Erik ten Hag vs Sancho | Sancho back in full training

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I don't know what world you all live in. But in the modern world when a manager publicly calls out an employee, its not to "challenge" that employee to do better. A manager has to give his appraisal one to one personally to the employee. if that doesn't work you bring in the HR who then deal with the employee. This is the civilized way to dealing with such issues. Neanderthals might disagree with this approach but this approach just works across all big organizations.
I don’t know what world you are living in, but the manager has bent over backwards for this player, and that kindness and gentleness has not been rewarded at all.

Employees who have had so much special treatment and repay that by failing to turn up on time, or performing to the requisite level, can and should get called out. And thIs calling out was pretty gentle too. The player’s whiny “poor me” response has been pathetically unprofessional really.

I feel sad for EtH that he has wasted so much time and energy on this player, and I feel sorry for the player that he is unwilling to even pretend to try to take advantage of the astonishing opportunity he has been given: to be a star at the biggest club in the world. What a waste all around.
No club is going to take on his wages. And he’s not the type of player to take a pay cut just so he can play.

Honestly, kind of feels like he’s getting exactly what he wants out of life.Tons of cash and zero responsibility now
Of course it could, just say he's injured or sick. If his attitude is still shit then sell him in January, all this shit will do nothing for his resale value.

What's the problem with keeping it in house and saying he's sick/injured, hundreds of managers have done that with thousands of players. Why are we all of a sudden pretending like it's normal for every behind the scenes player issue/problem to be announced in the media.

But there comes a time when things have been dealth with in-house for so long that it is no longer a solution. Ferguson publically challenged Ashley Young about his diving antics:

Ferguson also challenged Rooney publically. Sometimes it just comes down to it. ETH has stood by Sancho and let him have time to recover due to to personal issues. Now it seems that he has had enough, and that Sancho needs to either take the challenge and prove ETH wrong, or do as he did, go off partying. Berbatov said the following: "Had Jadon Sancho done this when Sir Alex Ferguson was the manager, then he would have been out, because no one is bigger than the team." I think he's spot on.

Sancho could have just answered - then I need to up my game and I will prove to myself, ETH and my team that I am ready for the challenge (and earn my bloated pay-check).
Why not? The same fecking things happens in the corporate world and in all work places but in a different scale. All EtH had to do say others trained well and deserve to be ahead of Sancho. Ask Murtough to sell Sancho. That's it. The story is over. Look at this shit now.

On his performance on training we didn't select him, [...] You have to reach the level every day at Manchester United. You can make choices in the front line, so in this game he wasn't selected

Pretty much the same thing, with maybe the middle sentence having a bit of a barb.
Don't see the fuss personally, we'll struggle to sell him regardless anyway.
Of course it could, just say he's injured or sick. If his attitude is still shit then sell him in January, all this shit will do nothing for his resale value.
How have you managed to bold one line and completely miss the entire point? The situation isn’t that ETH made it public. The situation isn’t that sancho responded. The situation is he isn’t training at a high enough level or with an appropriate attitude to be picked in the squad. The rest is irrelevant bollocks - it’s a side show to one simple irrefutable fact: He wasn’t being sodding picked anyway.
This isn't the work experience kid bringing the wrong coffee. This a 350 grand a week player not training. Also, he was given 3 months off on full play last year. ETH has treated him exceptionally kindly. All Sancho has to do is apologize and it's done. If Rashford and Ronaldo can apologize surely a lesser player like Sancho can.
Same shit. He is just an employee. I don't agree with the time off that Sancho got last year. He should have been docked wages if he really asked for time off.

what happened to Rashford is completely different. The situation is not comparable at all. Rashford made a mistake and admitted culpability. Sancho's point is he didn't make any mistake and why would he apologize for it?

EtH has taken that is subjective and made it public and caused this shitstorm. EtH can't definitively prove Sancho didn't train well. Our fans are laptogs when it comes to managers and would believe anything our manager says.

