Post every mass shooting event, there's always talk about the need for stricter gun control laws or so called "common sense" gun laws. How can we come together as a collective society and fix this issue without stepping on people’s Constitutional rights? People need to set their emotions aside and think logically and objectively. Firstly, the only people these laws would affect are law-abiding citizens. Criminals have never and will never obey any laws. If laws are so great at preventing crimes, then how's it possible that murders still exist? How's it possible that people are still able to buy illegal drugs? How's it possible that people are still able to drive drunk?
Secondly, why are people consistently blaming the tool instead of the individual person? Guns are inanimate objects that don't shoot by itself. Blaming guns is the same as blaming cars for drunk drivers and blaming spoons and forks for the the obesity epidemic.
Thirdly, Politicians want to remove guns from every citizen, yet they are constantly being protected by people...with guns. Since when are their lives more important and valuable than the average citizen's life? Likewise, Politicians want more "gun free zones". Where have all these mass shootings happened? gun free zones. Well guess what, these gun free zones just make it easier for criminals to cause extensive harm to completely defenseless people. There's a reason why criminals specifically target gun free zones instead of police stations or military bases: they know they won't meet any resistance, thereby increasing their chances of succeeding. If good, law-abiding citizens are stripped of their guns, then only criminals will be left with them. And if guns are so evil, then why do our law enforcement carry them? The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. If institutions want to be gun free zones, then they are responsible and should be held accountable for providing adequate security measures in creating a safe environment for it's patrons.
Lastly and most importantly, guns have been around since this country's inception. However, mass shootings have only occurred within the last 25 years. So what has changed over the years?: Society....The degradation in the mentality, attitude, and core values of Society, the over-addiction to prescription drugs and electronics/social media, and the introduction of politics in families and schools. Thoughts and prayers won’t improve anything without proper action being taken. If we truly want to stop these mass shootings, then we need to identify and solve the core issues that have led to the problem:
1. Improper parenting, the breakdown of family structure, and lack of recognition/treatment of mental health:
-Parents no longer have an active role in their child's life. Kids are being raised by the internet/social media, instead of by their parents. Parents are trying to pay the role of their kid's best friend, rather than as a role as a responsible parent.
-Parents let their kids do whatever they want. Parents aren’t disciplining or spanking children due to the political stigma of it being considered "child abuse" or in fear of it hurting their feelings.
-Parents aren't instilling core life values: family values, respect for authority and others, responsibility, accountability/consequences for their actions, moral fiber, humbleness, or the value and importance of education.
-Kids are constantly given participation trophies, which doesn't prepare them for disappointment and rejection later on in life. They aren't taught how to accept and deal with failure.
-Kids aren't taught conflict resolution skills.
-Parents don’t recognize mental health issues in their kids. Or they don’t want to seek mental health treatment for their kids because they don’t want them to be considered “crazy”
-Instead, kids are taught to be highly sensitive/thin skinned, self-centered, and self-entitled brats in which society allows them to whine, cry, and throw public temper tantrums when they don't get what they want.
2. Too much exposure to violent video games/tv shows/movies, which desensitizes, normalizes, and glorifies violence. Isolation due to addiction to video games, making kids anti-social and/or loners.
3. Addiction to and dependency on electronics and internet/social media, which often leads to attention issues, pressure to fit in and be liked, depression, and/or narcissism.
4. Politics. Discipline and religion are no longer allowed in homes and schools. Kids are being brainwashed by the political views of their parents, teachers, favorite athletes, and public figures.
5. Alterations of mental state due to over-medication of prescription (psychotropics) drugs and misuse of opioids.
6. Overwhelming News media coverage of these crimes, which has led to copycat crimes. News media is revealing strategies used by the criminals.
7. Lack of mental health initiatives and programs
Creating new gun control laws is not the answer and is nothing but a band-aid fix to a larger issue. It makes people think and feel like they’re safe. But thinking/feeling safe is not the same as actually being safe. Instead, improve the above core issues and these crimes will decrease dramatically.