Gaming Football Manager 2025 | Delayed til March 2025

I’m really interested to see how they balance a crucial factor like reputation between the men’s and women’s game.

To my understanding reputation dictates a lot of stuff in the game and it would be super unrealistic to just have a sharef reputation scale as you’ll start getting top mens managers moving over to women’s teams/leagues with high reputation. That’s cool and all but it’s just totally unrealistic and would ruin the game IMO.

Don’t think there’s any way they will decide to set the woman’s league as VNL level or equivalent. Think they will not want to offend and veer too much into being PC.
They'll 100% go the PC route
I think the issue is every game is breakable if the playerbase put enough time in to breaking it, you only have to watch speed runners of anything. The issue for FM is breaking the game was something players did just by seeking the best tactics, as a programmer myself I kind feel like balancing FM is a next to impossible task given all the permutations and possible set ups. There's no game that's ever gonna be balanced to the level FM needs to be.
I do think they made a mistake swapping the stuff they did for roles but it kinda makes sense along with letting them cover some flaws.

No one sets up a defensive by saying to their players, we gonna stand at exactly 17 outta 20 etc.. so I can understand the realism reason for why they removed them too. A manager is more likely to tell a winger stay on the touchline, stay wide etc.. as opposed to setting his width to x out of 20.

The issue for me is in patching those huge exploits and changing to roles, they removed a lot of the fun.
I argued this a while back on the SI forums that I thought roles were a flawed concept, that no manager ever instructed his player to play like a Trequartista but those being names journos put on players that played in a certain distinct manner. Back than I argued that PIs could have accomplished pretty much the same thing. You can even play this way if you only choose generic roles that have the most freedom with their PIs but the problem is that some roles have actually hardcoded movement patterns that can't be recreated with only PIs.

Never the less I think I would be the more realistic way to tell your wide attacking mid to simply hold his width instead of having to choose winger or cut inside to have a inside-forward / -winger. Roles for me have always been a bit of a black box, with time I of course understood how they would behave but I felt it was unnecessarily complicated and your tactic could just stop working with the next patch if SI decided role X would now prefer different movement than to what they did before. On top of that I still think wingers don't really play in a manner than what I would expect of that role and this is the case for quite a few roles, I'm not saying that my interpretation of that role is the right one but it adds a certain level of guess work to tactic creation that imo can be very frustrating.
I argued this a while back on the SI forums that I thought roles were a flawed concept, that no manager ever instructed his player to play like a Trequartista but those being names journos put on players that played in a certain distinct manner. Back than I argued that PIs could have accomplished pretty much the same thing. You can even play this way if you only choose generic roles that have the most freedom with their PIs but the problem is that some roles have actually hardcoded movement patterns that can't be recreated with only PIs.

Never the less I think I would be the more realistic way to tell your wide attacking mid to simply hold his width instead of having to choose winger or cut inside to have a inside-forward / -winger. Roles for me have always been a bit of a black box, with time I of course understood how they would behave but I felt it was unnecessarily complicated and your tactic could just stop working with the next patch if SI decided role X would now prefer different movement than to what they did before. On top of that I still think wingers don't really play in a manner than what I would expect of that role and this is the case for quite a few roles, I'm not saying that my interpretation of that role is the right one but it adds a certain level of guess work to tactic creation that imo can be very frustrating.

You're spot on. Like a wide playmaker in a Pep team will play very different than one in a Jose team too. There's so many variables in how a role actually plays for different teams on a real pitch and SI's set in stone ones. I tend to agree with you that a bunch of positional instructions (like the current pi's but deeper) would be better than roles. I wouldn't return to sliders but some kind of 5 level drop down boxes or something. Like you plop a player on the left wing and then you have a selection of (hug touchline, stay wider, cut inside after receiving ball, drift inside to receive ball etc.. and another one that deeper than always dribble or never dribble etc... Where instead of saying today Bernardo you're an inverted winger, you can be like today Bernardo I want you to do x, y and z without the specifics of the old sliders.

They even added that ramdeuter role one time because Thomas Muller mentioned it once even though they didn't understand the word.
Just checked the roadmap because I remembered today being the first 'reveal'.

Turns out it says "week of October 7th" and not "October 7th".

