General Election 2024

Who got your vote?

  • Labour

    Votes: 147 54.2%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 5 1.8%
  • Lib Dem

    Votes: 25 9.2%
  • Green

    Votes: 48 17.7%
  • Reform

    Votes: 11 4.1%
  • SNP

    Votes: 5 1.8%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Independent

    Votes: 8 3.0%
  • UK resident but not voting

    Votes: 18 6.6%
  • Spoiled my ballot

    Votes: 3 1.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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It still blows my mind that people in boats is still the main talking point when public services is on its knees.

You'd have thought after COVID that the NHS would be the main talking point. But no. The plebs want to continue to talk about immigration the fecking planks.

Same with other plebs and Gaza.
I don't believe much will change outside of 'less scandals' and 'sensibleness'. That's enough for a lot of folk it seems like. For me, I'd rather the UK actually tried to do something to help the millions in poverty. This version of Labour are quite explicit in saying they will reverse very little of the damaging policies put in place over the last decade.

Ergo, I don't think giving them a large majority is good for the country.
Yeah agreed. I understand the obsession with obliterating the Tories (who wouldn't after the last 14 years), but I don't see giving one of the most disingenuous iterations of the Labour party in my lifetime a huge mandate as a particularly big win either. I feel like the pressing issues are being tossed aside at the behest of placating billionaires, media moguls and some bigoted gammons. I also don't buy into this pivot fantasy of Starmer suddenly morphing into the progressive leader the country desperately needs once in power.

Voted green to boost their total vote count on the hope it does them some good financially and refreshes the discourse on PR, but after the jubilation and schadenfreude of watching some Tory cnuts lose their seats, I'm hardly brimming with optimism for what the next 5 years brings.
Everyone voting green

It depends, in some constituencies they have a chance to win a seat, in mine there is a good chance they can unseat the Labour MP, so I will be voting for them, so not wasted at all.
People on boats has more impact on the daily lives of UK citizens
Immigration from small boats is a very small % of the people that come to this country, it has very little impact on daily lives of UK citizens. It's been used to manipulate gullable people to vote for racist parties and politicians.
It depends, in some constituencies they have a chance to win a seat, in mine there is a good chance they can unseat the Labour MP, so I will be voting for them, so not wasted at all.
People should be voting on their local MP which can mean many parties could win. Some of us live in safe seats so our votes are basically meaningless.

In the UK, not all votes are equal unfortunately.
I don't believe much will change outside of 'less scandals' and 'sensibleness'. That's enough for a lot of folk it seems like. For me, I'd rather the UK actually tried to do something to help the millions in poverty. This version of Labour are quite explicit in saying they will reverse very little of the damaging policies put in place over the last decade.

Ergo, I don't think giving them a large majority is good for the country.

More surreal logic. You're worried that they will reverse "very little" of the damaging policies put in place by the Tory government. Even if they reverse ANY of these damaging policies that is, by definition, good for the country.

Obviously, if there are other parties you think will reverse more of these policies then vote for them. Who are those parties though?
It is quite enjoyable to know that Sunak could lose his seat. Holding on to power for so long and making a mess of things is going to hurt the Tories badly.
Of course they were going to be in it, that was the whole idea. You can't have SM and CU without subscribing to the rest of the movement of money goods and people that's EU 101.

They would have got some small concessions on the movement of people and hail them as a victory just like Cameron did.

Seriously some of you are completely bonkers with your thinking. If Labour said in 2017 we're not honouring the most stupid decision in our lifetime, they would have never got a vote.

On the contrary Boris never said we will stay in SM and CU, he said we're leaving and quite HARD and people voted for him.

Let' not discuss the stupid decisions of the past today is meant to be a joyous occasion.

Have you read the 2017 Labour manifesto? Or does and I quote "Freedom of movement will end when we leave the European Union " not in plain enough English?

Furthermore the UK had so many concessions , the other countries were sick of it, and here they were going to come again. Really was utter madness.

Then the UK spent three years discussing what they would like for dinner when it was a set meal. In or Out.
You laugh but the amount of private rejoicing was quite something.
I’m not sure it’s all that private when the PM has about 200 people in it and about 201 of them were saying the same thing.
Can there be a vote to get rid of the obnoxious mods next?
I’m not sure it’s all that private when the PM has about 200 people in it and about 201 of them were saying the same thing.

I mean yeah it's basically the No Grinners club.
More surreal logic. You're worried that they will reverse "very little" of the damaging policies put in place by the Tory government. Even if they reverse ANY of these damaging policies that is, by definition, good for the country.

Obviously, if there are other parties you think will reverse more of these policies then vote for them. Who are those parties though?
SNP, Liberal Democrats, Greens, Plaid, SF, possibly even the Alba party
Neither is particularly relevant to the shit show that is the UK under a Tory government. So it's a fair point.

Well the original post was about how the Tories are basically just non-stop going on about the small boats and migrants. Then Grinner came in and called people who are distressed by a genocide 'plebs'.
Honestly to stop genocide across the pond is closer to my heart than NHS, private schools, economy. My vote won’t be Labour. Of course not Tory. I think Lib Dem.

Would be superb if we can get Tory into 3rd place.

The support of migrants in second for me. As a son of an immigrant. The reason for this is because anti immigration policies is fuel for racist thugs in the country. I want the opposite of that.
The FT saying that private polling by the tories suggests that they are only confident that they will hold 80 seats with another 60 in play.
Neither is particularly relevant to the shit show that is the UK under a Tory government. So it's a fair point.
No he said the small boats issue is impacting UK citizens, when it clearly isn't.
I disagree that the genocide in Gaza is not relevant to the shit show in the UK, it very much demonstrates the geopolitical standing and moral compass of a group/leader and leans into what their home and international policies and perspectives could and will be.
I was kept up all of last night with the flu. It feels like my stomach has razor blades in it and I'm absolutely wrecked. Tonsils all swollen up and just feeling absolutely shite.

Anyway, voted for the Lib Dems. It was a protest vote, for all the good it'll do. My seat is currently SNP but Labour are set to win it, and either way I don't think either of them deserve it. The SNP are incompetent and Labour are now just a shower of wankers.
Would be superb if we can get Tory into 3rd place.

This is probably the only real change we can hope for. It would fundementally alter the way politics looks and feels having someone else sitting as official opposition.

Its also the only likely way we can moderate the rightward tendencies of starmer.

If its starmers government with mourdant's opposition, they will just shout each other further and further right to appeal to murdoch and the mail. That would be terrible for us all. The lib dems have plenty of faults, but as opposition that circlejerk of cruelty is unlikely to happen.
The FT saying that private polling by the tories suggests that they are only confident that they will hold 80 seats with another 60 in play.

a max of 140 would be well above most MRPs and even the best tory poll has a cap of 120, i think. Will be interesting to see if their polling is better.
Reforms main backer spends most of his time in Singapore. They are also heavily funded by the legatum fund, from saudi arabia (why they are so climate change denial), the same fund that financed GB news.

Yes for sure, but the main constant theme goes back many years backing the far right to cause as much division and chaos in Europe.
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