General Election 2024

Who got your vote?

  • Labour

    Votes: 147 54.2%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 5 1.8%
  • Lib Dem

    Votes: 25 9.2%
  • Green

    Votes: 48 17.7%
  • Reform

    Votes: 11 4.1%
  • SNP

    Votes: 5 1.8%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Independent

    Votes: 8 3.0%
  • UK resident but not voting

    Votes: 18 6.6%
  • Spoiled my ballot

    Votes: 3 1.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I was kept up all of last night with the flu. It feels like my stomach has razor blades in it and I'm absolutely wrecked. Tonsils all swollen up and just feeling absolutely shite.

Anyway, voted for the Lib Dems. It was a protest vote, for all the good it'll do. My seat is currently SNP but Labour are set to win it, and either way I don't think either of them deserve it. The SNP are incompetent and Labour are just wankers.

Oh no, the bird flu has made it to the Caf. :nervous:

Hope ya feel better mate! :angel:
Well the original post was about how the Tories are basically just non-stop going on about the small boats and migrants. Then Grinner came in and called people who are distressed by a genocide 'plebs'.

The original post was about people in general (plebs) being obsessed with political parties stance on immigration. His response was that other people (plebs) are obsessed with political parties stance on Gaza. In both cases it would make a lot more sense to focus on public services, relationship with the EU etc etc. If anything, their policy on immigration is more directly relevant to how the country is run than what's going on in Gaza.

That said, everyone can have an opinion on all of the above. It's quite possible to care about immigration, Gaza and the NHS, all at once.
Immigration from small boats is a very small % of the people that come to this country, it has very little impact on daily lives of UK citizens. It's been used to manipulate gullable people to vote for racist parties and politicians.

Yes, just like Gaza
Oh no, the bird flu has made it to the Caf. :nervous:

Hope ya feel better mate! :angel:
Thanks :)

I even came into work. Showing my team the importance of doing a job right even when you're ill
#Live4TheGrind #LeftMyWalletInTheOffice #HadNoChoiceThanToGoPickItUp
Yes, just like Gaza
Gaza is being used to make people vote for racist parties :confused:

Can you provide good reasons why small boats are impacting people in the UK?
I was kept up all of last night with the flu. It feels like my stomach has razor blades in it and I'm absolutely wrecked. Tonsils all swollen up and just feeling absolutely shite.

Anyway, voted for the Lib Dems. It was a protest vote, for all the good it'll do. My seat is currently SNP but Labour are set to win it, and either way I don't think either of them deserve it. The SNP are incompetent and Labour are now just a shower of wankers.

reform have pledged to ban flu from the country. bet you feel pretty silly voting against your own interests now.
Neither is particularly relevant to the shit show that is the UK under a Tory government. So it's a fair point.
We should cut all foreign aid too since it also doesn't affect our lives here, and ridicule those who hold any moral objection.
reform have pledged to ban flu from the country. bet you feel pretty silly voting against your own interests now.
Yeah but if they eradicate British flu then what's stopping some forin flu from taking its place?
Gaza is being used to make people vote for racist parties :confused:

Can you provide good reasons why small boats are impacting people in the UK?

have you seen the colour of the people on the small boats?
The original post was about people in general (plebs) being obsessed with political parties stance on immigration. His response was that other people (plebs) are obsessed with political parties stance on Gaza. In both cases it would make a lot more sense to focus on public services, relationship with the EU etc etc. If anything, their policy on immigration is more directly relevant to how the country is run than what's going on in Gaza.

That said, everyone can have an opinion on all of the above. It's quite possible to care about immigration, Gaza and the NHS, all at once.

How dare you be logical? Off to the Gaza thread for some virtue signalling as punishment.
I even came into work. Showing my team the importance of doing a job right even when you're ill
#Live4TheGrind #LeftMyWalletInTheOffice #HadNoChoiceThanToGoPickItUp

One final Salute to Rishi and sticking it to the woke, sick note culture communists

I'd say your colleagues are thrilled #covid #havewelearntnothing
Nice of you to make assumptions #buildingshutforthesummer #justmeinhereforfiveminutes #neededmyfeckingwalletpogue #goandpostsomemoreshittiktoks
We should cut all foreign aid too since it also doesn't affect our lives here, and ridicule those who hold any moral objection.

As per my edit, it's possible to care about all of the above. The post which kicked off this tangent was ridiculing people who have opinions on immigration, as though they don't have opinions on anything else.
Tbf he didn't say 'in a labour safe seat'. He said a lot of constituencies.
He didn't say that, did he?

Example being a seat that is close between Tory and Lib Dems. Voting Labour there, where they might come fourth gives advantage to Torys.

No but he was quite clearly replying to this where I explicitly said labour safe seat.

Voted labour.

Seeing a lot of vote green on here and social media. Be very interesting what the results will be. Keep seeing this notion that it's a labour safe seat anyway so I can vote green. Surely if enough people do that you have a real chance of getting Tory?
Oh for feck sake, Grinner’s back?

