General Election 2024

Who got your vote?

  • Labour

    Votes: 147 54.2%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 5 1.8%
  • Lib Dem

    Votes: 25 9.2%
  • Green

    Votes: 48 17.7%
  • Reform

    Votes: 11 4.1%
  • SNP

    Votes: 5 1.8%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Independent

    Votes: 8 3.0%
  • UK resident but not voting

    Votes: 18 6.6%
  • Spoiled my ballot

    Votes: 3 1.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Labour seem to view NHS hospitals as “biological women’s spaces” as they want to ban trans women from women's hospital wards. Jonathan Ashworth may say he isn’t a toilet monitor but well hospitals have toilets.

That’s about as true as the “Starmer says trans women have no right to use women’s toilets” Telegraph headline you shared. The reality is what you don’t want to hear. It’s complicated.
Are these the issues facing the majority of people today, which toilet to fecking use? What a waste of journalism.

People want to know what the government is going to do for the millions that struggle to put food on the table not whether to piss standing up or sitting down.

There's a time and place for that debate and now is not the time or the place when there's 3 million people using food banks.

Good post.
I’d say Starmer and the Labour party would be more than happy to keep every interview focussed on the horrible record of the Tory government since they’ve been in charge. Any other topic is a distraction.
But they don't have good answers for how to fix any of it. Distracting from that is a good result for both Labour and the Tories. They're going to win because of the Tories horrible record, that's already kind of a given.
That’s about as true as the “Starmer says trans women have no right to use women’s toilets” Telegraph headline you shared. The reality is what you don’t want to hear. It’s complicated.
However, the shadow health secretary himself then immediately expressed support for housing trans people in separate wards, rather than in wards that correspond with their gender identity.

“It should not be beyond the realms of possibility to have wards for women, wards for men, and also suitable, safe accommodation for trans people too,” said Streeting.

Asked by Ridge to clarify whether he meant trans people should be housed separately or whether the ward they are placed on should be determined by their sex or gender identity, Streeting replied: “I think the best thing, both to protect the dignity and respect of trans people, and also to maintain the integrity of single-sex spaces, is to make sure we’ve got single-sex wards – and I think that would be the right and appropriate way forward.”

Nobody is being banned from anything. The proposal being considered is that if a biological woman requests a single sex ward (for example, if they’re a victim of male violence) then they should do what they can to comply with that request. Which might involve offering a trans woman a room of their own. All seems reasonable to me and probably extremely rare, in practice. It definitely wouldn’t justify “trans women banned from women’s wards” headlines.
Can someone explain to me in what aspect Starmer is as bad as the Tories?
He's not, he's just not left enough for lefties and they don't like his brand of labour.

If you're far enough left there isn't much between starmer and the Tories I guess.
Basically the Labour part stance is that biological women should be allowed to have certain rights defined by their biological sex. Which seems reasonable if a) you accept the concept of biological women and b) you don’t think biological males should be entitled to exactly the same rights that they do.
Nobody is being banned from anything. The proposal being considered is that if a biological woman requests a single sex ward (for example, if they’re a victim of male violence) then they should do what they can to comply with that request. Which might involve offering a trans woman a room of their own. All seems reasonable to me and probably extremely rare, in practice. It definitely wouldn’t justify “trans women banned from women’s wards” headlines.
So they're not going to ban them, they just won't be allowed on them.

Who is supposed to be in the cult again?

As per my post above. The one you quoted.
Weird that the Health Secretary by the end of this week has determined them to be an entirely separate sex to themselves then when talking about having separate trans wards as part of his single sex wards plan.

It's almost as if he's saying the exact opposite of your claim or something.
Weird that the Health Secretary by the end of this week has determined them to be an entirely separate sex to themselves then when talking about having separate trans wards as part of his single sex wards plan.

It's almost as if he's saying the exact opposite of your claim or something.

You’ll have to link me to a quote where anyone suggest “separate trans wards”?

This is what is proposed.

Under the planned revisions, transgender people could be placed in a room on their own if another patient requests to be in a single-sex ward. This would be permitted under the Equality Act 2010 when appropriate, “such as respecting a patient’s wish to be in a single-sex ward”, according to the Department of Health and Social Care.

I would imagine that a scenario like this won’t happen very often.
This is what is proposed.
Again, the literal Health Secretary in around 72 hours time wants single sex wards and specifically cites trans people as belonging to neither male or female and requiring separate ones.

