That Sandy Hook needs a little bit more of an investigation before it is used in evidence for gun control legislation.
From what I can gather, the official story is as follows:
A highly anxious, mentally unstable, anorexic teenager who is scared of metal carries 30-40lb of metal into a school, shoots about 150 bullets in minutes and kills 26 people (including himself). A 96% kill ratio, with a semi-automatic rifle.
That to me warrants a bit of attention, but if you accept that, then here are a few interviews with some of the parents of the alleged victims:
This is at most 4 days after the killing and, if I'm being honest, this does not look like a family that has gone through any sort of tragedy or grievance. The same also applies to the majority of the Soto family in this video, who seem either bored, happy or indifferent:
There's more of this stuff going on, but perhaps one of the most bizarre people I have ever seen on television is the famous Gene Rosen, who is supposed to have taken 6 of the children into his own home after the shooting that day. Interestingly, this guy is literally an actor (as are the Wheeler family), and has even appeared in a video in which he looks very much to be rehearsing scripted lines with a cameraman.
This is Gene Rosen:
I would strongly advise watching that video in its entirety just to get a small idea of how bizarre the Gene Rosen situation is. This is him seemingly rehearsing his lines and making a mess of it:
Ignore the uploader's captions and look at that bit at 30 seconds. It's like at this part he's cut off because he's made a mess of the story. In other interviews, the children say very little until he's come back from upstairs in his house, where as here he says there that they start talking about how their teacher was dead, there was blood, etc...
There's a lot to talk about with this event, to be honest. When people saw Robbie Parker look as if he was visibly getting into character before an interview, it kicked off a fairly rigorous investigation in order to determine what actually happened.