Gun control

One of the largest sources of illegal guns are robberies/burglaries of home kept guns, guns shops, security firms and shooting ranges. I think I have a solution there. :)
If gun stores and shooting ranges were more heavily armed there'd be less crime.
Why the Americans want to veer left when still the richest country in the world with more opportunities than the entire Europe? People here if they work they basically own a house and a car not like in Europe where people have to rent and use public transportation.
Do we live in two different Americas?
It is getting tougher and tougher to own as salaries stagnate for the middle class. I think I heard it has seen a 3% increase since 1980 versus a doubling for the upper class. Strangely enough, when I first moved here I thought the exact opposite of your statement and that there were an awful lot of condos/apartments in the USA versus the UK.
I think people want a fair system. The top 1% are extremely well off compared to the rest of the country and it gets worse every single year and shows no sign of abatement. A veer to the left (which will still be far righter than the UK) will help these people.
Why the Americans want to veer left when still the richest country in the world with more opportunities than the entire Europe? People here if they work they basically own a house and a car not like in Europe where people have to rent and use public transportation.

standard right wing apologetics. the top very few are making tons. The vast many are just getting along or flighting for living wage. People work..but get paid crap wages. why cant you understand this.
standard right wing apologetics. the top very few are making tons. The vast many are just getting along or flighting for living wage. People work..but get paid crap wages. why cant you understand this.

Exactly. Abject poverty is a bigger issue in the US than in most developed European nations. Also, isn't their national debt something like 15 trillion dollars?
Why the Americans want to veer left when still the richest country in the world with more opportunities than the entire Europe? People here if they work they basically own a house and a car not like in Europe where people have to rent and use public transportation.

Just look at the last 40 years, America always did better with a Democratic president in charge, economically. Hell, let's go as far back as the 1930s and the same thing is true. They may not be as left as the Europeans but sure as hell better than the right counterpart there.
You want to veer left because Reaganomics have fecked up the economy, shrinking the middle class and put all the wealth in a concentration of a very small number of people. You want to veer left because the so called 'social conservatives' in the Republican Party are the one trampling on personal liberties. You want to veer left because you are less likely to find your tax money being spent in pointless foreign invasions, your children fighting and risking their lives for the interest of the ruling class. Explain to me why the richest nation in the world rank below the Scandinavian socialist countries when it comes to education, healthcare, personal income, general living standards.

Everything that benefit the common workpeople in the modern era, post industrial revolution, have been the product of leftist movements. 8 hours workday, minimum wage, holiday, paid leave, insurance etc... Just because your religion makes you more at ease with right wing ideologies doesn't change the fact that you are already enjoying things fought and given to you by the left.
Just look at the last 40 years, America always did better with a Democratic president in charge, economically. Hell, let's go as far back as the 1930s and the same thing is true. They may not be as left as the Europeans but sure as hell better than the right counterpart there.
You want to veer left because Reaganomics have fecked up the economy, shrinking the middle class and put all the wealth in a concentration of a very small number of people. You want to veer left because the so called 'social conservatives' in the Republican Party are the one trampling on personal liberties. You want to veer left because you are less likely to find your tax money being spent in pointless foreign invasions, your children fighting and risking their lives for the interest of the ruling class. Explain to me why the richest nation in the world rank below the Scandinavian socialist countries when it comes to education, healthcare, personal income, general living standards.

Everything that benefit the common workpeople in the modern era, post industrial revolution, have been the product of leftist movements. 8 hours workday, minimum wage, holiday, paid leave, insurance etc... Just because your religion makes you more at ease with right wing ideologies doesn't change the fact that you are already enjoying things fought and given to you by the left.

My religion?
Yes Catholic but a bad one and my political views has nothing to do with religion (I'm more inclined to Rand Paul's ideas -not all but most)

You don't think your upbringing and personal beliefs instilled by your Scripture have anything to do your worldview? I know mine do.

The problem with the libertarians like Paul is that they are preaching an isolationist version of life which is incompatible with the modern world. It's all well and good 'leaving people the hell alone' (his words) but what it would do is oppress minorities and let the ruling capitalists class run roughshod over everybody else.
One of the largest sources of illegal guns are robberies/burglaries of home kept guns, guns shops, security firms and shooting ranges. I think I have a solution there. :)

Homes would be the lowest on that list based on the numbers I've seen, despite some group's assurances they are a top source...including the Toronto Police (whose numbers were roundly debunked) A case of say it loud and long enough and it becomes the truth.

