General Election 2024

Who got your vote?

  • Labour

    Votes: 147 54.2%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 5 1.8%
  • Lib Dem

    Votes: 25 9.2%
  • Green

    Votes: 48 17.7%
  • Reform

    Votes: 11 4.1%
  • SNP

    Votes: 5 1.8%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Independent

    Votes: 8 3.0%
  • UK resident but not voting

    Votes: 18 6.6%
  • Spoiled my ballot

    Votes: 3 1.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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They seem to think curbing immigration is the silver bullet to all their problems, the boats are the latest crutch for them to rally behind after the previous one of Brexit proved to be an unmitigated disaster that didn't in fact improve their lives. Its impossible trying to reason with those people on the actual pressing issues like lack of investment into public services or climate change (which almost all of them think is some hoax being perpetuated by the global elite).

The trouble is that Labour will not be able to stop the boats as they are being forced to promise to do and the thickos will get angry and Reform and nutty tories will crow about it. Labour have to reach these thickos and nullify their fears if they are to remain in power long enough to make meaningful change.
The dems made this mistake after Obama and the Tea Party became MAGA and now we're looking at Trump 2.0. I pray we don't make that mistake here. Simply laughing at Clacton man and ridiculing their opinions is dangerous.
Ended up going Labour. Wanted to go Greens, but they likely finish 4th/5th with Lib Dems and Tories and Reform splitting 2nd/3rd.

Feel like my constituency basically reflects the country at most elections. Constantly flips between Labour and the Conts.
The trouble is that Labour will not be able to stop the boats as they are being forced to promise to do and the thickos will get angry and Reform and nutty tories will crow about it. Labour have to reach these thickos and nullify their fears if they are to remain in power long enough to make meaningful change.
The dems made this mistake after Obama and the Tea Party became MAGA and now we're looking at Trump 2.0. I pray we don't make that mistake here. Simply laughing at Clacton man and ridiculing their opinions is dangerous.

Small boats - Serious Issue. (Listen to Clacton Man).
Genocide - Yawn. (Ignore the browns).
Clown shoes - in post.
Who is "they"? And believe me, I'm not upset in the slightest.

You did twist my original post, maybe you didn't read it properly. You do seem upset though, both times you've made reference to my posts you've focused on my views on immigration. Do you think it's a valid concern? Do you think it should be the main focal point? If you don't, then why would you argue with my original post as not once did I suggest that people didn't have views on anything else. Just that I was baffled that the state of our public services isn't the very top agenda given the absolute shit show the NHS is in.
Maybe I am missing something but surely having an Indian passport means the person is not a UK citizen and ought not to be allowed to vote.

Dual citizenship? Surely having the passport is just proof that you are who you say you are? If you're registered to vote and on the list then an Indian passport shouldn't matter no? Maybe i'm missing something too.
Just voted and my polling station was totally empty apart from the 5 volunteers. Literally no other voters walking in or out.

Not a good sign.

Wouldn't be surprised if turnout was extremely low. Most people don't care how their local seat swings and everyone knows Labour will win.

This whole campaign has been dreadful, even the candidates seem apahtetic. There's just no inspiration.
Small boats - Serious Issue. (Listen to Clacton Man).
Genocide - Yawn. (Ignore the browns).
Clown shoes - in post.

What do 'the browns' think about small boats since you speak for them?

The Gaza rally I attended in London had an awful lot of whites btw
You did twist my original post, maybe you didn't read it properly. You do seem upset though, both times you've made reference to my posts you've focused on my views on immigration. Do you think it's a valid concern? Do you think it should be the main focal point? If you don't, then why would you argue with my original post as not once did I suggest that people didn't have views on anything else. Just that I was baffled that the state of our public services isn't the very top agenda given the absolute shit show the NHS is in.

I can read, thanks. And, once again, I assure you that I am not even the tiniest bit upset. This is your post.

It still blows my mind that people in boats is still the main talking point when public services is on its knees.

