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Loon made Piers Moron look normal
Loon made Piers Moron look normal
Many proponents of gun control have observed that the AR 15, the gun that Adam Lanza used to murder 20 children in Newtown, is now the most popular rifle in America. But only 3 percent of murders in the U.S. are committed with rifles of any type.
Seventy mass shootings have occurred in the U.S. since 1982, leaving 543 dead. These crimes were horrific, but 564,452 other homicides took place in the U.S. during the same period. Mass shootings scarcely represent 0.1 percent of all murders. When talking about the problem of guns in our society, it is easy to lose sight of the worst violence and to become fixated on symbols of violence.[3]
Of course, it is important to think about the problem of gun violence in the context of other risks. For instance, it is estimated that 100,000 Americans die each year because doctors and nurses fail to wash their hands properly. Measured in bodies, therefore, the problem of hand washing in hospitals is worse than the problem of guns, even if we include accidents and suicides. But not all deaths are equivalent. A narrow focus on mortality rates does not always do justice to the reality of human suffering. Mass shootings are a marginal concern, even relative to other forms of gun violence, but they cause an unusual degree of terror and grief—particularly when children are targeted. Given the psychological and social costs of certain low-frequency events, it does not seem irrational to allocate disproportionate resources to prevent them.
It is reasonable to wish that only virtuous people had guns, but there are now nearly 300 million guns in the United States, and 4 million new ones are sold each year. A well-made gun can remain functional for centuries. Any effective regime of “gun control,” therefore, would require that we remove hundreds of millions of firearms from our streets. As Jeffrey Goldberg points out in The Atlantic, it may no longer be rational to hope that we can solve the problem of gun violence by restricting access to guns—because guns are everywhere, and the only people who will be deterred by stricter laws are precisely those law-abiding citizens who should be able to possess guns for their own protection and who now constitute one of the primary deterrents to violent crime. This is, of course, a familiar “gun nut” talking point. But that doesn’t make it wrong.
According to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report, 47 percent of all murders in the U.S. are committed with handguns. Again, only 3 percent are committed with rifles (of any type). Twice as many murderers (6 percent) use nothing but their bare hands. Thirteen percent use knives.
Loon made Piers Moron look normal
Last post from me:
Holy feck! 47% use hand guns! That is ridiculous.
The 31% are killed with what?
Sam Harris has weighed in on the gun control issue. Raises some valid points, if nothing else
Like most gun owners, I understand the ethical importance of guns and cannot honestly wish for a world without them. I suspect that sentiment will shock many readers. Wouldn’t any decent person wish for a world without guns? In my view, only someone who doesn’t understand violence could wish for such a world. A world without guns is one in which the most aggressive men can do more or less anything they want. It is a world in which a man with a knife can rape and murder a woman in the presence of a dozen witnesses, and none will find the courage to intervene.
Two shot at a Californian High School according to yahoo.
Surprised that this hasn't received enough attention.
Another student wanted to shoot a fellow student and the teacher talked him into dropping his gun. Although this sounds like a planned murder than some mass shooting attempt.
I can't believe we are still having debate about gun control still, based on some arcane law written in 18th century about owning guns.
Obvious some news are no good news:
Georgia Mom Guns Down Ex-Con Intruder To Protect Her Kids
Good news for her, in the sense that she protected her kids and didn't get gunned down, but yeah it's obviously not really going to compare to the stories where people are actually murdered by guns.
Also it doesn't really have much to do with gun control, it's certainly not a reason why gun control shouldn't be exercised.
What evidence is there to suggest he would have raped the mother and killed the kids? Is he a convicted rapist? Has he murdered people before? I'd say he was probably just a burglar.
Yeah, you need to educate people so they can realize they don't need to buy guns.
Kendra St. Clair: Oklahoma Girl, 12, Shoots Intruder During Home Burglary
He was after her, he knew people was inside the house and if he was a "normal" burglar he would leave soon he found out someone was inside the house.
Really depends oh how desperate/bold he was.
Are you serious? That's not always the case at all, I know from friends who have been burgled, and unfortunately from a few who have done it themselves. Just because the burglar decided to persist despite hearing people in the house, does not make that person a rapist and murderer by default ffs.
What evidence is there to suggest he would have raped the mother and killed the kids? Is he a convicted rapist? Has he murdered people before? I'd say he was probably just a burglar. .
The fact he was trying to get to her was no good news, he probable saw her husband leaving and waited when most of the people left to work.
Christ does that occupy your thoughts when you're off to work in the morning? Most people are worrying about the traffic or if their train will turn up on time.The fact he was trying to get to her was no good news, he probable saw her husband leaving and waited when most of the people left to work.
Christ does that occupy your thoughts when you're off to work in the morning? Most people are worrying about the traffic or if their train will turn up on time.
But we never know and better to be safe than sorry.