General Election 2024

Who got your vote?

  • Labour

    Votes: 147 54.2%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 5 1.8%
  • Lib Dem

    Votes: 25 9.2%
  • Green

    Votes: 48 17.7%
  • Reform

    Votes: 11 4.1%
  • SNP

    Votes: 5 1.8%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Independent

    Votes: 8 3.0%
  • UK resident but not voting

    Votes: 18 6.6%
  • Spoiled my ballot

    Votes: 3 1.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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PR in this election would probably see Reform as the opposition. That’s the danger of it we have to accept.
True. There are upsides and downs to both system. Personally I’m not too pro FPTP or pro PR. PR is probably better as give people the sense at least that their vote is more meaningful.

Be interesting to see a breakdown of the Reform vote. Is their results down to just old property owning former Tories or something else.

The insane thing to ponder is Labour's 34% vote share would have been considerably lower in a PR system, since they no doubt benefited from tactical voting, with many of their votes being Anyone-But-Tory votes. Make every vote count on a national scale and they'd struggle, especially with a drone like Starmer at the helm.

There really needs to be a serious discourse on PR returning, of course it won't be in Labour's interest to pursue since they'd stand to lose much in a more proportional electoral system.
Agree can’t see it happening. It’s never in the interest of the big party in FPTP system to discuss anything other voting system.
11 Reform voters in the mains. Show yourselves cowards.
explain yourself.

Look how much Statoil/Equinor/Maersk/Norsk/SAAB etc get in government subsidies, tax breaks, etc.

They are some of the largest companies in Europe and their market share in some cases is almost entirely monopolistic.

The relationship between state and private sector in these companies reeks.
Farage. I despise him, but he knows how to get attention, be non stop in TV, and fool people. He is essentially the UK’s Trump, with even fewer policies.

Basically, his only policy that he has in an even shallow analysis is full of shit, but still managed to get 15% of votes.
Charismatic in the eyes of morons then. Anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together can see straight through those con men.
Leftist policies don't work? Might as well just do away with the NHS, minimum wage, the 5 day working week and worker's rights in general then. Why not just become a dystopian ultra-capitalist state like the Gulf States where we can just profit on essential slave labour.
So the Reform seat projection turned out to be completely wrong? They got lots of votes but not much to show for it.
I really can't shake the belief that the UK is by default a centre right country and the only way to win power is to appeal to that part of the spectrum.

The left are too divided and more concerned with singular issues compared to the right.

It is flabbergasting that people on the left have to keep relearning this lesson painfully again, and again, and again. It's taken 14 frigging years (it's been a lonely battle in the Corbyn thread) for people to re-learn the iron rule of what labour needs to do, to win, under this system.
Charismatic in the eyes of morons then. Anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together can see straight through those con men.
And yet he won a few million votes. Fine, call them morons if you want, that doesn't solve the problem, and in fact makes things worse (as we saw from Trump and Le Pen). But easier calling people morons and racists and bigots than trying to prevent an inevitable big evil by actually providing something to those people rather than horseshit.
Norway can go left wing cause they sit for so long in a mountain of oil which gave them immense wealth. Analyzing Norway’s economy without the oil part is like analyzing UAE’s and concluding that 0% taxes and Muslim interest-free loans are good fiscal policies.

Sweden by all accounts is a disaster nowadays (haven’t been there since 2016 so it is more what I read and hear), and their economy has been going worse since they went full left-wing in the nineties. They are switching to the center, right?

In any case, these are very small countries, without much foreign influence. I do not think there are many, if any, good examples of large powerful countries having left wing (different from center-left which is fine) policies that didn’t end bad. The closest I can think in recent history was that of France under Hollande, which spectacularly failed.

Norway had one of Europe's strongest welfare systems and low unequality before any oil or gas was ever pulled out of the ground. Also, calling Sweden a disaster is pretty much far right propaganda. They have their challenges like anyone else, but it's still a vastly better place to live than crumbling capitalist austerity Britain.
Leftist policies don't work? Might as well just do away with the NHS, minimum wage, the 5 day working week and worker's rights in general then. Why not just become a dystopian ultra-capitalist state like the Gulf States where we can just profit on essential slave labour.

How are those leftist policies though?

Universal healthcare, basic wages, humane working hours and workers right's in Europe supercede any overton window or any political spectrum.
Leftist policies don't work? Might as well just do away with the NHS, minimum wage, the 5 day working week and worker's rights in general then. Why not just become a dystopian ultra-capitalist state like the Gulf States where we can just profit on essential slave labour.
Not a bad idea considering how bad it is.
The longest sustained rise in living standards in this country's history occurred through the post war concensous. Left wing policies including state investment built it. Neoliberalism has destroyed it.
It's always hilarious watching centrists pat themselves on the back and congratulate themselves on how smart they are, completely erasing this from their memories.
In this case it's a bit of a shame. John Grogan (Labour candidate) seemed a decent bloke with a good track record. His stance on Gaza is a perfectly reasonable one. The cause of Gaza would have been better served with him in Parliament.
I agree. It's a silly policy that has cost them.
How are those leftist policies though?

Universal healthcare, basic wages, humane working hours and workers right's in Europe supercede any overton window or any political spectrum.