You'd have thought after COVID that the NHS would be the main talking point. But no. The plebs want to continue to talk about immigration the fecking planks.

I would interpret it as being a reference to the UK electorate. If that's not who you were talking about then you should have worded it differently, thus avoiding any "upset". Oh and I never argued against your original post. Which you would realise if you were able to read properly yourself. All I did was agree with @Grinner's point that the concern about Gaza is arguably as big a distraction as the concern about immigration, in terms of the issues which are most important/relevant to the Uk electorate.
@harshad -

To vote in England, you now need to show photo ID to vote at polling stations in some elections.
This applies at:
  • UK parliamentary elections, including general elections, by-elections and recall petitions
  • Local elections and by-elections
  • Police and Crime Commissioner elections
The deadline to apply for a Voter Authority Certificate to vote in the UK Parliamentary general election has passed.

Accepted forms of photo ID
You can use any of the following accepted forms of photo ID when voting at a polling station.
You will only need to show one form of photo ID. It needs to be the original version, and not a photocopy or a digital version.
International travel
  • Passport issued by the UK, any of the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man, a British Overseas Territory, an EEA state (Opens in new window) or a Commonwealth country (including an Irish Passport Card)
Dual citizenship? Surely having the passport is just proof that you are who you say you are? If you're registered to vote and on the list then an Indian passport shouldn't matter no? Maybe i'm missing something too.
Yeah i would assume dual nationality (actually India is commonwealth so should be eligible), if they were registered to vote then the Indian passport should be acceptable ID.

If not, then i don't know what hell he was doing there and they were right to turn him away.
I can read, thanks. And, once again, I assure you that I am not even the tiniest bit upset. This is your post.

I would interpret it as being a reference to the UK electorate. If that's not who you were talking about then you should have worded it differently, thus avoiding any "upset".

Feel free to point out where I said this:

As per my edit, it's possible to care about all of the above. The post which kicked off this tangent was ridiculing people who have opinions on immigration, as though they don't have opinions on anything else.

Clearly hit a nerve. I deeply apologize. Notice you didn't reply to any of my questions. Understood.

To make it clear for you, i'm being sarcastic in the above.
What do we reckon then…

Labour over/under 400 seats:
Tories over/under 100 seats:
Farage wins Clackton:
Corbyn wins Islington:

I’m going
What do we reckon then…

Labour over/under 400 seats:
Tories over/under 100 seats:
Farage wins Clackton:
Corbyn wins Islington:

I’m going

All Commonwealth citizens (and Irish citizens) can vote in UK General Elections if registered here. He was on the register.
@harshad -

To vote in England, you now need to show photo ID to vote at polling stations in some elections.
This applies at:
  • UK parliamentary elections, including general elections, by-elections and recall petitions
  • Local elections and by-elections
  • Police and Crime Commissioner elections
The deadline to apply for a Voter Authority Certificate to vote in the UK Parliamentary general election has passed.

Accepted forms of photo ID
You can use any of the following accepted forms of photo ID when voting at a polling station.
You will only need to show one form of photo ID. It needs to be the original version, and not a photocopy or a digital version.
International travel
  • Passport issued by the UK, any of the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man, a British Overseas Territory, an EEA state (Opens in new window) or a Commonwealth country (including an Irish Passport Card)
Cheers! If the name was there in the Register of Voters then its indeed surprising that the person was turned away.
I disagree that the genocide in Gaza is not relevant to the shit show in the UK, it very much demonstrates the geopolitical standing and moral compass of a group/leader and leans into what their home and international policies and perspectives could and will be.
Totally agree - it's an important signifier as to what kind of person/party you're voting for.
What do we reckon then…

Labour over/under 400 seats:
Tories over/under 100 seats:
Farage wins Clackton:
Corbyn wins Islington:

