General Election 2024

Who got your vote?

  • Labour

    Votes: 147 54.2%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 5 1.8%
  • Lib Dem

    Votes: 25 9.2%
  • Green

    Votes: 48 17.7%
  • Reform

    Votes: 11 4.1%
  • SNP

    Votes: 5 1.8%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Independent

    Votes: 8 3.0%
  • UK resident but not voting

    Votes: 18 6.6%
  • Spoiled my ballot

    Votes: 3 1.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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The man in front of me was turned away from voting because he had an Indian passport. That doesn't fill me with confidence.
So if he has an Indian passport is he eligible to vote :confused:
There's no doubt imagination is a huge problem, there is nearly 70 million people here, and housing and the NHS are at breaking point. That's why party's like reform will always have some backing.

I won't be voting for anyone anyway. There all lying smarmy bellends.
This must be a typo, but it is one I completely agree with.
It ain't me, i'm having a great day. Finally rid of the Tories and potentially Greens winning in my area. It's perfect, got the bubbles ready in the fridge.

There's no doubt imagination is a huge problem, there is nearly 70 million people here, and housing and the NHS are at breaking point. That's why party's like reform will always have some backing.

I won't be voting for anyone anyway. There all lying smarmy bellends.
The depressing thing is that people don’t want constructive solutions to these problems. They want destructive solutions.

Building more housing is “too expensive” so the solution is “get rid of people that don’t look like me”.

People want to “protect the NHS at all costs” but apparently that doesn’t mean “at all costs”. What they want is to pay less for it, get the treatments they want and stop wasting money treating other people that have conditions that are not serious as far as they are concerned.
Cheers folks. Did not know that you can vote with a Commonwealth passport as long as you are permanent resident.
Well considering both sides and their respective proxies have been at it for quite a while now and will be long after we're all gone I'd say it's not unreasonable to be bored with it. If middle east strife is the most pressing issue for you in this election then I'd say you've got your priorities wrong. I wish we saw protests against sewage in water, the war on poor people, pensioners, disabled and other assorted unfortunates in this country before those that have happened in favour of a country like Palestine.
It's not the most pressing issue for me, but it's an excellent indicator of how important the plight of the less fortunate in society (whether it's on a global or local scale) is viewed by our politicians. If they don't give a shit about kids getting bombed on the shores of the Mediterranean, why would I have any faith they would care about a kid swimming in a sea of human turds off the shores of Devon?

It's also a great way of seeing how a party leader allows or does not allow for a free discourse on highly emotive basic moral principles amongst his MPs, and Starmer's handling of that was a disgrace.
At least you've finally posed the question rather than couching it as primarily the concern of "Clackton man". From the conversations I've had and the literature I've read it seems the prevailing view is that other, safer avenues of immigration should be expanded. Do you think this answer will assuage Clackton man's concerns?

I'm surprised you attended that march Grinner since all you seem to do is sneer at the concerns of those who marched next to you.

My sneering is for those naively thinking it makes a difference and not being able to entertain differing views on the subject. I give less shits for Israel than I do for Gaza as evidenced by my posts in the Gaza thread. My position has been pretty consistent that we devote far too much time and energy on an issue that has little bearing on our day-to-day lives and one which we can barely influence. I support any ending of the war and providing aid for those affected by it. Weirdly some posters seem to think I delight in the death of Gazans and Israelis.
Simply laughing at Clacton man and ridiculing their opinions is dangerous.

It is very dangerous, especially if Reform does manage to make some form of breakthrough in to-days election.

The 'mis-stepping' of our political elite in dealing with Farage is bordering on the disastrous, he has morphed his way through UKIP/BREXIT PARTY/REFORM leadership, he doesn't just speak to prejudice, but to many hidden worries, irrational for the most part, but still worries which reside in the minds of millions, many of whom know very little about politics and probably care even less..... the problem with 'giving the mob a vote'... you might say, is they will tend to use it the wrong way.

The 'small boats' issue is now blown up beyond all proportion, even the use of safe routes, (which will not be all inclusive) will not guarantee the boats will cease, just as Sunak's Rwanda excursions, or Starmer's threat to send the SAS after the criminals, can be guaranteed.
For many people it's now a matter of insult (or at least an affront) to our security capability; even if Mother Theresa and half the saints in heaven were to be arriving in small boats, whenever they think there is an opportunity and after paying criminal gangs to transport them, there would still be anguish in the breast of many Britons and they would not be welcomed.

'Come in through the front door, do not force your way in through the upstairs window, that is if you want to be welcomed. If you are not bothered about being welcome, then don't bother coming at all."

This is an attitude being formed by many in the UK, and it fuels Farage's messages/statements.

Our next PM (whoever) has to stop the small boats completely now, and do it as quickly as possible, if s/he wants 'shoot Farage's fox'. Safe routes, proper processing does look like the most logical and realistic approach, but has to be 100% effective and not add to the nations Debt.

Reform will be waiting in the wings for any slip up, but more importantly the new PM has to get as many people onboard, after the election...... getting elected is only the beginning.
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Indeed. One person I run with provided the reason "well, at least they're trying to defend the country" as a reason for voting Reform. I asked what needed defending, I got no response. I know she has a very strong opinion about the NHS, so I asked what Reforms stance on the NHS was, she didn't know. Sigh.
Yeah - it's always the vaguest, emotive language from them. They 'love the country' they 'want to protect the country', they're 'standing up for the country' etc. It's hollow words based on nothing other than other people saying the exact same soundbites.
I would sooner vote Labour, Tory, Reform or Green than the Lib Dems. The behaviour of the Lib Dem counselors and activists in my area for the last 15 years has been appalling. They're all a strange mixture of part bully and part weirdo. You would have thought that years of negative campaigning including attacking a Tory counselor for having 5 children and having a prospective MP being sued for lying about an independent candidate being under police investigation would at least mean that people stopped seeing them as the hugs, kisses and flowers party.

