General Election 2024

Who got your vote?

  • Labour

    Votes: 147 54.2%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 5 1.8%
  • Lib Dem

    Votes: 25 9.2%
  • Green

    Votes: 48 17.7%
  • Reform

    Votes: 11 4.1%
  • SNP

    Votes: 5 1.8%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Independent

    Votes: 8 3.0%
  • UK resident but not voting

    Votes: 18 6.6%
  • Spoiled my ballot

    Votes: 3 1.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I think many people need to accept that this is what this country really is, black and brown people have been saying it for decades.

This is a country built on racist institutions, and full of racists who would like to uphold them, including your family members, work colleagues, friends etc.

Maybe then we can look at change, but we can’t pretend it’s not true forever.

I think that is an unbalanced view that overlooks the successes we have had as well. I'm not trying to downplay anyone's lived experiences, because of course, but this idea the country is "really" a nest of racists just itching to stick it to black and brown people, overlooks the real success that so many black and brown people have made of their lives here - thanks in part to the efforts made by these institutions and people, especially in the last 20-30 years. I'm not saying it is perfect but let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater because Reform have picked up a few votes.
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Provide what though? These people have already proven they'd be more than willing to cut off their noses to spite their face. For them its all about immigration and they'll latch onto any policy platform that promises they don't have to run into people of colour on the street. Its why they rallied around Brexit (and stubbornly continuing to do so despite it being a disaster) and why the Reform platform is now appealling to them with this frivolous crusade on stopping the boats. With certain people there's no placating them unless you swoop to their level. I mean heck they even turned away from this horrific iteration of the Tory party.
Excellent post. None so blind as those who will not see.
Sadly that rules out great swathes of the British public. The same people who would vote Tory because 'Boris seems like a laugh and tells it like it is'.
The only way of getting these morons back on side is by improving their living conditions and the only way of doing that is by them not voting for sociopaths who's entire purpose is robbing them. The worst kind of catch 22.
Is their anything in the manifesto that will in time win the support of reform voters?

Given Rachel Reeves is running a low spend budget I don't see how any policy will touch those areas.

5 years is a very long time though so if the world settles into less wars and an improving economic situation then maybe. These people don't tend to see the impacts of mild economic improvements though. Reform will easily be able to sell them a greener field.

Not the hardcore ones but I do think a good chunk of their vote last night aren't unreachable.
The only way of getting these morons back on side is by improving their living conditions and the only way of doing that is by them not voting for sociopaths who's entire purpose is robbing them. The worst kind of catch 22.

You can improve their living conditions but they will always look for someone to blame and migrants fit the bill nicely. These people will always have a chip on their shoulder.
You can improve their living conditions but they will always look for someone to blame and migrants fit the bill nicely. These people will always have a chip on their shoulder.
My idea is that you remove their problems such as housing insecurity, cost of living crisis, health insecurity, etc. At that stage the really ardent bigots will still look to demonise minorities but people won't be interested.
It's funny because of the huge amount of ignorance you display about where those policies came from.

Hint: it wasn't the right.

Yes but the conversation context was clearly about modern leftism, not leftism from the 1920's era which has been enshrined into the overton window as none-negotiable.
Not the hardcore ones but I do think a good chunk of their vote last night aren't unreachable.

You were a canvasser this time no? What policy were you pushing to these types on the doorstep?

I just don't see any of the policies appealing. Labour must know the immigration plan is just for show and won't do anything credible. Economically these places need levelling up which requires genuine investment that won't come.

Culturally perhaps Labour will try and appeal but they'd be chasing the Tories and Reform right.
Maybe there is a lazy bastard competition to see who can call the last seat, in total opposition to the Newcastle/Sunderland freaks.
Yes but the conversation context was clearly about modern leftism, not leftism from the 1920's era which has been enshrined into the overton window as none-negotiable.
And you're sure that modern leftist policy, if enacted now wouldn't be "enshrined"? Generally speaking, left wing policy is good for ordinary people.
And you're sure that modern leftist policy, if enacted now wouldn't be "enshrined"? Generally speaking, left wing policy is good for ordinary people.

Given the huge pushback in the western world around mass immigration, that's only getting worse, that is at least one tenant that I think will not be viable in the long term.
Labour had a pretty reduced margin in my constituency. The tory vote went down too, with the gains going to the Greens and I didn't see any Green leaflets or see them around so I'm not even sure they were targeting it. That seems dangerous to Labour for me, left leaning areas are staying (not surprisingly) on the left and finding an alternative.
And you're sure that modern leftist policy, if enacted now wouldn't be "enshrined"? Generally speaking, left wing policy is good for ordinary people.

There's also this prevailing world-view of many right-wingers that they are not "in poverty" or "poor" or "working class" but they are "temporarily embarrassed millionaires" that drives them to vote Right wing parties.