Just to be clear, I'm not siding with Sancho at all. He has been average as feck. My only point is why EtH has made it a public mess? Why can't he have handled this professionally in-house?
On his performance on training we didn't select him, [...] You have to reach the level every day at Manchester United. You can make choices in the front line, so in this game he wasn't selected

Pretty much the same thing, with maybe the middle sentence having a bit of a barb.
Don't see the fuss personally, we'll struggle to sell him regardless anyway.
That pedantic barb has added to more negativity surrounding the club. If we don't play well, this puts more pressure on EtH as well.
Interesting to see what he says at the presser. The more I think of it, the less it matters. Sancho is a squad player at best, yes he happens to have cost a fortune and have a high salary but he was bought under a previous regime and the club has to stomach the fact he’s been a terrible purchase. The fact he’s been dropped isn’t really news - he’s basically not been a first teamer since Antony came and Mount has since come in as well who is better than him.

I’m hopeful ETH just repeats what he said, training levels weren’t good enough and then gives a dismissive response to other journos. Same for Antony questions (no comment) and Maguire can just say he can fight for his place.
I don’t know what world you are living in, but the manager has bent over backwards for this player, and that kindness and gentleness has not been rewarded at all.

Employees who have had so much special treatment and repay that by failing to turn up on time, or performing to the requisite level, can and should get called out. And thIs calling out was pretty gentle too. The player’s whiny “poor me” response has been pathetically unprofessional really.

I feel sad for EtH that he has wasted so much time and energy on this player, and I feel sorry for the player that he is unwilling to even pretend to try to take advantage of the astonishing opportunity he has been given: to be a star at the biggest club in the world. What a waste all around.
No player deserves such special treatment. IMO we should not have given Sancho time off last year, if he asked for one then we should not have paid him wages for that period.
That pedantic barb has added to more negativity surrounding the club. If we don't play well, this puts more pressure on EtH as well.
I don't see it as negativity.
Sancho will barely be missed, he hardly plays anyway and when he does offers a similar amount that Martial does.
ETH putting his foot down is entirely the right thing to do, demonstrates that nobody is exempt from meeting the required standards (even himself if you remember the 13k run he did).
The media circus over this will continue for a while, but in the long run this will benefit the club and build the right culture.
another neanderthal level thinking. Stop caring about what players do in their off time. I'm pretty sure we all could improve ourselves in our respective jobs if we spent some of our vacation time working. But people deserve their off time.
Sorry mate, but I had to report this. Neanderthal? Keep it to the post not the poster.

It is quite different being an athlete compared to most jobs.. A mate of mine who was a top national level junior swimmer. He was told if he wanted to go further, he would have to double his training and quit alcohol altogether - he quit swimming and started drinking, of course. The point is that being a professional athlete is different from having a desk job. They need to take care of their bodies to the extreme. That includes exercise, but equally important sustenance and sleep. Another mate of mine (I have two other Neanderthals in my circle) said that as long as you can go drinking regularly, like once every week, you can no longer call yourself a professional athlete.

Drinking affects your body short term and long term. Short term we all know how, and up to 72 hours it can be quite noticable. If you go drinking on a Saturday night, trainings on Monday will suffer. Would you be happy with that as a manager? Long term, it can affect things such as repair of bone tissue, making injuries more likely.

Then there's the sleep deprevation, and jetlag involved in partying in New-York.

Athletes who drink alcohol at least once per week have an elevated risk of injury as compared to athletes who do not drink -
Same shit. He is just an employee. I don't agree with the time off that Sancho got last year. He should have been docked wages if he really asked for time off.

what happened to Rashford is completely different. The situation is not comparable at all. Rashford made a mistake and admitted culpability. Sancho's point is he didn't make any mistake and why would he apologize for it?

EtH has taken that is subjective and made it public and caused this shitstorm. EtH can't definitively prove Sancho didn't train well. Our fans are laptogs when it comes to managers and would believe anything our manager says.

Just to be clear, I'm not siding with Sancho at all. He has been average as feck. My only point is why EtH has made it a public mess? Why can't he have handled this professionally in-house?
You are just plain wrong.

