Morgan certainly has some good points (most of which also can be found in this thread) but he'd really look a lot better if he wasn't such an idiot himself. If he had kept his cool and let the gun-nut behave like a moron it'd be clear to virtually everyone (excluding the ones that won't listen to actual arguments of course) which of them had the better argument. As it is you can easily argue that they're both idiots and Morgan's points carries less value because of his insistence to call the guest names.
He should've done more research beforehand and brought that up instead of having a discussion on values. Why not ask the guest why guards at Columbine didn't work? Why not ask what happens when teachers carrying guns and security guards are simply shot down first? As discussed in this thread, the "evil man" (
) carrying out the shooting will ALWAYS have the upper hand because of the element of surprise. You simply can't expect teachers and guards to be on full alert at all times because a school might experience a shooting once every century.
Are there actually any interviews where these or similar questions are asked? I'd honestly love to hear how the gun-nuts get around those.
He should've done more research beforehand and brought that up instead of having a discussion on values. Why not ask the guest why guards at Columbine didn't work? Why not ask what happens when teachers carrying guns and security guards are simply shot down first? As discussed in this thread, the "evil man" (

Are there actually any interviews where these or similar questions are asked? I'd honestly love to hear how the gun-nuts get around those.