I know all parties have their wrong'uns. I just think that the Lib Dems have much more than the rest of them.
At least you've finally posed the question rather than couching it as primarily the concern of "Clackton man". From the conversations I've had and the literature I've read it seems the prevailing view is that other, safer avenues of immigration should be expanded. Do you think this answer will assuage Clackton man's concerns?

I'm surprised you attended that march Grinner since all you seem to do is sneer at the concerns of those who marched next to you.

I think if they stop the boats...whatever that means...Reform will simply move on to legal immigration and use that to rally the bellends. People who are poor, ignored and feel like they've lost their imaginary country are receptive to any clever bigot who can make them feel like they might have some power again.
Just voted and my polling station was totally empty apart from the 5 volunteers. Literally no other voters walking in or out.

Not a good sign.
How many people do you think are normally in a polling station at 11:40 on a Thursday? Most people will be working and will have either voted before you got there or after work, surely?
The depressing thing is that people don’t want constructive solutions to these problems. They want destructive solutions.

Building more housing is “too expensive” so the solution is “get rid of people that don’t look like me”.

People want to “protect the NHS at all costs” but apparently that doesn’t mean “at all costs”. What they want is to pay less for it, get the treatments they want and stop wasting money treating other people that have conditions that are not serious as far as they are concerned.

The housing crisis isn't helped when the Government always fails to meet it's own target. Also not helped when the renters market has gotten wildly out of control.


It's easy to point at Immigration being the problem though as otherwise it points to their utter incompetence.
There's no doubt immigration is a huge problem, there is nearly 70 million people here, and housing and the NHS are at breaking point. That's why party's like reform will always have some backing.

I won't be voting for anyone anyway. There all lying smarmy bellends.
Did you know that the population of the UK increased by the same percentage from 2010 to 2020 as it had from the decade before it? In an entirely predictable way?

The reason public services are at breaking point is because the Tories broke them deliberately. They could have funded them to meet the predictable rise in demand, but what they actually did was reduce funding, send the country into recession, increase housing costs through their moronic budgets then blame absolutely everything being broken on an extra 6% being added to the population through both birth and migration.
I think if they stop the boats...whatever that means...Reform will simply move on to legal immigration and use that to rally the bellends. People who are poor, ignored and feel like they've lost their imaginary country are receptive to any clever bigot who can make them feel like they might have some power again.

They already have, they purposely conflate the two to have their voters rally against any immigration. They've put out pictures of asylum seekers waiting in Calais and then put their "net zero immigration" pledge underneath it. They also conveniently only show brown faces when talking about immigration.

Their voters have brought into people arriving by boats and immigrants are the same, that they are here for free healthcare and benefits.
Tonights plans:

  1. Get home
  2. Vote
  3. Eat
  4. Nap till 21:55
  5. Watch the Tories tumble
  6. Wank myself silly till the early morn
They already have, they purposely conflate the two to have their voters rally against any immigration. They've put out pictures of asylum seekers waiting in Calais and then put their "net zero immigration" pledge underneath it. They also conveniently only show brown faces when talking about immigration.

Their voters have brought into people arriving by boats and immigrants are the same, that they are here for free healthcare and benefits.

I was just reading about the Ugandan Asian influx of the 70s and the same shite was spouted. We don't have room, they will take our jobs, they hate our culture. It will always be like this.
Did you know that the population of the UK increased by the same percentage from 2010 to 2020 as it had from the decade before it? In an entirely predictable way?

The reason public services are at breaking point is because the Tories broke them deliberately. They could have funded them to meet the predictable rise in demand, but what they actually did was reduce funding, send the country into recession, increase housing costs through their moronic budgets then blame absolutely everything being broken on an extra 6% being added to the population through both birth and migration.

It was higher than that

5.94% increase from 2000 - 10
7.59% increase from 2010 - 20

Roughly that's a 3,498,066 increase in persons from 2000-10, and a 4,764,243 increase from 2010-20. Not a lot numerically but an extra 1.3 million people represents a sizeable chunk considering the state of things (NHS, housing etc).

Edit: This was some quick maths so it's likely I've done something wrong and I'm happy to be proven wrong if that's the case
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Voted Labour. I did see one of the Independents name down and I might have considered voting for him if I even knew he was running, prior to today.
It was higher than that

5.94% increase from 2000 - 10
7.59% increase from 2010 - 20

Roughly that's a 3,498,066 increase from 2000-10, and a 4,764,243 increase from 2010-20 (roughly the equivalent of a Birmingham).
I was looking at the stats from here:

UK Population:
2000: 58,850,043
2010: 62,760,039

Increase = 6.64%

2010: 62,760,039
2020: 67,059,474

Increase = 6.85%

Fair enough, using these figures, I should have rounded up to 7%, but the difference between the two figures isn't enough to cause the catastrophic destruction of our public services under the Tories.
Abandon hope all ye who enter here.

She is very well connected with the party, and along with Wearmouth one of the people I think most likely to be running comms for starmer's government.

If this si even remotely true we are so utterly screwed as a country.

Just voted and my polling station was totally empty apart from the 5 volunteers. Literally no other voters walking in or out.

Not a good sign.
Mine was slightly better. A woman walked out as I walked in, and a couple were coming in as I was going out. Still not that many people.
Abandon hope all ye who enter here.

She is very well connected with the party, and along with Wearmouth one of the people I think most likely to be running comms for starmer's government.

If this si even remotely true we are so utterly screwed as a country.

I can't wait for the freeports. This will be an utterly mental episode of disaster.
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