Frenkie De Jong - Part 3?

He's a good enough player to warrant a 50m+ offer for Barca, which they could use to pay him his deferred wages and make some money. The alternative is keeping him on those astronomical wages and losing him on a free. Biggest problem now is his injury, but otherwise Barca will eventually succumb to the pressure.
Just so we can put to bed the queries over his wages, this is the situation:

FDJ has a base wage of 14m euros per season which is about 275k per week (all numbers in Euros. He initially had a four year contract through to 2024 paying him that amount, plus a loyalty bonus and performance related add ons (not included in base figure).

Due to the pandemic, he signed a two year contract extension with reduced his base wage for 20-21 to 3m (from 14), and to 9m in 21-22. The 16m in deferred wages were then to be spread over the remaining four years of his contract, meaning from 22-23 his wages were to go up to 18m per year, which is a base of 350k.

Moving into the final two years of his contract, which starts this season and goes through to summer of 2026, Barca not only have to pay him this new base of 18m, but they also have to pay him 15.8m in loyalty bonuses. If evenly spread, this means that his base wage now goes up to 25.8m per year or 500k per week. On top of that they agreed to pay him an additional 1m in the final year of his contract (as interest/incentive on the deferral) taking his base wage next year up to 515k per week.

All of these numbers are base wages. He has a number of performance related add-ons for appearances etc, which took last years 350k up to over 400k per week. If repeated this year and next, it would take him into the 550-575k per week range, and if Barca were to win a major trophy, over 600k per week.

In agreeing to move clubs, one could feasibly agree a base wage of around 250-275k euros per week with him, which is 215-225k pounds, but one would still have to figure out how he gets the 24.8m owed to him in deferred wages and loyalty bonus.

All this is assuming that Barca stayed on track with the extra 4m last season and the season before and didn’t do any additional deferrals (a new contract would’ve been needed I believe). I don’t have detailed information on the specifics of his performance related add ons, just general numbers as paid out).

If Barca were to sell him for 50m euros, and he agreed a contract elsewhere that met his base plus add ons (approx 250k p/week plus 50k in add ons), and Barca were to give him 26m of the transfer fee, then a deal could get done. It means Barca would net 24m euros on him, depending on his current original transfer fee amortisation. The biggest issue appears to be that Barca don’t want to do that. They want someone else to pick up that 26m cost or Frankie to forgo at least his 16m loyalty bonus by forcing through a move. If he accepts a move he technically forfeits that, but he’s telling them he’ll only accept a move if they pay it out.

Complicated further on this by the fact he is currently injured with no timeline on his return in 2024. The most likely scenario from FDJ’s perspective is that he rides out his contract, collects all that money (he’ll play when fit) and then leaves on a free in 2 seasons.

A superb post which helps sharpen our minds as the scale of his extraordinary compensation agreement with Barcelona. I see nothing in what you have shared with us that makes it realistic for Frenkie to walk away from compensation terms with that Barcelona will be legally obligated to pay him particularly in Barcelona collect trophies and Frenkie hits performance benchmarks. Compensation that far exceeds anything INEOS should even dream of considering, that is. We don't want to go cheap, but we also don't want to make same mistakes Woodward made season after season, chasing the latest fad only to find out their a dud.

On the other hand, if Frenkie is willing to walk away from all that and agree to a base wage of 250k week with modest add-ons then there may be a conversation to be a had. But if I'm in Sir Jim's shoes I drive a hard bargain on the transfer fee --- demanding a free transfer. And if Barcelona laugh their asses off then we laugh our asses off and Barcelona can fukk themselves paying insane wages for a player they don't want anymore.

And then there is a question of the WAG who loves living in Barcelona (who wouldn't?) and couldn't bear the thought of living in Manchester (which sounds great to me, but probably not his WAG).

And there is the question of Frenkie's dodgy ankle.

And the there is the question of whether Frenkie really is all that. I'm not convinced he is. And I'm not convinced he's the right profile of a footballer personally or professionally. We've done well to bring in young, hungry players with everything to prove. Frenkie has been there and done that and we need to stop buying galacticos and even though he's still only 27 my gut tells me his best days are behind him.

Bottom line is that Frenkie has all the cards and if he ends up showered in gold coins by a club which is desperate to get rid of, he will be the one laughing his ass off while fans of United and Barcelona wish things were different.
Surely his situation with Barca financially will have zero impact on any future club he joins, whenever he joins. That club will offer whatever he's worth to them and the same with any salary they offer. Any money issues between the player and Barca are theirs to resolve. Even if he moved this window.
He’s not moving anywhere until Barca pay him his money owed.
He’s not moving anywhere until Barca pay him his money owed.

That was clear two years ago and inferred by his agent, if Barça really want him gone, they pay him and a discussion can be had, otherwise he’ll stay, and play.
Both he and his agent know full well that his wage + deferred wage and his talent mean there’s zero chance of them “freezing him out”.
He called their bluff last time, he’ll continue to do that till his contract is up else they pay him off.
Feck this guy. He’s turned us down before, he’s massively expensive, he’s overrated, he has an annoying face, and one of his feet points the wrong way now.
Who are they going to sell instead? Aren't they having problems registering olmo?
Why are we still talking about this? He doesn't want to come here and he's injured, so what is there to discuss?

