General Election 2024

Who got your vote?

  • Labour

    Votes: 147 54.2%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 5 1.8%
  • Lib Dem

    Votes: 25 9.2%
  • Green

    Votes: 48 17.7%
  • Reform

    Votes: 11 4.1%
  • SNP

    Votes: 5 1.8%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Independent

    Votes: 8 3.0%
  • UK resident but not voting

    Votes: 18 6.6%
  • Spoiled my ballot

    Votes: 3 1.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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@Pogue Mahone who care about trans rights. this is the man you are supporting



Check mate. Well played sir.
At that scale of a landslide it would be slightly disappointing for the Tories to still be the official opposition, but at least it would be a strong message
I actually think Sunak’s message about not giving Labour a supermajority could would against them as people might opt for Lim Dems in close races and bump them into the opposition party.
I guess you were probably too busy wanking off to sweet squares twitter sprees every time kemi and her friend were being transphobic then.

In case it still flies over your head, I'm accusing you of using trans issues to score political points. Your post history says it all.

Now on to the block list you go, cause I have enough of your idioticy for today.
One day I hope the person who came up with the first line of this gets to meet whoever did the second.

EXCLUSIVE: Labour candidate ‘in tears’ after being ordered to abandon Clacton campaign against Nigel Farage
Anger grows at the party’s treatment of Jovan Owusu-Nepaul and the news that it accepted a donation of thousands of pounds for his campaign the day after Labour HQ told him “never come back” to the constituency

Tracey Lewis, former Clacton Labour party member
“I am deeply disappointed with the Labour Party accepting funds for a campaign they knew they had destroyed. It’s money that as a family we could have used for nursery fees and ever-increasing household bills. I thought it worthwhile to invest in Jovan’s campaign for my children’s future, for a more tolerant country.
“I don’t understand how Labour HQ could be so short-sighted when there is a real chance to defeat Farage. Their flattening Jovan’s campaign is terrible. Keir Starmer should hold his party to higher standards.
The author continued: “I was encouraged by a report by Best for Britain saying that with support and tactical voting, Jovan could win in Clacton.
“I donated £7,500 to Clacton Labour, and £2,500 to Best for Britain.’ But more than the donation, I was upset at the fact of his being told to halt a successful campaign in such a key constituency.”

EXCLUSIVE: Labour candidate ‘in tears’ after being ordered to abandon Clacton campaign against Nigel Farage
Anger grows at the party’s treatment of Jovan Owusu-Nepaul and the news that it accepted a donation of thousands of pounds for his campaign the day after Labour HQ told him “never come back” to the constituency

Tracey Lewis, former Clacton Labour party member
“I am deeply disappointed with the Labour Party accepting funds for a campaign they knew they had destroyed. It’s money that as a family we could have used for nursery fees and ever-increasing household bills. I thought it worthwhile to invest in Jovan’s campaign for my children’s future, for a more tolerant country.
“I don’t understand how Labour HQ could be so short-sighted when there is a real chance to defeat Farage. Their flattening Jovan’s campaign is terrible. Keir Starmer should hold his party to higher standards.
The author continued: “I was encouraged by a report by Best for Britain saying that with support and tactical voting, Jovan could win in Clacton.
“I donated £7,500 to Clacton Labour, and £2,500 to Best for Britain.’ But more than the donation, I was upset at the fact of his being told to halt a successful campaign in such a key constituency.”

He should pull out completely, that's the only chance of Farage losing the seat.
“I don’t understand how Labour HQ could be so short-sighted when there is a real chance to defeat Farage.

In Clacton? They're not on to even beat the Conservatives into second place. I'd like to have some of what she's been smoking if she feels they had a chance.
I guess you were probably too busy wanking off to sweet squares twitter sprees every time kemi and her friend were being transphobic then.

In case it still flies over your head, I'm accusing you of using trans issues to score political points. Your post history says it all.

Now on to the block list you go, cause I have enough of your idioticy for today.

Both agenda ignored.
I'm trying to find a video I saw in this thread the other day - it was Farage being asked in a press conference about his manifesto pledges and he basically admits they're all bollocks because they won't be in government anyway.

Can someone point it out to me please?
WTF 23% reform?!

I hear they're doing a big social media push.

It does kinda make you wonder if letting 16 year olds vote is such a good idea. I'm sure if they knew what reform really stood for there would be far less support.
Poll seems to be a strange one

I met a 14/15 year old lad the other day who reckoned that 2/3 or more of his class would vote Green if they were allowed to, reckoned they were all very worried about climate change. Anecdotal as it comes of course!
I met a 14/15 year old lad the other day who reckoned that 2/3 or more of his class would vote Green if they were allowed to, reckoned they were all very worried about climate change. Anecdotal as it comes of course!
Makes sense as these people will be dealing with realities of climate change more than older people.

I think since 2015 or a bit before there’s been a big break between the generations on voting. Even if this poll was correct any young Reform voters wouldn’t last. Reform main base is 60+ homeowners who are pretty much against every policy that would help younger people.