If reliable journalists the club briefs on a consistent basis are to be believed, Sancho has been consistently late and so he's been dropped. That is not different to what happened to Rashford, and if anything, Rashford's was a one-off as far as we are aware and arguably he was one who you would expect to get special treatment at the time because he was our main goalscorer.

The key difference is Sancho comes out crying about non-existant bad treatment (the same way he did it at Dortmund) and fails to take responsibility for his mistakes like the spoiled brat that he is.

You supporting him in this clown act is quite ironic, especially when you start throwing around the word lapdog about people with reasonable expectations of a highly (highest?) paid player at the club.

The man got asked a question, he answered the question. What's wrong with him being honest in his assessment of the situation?

Why should he in all honesty bother trying to pander to Sancho anymore? He's given him ample playing time, he's given him time off and whatever else. He hasn't done anything to repay any of that, instead he trains poorly and goes and posts crap on twitter instead of proving his worth on the training pitch and games.

If Jadon Sancho can't handle a bit of critiscism or hack the pressure of being expected to turn up and play football everyday for 300k a week. Then he has no business being at Utd.

Because he hasn't done anything to prove he deserves any more chances.

You’re not comprehending what you’re reading. Yes ETH answered a question but his answer, however truthful it was, was completely out of order. Sancho has been shit and I’ve called for Pellistri to start (due to Antony problems on and off the pitch) over the shit footballer. I personally think the hatchet has to be buried, but the issues between the two should not be aired in public. There’s no undoing what has been done, but what was done began with Sancho being shit, continued when ETH truthfully answered a media question as to why he dropped Sancho for a massive fixture, then continued with Sancho going on social media. Poor form by both. But now the ball is in Sancho’s court and I hope that thus gets sorted out professionally, which means privately, and not through the media.
On one way ETH saying what he said in public doesn't help for Sancho's resale value and I agree that it should have been kept inside, on the other side, there should be messages sent to every player in that squad and every player coming to United, either fight or die. Losing half of Sancho's resale value that goes to Glazer pockets anyway is not that big of a deal but putting a stamp on this club being one where work should be treated seriously is.
Time off from what? Being rubbish at his job?

You are another one of these apologists that clearly do not live in the real world or you think professional football is the same as working in a supermarket.

This is spoiled brat behaviour from the player and you supporting it tells me you share this thinking.
I have seen this all happen before at our club. I know it's not going to end well. People like you get gratification from crap players getting such treatment thinking the club is going to gain something. But it only adds to the negativity. EtH has put himself under immense pressure now, if he doesn't deliver this situation could turn on him.
Why talk about Sancho not training to our "standard" at all? What the feck was that supposed to achieve?
What else do you want him to say? He was injured? If Sancho comes and says he wasn't injured and was available like Lingard did against Rangnick, which judging by his reaction now would definitely happen, it would be the same shitstorm.

And it's not like Ten Hag spoke about him unprovoked. He was asked where this highest paid player at the club was and he gave an answer. He also said in the same interview that he had no issues with Sancho's conduct. Sancho decided to take a simple statement and blew it out of proportion.

The simple thing would have been to do that extra bit in training. We all now know he doesn't want to do that.
ETH was asked why Sancho was not in the squad, he said - on his performance on training, we didn't select him, you have to reach the level every day at Manchester United. You can make choices in the front line so in this game he wasn't selected.

That is not hanging out to dry by any stretch
It is if you’re the type of person who insists on throwing your own interpretation over other people’s words.

Is clear
I don't see it as negativity.
Sancho will barely be missed, he hardly plays anyway and when he does offers a similar amount that Martial does.
ETH putting his foot down is entirely the right thing to do, demonstrates that nobody is exempt from meeting the required standards (even himself if you remember the 13k run he did).
The media circus over this will continue for a while, but in the long run this will benefit the club and build the right culture.
Not really. EtH himself hasn't proven much at this club. He hasn't had a good start to this season. If we don't play well, then situation will turn around on him.
Just simplify the argument...EtH has always given answers to every question in his press conferences, when asked why Jadon wasn't in the squad, he answered his training that week wasn't good enough.

