General Election 2024

Who got your vote?

  • Labour

    Votes: 147 54.2%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 5 1.8%
  • Lib Dem

    Votes: 25 9.2%
  • Green

    Votes: 48 17.7%
  • Reform

    Votes: 11 4.1%
  • SNP

    Votes: 5 1.8%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Independent

    Votes: 8 3.0%
  • UK resident but not voting

    Votes: 18 6.6%
  • Spoiled my ballot

    Votes: 3 1.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Unless he's a time traveller or can read the minds and intentions of 50 million people, he knows as much as the rest of us. We only have polling data to go by, until 10pm everything is an educated guess at best.
Well yeah, nowhere did I say it's definitely happening? It's what he and the Tory party thinks.
Seeing as there's lots of rumours in the public doman on Gove, is that in regards to Redwood who also chickened out of fighting his seat?

The former but nothing Id have ever heard about him. Wasn't to do with alleged drugs which has been in the public for a while.
Am I reading it correctly that JRM is projected to lose his seat? I'll wank myself silly if that actually transpired. Would probably dehydrate myself if Suella, Patel and Gove are also toppled.
OMG that would be something else. Jrm smug face failing not you wanking
I think if they stop the boats...whatever that means...Reform will simply move on to legal immigration and use that to rally the bellends. People who are poor, ignored and feel like they've lost their imaginary country are receptive to any clever bigot who can make them feel like they might have some power again.

Exactly, and it's difficult to formulate policy around a moving target. What would (I hope) reduce the sway of Reform would be an uptick in the economic wellbeing of the disadvantaged and a greater consideration given to some of these forgotten post industrial wastelands. That would be my focus, but I'm not sure the advertised continuation of austerity will manage that. There should be a way of alleviating the conditions that lead to the growth of extremism without pandering to the conclusions those extremists then reach.

My sneering is for those naively thinking it makes a difference and not being able to entertain differing views on the subject. I give less shits for Israel than I do for Gaza as evidenced by my posts in the Gaza thread. My position has been pretty consistent that we devote far too much time and energy on an issue that has little bearing on our day-to-day lives and one which we can barely influence. I support any ending of the war and providing aid for those affected by it. Weirdly some posters seem to think I delight in the death of Gazans and Israelis.

You have no posts in the Gaza thread, perhaps you are referencing something from a bygone age. It's a curious (and surprising) anomaly that someone with the bolded view would equate opposing the mass killing of civilians with the views of "Clacton man". The vast majority of the former would appear to be motivated by compassion, the latter animated by hate. The latter has a ready establishment ear, a ready establishment voice. The former....not so much.
Am I reading it correctly that JRM is projected to lose his seat? I'll wank myself silly if that actually transpired. Would probably dehydrate myself if Suella, Patel and Gove are also toppled.

Looks like JRM is on the way out, yes. Will be this evening's 'Portillo moment' - definitely worth staying up for that nasty smug-faced little twat getting booted out (should be around 4:30am).
Exactly, and it's difficult to formulate policy around a moving target. What would (I hope) reduce the sway of Reform would be an uptick in the economic wellbeing of the disadvantaged and a greater consideration given to some of these forgotten post industrial wastelands. That would be my focus, but I'm not sure the advertised continuation of austerity will manage that. There should be a way of alleviating the conditions that lead to the growth of extremism without pandering to the conclusions those extremists then reach.

You have no posts in the Gaza thread, perhaps you are referencing something from a bygone age. It's a curious (and surprising) anomaly that someone with the bolded view would equate opposing the mass killing of civilians with the views of "Clacton man". The vast majority of the former would appear to be motivated by compassion, the latter animated by hate. The latter has a ready establishment ear, a ready establishment voice. The former....not so much.

That was kind of the point. For me it's not an issue that should be a high priority. Choosing our parliament based on Gaza is irresponsibly daft.

You make good points and everything does boil down to poverty...MLK had the same view and it was when he started pushing that narrative that he got bumped off.
You have access to the internet now in your own cell or do you have to move when big Dave wants to go and watch the dirty prison guard riding her cells?

I'm not exactly sure how to respond to this other than to say I hope you are feeling better these days and beating your health challenges.
Been posted some pages back but we have grown public service investment at a similar rate to European peers but our population has grown significantly more quickly. That's why the public services have suffered. It's not immigration or underinvestment in isolation.
What's the point at growing them at a similar rate to other countries with different needs and changes in population, rather than the necessary rate needed to keep pace with our own circumstances? Whichever way you look at it, that's just underfunding and failing to meet a predictable rise in demand.
Broxbourne is the key early bellweather constituency....has been one of safest tory seats for forever and usually declares very early....around 1am. Recent polling has tory clinging on by 1%.

If it stays that close....or we get notification of a possible recount there....then tory's are heading for oblivion.

Basildon is another early indicator constituency that is usually called early. Tory candidate has been parachuted in at last minute from red wall seat....polling says he will be slaughtered in this election.
It's not a question of a crystal ball, I wish he'd take that course I mentioned before. Maybe I could send him a book as a present. "The Idiot's guide to international trade."

Yes, send the book maybe he can do a bit of 'on-the-job' training ;)
I can't help wonder how many potential reform voters will switch back to the tories at the last minute given the mask slip moments for reform in recent days. It wouldn't take a huge percentage for the tories to end up with a lot more seats than predicted.

Still, hoping for some big tory scalps tonight!

Maybe a few, but Reform is successful because of its extremism, not in spite of it. I can't see all that many being put off and if they are I think they stay home rather than switch back to Tory. At any rate as long as they get fewer that 150 I'll be happy. Fewer than 100 I'll be delighted.
Am I reading it correctly that JRM is projected to lose his seat? I'll wank myself silly if that actually transpired. Would probably dehydrate myself if Suella, Patel and Gove are also toppled.
Gove isn't running, is he?
Very busy just now at my polling station, with a lot more young people than usual. I had been expecting a low turn out but after seeing that I've switched to high, just locally at any rate.

edit. dogs, cats horses and snakes zero.
Am I reading it correctly that JRM is projected to lose his seat? I'll wank myself silly if that actually transpired. Would probably dehydrate myself if Suella, Patel and Gove are also toppled.
Depends if @Pexbo can bring himself to vote Labour or not

I'm in a Labour safe seat myself so voted Green
Very busy just now at my polling station, with a lot more young people than usual. I had been expecting a low turn out but after seeing that I've switched to high, just locally at any rate.

I think the turnout will be high across the board. I expect national turnout to be above 70% which is around what you get for General Elections in the summer.
Voted Labour. You’re welcome.
Reform is hugely popular and I'll posit that, there is a vein of people in the UK who, on the surface are not mental racists who think 9/11 was an inside job, but think Farage "is honest".

I think politically intune people, the perpetual online, would be shocked at how normies really appraise things.
Could we get an anonymous poll going in this thread and have our own exit poll?
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