Odds on it being Sunday?
Probably be the first one since 2008 I won't be buying.
Very curious to see how much of the game they show as part of the women’s football reveal.
They've handled all of this about as badly as they could have. If it wasn't coming from an established series, the game would be getting called vapourware by now.
Of all the copy and pastes they've released over the years and you choose the first true remake to plant your flag in as the moment to duck out? :lol:
I understand this sentiment and bought maybe not all, but 70-80% of previous editions. Not super keen on this one, as I expect the first true remake to be rather buggy and with potentially glitchy mechanics. I'm a huge fan of the series and really hope it comes good so I am happy to buy it, but their marketing has been terrible and no surprise people are not excited about buying it on premiere
Thought we would have heard something by now. Tonight perhaps?

Surely the "Women's Football" reveal is literally just going to be what leagues are playable and what's licensed?

Why announce "week of 7th October" if you're going to be leaving any info until the very end of that week.

Hilarious how badly this has been handled.
I'm so lazy that I can't even be bothered to explain why, so what's the overall attitude towards this from my fellow Cafites? For the record I haven't bought a new one since 22, I just keep updating the lineups.

I really want to get this but so far everything I've seen looks flaky.
I'm so lazy that I can't even be bothered to explain why, so what's the overall attitude towards this from my fellow Cafites? For the record I haven't bought a new one since 22, I just keep updating the lineups.

I really want to get this but so far everything I've seen looks flaky.
miles is a cnut
Surely the "Women's Football" reveal is literally just going to be what leagues are playable and what's licensed?

Why announce "week of 7th October" if you're going to be leaving any info until the very end of that week.

Hilarious how badly this has been handled.
That's kind of why it's funny that they don't even have that out yet.
I'm so lazy that I can't even be bothered to explain why, so what's the overall attitude towards this from my fellow Cafites? For the record I haven't bought a new one since 22, I just keep updating the lineups.

I really want to get this but so far everything I've seen looks flaky.

It was likely to have some teething issues even if it had all gone to plan, given they're moving to a new engine.

From everything we've heard so far, it very much hasn't gone to plan.
I'm kinda interested in delving back into this series. Has much changed since 2001 ?
I'm guessing these two things are connected :lol:


FM24 was announced with them basically going - "Sorry guys but it's basically the same as FM23, but don't worry because FM25 is going to be absolutely bonkers good!"

FM25 was announced and they've basically gone - "So it's going to look like a phone, and we've added the women's game. Also we've removed international management as an option and delayed the release (and all announcements about the new 'features'), but don't worry because Miles cancelled a holiday."
I'm so lazy that I can't even be bothered to explain why, so what's the overall attitude towards this from my fellow Cafites? For the record I haven't bought a new one since 22, I just keep updating the lineups.

I really want to get this but so far everything I've seen looks flaky.
I think there's a decent chance there won't be a game at all until December, and that it'll still be a mess on release. Could even be a Konami PES moment.
Any of you see that video that Unity released yesterday about the match engine and interface from FM. Showed absolutely nothing of the graphics or interface. It was 42 minutes long.
Why remove international management ?

Officially - they've acknowledging that it's not a particularly fleshed out experience and falls short of their quality control.

Reading between the lines - something has fundamentally broken with it as a playable mode and they haven't got enough time to fix it. It simply makes no sense to remove it as a feature if it still worked, even if wasn't the most fun aspect of the game.
Officially - they've acknowledging that it's not a particularly fleshed out experience and falls short of their quality control.

Reading between the lines - something has fundamentally broken with it as a playable mode and they haven't got enough time to fix it. It simply makes no sense to remove it as a feature if it still worked, even if wasn't the most fun aspect of the game.
Like the game then
Like the game then

I'm fully expecting this to be a dumpster fire of a game. The fact they've not even managed to come out on Monday with even a bit of info about women's football is a terrible start to this "roadmap". The fact that they've now got three and a bit days left to reveal what is almost certainly going to amount to "here's some leagues" is hilarious.

They've definitely delayed any announcement because they need to buy time to sort out the actual big "reveals" later on. They're clearly working backwards from "Match Experience" as it's all anyone cares about, and until they're ready to reveal that, every 'reveal' beforehand is going to be left as late as possible. They even dug this hole for themselves by announcing the roadmap in the first place, then saying that the next 'reveal' date will be published when the previous announcement is made. They'd have been better off just saying "updates to come!".
:lol: fecking hell I didn't think it would be that bad.

Was so blatant they were absolutely fighting for their lives behind the scenes.