General Election 2024

Who got your vote?

  • Labour

    Votes: 147 54.2%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 5 1.8%
  • Lib Dem

    Votes: 25 9.2%
  • Green

    Votes: 48 17.7%
  • Reform

    Votes: 11 4.1%
  • SNP

    Votes: 5 1.8%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Independent

    Votes: 8 3.0%
  • UK resident but not voting

    Votes: 18 6.6%
  • Spoiled my ballot

    Votes: 3 1.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Why is this funny?

Can you name a serious party in Europe who are actively campaigning on not having those things?

"Not having" workers' rights or universal care is a bit meaningless. Look at Greece bringing in a 6 day working week for example, look at the Tories having gutted workers' tribunals, zero hours contracts, NHS dentistry isn't free any more and hasn't been for years, various Tory ministers over the years have written books and articles about privatising it...

It doesn't all happen simultaneously but yes there are loads of "serious" parties around Europe working towards eroding all those things. Just like they've been steadily eroded in the US over recent decades too. If you don't fight for them, and in particular don't vote for them, just you wait and see how universal and basic they are.
Great news to wake up to, Green candidate kicking out the Labour MP in my area and Tories getting wiped out.

Starmer needs to be careful despite the big win there are a number of seats where the vote share has gone down by big margins (including his own) and some where they won by the skin of their teeth. If things don't change under his term i can see the Tories winning back the reform voters and the Labour voters who voted just to get rid of them. Can't say I'm optimistic given the pre election campaign he has run.
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Why is Revan allowed to quote and respond to Raven or vice versa? Why are they allowed to post immediately after each other? Why is this allowed?
Again, this type of thinking, just increases the problem. It might give you self-virtue points, but they count for nothing when a younger version of Farage becomes PM in 10 years.

I do not think I have a solution, I am not even sure there is a solution. I think though that immigration is actually a massive problem in the eyes of the many, and pretending that these people are only racist morons does not solve anything, except increasing further the division and strengthening those groups. So maybe providing a concrete implementable plan for decreasing illegal immigration while at the same time giving some better economic prospects to those people is a better strategy than calling them racist morons with whom I do not want to share oxygen with. Because not sharing oxygen with 2% of the people is quite easy, but it gets very hard when they become 30 or 40%.
It'll be neoliberalism that brings about fascism, not me calling fascists morons. How about we try and reduce inequality and stop getting caught up in culture wars that our centrist overlords love so much.
I mean its a cherished institution by the vast majority of people in the country, especially considering the alternative is to condemn huge numbers of the population to choosing between going broke or dying.
Dunno, it is the worst health system I've ever seen in my life, and I've lived in one of the poorest European countries in my first 22 years of my life. It is so bad that calling it a disaster is actually an understatement. Not sure how such a disaster can be fixed.
Be interesting to see a breakdown of the Reform vote. Is their results down to just old property owning former Tories or something else.

A lot of Reform's best results are in deprived, largely ignored ex-fishing towns on the east coast and other assorted post-industrial wastelands. There seems to be a large and growing working class element to their support.
PR in this election would probably see Reform as the opposition. That’s the danger of it we have to accept.

I think many people need to accept that this is what this country really is, black and brown people have been saying it for decades.

This is a country built on racist institutions, and full of racists who would like to uphold them, including your family members, work colleagues, friends etc.

Maybe then we can look at change, but we can’t pretend it’s not true forever.
It'll be neoliberalism that brings about fascism, not me calling fascists morons. How about we try and reduce inequality and stop getting caught up in culture wars that our centrist overlords love so much.
I actually think that the only ones who get caught in culture wars are the far left and far right voters.

Reducing the inequality would be very good, to be fair. Ideally by bringing the bottom up, not the upper-middle class down.
Because traditionally, they have not worked. Is there a good example except the little Norway, whom wealth came primarily cause of oil, where such thing work?

And well, Corbyn had two shots at it. He went as left wing as you can legally go. He lost twice, getting demolished the second time around, while running against Boris fecking Johnson.
He got 'demolished' while winning more votes for Labour than they got yesterday.
Turnout was super low so I'm less concerned about the number of Reform votes now. What's concerning is the lack of energy people had to vote the Tory cnuts out but I guess that's on Starmer being so uninspiring.
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A lot of Reform's best results are in deprived, largely ignored ex-fishing towns on the east coast and other assorted post-industrial wastelands. There seems to be a large and growing working class element to their support.

Starmer has 5 years to bleed their support away and all the pro-Gaza lot will be irrelevant next election too.
This is a country built on racist institutions, and full of racists who would like to uphold them, including your family members, work colleagues, friends etc.

Always knew Pexbo and everyone he ever knew, loved and met was a massive fecking racist.
A lot of Reform's best results are in deprived, largely ignored ex-fishing towns on the east coast and other assorted post-industrial wastelands. There seems to be a large and growing working class element to their support.