No motive or agenda...just a simple explanation...The End.
What else do you want him to say? He was injured? If Sancho comes and says he wasn't injured and was available like Lingard did against Rangnick, which judging by his reaction now would definitely happen, it would be the same shitstorm.

And it's not like Ten Hag spoke about him unprovoked. He was asked where this highest paid player at the club was and he gave an answer. He also said in the same interview that he had no issues with Sancho's conduct. Sancho decided to take a simple statement and blew it out of proportion.

The simple thing would have been to do that extra bit in training. We all now know he doesn't want to do that.
There are plenty of diplomatic ways to handle it like i have mentioned in this thread. EtH chose to make this an issue now.
Same shit. He is just an employee. I don't agree with the time off that Sancho got last year. He should have been docked wages if he really asked for time off.

what happened to Rashford is completely different. The situation is not comparable at all. Rashford made a mistake and admitted culpability. Sancho's point is he didn't make any mistake and why would he apologize for it?

EtH has taken that is subjective and made it public and caused this shitstorm. EtH can't definitively prove Sancho didn't train well. Our fans are laptogs when it comes to managers and would believe anything our manager says.

Just to be clear, I'm not siding with Sancho at all. He has been average as feck. My only point is why EtH has made it a public mess? Why can't he have handled this professionally in-house?

Maybe .. you know... just maybe... that ETH isnt that noob you think he is and he has tried all methods available to him.

Most managers dont just go trigger happy, they too read management 101 and always favors the in-house approach.

Most managers knew their success and livelihood depends on the players and most the time they're not stupid enough to risk such a risky move by going public.

You seems to think that Sancho has not had his fair share of arms around his shoulder

If your manager feels he needs to question you in public, you better believe you've crossed the line.

So.. feck Sancho feeling. Time to put up or shut up. It's not like he wasnt given time to step up. feck him
Why talk about Sancho not training to our "standard" at all? What the feck was that supposed to achieve?

You are right. I agree with your posts here. It was a mistake by ETH. He probably has not realized yet where he is, and that any negative comment will be discussed for a long time. It was pointless for him to start a public spat with a player. He has all the power to not play him, to reprimand him in private, there is nothing more to gain by reprimanding him in public.

The explanations I can see are: 1) ETH just lost his nerve and said something without thinking, or 2) he really misjudged the repercussions, or 3) he really feels the need to show everyone "who is the boss here". All three possible reasons are signs of bad management and unfortunately, they will bring more problems in the future.
You are just plain wrong.

If reliable journalists the club briefs on a consistent basis are to be believed, Sancho has been consistently late and so he's been dropped. That is not different to what happened to Rashford, and if anything, Rashford's was a one-off as far as we are aware and arguably he was one who you would expect to get special treatment at the time because he was our main goalscorer.

The key difference is Sancho comes out crying about non-existant bad treatment (the same way he did it at Dortmund) and fails to take responsibility for his mistakes like the spoiled brat that he is.

You supporting him in this clown act is quite ironic, especially when you start throwing around the word lapdog about people with reasonable expectations of a highly (highest?) paid player at the club.
We fined Rashford. Why can't we consistently fine Sancho as well?

Again I'm not supporting Sancho. All I'm trying to say is that all these issues should always be handled internally. Why bring it out in a press conference and bring on this shitstorm?
SAF won a bunch of trophies when he did that please dont compare them

Totally irrelevant.

Any decent manager has the same principles as SAF and ETH, their achievements mean nothing in this context. Player questions their authority = shitcanned.
Why talk about Sancho not training to our "standard" at all? What the feck was that supposed to achieve?

Put a message out to players. Put a message out to those that might join and think it’s a piece of piss to play for United.

Everyone knows you’re put on blast if you don’t match up to the standards required now and if you decide to act up about it, you lose.

Whilst it’s a message to the players, it’s also to the fans and the media because we’re currently known as a soft touch joke. We’ve got to be public about how our standards and culture are changing cause we need to let more than just the players know.
Sorry mate, but I had to report this. Neanderthal? Keep it to the post not the poster.