I’m not sure what’s more insane, that is not possible to ignore forum staff, or the fact that he’s somehow still staff.
I was kept up all of last night with the flu. It feels like my stomach has razor blades in it and I'm absolutely wrecked. Tonsils all swollen up and just feeling absolutely shite.

Anyway, voted for the Lib Dems. It was a protest vote, for all the good it'll do. My seat is currently SNP but Labour are set to win it, and either way I don't think either of them deserve it. The SNP are incompetent and Labour are now just a shower of wankers.
I'm between Lib Dems and SNP, but leaning SNP. I don't like the idea of my vote being interpreted as a rejection of independence. The SNP haven't exactly set the world alight in government. But having lived quite recently in England, I do feel it's a lot better up here and they've at least got some claim to making that a thing.

Both parties have solid manifestos and both support electoral reform, so on the main issues outside of independence I'd be happy with either.

What really swings it for me is Alex Cole-Hamilton being a smarmy arse.
Gaza is being used to make people vote for racist parties :confused:

Can you provide good reasons why small boats are impacting people in the UK?

They are allowing cnuts like Reform to have a strong voice and appeal to thickos. What's the projection for Reform vote share?
I cannot wait to see the back of Suella and Priti Patel.

I'm sort of hoping that Braverman keeps her seat and becomes the Tory leader. That right-wing nutjob should ensure they are out of power for the foreseeable. I will be staying up tonight until JRM's constituency is declared, though - that one promises to be absolutely fantastic.
Can’t believe he’s back. Thought he’d finally left for good. So gung ho and edgy with their awful opinions and prickly nature. Sick of pexbo
Voted Labour. Prevaricated a bit but it's a tight constituency and the local candidate has a good track record stretching back 30 years. A shitter candidate in a none Tory area might have seen me vote green but the Conservatives need grinding to dust.
What would you do if you really struggle to vote for this Labour Party but you also have the chance to vote out Jacob Rees Mogg and also the threat of a Reform candidate because it’s a major boomer area?
I have personally met the haunted pencil that is JRM back in my student days and "Future me" would have gone back to that moment and snapped the little fecker in half for all the harm he has caused this country. If he remains in Parliament after this purge of the tories he will be even more influential in British Politics.

If him, Suella, Priti and Steve Baker get thrown out of parliament there is a faint hope that the Tories won't lurch further right to counter the threat of reform. If they remain in parliament the tories will drop all pretence and become a facist party.
They don't. It just keeps going back to boats in this country and has done for years. Don't get too upset.
They seem to think curbing immigration is the silver bullet to all their problems, the boats are the latest crutch for them to rally behind after the previous one of Brexit proved to be an unmitigated disaster that didn't in fact improve their lives. Its impossible trying to reason with those people on the actual pressing issues like lack of investment into public services or climate change (which almost all of them think is some hoax being perpetuated by the global elite).
They are allowing cnuts like Reform to have a strong voice and appeal to thickos. What's the projection for Reform vote share?
Immigration has always been used to garner these votes for as long as i can remember, reform are gaining a lot of ground mostly from disgruntled Tory voters, the boats have little impact on this.
In your opinion, at which point during a genocide are people expected to just shut up and let them get on with it? Six months and then it starts to get too boring for you?

Well considering both sides and their respective proxies have been at it for quite a while now and will be long after we're all gone I'd say it's not unreasonable to be bored with it. If middle east strife is the most pressing issue for you in this election then I'd say you've got your priorities wrong. I wish we saw protests against sewage in water, the war on poor people, pensioners, disabled and other assorted unfortunates in this country before those that have happened in favour of a country like Palestine.
Immigration has always been used to garner these votes for as long as i can remember, reform are gaining a lot of ground mostly from disgruntled Tory voters, the boats have little impact on this.

I think it gets a huge amount of coverage and it's pretty much the number one issue for Reform supporters. They pretend it's not, but divisive cultural issues are what they thrive on.
What would you do if you really struggle to vote for this Labour Party but you also have the chance to vote out Jacob Rees Mogg and also the threat of a Reform candidate because it’s a major boomer area?

I would vote Labour, though Norris seems a bit of a self congratulatory prick himself.
They seem to think curbing immigration is the silver bullet to all their problems, the boats are the latest crutch for them to rally behind after the previous one of Brexit proved to be an unmitigated disaster that didn't in fact improve their lives. Its impossible trying to reason with those people on the actual pressing issues like lack of investment into public services or climate change (which almost all of them think is some hoax being perpetuated by the global elite).

Indeed. One person I run with provided the reason "well, at least they're trying to defend the country" as a reason for voting Reform. I asked what needed defending, I got no response. I know she has a very strong opinion about the NHS, so I asked what Reforms stance on the NHS was, she didn't know. Sigh.
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