This is how the far right have always gained power. When the working people are ignored they look for someone to offer solutions. If the left can't and centrists won't, then the far right will inevitably rock up with snakeoil salesmen like farage.
He got 'demolished' while winning more votes for Labour than they got yesterday.
Please remind me how many seats Labour running on socialist policies won. I am having some memory problems, but I do not think it was 414. Neither 314. Or 214 for that matter.
Okay you're talking about classical historic leftist values vs right wing values and not the modern leftism vs right wing?

I'm not really sure if that's wholly relevant though.

When people talk about leftist values in current discourse, nobody is talking about these things being the point of contention.

The term "centre right" in current discourse is also a moving target - it just changes by country rather than by period.
I very much doubt that everybody voting for reform was a racist. 52% of the country voted for brexit, so over half the country is racist too?
No, people had their own personal motivations for voting for Brexit, leftists too, though racism was a key motivator for a bulk of those that did. Reform too (maybe not so much the leftists), but if this unhinged version of the Tory party that houses bigots like Suella isn't enough for them, then you'd have to question what it is that drives them to reform. Because its definitely not their pie in the sky, bizarrely-costed manifesto.
I actually think that the only ones who get caught in culture wars are the far left and far right voters.

Reducing the inequality would be very good, to be fair. Ideally by bringing the bottom up, not the upper-middle class down.
Yeah, that's why Starmer has been hanging trans people out to dry and banging on about the small boats. Get serious please.
One of his podcasts last year was him and his mate being shocked to discover neoliberalism is an actual political framework rather than just an insulting name the left throw about.

Deeply stupid is being generous to him.

Yup. Listened to that one. They weren’t “shocked”. They didn’t “discover”. It was an explainer for people who might not know much about the background to the term. People like me. People who you might also incorrectly call “deeply stupid”.

Anyhoo, I have no interest in defending their integrity or intelligence (other than disagreeing with patently daft accusations of being “deeply stupid”) or even the quality of the podcast (it’s not great, maybe 6/10?) I literally only mentioned it to explain how I knew a bit about Starmer’s career before becoming a politician.
Please remind me how many seats Labour running on socialist policies won. I am having some memory problems, but I do not think it was 414. Neither 314. Or 214 for that matter.

Grifter Andrew Bridgen got trounced at his North Leicester seat last night as well. He'll be pumping the covid conspiracies further to help pay off his legal fees.
This is how the far right have always gained power. When the working people are ignored they look for someone to offer solutions. If the left can't and centrists won't, then the far right will inevitably rock up with snakeoil salesmen like farage.
The traditional role of the Tory party was to sweep up these votes and contain them within a moderating coalition. The question is less about why the left can't/centrists won't, but about why the Tories can't.
Labour have 5 years and a huge majority to bring in any sort of change they want. Lets see what they do. I fully expect Tory-lite policies - i hope to be proven wrong. In fact i'd love to be proven wrong.
Labour have 5 years and a huge majority to bring in any sort of change they want. Lets see what they do. I fully expect Tory-lite policies - i hope to be proven wrong. In fact i'd love to be proven wrong.

Same. I can imagine them getting in their heads about not being re-elected if they go too far left, despite just getting in and having 4 years to do whatever they want.
Always knew Pexbo and everyone he ever knew, loved and met was a massive fecking racist.

he did admit to having a racist uncle in barnsley. and for all we know, he might be the nicest of the bunch.
Labour win in a landslide but looking at everything, you get the feeling the country has moved further to the right. Expect Tories to absorb Reform and Labour move further right. It's fecking depressing.
he did admit to having a racist uncle in barnsley. and for all we know, he might be the nicest of the bunch.

Christmas at his is like seeing the family at the end of Eden Lake, but even more inbred.
Charismatic in the eyes of morons then. Anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together can see straight through those con men.
Sadly that rules out great swathes of the British public. The same people who would vote Tory because 'Boris seems like a laugh and tells it like it is'.
No, people had their own personal motivations for voting for Brexit, leftists too, though racism was a key motivator for a bulk of those that did. Reform too (maybe not so much the leftists), but if this unhinged version of the Tory party that houses bigots like Suella isn't enough for them, then you'd have to question what it is that drives them to reform. Because its definitely not their pie in the sky, bizarrely-costed manifesto.
I think a lot of people voted for reform because there fed up with the status quo. I didn't vote in this election because there doesn't seem to be anyone I trust in.

We will have a decade of Labour government, and when people get fed up with them it will be back to the tories again. Its just the same old shit.
Starmer has 5 years to bleed their support away and all the pro-Gaza lot will be irrelevant next election too.

Is their anything in the manifesto that will in time win the support of reform voters?

Given Rachel Reeves is running a low spend budget I don't see how any policy will touch those areas.

5 years is a very long time though so if the world settles into less wars and an improving economic situation then maybe. These people don't tend to see the impacts of mild economic improvements though. Reform will easily be able to sell them a greener field.
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