outcry on the 800,00 Arab Jews ethnically cleansed from Iraq and Jordan? Where are the protests? Did you not know about this too?
So today, while a two (err...three) state solution (what was ready made in 48 but rejected by guess who) may sound very nice, Israel has every reason to doubt it's intention. Either they (not you) want a state or to try carry on trying on destroying another under the disguise of wanting statehood. Ergo Hamas Charter: “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it,”
I have no doubt that if/ when a Palestinian Ghandi figure emerged without being shot to bits by the PA, I along with every other person would be over the moon for serious negotiations, but fat chance of that happening. Especially in Gaza.
Rinse repeat.
It was on The Guardian yesterday. The main reason why The Saudis and The Emiratis are suddenly showing a friendly face to Abdullah is that the Americans busted them to Jordanian authorities in February. If Trump had won the election Jordan would have lost territories and also Abdullah would be deposed by his half brother.
Yes move The Palestinians there and take the custody of the Magid Al Aqsa and The Dome from Jordan and give it to The Saudis. The Emiratis were given the F-35s. The fact that Biden won was what saved Jordan. It was all decided between MBS and Jared Kuschner. When Biden won that route was blocked to The Saudis so they tried to implement the sedition inside Jordan. A former Finance Minister was also involved. Guardian says they have heard recorded telephone conversations about this. MBS seems to have his finger prints on all the trouble in the `Middle East at least.
I found this interview with holocaust survivor Dr Gabor Maté to be both insightful and heartbreaking.
It doesn't.Assuming this is the article you're referring to, where does it say they planned to take territory from Jordan and re-settle Palestinians there?
No weekend time in the troll factory ? Things must be winding down, good to hear!Thanks for taking it the way it was meant Dwazza.
Offline for the weekend guys. Have a good one.