I’m going


I can understand Clacton though. I went to the pier a few times many years ago when I was a kid. It's one of those depressing sea side towns that have been abandoned by the Government, I can understand them being pretty extreme in their views in the hope that someone might listen to them. Nigel Farage is like one of those Snake Oil Salemen from the Wild West, a person that preys on peoples fears and insecurities and turns them to his advantage. So it's the perfect place for him really.
Maybe I am missing something but surely having an Indian passport means the person is not a UK citizen and ought not to be allowed to vote.
Eligibility to vote is checked at registration. The ID is simply to prove you are that person, not that you're a citizen. My understanding is that commonwealth, EU and UK passports are considered valid for this.
What do we reckon then…

Labour over/under 400 seats:
Tories over/under 100 seats:
Farage wins Clackton:
Corbyn wins Islington:

I’m going

Yes - he has good name recognition, and his supporters will be more motivated in this election than the average member of the electorate. I would be surprised if he lost in spite of the poll that came out a week or two ago.
Voted for Reform, I'm just sick of socialist woke mobs stopping us from protecting our borders from the hoards of fighting aged men coming here to create Sharia law. Am I doing it right?
What do 'the browns' think about small boats since you speak for them?

The Gaza rally I attended in London had an awful lot of whites btw

At least you've finally posed the question rather than couching it as primarily the concern of "Clackton man". From the conversations I've had and the literature I've read it seems the prevailing view is that other, safer avenues of immigration should be expanded. Do you think this answer will assuage Clackton man's concerns?

I'm surprised you attended that march Grinner since all you seem to do is sneer at the concerns of those who marched next to you.
There's no doubt immigration is a huge problem, there is nearly 70 million people here, and housing and the NHS are at breaking point. That's why party's like reform will always have some backing.

I won't be voting for anyone anyway. There all lying smarmy bellends.
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The man in front of me was turned away from voting because he had an Indian passport. That doesn't fill me with confidence.
I do not understand. If you have an Indian passport, you cannot have any other passport/citizenship. You cannot vote in UK general elections without being a citizen of UK.
Usually vote Lib Dem, but the candidate they've stuck here is from Somerset, hasn't even acknowledged they are standing here and spends most their time canvasing for other candidates in rural areas... So i voted Green. It's a Labour safe seat so doesn't really matter.
I do not understand. If you have an Indian passport, you cannot have any other passport/citizenship. You cannot vote in UK general elections without being a citizen of UK.
If you are from a commonwealth country you are eligible to vote.
I would vote Labour, though Norris seems a bit of a self congratulatory prick himself.

Norris keeps saving our public transit, tbf. He's gone to war with the council and First on an annual basis, as they keep axing rural services into the two major cities. He seems, and sounds, like an arse, but he does good.

I've lived in Rees Mogg's constituency for 8 years and I've not seen him do a thing, except cut the ribbon at a newly opened Wetherspoons. I've written to him twice and never even got a response. Now my constituency boundary has changed, and he's not my problem anymore. Would love to see Norris destroy him, but knowing the area, and how it's pretty much all bigoted reactionaries, I doubt it will happen.

Looks like my new constituency is predicted to be an LD win, with Labour nowhere near, so I guess I'll go LD, though I'm not thrilled about it.
I do not understand. If you have an Indian passport, you cannot have any other passport/citizenship. You cannot vote in UK general elections without being a citizen of UK.

You can, but India doesn't recognise it and you could get in trouble if they find out. That means that name alignment can't take place which could have led to the problems described, depending on Indian passport naming conventions.
I do not understand. If you have an Indian passport, you cannot have any other passport/citizenship. You cannot vote in UK general elections without being a citizen of UK.

If you are an Irish or Commonwealth citizen living in the UK, you can vote here in General Elections. Voting has never been restricted to UK citizens.
You can, but India doesn't recognise it and you could get in trouble if they find out. That means that name alignment can't take place which could have led to the problems described, depending on Indian passport naming conventions.
They said no on the basis that the photo ID wasn't valid, which it is. Another example of why the current photo ID law is deeply problematic.
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