Gun control

Morgan certainly has some good points (most of which also can be found in this thread) but he'd really look a lot better if he wasn't such an idiot himself. If he had kept his cool and let the gun-nut behave like a moron it'd be clear to virtually everyone (excluding the ones that won't listen to actual arguments of course) which of them had the better argument. As it is you can easily argue that they're both idiots and Morgan's points carries less value because of his insistence to call the guest names.

He should've done more research beforehand and brought that up instead of having a discussion on values. Why not ask the guest why guards at Columbine didn't work? Why not ask what happens when teachers carrying guns and security guards are simply shot down first? As discussed in this thread, the "evil man" (:lol:) carrying out the shooting will ALWAYS have the upper hand because of the element of surprise. You simply can't expect teachers and guards to be on full alert at all times because a school might experience a shooting once every century.

Are there actually any interviews where these or similar questions are asked? I'd honestly love to hear how the gun-nuts get around those.
Although I agree with largely agree with Piers Morgan it looks like he has found his home in America, his conduct is highly unprofessional, becoming emotionally charged and calling his guest an idiot, it seems to be the way with many of the news presenters over there.

I thought Morgan was in the same mold as O'Reilly in that interview. I never understand the mentality to have someone on your show and then proceed to insult them. Even if you completely disagree with the man he was engaging in a civil debate on the issue. Why the "idiot" and other stuff? To me it made Morgan looked like a small man I thought. I can understand debating with some passion but the rest was uncalled for.
It looks like the USA will never learn.

The country lives in complete paranoia in the sense they feel they must retain the right to bear arms incase they need to revolt against the government. I mean really, what the actual feck?
I thought Morgan was in the same mold as O'Reilly in that interview. I never understand the mentality to have someone on your show and then proceed to insult them. Even if you completely disagree with the man he was engaging in a civil debate on the issue. Why the "idiot" and other stuff? To me it made Morgan looked like a small man I thought. I can understand debating with some passion but the rest was uncalled for.

point out the facts and be done.

It is scary that these people seem callous about the death of so many children.

we 'lost' our freedom with their deaths.
Piers Morgan annoys the NRA

I felt like it needs its own thread.

For comparison:

Perhaps Piers Morgan is on some master plan to rid America of extreme firearms. In many other ways he acts like a right-wing American loon. Except for supporting Arsenal.

But America, please don't deport him. Don't you know he is your saviour?
I thought Morgan was in the same mold as O'Reilly in that interview. I never understand the mentality to have someone on your show and then proceed to insult them. Even if you completely disagree with the man he was engaging in a civil debate on the issue. Why the "idiot" and other stuff? To me it made Morgan looked like a small man I thought. I can understand debating with some passion but the rest was uncalled for.

It was okay the first time he started name calling, but then once he saw reactions, it went to his head. No one minded since his rant came on the day the massacre occured and the emotions were very raw. Time has passed now and people will want to see reasonable debate. Should have done his research
Morgan was a complete idiot in that interview. Not that I disagree with the twats point of view, but I thought CNN demanded higher quality in their interviews.
What's causing the record number of gun sales then? The actual shootings and the threat of people being victims themselves or the threat of stricter gun control laws? Presumably a mixture of both but I can't help but feel that considering how many firearms there already are in America many people are buying them just so they can have one or two more before any potential laws come in.
I'd say you're right, primarily "stocking up" before sales are restricted.
:lol: Piers so wishes he was in front of him so he could smash his face in. But I agree with him
Yeah utter bellend. I listened up to the point of talking about death.

So a guy who thinks that it is it when you die is more scared of death than someone who has to convince themself that there is something after to ease their mind? Right-o.
It's an incredible way to take away from your point. Reminds me of Bill O'Reilly, why bother having guests on if you can't debate a point without coming across like an emotionally unstable retard.

It's almost like Piers thinks it's impossible for him to let the man speak, then put across a response without shouting or insulting him, and still look like he cares or make clear that he disagrees. He also missed the oppertunity to ask better questions and hit home with stronger points.
The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun who refuses to sell it to him

- Graeme Garden.
It's annoying because he's clearly in the right, but loses the moral high ground by acting like a bell and not being able to show the guy up with facts and rationale, which would've been pretty easy to do, hence increasing the annoyingness.
Can't say i'm against any action to make life miserable for Piers Morgan
I had an argument on facebook, not supporting the dick, but his right to make his point.
I kept very civil at all times. I was told that foreigners should keep their noses out. The friend was told to unfriend me. I was told the 2nd Ammt. was to send "you bastards packing!", and you can't come spouting hate against the US when you aren't even American.
All this was in response to me putting them right on ridiculous statements like, "In the UK, you are more likely to be the victim of a gun carrying criminal." and, "Violent crime in the UK is 4 times the US average."
The actual numbers are: death by gun is 41 times more likely in the US, and the murder rate is 4 times higher than the UK.

As I said, in the face of xenophobic insults, I remained civil, and wished everyone a merry Christmas.

That post and all comments have now disappeared. I hope this was due to embarrassment at the vitriol spouted, in response to reasonable argument.

One has to wonder if Morgan's behaviour is helpful, or has it just prompted a paranoid "circling of the wagons?"
Either way, I think he was just pandering to his own egotistic and narcissistic tendencies, and it would probably be better if he(not necessarily any other outsider), should keep his nose out.
"In the UK, you are more likely to be the victim of a gun carrying criminal." and, "Violent crime in the UK is 4 times the US average." The actual numbers are: death by gun is 41 times more likely in the US, and the murder rate is 4 times higher than the UK.

As far as I can tell, violent crime rates are recorded differently from country to country. It appears that we have significantly more car theft and burglary than America. We also have about two and a half times the amount of assaults, however, like you say, the murder rate is about four times less.

I couldn't really find a good study on comparative crime rates anywhere online. There are figures out there to suit all sides of the argument.

One thing is for sure though, I would rather have my car stolen or get punched in the face than get shot in the head.
One thing is for sure though, I would rather have my car stolen or get punched in the face than get shot in the head.

Funnily enough, I said almost exactly the same thing!

Pushing a button to kill someone is so far removed from beating them to death, or plunging a knife in.
People will always kill with what is available, but more will kill with guns, because it is less personal, and doesn't require physical or trained superiority.
I agree with Piers, but also agree that he didn't use half as much ammunition as he could have in the debate and came across as a bit of an idiot.
That was so frustrating to watch. Morgan could have really shown that guy up on national television if he had kept his cool, asked reasonable incisive questions and just generally not have been such a cock.
Asshat Ron Paul at it again

"While I certainly agree that more guns equals less crime and that private gun ownership prevents many shootings, I don’t agree that conservatives and libertarians should view government legislation, especially at the federal level, as the solution to violence," Paul wrote in a statement posted on his website. "Real change can happen only when we commit ourselves to rebuilding civil society in America, meaning a society based on family, religion, civic and social institutions, and peaceful cooperation through markets. We cannot reverse decades of moral and intellectual decline by snapping our fingers and passing laws."
Living by the 'no such thing as bad publicity'rule, this ought to help Piers' sagging numbers at CNN.