Keir Starmer went further than claimed it was already NHS policy, but the government have lost control of the situation.

“It's actually NHS policy for wards to be single-sex and the only reason that isn't routinely the case now is because the Government's lost control of our hospitals, but that is the policy and we want to reinforce and to protect that.”

Nick Ferrari: “So if I was identifying as a woman and I went to my NHS hospital, would I be allowed to be on a woman’s ward?”

Starmer “No. It’s a single-sex ward. That is the NHS policy.”

Ferrari: “If I had my Gender Recognition Certificate I’d be allowed on a woman’s ward?”

Starmer: “You would be accommodated, but not on a woman’s ward. Hospitals already do this, there are ways that this can be done, lots of wards have side rooms and that sort of thing… The rule about single-sex wards, or the policy, is already there.”
Again, the literal Health Secretary in around 72 hours time wants single sex wards and specifically cites trans people as belonging to neither male or female and requiring separate ones.

As per my edit. You’ll have to link me to the bit where anyone (Labour or otherwise) suggests “separate trans wards” because that sounds absolutely mental. Pressure on beds in hospitals is bad enough without having wards sitting empty, just in case a bunch of trans people need to be admitted. So I’m calling bullshit here.
As per my edit. You’ll have to link me to the bit where anyone (Labour or otherwise) suggests “separate trans wards” because that sounds absolutely mental. Pressure on beds in hospitals is bad enough without having wards sitting empty, just in case a bunch of trans people need to be admitted. So I’m calling bullshit here.
Snap on the edit front.
There are a quarter of a million people waiting more than 2 months to be awwn with cancer. If I was the shadow health minister and I was asked that question I would say that's a stupid question and in no way on my list of priorities. There are more pressing issues facing the NHS bore off.
Just the regular wards. They'll still be allowed in the little shop at the entrance.

The female only wards. It's hardly a controversial issue.

Give it a week and Streeting will be cutting ribbons at single-sex corridors for people to be left on a trolley in.

When he does it, you'll have an argument. Till then, keep your fantasies to yourself, it's better for everyone that way.
And the male ones if you've transitioned the other way around.

"Same rules apply"

To end this non-argument, for now, let me just point out to you that it seems you care more about sticking it to labour than you actually care about trans issues, so let's not beat around the bush.
"Same rules apply"

To end this non-argument, for now, let me just point out to you that it seems you care more about sticking it to labour than you actually care about trans issues, so let's not beat around the bush.
Oh this is my favourite the clutching of pearls aimed at people who aren't using the lives of others as a culture war. Fantastic stuff.
Oh this is my favourite the clutching of pearls aimed at people who aren't using the lives of others as a culture war. Fantastic stuff.

Only one here interested in culture wars is you mate.
Very compelling accusations from the joker who forgets he supports trans people of wes streeting is not part of the conversation. Jeez
@Pogue Mahone who care about trans rights. this is the man you are supporting

Very compelling accusations from the joker who forgets he supports trans people of wes streeting is not part of the conversation. Jeez
Sorry is the default setting being a transphobic bigot unless you say otherwise?

What am I like talking about the views of the soon to be Health Secretary whose plans will be implemented in their entirety unopposed for the next five years?
At that scale of a landslide it would be slightly disappointing for the Tories to still be the official opposition, but at least it would be a strong message

Have to say that while that would be a good outcome, I would be a bit surprised if that actually was the result. There are still a large number of people who have not yet decided which way they will vote. And there is always going to be a number of those who have been polled who decide not to bother to vote.
Sorry is the default setting being a transphobic bigot unless you say otherwise?

What am I like talking about the views of the soon to be Health Secretary whose plans will be implemented in their entirety unopposed for the next five years?

The same folk who for months have been saying 'vote Labour in and then complain' will suddenly push back against any criticism or protest. That much is guaranteed.
Sorry is the default setting being a transphobic bigot unless you say otherwise?

What am I like talking about the views of the soon to be Health Secretary whose plans will be implemented in their entirety unopposed for the next five years?

I guess you were probably too busy wanking off to sweet squares twitter sprees every time kemi and her friend were being transphobic then.

In case it still flies over your head, I'm accusing you of using trans issues to score political points. Your post history says it all.

Now on to the block list you go, cause I have enough of your idioticy for today.
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