Realistic solutions for the rest? Stricter rules for gun shops (one shop I know has to vault their entire inventory every night) and no storage at shooting ranges. We'll probably have to live with security firms arming people, but one could argue that armoured car teams don't need may make their job safer to be unarmed and the money is insured anyway.
I just watched a video about Rubio buying a gun on Christmas eve because he wants to protect his family and he could be the last line between ISIS and his family if they came to his town. The gun companies must be doing extremely well out of all this ISIS fearmongering going on. It certainly can't be helping in the hope of any sane gun control anytime soon.
I just watched a video about Rubio buying a gun on Christmas eve because he wants to protect his family and he could be the last line between ISIS and his family if they came to his town. The gun companies must be doing extremely well out of all this ISIS fearmongering going on. It certainly can't be helping in the hope of any sane gun control anytime soon.
In fairness if I lived in the States and faced the semi realistic prospect of president Trump I would be stocking up with as many military grade guns as possible (plus stockpiling ammo and petrol) and would start mad maxing my cars ready for when it all kicks off
I just watched a video about Rubio buying a gun on Christmas eve because he wants to protect his family and he could be the last line between ISIS and his family if they came to his town. The gun companies must be doing extremely well out of all this ISIS fearmongering going on. It certainly can't be helping in the hope of any sane gun control anytime soon.

Debatable, perhaps. Obama's increased sales much more than any ISIS threat...but ISIS is relatively new. Horrible thing for a politician to attempt to stoke fear like that, though.
Must admit, I didn't really have any interest for this topic until recently. Not until I saw this:

Did look through, but it doesn't appear that there's been any debate in this thread as to what really happened at Sandy Hook. I've started looking into it fairly recently and it strikes me as being one of the strangest events I've ever come across.
Must admit, I didn't really have any interest for this topic until recently. Not until I saw this:

Did look through, but it doesn't appear that there's been any debate in this thread as to what really happened at Sandy Hook. I've started looking into it fairly recently and it strikes me as being one of the strangest events I've ever come across.

What are you suggesting?
KingEric dons his tin foil hat
What are you suggesting?

That Sandy Hook needs a little bit more of an investigation before it is used in evidence for gun control legislation.

From what I can gather, the official story is as follows:

A highly anxious, mentally unstable, anorexic teenager who is scared of metal carries 30-40lb of metal into a school, shoots about 150 bullets in minutes and kills 26 people (including himself). A 96% kill ratio, with a semi-automatic rifle.

That to me warrants a bit of attention, but if you accept that, then here are a few interviews with some of the parents of the alleged victims:

This is at most 4 days after the killing and, if I'm being honest, this does not look like a family that has gone through any sort of tragedy or grievance. The same also applies to the majority of the Soto family in this video, who seem either bored, happy or indifferent:

There's more of this stuff going on, but perhaps one of the most bizarre people I have ever seen on television is the famous Gene Rosen, who is supposed to have taken 6 of the children into his own home after the shooting that day. Interestingly, this guy is literally an actor (as are the Wheeler family), and has even appeared in a video in which he looks very much to be rehearsing scripted lines with a cameraman.

This is Gene Rosen:

I would strongly advise watching that video in its entirety just to get a small idea of how bizarre the Gene Rosen situation is. This is him seemingly rehearsing his lines and making a mess of it:

Ignore the uploader's captions and look at that bit at 30 seconds. It's like at this part he's cut off because he's made a mess of the story. In other interviews, the children say very little until he's come back from upstairs in his house, where as here he says there that they start talking about how their teacher was dead, there was blood, etc...

There's a lot to talk about with this event, to be honest. When people saw Robbie Parker look as if he was visibly getting into character before an interview, it kicked off a fairly rigorous investigation in order to determine what actually happened.
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I guess the kids got abducted and it was all a cover up.
The reasonable response, Rado, would have been to have answered specifically about what it was in there that you disagreed with. If you focus too much on how ridiculous you think a claim is you then won't be able to appreciate any evidence that may exist to support it.

I think it's a worrying thing when people can just watch something like the Robbie Parker video and not question it. Another thing that you do not see on that video is the admission that, by that point, a charity had already been set up in his daughter's name. For one, I don't even know if it is possible to do that so quickly no matter what connections you have, but more importantly who sets up a charity within a day of their daughter being brutally slaughtered?

"Mr. Parker...we're sorry to tell you that your daughter is dead. She was brutally massacred in a school shooting and was shot several times."
"Wow... tragic. Now if you'll excuse me I need to set up a charity."

