F1 2023 Season

Brundle: I guess they want to try and find a fix tonight
Sky Sports F1's Martin Brundle on the challenges in finding a solution to the water cover problems and what happens next:
"They got to establish how many of these need to be fixed. Establish a fix. Do it. Let it dry. And then somebody, especially in a country like America, is going to have to sign that off and say 'that's acceptable, send the cars out there at 220mph, and we think that'll do'.
"Technically somebody has to go 'that is an engineered solution, we are prepared to put our names to and safe it's now safe to send the cars around there'."
And on what might happen next, Martin adds:
"I guess they want to try and find a fix tonight and prove it ready for tomorrow. As soon as I saw it I thought that's going to take an age to get to the bottom off and put something in that's fast setting. How fast is fast? It's not exactly warm out here tonight.
"It felt to me like they should have gone 'ok, we've got a fundamental problem here. Let's stop, fix it, and we'll run a lot more tomorrow."
Just thinking, that is not a man hole cover, its a water valve cover.
What a shitshow.

The locals are absolutely hating this whole event already, if it winds up being a disaster on top there will be a lot of backlash and pressure on local government about future plans.
FIA expecting 10am (UK time) start to FP2
We've just had another update from the FIA, which sounds as though we're heading towards a resumption.
An FIA spokesperson said: "We are currently expecting around two hours of delay from the originally scheduled start time for FP2 in order for the local circuit engineering team to carry out the necessary works on the track.
"The session will be extended to 90 minutes. Will update with more specifics when they’re available."
What a shitshow.

The locals are absolutely hating this whole event already, if it winds up being a disaster on top there will be a lot of backlash and pressure on local government about future plans.
there is a 3 year contract in place and they will want it extended, lessons have to be learnt from this, timing has to be one of them.
there is a 3 year contract in place and they will want it extended, lessons have to be learnt from this, timing has to be one of them.

Also disruption.

Monaco disruption is limited to maybe just over a week? Here it’s been causing issues for months and will likely continue for a good while after the race.

Its a mess.
Just thinking, that is not a man hole cover, its a water valve cover.

no it’s a normal man hole cover. those people are just giants, on account of how big everything is in vegas. their tradespeople need to be tall to be able to reach the top of the bellagio to dust it.
I presume they will have checked all water/man hole covers on the track, but how will they have checked them?
Somebody just going to look, maybe stamp on it and saying yeah that fine, but there could be cracks or damage not visible.
People need to heavily complain about this.

Just looking up videos now and in the day time there is nothing to see regarding the strip because they've boarded up a load of areas so you can't view the race without tickets but that also means you can't view Vegas in the daytime. Poor buggers to anyone that's times a Vegas trip for now without realising or being uninterested in F1.

That's also forgetting the shite track layout and track issues!
Then again, I've never thought to watch a FP session, but now I think I might just have it on in the background.
Imagine starting practice at 2am :lol:

This whole thing is an embarrassment.
Yep, a race the residents of Las Vegas dont want. A race the fans dont want. A race too many for the drivers in an already bloated season. Only one who wants this to happen are the money men and women. They have enough money already as it is.
People need to heavily complain about this.

Just looking up videos now and in the day time there is nothing to see regarding the strip because they've boarded up a load of areas so you can't view the race without tickets but that also means you can't view Vegas in the daytime. Poor buggers to anyone that's times a Vegas trip for now without realising or being uninterested in F1.

That's also forgetting the shite track layout and track issues!

Doubt anyone would unexpectedly plan a trip to Vegas this weekend. The cost is 3x usual, and hotels cancelled existing bookings so they could make more money.
Just about sums up F1 under Liberty Media.

Joke of a sport now.
People seem annoyed because this race is corporate and in ‘merica, but I’m just delighted they’ve finally timed one to coincide with an international break

… if it goes ahead
I presume they will have checked all water/man hole covers on the track, but how will they have checked them?
Somebody just going to look, maybe stamp on it and saying yeah that fine, but there could be cracks or damage not visible.

it’s america. they’ll fire an assault rifle at it and then try and grill something on it.
I did say earlier this week, that this would be either a total shitshow or a great weekend, looking like a total shitshow so far :lol:

it’s modern day f1. those weekends are pretty synonymous now.
Also choosing whether to overtake over potentially exploding manhole covers is like real life Mario kart.