Am I missing something here?
It's easy to see why he wanted ( or wants?) Him So much, basically we play chaos football and I don't mean that necessarily in a bad way but it was quite evident against fulham and it's obvious how someone of his ability to retain the ball and progress it is valued in that system, his dribbling becomes even more importance as the chaos caused does limit the passing options.
It's easy to see why he wanted ( or wants?) Him So much, basically we play chaos football and I don't mean that necessarily in a bad way but it was quite evident against fulham and it's obvious how someone of his ability to retain the ball and progress it is valued in that system, his dribbling becomes even more importance as the chaos caused does limit the passing options.

Definitely wanted, just unfortunate for Erik that it was deal too complicated by the owed wages
Ah okay.

I keep thinking he probably doesn't 'need' that money, so why not just take a loss and get out of an environment that obviously doesn't want him anymore. But it's also a LOT of money to juste forego!

He has said before he loves Barca etc. and he keeps getting picked when fit so it makes no odds to him that the higher-ups want him gone for financial reasons. Even if its embarrassingly public.

Plus no one in their right mind is going to turn down that amount of money regardless of if he needs it or not. Especially considering he has technically earned it already. He has Barca literally over a barrel.
He has said before he loves Barca etc. and he keeps getting picked when fit so it makes no odds to him that the higher-ups want him gone for financial reasons. Even if its embarrassingly public.

Plus no one in their right mind is going to turn down that amount of money regardless of if he needs it or not. Especially considering he has technically earned it already. He has Barca literally over a barrel.

I can't decide if it's a genuine love or he's almost saying it to show he's not just waiting for the money he's owed. Think we would have got the true answer to that in 2022 when we had agreed fee.
Don't want this lad here. He's a good player, but seems to come with a lot of baggage including a partner who would hate to be here and a bizarre obsession with being at Barcelona no matter what.
It's easy to see why he wanted ( or wants?) Him So much, basically we play chaos football and I don't mean that necessarily in a bad way but it was quite evident against fulham and it's obvious how someone of his ability to retain the ball and progress it is valued in that system, his dribbling becomes even more importance as the chaos caused does limit the passing options.
He’s not the only player in world football who can do this, though. I just think - outside of De Jong who is a player he brought through/coached - ten Hag doesn’t massively care about midfielders who circulate the and keep ball.
Why are we still talking about this? He doesn't want to come here and he's injured, so what is there to discuss?

Am I missing something here?
I'm sure many said the same about Deligt, right? I know I did. Frankie would come here for sure.
He’s not the only player in world football who can do this, though. I just think - outside of De Jong who is a player he brought through/coached - ten Hag doesn’t massively care about midfielders who circulate the and keep ball.

Yeah Erik there are other players who can do this, ok maybe not quite to the level you want
I’m convinced based on the noises in the media that he now would actually want to come here. If he really is trying to terminate his contract, an ETH reunion would be attractive.
I can't decide if it's a genuine love or he's almost saying it to show he's not just waiting for the money he's owed. Think we would have got the true answer to that in 2022 when we had agreed fee.

Could be just very good advice he received as well, portray how much he loves Barca publically so they cant pull a fast one and try anything underhanded like cancelling his contract for badmouthing them publically or some nonsense. (Far fetched but wouldnt put it past Barca).

Think we had agreed a fee with Barca iirc, but they couldnt to an agreement with DeJong on the back pay they owed him.
I can't decide if it's a genuine love or he's almost saying it to show he's not just waiting for the money he's owed. Think we would have got the true answer to that in 2022 when we had agreed fee.
I presume it's a bit of both. I don't have any doubt that Barca is his ideal club, but I tend to think he's not as fixated on them as people make out.

I would think that the only reason we kept trying to get him for so long two years ago is because we got some kind of encouragement from him (to ETH) or his agent (to the club) that he would be open to joining if Barca paid out what he was owed. Sure we were run by incompetent people, but I doubt they were 'that' incompetent to keep chasing him even if he was as clear behind the scenes as he was to the media that he wouldn't leave Barca.
Aside from the fact he’s owed literally tens of millions of Euros by his current employer, who he appears to love and want to remain employed by, has shown no inclination to join us or his former manager despite repeated opportunities and Murtough and Arnold doing 3 weeks in a Club 18-30 in Barcelona, all before he had his ankle blown clean off by what appeared to be a landmine, can anyone give me a single reason to think signing him would be a bad idea?

EDIT: he’s also a soy boy beta cu-ck
My body is ready for the last week of rumors about this guy. Send away McTominay and bring him in.
Swap for Sancho and give Frenkie a 20mil sign on bonus. Similar base salary for both.
According to 'that' source, FDJ is on €700k/w
Most part of that is wages he didn’t get in corona time because he made a deal with the club to lower his wages for a couple of years to help the club financially and that he would get those wages in the years after that. His normal salary is not even half that amount.

Barcelona can still not register Olmo after letting Gundogan go. And with the deals they have in place for Vitor Roque and Mikayil Faye to leave the club, they still can’t register Olmo. Have to sell Garcia, Lenglet and Christensen as well. Shambles of a club that is.