An interesting series of events to have emerged out of all of this is the story of Wolfgang Halbig - a national school safety expert who was at Columbine - and his pursuit of even the smallest of details concerning the event through FOIA requests. According to him, when he first started to try and get to the bottom of what had happened, he was threatened by 2 officers who warned him to stop asking questions. Whether people choose to believe that is another matter, but some of these hearings are online should anyone want to watch them.

Another point to discuss is that Jim Fetzer's book, "Nobody Died at Sandy Hook" - a colloboration of a dozen researchers (including 6 p.h.Ds) - appears to have been censored from Amazon. Seemingly there is something about this book that violates Amazon policy in a way that Adolf Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' doesn't.
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Must admit, I didn't really have any interest for this topic until recently. Not until I saw this:

Did look through, but it doesn't appear that there's been any debate in this thread as to what really happened at Sandy Hook. I've started looking into it fairly recently and it strikes me as being one of the strangest events I've ever come across.

That is weird to be fair.
I guess the kids got abducted and it was all a cover up.

To discern whether they were abducted, whether Adam Lanza killed them or whether they were sucked into a black hole, there needs to be a better examination into what actually happened instead of an unquestioning acceptance of the official story.

We live in a world whereby there has been thinking that has seemingly led to the following:

Again, whether or not a person chooses to believe any of that is real is up to them. That being said, if you disbelieve all of that, then you should also be cautious of taking what is presented through the media at face value.

That is weird to be fair.

Nice one, iammemphis, I thought someone might find that a bit strange.

Is it conclusive evidence that the entire Sandy Hook event was hoaxed? No, but it's an extremely good reason to investigate the event further.
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It's free here.

And comes with complementary tin foil hat.

BTW, the book was removed from Amazon due to its ratings and reviews being trolled by thousands of people.

Yep, Jim Fetzer released it as a PDF for free. This is apparently the real reason for the censorship:


Make of that what you will.

By the way, that tin foil hat may perhaps prove useful for something like Project MK-Ultra, which you can read more about in the link provided above.
Yeah, I remember seeing that email a while ago, but there are many people saying it is fake, and many saying it isn't. It was probably stored on and sent from Hillary Clinton's private server.
So the guy who's claiming Sandy Hook and the Boston Marathon Bombing were faked has produced an email, colour me convinced.
Moon landing hoax and aliens are absurd but harmless enough. This is actually a little sick.
Moon landing hoax and aliens are absurd but harmless enough. This is actually a little sick.
Yes it is.

I find it weird that part of this theory is based on there being some sort of script on how people are supposed to act in a situation that is so out of the range of normal that when coupled with the differences in humans means there is no single way to act in the situation.
It's probably just nervous laughter, the Robbie Parker vid. It looks weird, but then, people are weird sometimes, probably more so when they're grieving or been through a traumatic experience.
To what end are we supposed to believe Sandy Hook was staged? Or false flag, whatever the term is these days?
What could the end game of that be? If there's a conspiracy then there has to be a fecking good reason behind it.
Like a sacrifice? That's fecking dark that is.
"We'll promote gun control by killing a load of kids, that'll help keep us all safe"
Yeah, I remember seeing that email a while ago, but there are many people saying it is fake, and many saying it isn't. It was probably stored on and sent from Hillary Clinton's private server.

So the guy who's claiming Sandy Hook and the Boston Marathon Bombing were faked has produced an email, colour me convinced.

Whatever the case, the book seems to have been censored, though it is there if anyone fancies reading up more about the event from people who have researched it.

Another interesting case is that of the Pozner family. Lenny Pozner is the father of an alleged victim of Sandy Hook, who apparently owns a company that specialises in getting content removed from websites like Youtube. There are things to go into there it seems, but it's his son strangely enough that has been at the centre of an odd story since the event.

This is Noah Pozner, who apparently died at Sandy Hook:


Now, here is a child that was supposed to have been killed in the massacre in Peshawar:


Here he is again:


And again:



It's clearly the same photo of Noah Pozner, yet here he is in Pakistan as a victim of the Peshawar incident - supposedly tagged on a Facebook page as 'Huzaifa Huxaifa'. It isn't a proof of anything but it's an odd thing to have happened.

Moon landing hoax and aliens are absurd but harmless enough. This is actually a little sick.

You're entitled to your opinion, but personally I feel that this type of indignation is a real barrier to truth.
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