The interesting one will be seeing who some richer millennials vote for. Will they stay left leaning when the inheritance starts to kick in.
I might have been tempted by Lib Dems if they had a better local candidate. I generally prefer the Lib Dems manifesto to Labour though.
Same here. I like their manifesto, but the local candidate has done absolutely nothing. Not even a leaflet through the door or a presence online.

Of all the elections not to take it seriously.
Same here. I like their manifesto, but the local candidate has done absolutely nothing. Not even a leaflet through the door or a presence online.

Of all the elections not to take it seriously.

Didn't the lib dems say not too long ago that they weren't going to fund unwinnable seats? Whats the breakdown of you seat looking like? Safe tory or labour?
The interesting one will be seeing who some richer millennials vote for. Will they stay left leaning when the inheritance starts to kick in.
I doubt most will get much inheritance as it will be used up by the boomers on their retirement and care costs.
Anyone who isn't simply interested in using it as a tactic for short term gain knows it isn't a good idea. If anything, it should be raised to 25.

Why stop there? Let's go all the way back to the active/passive citizen distinction and only let those who own property vote. Or even further back, and allow only those who have served in the military. Or just ditch democracy all-together, let a Tyrant rule.
Why stop there? Let's go all the way back to the active/passive citizen distinction and only let those who own property vote. Or even further back, and allow only those who have served in the military. Or just ditch democracy all-together, let a Tyrant rule.
Some very good points there, but I think it could also just be kept at 18, which seems like a quite universally agreed upon compromise which most parts of the political spectrum can live with without feeling cheated.
Anyone who isn't simply interested in using it as a tactic for short term gain knows it isn't a good idea. If anything, it should be raised to 25.

I'm not against lowering the age really. But I'd also add some kind of civics/political education to the HS corriculum.
I'm not against lowering the age really. But I'd also add some kind of civics/political education to the HS corriculum.
Considering how plastic and malleable brains of 16 year olds are, that is only a good idea as long as you are confident that the prevailing civics/political education suits your purpose. What happens if a new political order decides to change that education in a way that is anathema to you? I really don't understand this idea - boys at 16 can't be relied upon to change their socks or underwear every other day, but are still expected to vote on issues far beyond their underdeveloped brains. Again, I don't see how this is a sensible idea anywhere at anytime, unless it's for short term political gain.
BREAKING: The final MRP projection by
LAB: 484 CON: 64 LD: 61 SNP: 10 RFM: 7 PC: 3 GRN: 3 34,558 interviews conducted online and on the telephone

6:57 PM · Jul 2, 2024

That is a very big sample, very close to the election. It can't be true can it?
Considering how plastic and malleable brains of 16 year olds are, that is only a good idea as long as you are confident that the prevailing civics/political education suits your purpose. What happens if a new political order decides to change that education in a way that is anathema to you?

Eh? Surely by this logic we shouldn't be teaching the kids anything? The reality is that not teaching your kids critical thinking skills from an early age is how you get adults without critical thinking skills - and thus uninformed voters.
Eh? Surely by this logic we shouldn't be teaching the kids anything? The reality is that not teaching your kids critical thinking skills from an early age is how you get adults without critical thinking skills - and thus uninformed voters.
Teach them and then let it sink it for a few years. Don't make it possible for a government to teach kids how to vote in real time.
Teach them and then let it sink it for a few years. Don't make it possible for a government to teach kids how to vote in real time.

If you're afraid that your government is going to Hitler Jugend your kids, you've got bigger problems. The way to build a healthy democracy is to school your children in democracy. If that isn't explicitly part of your curriculum, that's where you're going wrong. Social sciences and civics have to be a part of every level of schooling up to and including upper secondary/high school.
I see schools are doing well to educate our young, fecking reform? feck me.

There's multiple examples throughout history of usually university students creating fascist and communist groups. When politics is now readily accessible to the 14-16 range via social media, you don't have to say much to get someone engaged and then ensnare them into the ideology. 16-17 year olds are about to take their first uni courses in politics should they look to those subjects in the next year/two.

Student groups are open to some of the most extreme versions of all ideologies. I wouldn't put too much into that poll, but i would say that liberals and the broader left would be stupid to just assume all youth are heading towards progressive socialism because the seem to have given up on the Tories. Right wing ideology has a lot to offer people on a surface level.
Didn't the lib dems say not too long ago that they weren't going to fund unwinnable seats? Whats the breakdown of you seat looking like? Safe tory or labour?
Oh, perhaps. It's currently Angela Rayner's seat, and traditionally a safe seat for Labour.

But even if you aren't going to pay for leaflets, set up a cheap website, be active on social media, fill out the info on the who can I vote for website.

Literally all I know about the guy is what he looks like and what his favourite biscuit is.
I see schools are doing well to educate our young, fecking reform? feck me.

Its not the schools, its the parents and their unfettered access to the internet.

The botskis are doing their job but it won't be sustainable after the election. Not for 5 years.
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