They don't supercede any overton window. The only reason they are "standard" policies today is because the left shifted the overton window on them so far, through intense class struggle.
And yet he won a few million votes. Fine, call them morons if you want, that doesn't solve the problem, and in fact makes things worse (as we saw from Trump and Le Pen). But easier calling people morons and racists and bigots than trying to prevent an inevitable big evil by actually providing something to those people rather than horseshit.
Provide what though? These people have already proven they'd be more than willing to cut off their noses to spite their face. For them its all about immigration and they'll latch onto any policy platform that promises they don't have to run into people of colour on the street. Its why they rallied around Brexit (and stubbornly continuing to do so despite it being a disaster) and why the Reform platform is now appealling to them with this frivolous crusade on stopping the boats. With certain people there's no placating them unless you swoop to their level. I mean heck they even turned away from this horrific iteration of the Tory party.
How are those leftist policies though?

Universal healthcare, basic wages, humane working hours and workers right's in Europe supercede any overton window or any political spectrum.

No these are stables of post-war left-wing policies
And yet he won a few million votes. Fine, call them morons if you want, that doesn't solve the problem, and in fact makes things worse (as we saw from Trump and Le Pen). But easier calling people morons and racists and bigots than trying to prevent an inevitable big evil by actually providing something to those people rather than horseshit.
There's more than a few million morons in Britain. If you're a moron and a nice person I've no issues, it is what it is. If you're a horrible, hateful moron, I'll call you exactly what you are. Anyone voting for Farage or Trump is not someone I want to share oxygen with.
They don't supercede any overton window. The only reason they are "standard" policies today is because the left shifted the overton window on them so far, through intense class struggle.

Okay you're talking about classical historic leftist values vs right wing values and not the modern leftism vs right wing?

I'm not really sure if that's wholly relevant though.

When people talk about leftist values in current discourse, nobody is talking about these things being the point of contention.
My favourite discussions to read on this forum are those where the centrists talk about how left-wing politics doesn't work, and completely ignore the millions upon millions of people in poverty thanks to unrelenting centre/centre-right neoliberal governments. Always a good chuckle.
My favourite discussions on this forum are where leftists talk about how capitalism doesn't work, while completely ignoring the millions upon millions of people unprecedentedly lifted out of extreme poverty thanks to an unrelenting capitalist approach... in China.
How are those leftist policies though?

Universal healthcare, basic wages, humane working hours and workers right's in Europe supercede any overton window or any political spectrum.
At the time they were definitely considered 'radical' leftist initiatives that met a lot of criticisms from even centrists, it forced an Overton shift to make them core tenets of our society today. If you'd propose the same rights in somewhere like the Gulf States today you'd be condemned as a unwashed commie.
Okay you're talking about classical historic leftist values vs right wing values and not the modern leftism vs right wing?

I'm not really sure if that's wholly relevant though.

When people talk about leftist values in current discourse, nobody is talking about these things being the point of contention.
It's a discussion because people said left wing policies never work. Clearly they fecking do.
There's more than a few million morons in Britain. If you're a moron and a nice person I've no issues, it is what it is. If you're a horrible, hateful moron, I'll call you exactly what you are. Anyone voting for Farage or Trump is not someone I want to share oxygen with.
Again, this type of thinking, just increases the problem. It might give you self-virtue points, but they count for nothing when a younger version of Farage becomes PM in 10 years.

Provide what though? These people have already proven they'd be more than willing to cut off their noses to spite their face. For them its all about immigration and they'll latch onto any policy platform that promises they don't have to run into people of colour on the street. Its why they rallied around Brexit (and stubbornly continuing to do so despite it being a disaster) and why the Reform platform is now appealling to them with this frivolous crusade on stopping the boats. With certain people there's no placating them unless you swoop to their level. I mean heck they even turned away from this horrific iteration of the Tory party.

I do not think I have a solution, I am not even sure there is a solution. I think though that immigration is actually a massive problem in the eyes of the many, and pretending that these people are only racist morons does not solve anything, except increasing further the division and strengthening those groups. So maybe providing a concrete implementable plan for decreasing illegal immigration while at the same time giving some better economic prospects to those people is a better strategy than calling them racist morons with whom I do not want to share oxygen with. Because not sharing oxygen with 2% of the people is quite easy, but it gets very hard when they become 30 or 40%.
My favourite discussions on this forum are where leftists talk about how capitalism doesn't work, while completely ignoring the millions upon millions of people unprecedentedly lifted out of extreme poverty thanks to an unrelenting capitalist approach... in China.
Yes, but not in a 'small government' way. Lots of central and forward planning.
Not a bad idea considering how bad it is.
I mean its a cherished institution by the vast majority of people in the country, especially considering the alternative is to condemn huge numbers of the population to choosing between going broke or dying.
Yeah, toss up between that and his endorsement of genocide as the main character flaw tbf.

Well not that he's elected on a strong mandate I fully expect him to come out with a speech on ramping up the genocide, starving more kids, and getting Ivan Toney in at Arsenal.
Provide what though? These people have already proven they'd be more than willing to cut off their noses to spite their face. For them its all about immigration and they'll latch onto any policy platform that promises they don't have to run into people of colour on the street. Its why they rallied around Brexit (and stubbornly continuing to do so despite it being a disaster) and why the Reform platform is now appealling to them with this frivolous crusade on stopping the boats. With certain people there's no placating them unless you swoop to their level. I mean heck they even turned away from this horrific iteration of the Tory party.
I very much doubt that everybody voting for reform was a racist. 52% of the country voted for brexit, so over half the country is racist too?
Capitalism is wonderful if you have some capital to make more capital from. Maybe if you bought a couple of capital then you could also reap the benefits. Just saying.
I represent people like rimaldo who don't have any capital letters
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