Final | Spain vs England

Spain unfortunately deserve to win this Euro for being the least pathetic team. It does feel like I am watching a worse version of Man City though.
It’s a chance, but why the fook would you not have shaw play an in swinger from there.
A bunch of mid table La Liga players (Rodri and Yamal aside) vs EPL All stars and La Liga MVP. England must win it. Now or never.
This match has been awful so far, so you know England will fluke a win. It's written in the stars.
Spain the better team but lacking a cutting edge. England haven't been a threat and not on the ball enough.
Another boring England game. They’ll sneak the 1-0 win in the end.
Dare I say England the better of the two sides? Defence rock solid.

Just cancel the tournament. Never happened
awful, awful game, but that was expected. England can feel safe as long as Morata is on the pitch.
Better half from England than I expected. Caused Spain some problems, but for large parts of the match we couldn't get the ball.