General Election 2024

Who got your vote?

  • Labour

    Votes: 147 54.2%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 5 1.8%
  • Lib Dem

    Votes: 25 9.2%
  • Green

    Votes: 48 17.7%
  • Reform

    Votes: 11 4.1%
  • SNP

    Votes: 5 1.8%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Independent

    Votes: 8 3.0%
  • UK resident but not voting

    Votes: 18 6.6%
  • Spoiled my ballot

    Votes: 3 1.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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They should have gone as soon as they decided to campaign for him. As should any other member.

Probably, but I don't blame them feeling sick of the labour candidate's speech about health care in their constituency.
Probably, but I don't blame them feeling sick of the labour candidate's speech about health care in their constituency.

That's entirely their choice and good luck to them on it but anyone who feels that way needs to have the courage of their convictions and go.
They should have gone as soon as they decided to campaign for him. As should any other member.
Some Constituency workers are highly principled people and others are just trying to back a winner. Funnily enough at the last election I was in Bury South constituency which has a significant Jewish population who were incensed by Corbyn's handling of the anti-Semitism investigations. The Labour constituency worker knocked on our door and said that Corbyn was a total liability electorally but that if Labour got in they could get rid of him quickly and do all the wonderful things in their manifesto.

Whether it was just trying to be pragmatic in a constituency that was livid with him I don't know but it seemed an odd message to be spreading at the time and it didn't work.

I think a similar "civil war" is possibly happening in the tory party right now and so I don't believe that the "right wing vote" will be as split as the polls are saying at constituency level. I think it will either revert back to Conservatives or move over to Reform in a localised patchwork quilt of viciousness.

I suspect some Tories will be "rewarded" with support whilst others will be rejected and those votes will go to reform candidates and this won't be very clear until the last few days. It will also depend on the merits/scandal potential of the reform candidates and how badly the conservative candidate has treated their staff in the past. The story about CCHQ "withdrawing support" from certain candidates is likely to have a big impact on morale in these constituencies and it will be interesting to see if local conservative campaigners give up...move to support the reform candidate or support a neighbouring constituency deemed "winnable"
That's entirely their choice and good luck to them on it but anyone who feels that way needs to have the courage of their convictions and go.
They probably think Labour HQ deserve it after actively sabotaging Corbyn's campaign in 2017.
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Just when you think they can't sink any lower.

It's like they're campaigning for Reform at this point. They've probably calculated they can't win votes back but they can divert certain voters away from Labour to Reform.
They obviously weren’t following the paqueta story :)
Tells you all you need to know about the integrity of these people. Also the intelligence , you are never going to get away with that in a million years.
Cannot resist an opportunity to make a few hundred quid from confidential information = not fit for any sort of job anywhere and certainly not in politics. Hope they have the book thrown at them, all this “error of judgement “ bollocks is, well, bollocks.

The lessons of post-WWII are being slowly forgotten or purposely eroded. International/Supranational organisations/institutions/frameworks are to place countries in the same room to agree and disagree on matters and foment cooperation. The continual framing of these "foreigners telling us what to do" is Nationalist bile that needs to be thrown on the ash heap of other shit ideas.
Its 2087, Michael Beige is the leader of the liberal democrats in the election debates, and he's being asked how can the Lib Dems be trusted after the tuition fees promise of 2010.
Rishi Sunak really is an angry little bastard isn't he?

That answer to the woman questioning the Rwanda policy really pissed him off.
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Rishi Sunak really is an angry little bastard isn't he?

That answer to the woman questioning the Rwanda policy really pissed him off.
He’s incredibly arrogant and petulant. He’s clearly grown up having very little experience of people questioning him and he just doesn’t know how to deal with it. Especially when it’s working class folk having the temerity to argue with him.
He’s incredibly arrogant and petulant. He’s clearly grown up having very little experience of people questioning him and he just doesn’t know how to deal with it. Especially when it’s working class folk having the temerity to argue with him.

It's quite something to browbeat a member of the voting public with "Well European countries (that we distanced ourselves from) agree with me, so you're wrong!"
Any other candidate would be 20 points in front.

Labour betting the house on the efficiency of the vote they are targeting.

The calculation is it's far better for getting elected to potentially lose some of the left vote and risk missing out on a few niche seats than scare off middle England
He’s incredibly arrogant and petulant. He’s clearly grown up having very little experience of people questioning him and he just doesn’t know how to deal with it. Especially when it’s working class folk having the temerity to argue with him.
Exactly this. Shines through at every opportunity.
He’s incredibly arrogant and petulant. He’s clearly grown up having very little experience of people questioning him and he just doesn’t know how to deal with it. Especially when it’s working class folk having the temerity to argue with him.
My wife noticed that he asked the name of pretty much every white person and addressed them by name. Not so with the Asian people.
If anyone can go back and listen to the last few minutes of 5Live (since 9:51) please do because it's a clash between a whiny former Tory Starmerista, who is absolutely hysterical, and a smarmy Tory cnut, who is just wrong with everything she keeps saying. It's amazing.
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If anyone can go back and listen to the last few minutes of 5Live (since 9:51) please do because it's a clash between a whiny former Tory Starmerista, who is absolutely hysterical, and a smarmy Tory cnut, who is just wrong with everything she keeps saying. It's amazing.

Man that's hilarious.
Farage isn't a moron at all. It takes intelligence and lack of a moral compass to do the grift that he does.

He's a conman and a crook. I wouldn't call scammers and crooks intelligent. People only get caught into his web of deceit if they are more stupid than he is.
To anyone with reasonable intelligence it's obvious that he's lying and has been throughout his career.

Most of his claims are easily disproved but few people in the media call him out because they indulge him to boost their audience. His career should have been finished many years ago.
He's a conman and a crook. I wouldn't call scammers and crooks intelligent. People only get caught into his web of deceit if they are more stupid than he is.
To anyone with reasonable intelligence it's obvious that he's lying and has been throughout his career.

Most of his claims are easily disproved but few people in the media call him out because they indulge him to boost their audience. His career should have been finished many years ago.

Yet he was instrumental in delivering Brexit for his bosses. A lot of people are stupid and easily led and he knows that. He's not trying to convince everyone.
Yet he was instrumental in delivering Brexit for his bosses. A lot of people are stupid and easily led and he knows that. He's not trying to convince everyone.

Because he was indulged by the media. His arguments around Brexit were ridiculous but because he was given an unchallenged platform, people swallowed it. He used the system , yes, and still is.
But with proper challenging his arguments would have melted away very quickly.
Man that's hilarious.
Uploaded for anyone who cares! I promise that it's juicy...

Despite the way that she keeps shouting, I'm still Team Carol because feck Marilyn and her inability to act like a normal human being. Props to Nicky Campbell for not going insane after all of these years, trying to host these debates.

"What, you think Rishi lacks integrity?!"
"Did any of your family benefit from the things he did during Covid, or did you all suffer?"
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