Never underestimate pride driven self sabotage
How is the minimum wage a leftist policy though?
Is this a joke? Who do you think brought it in? Right wing parties whose free market economic ideologies would insist that private companies should have the right to pay people as little as they are willing to accept?
Labour beat the Tories by 15 votes (no idea who's still voting Tory in this day and age). It was projected to be an easy Labour win, we all voted Green/Lib Dem :lol:

To be honest, in this shit show system, perhaps that's the best outcome. The tories still kicked out and hopefully the labour internal pollsters will seriously consider this for next election time. We'll see.
Is there any data on votes by age group?

Imagine if it turned out there was actually zero data on votes by age group? That would be so strange and have so many weird ramifications.
Given the huge pushback in the western world around mass immigration, that's only getting worse, that is at least one tenant that I think will not be viable in the long term.
The way to push back on that is by no supporting expansionist and kleptomaniacal wars abroad, creating refugee crises whilst funding public services and public works at home.
Looking at wikipedia, that's coming off a Tory majority of 19000 in a seat that had been held by Conservatives since 1880. :lol:

Poole incudes places like Lilliput and (I think) Sandbanks, the most expensive property in the entire country. This is the yachtclub set, and the tories lost them. Incredible really.
You were a canvasser this time no? What policy were you pushing to these types on the doorstep?

I just don't see any of the policies appealing. Labour must know the immigration plan is just for show and won't do anything credible. Economically these places need levelling up which requires genuine investment that won't come.

Culturally perhaps Labour will try and appeal but they'd be chasing the Tories and Reform right.

I think a general improvement in the economy, NHS and the cost of living crisis will give Reform voters less to blame on immigrants. That's Starmer's job, and being reasonable on trying to stop small boats.
I very much doubt that everybody voting for reform was a racist. 52% of the country voted for brexit, so over half the country is racist too?

What do you think they are then if they're voting for a party which have been shown to be racist, misogynistic and homophobic?
Please remind me how many seats Labour running on socialist policies won. I am having some memory problems, but I do not think it was 414. Neither 314. Or 214 for that matter.
I don't need to, you need to explain how winning more votes can possibly be described as being 'demolished'. It doesn't stand up to any level of scrutiny.
I very much doubt that everybody voting for reform was a racist. 52% of the country voted for brexit, so over half the country is racist too?

Not everyone who votes reform is racist, but most racists will vote for reform.
It’s far more easier to prey on people’s fears on immigration and culture war nonsense than the less exciting topic of green and the environment. He may have pushed on those areas but he was just exploiting the racism already present. You are less likely to get that from the Greens. The media has helped him in this regard.

Again I don't disagree and unfortunately it's far easier to push this fascist ideology than it is a progressive left wing one.

I'm merely talking about how and why they may be getting more media though. I dont think it's as simple as just the media being ridiculous.
There's also this prevailing world-view of many right-wingers that they are not "in poverty" or "poor" or "working class" but they are "temporarily embarrassed millionaires" that drives them to vote Right wing parties.

Never underestimate pride driven self sabotage
This is a good point. When every moron thinks they're a year away from being unimaginably rich they're more than happy to vote in favour of policies that hurt them.
And you want people to take you seriously?

Why is the idea that the NHS system needs huge reform or even dismantling considered a controversial policy?

People seem to mistake the idea that the NHS is synonymous with Universal healthcare free at point of use.

It's not. NHS is in itself an implementation of Universal healthcare, one that met the needs of the 1940's and 50's when it was built. It is a very unique, decentralized and distributed system that is very different from almost every other developed countries universal healthcare system.

There is nothing wrong, or even controversial, to say that, "The NHS in its current state is not doing a good job at providing universal healthcare. Perhaps we need to relook at our universal healthcare model and look for inspiration from other countries in Europe that have far more successful models that offer better outcomes and value and also is free at point of use."
The thread is moving too quickly to keep up whilst at work, but all the people with the attitude of essentially “don’t look beneath the surface, enjoy the massive Labour majority and ask no questions” are an example of exactly why the left never get anywhere meaningful and the Overton Window moves ever to the right.

Labour will now spend all their time trying to appease the right, get feck all done, and wonder why they get spanked again in 5 years when Toreform have unified and taken back all the right voters to a single party.

Refusing to look at voter share and the actual reasons behind these results is just buying your head in the sand. This is a massive majority, yes, cool, but it’s not because of any movement of support towards Labour.

The best thing they could do now would be to actually try and enact meaningful change and improve people’s lives, giving them pause for thought come next election. But they won’t; they’ll talk about a lack of magic money trees and needing to make sure they don’t alienate the racist piece of shit voters who will never actually get behind them.
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