It is quite different being an athlete compared to most jobs.. A mate of mine who was a top national level junior swimmer. He was told if he wanted to go further, he would have to double his training and quit alcohol altogether - he quit swimming and started drinking, of course. The point is that being a professional athlete is different from having a desk job. They need to take care of their bodies to the extreme. That includes exercise, but equally important sustenance and sleep. Another mate of mine (I have two other Neanderthals in my circle) said that as long as you can go drinking regularly, like once every week, you can no longer call yourself a professional athlete.

Drinking affects your body short term and long term. Short term we all know how, and up to 72 hours it can be quite noticable. If you go drinking on a Saturday night, trainings on Monday will suffer. Would you be happy with that as a manager? Long term, it can affect things such as repair of bone tissue, making injuries more likely.

Then there's the sleep deprevation, and jetlag involved in partying in New-York.

Athletes who drink alcohol at least once per week have an elevated risk of injury as compared to athletes who do not drink -
Who asked all this? The club doesn't have power to dictate what players can or can't do in their off time. I'm pretty sure all of this down in their contracts.
There are plenty of diplomatic ways to handle it like i have mentioned in this thread. EtH chose to make this an issue now.
Nah man. Go and look at that interview again and see what ETH said. It was very mild. Sancho decided to make it an issue. If he says nothing it would have been forgotten within a day.

I'm sure ETH did try those other diplomatic ways last year where he more or less protected him for the whole season and also gave him 3months time off. Which other professional footballer took a 3month time off bang in the middle of the season? ETH had been very patient with him. If you can't meet the bare minimum of training to the standards then you have no business remaining at the club and earning 350k.
Put a message out to players. Put a message out to those that might join and think it’s a piece of piss to play for United.

Everyone knows you’re put on blast if you don’t match up to the standards required now and if you decide to act up about it, you lose.

Whilst it’s a message to the players, it’s also to the fans and the media because we’re currently known as a soft touch joke. We’ve got to be public about how our standards and culture are changing cause we need to let more than just the players know.
This is such amateur level of thought. It's not the first time something like this has happened. Don't you people remember what happened under Mourinho? Same crap. We all know how it ended. All this has done is put insane pressure on ourselves when we are already reeling from the Antony and Greenwood saga.
I'm pretty sure he did. If EtH thinks that didn't work then there are other avenues to resolve this in-house. Talking about that publicly is never right.

You’re not comprehending what you’re reading. Yes ETH answered a question but his answer, however truthful it was, was completely out of order. Sancho has been shit and I’ve called for Pellistri to start (due to Antony problems on and off the pitch) over the shit footballer. I personally think the hatchet has to be buried, but the issues between the two should not be aired in public. There’s no undoing what has been done, but what was done began with Sancho being shit, continued when ETH truthfully answered a media question as to why he dropped Sancho for a massive fixture, then continued with Sancho going on social media. Poor form by both. But now the ball is in Sancho’s court and I hope that thus gets sorted out professionally, which means privately, and not through the media.

I think he was right to answer the question as he did. The player is not meeting the standards expected, other players are and on that basis he chose not select him. He's also right to remove him from first team training.

Why should he lie? Why not just be blunt and honest? If the player cannot accept that he's not doing enough while being paid extremely well, then he needs to take a long hard look at himself, instead of going on twitter to have a whinge.

The one in the wrong here is Sancho, not repaying the time and effort the manager and club have given him to get himself sorted, not putting in the effort and performances required and then putting out a cry baby tweet when someone points out the obvious to him, he needs to grow up.
Put a message out to players. Put a message out to those that might join and think it’s a piece of piss to play for United.

Everyone knows you’re put on blast if you don’t match up to the standards required now and if you decide to act up about it, you lose.

Whilst it’s a message to the players, it’s also to the fans and the media because we’re currently known as a soft touch joke. We’ve got to be public about how our standards and culture are changing cause we need to let more than just the players know.

If what you are saying is true and the manager needs to do that in public, he already lost the locker. I hope this isn't true.
SAF won a bunch of trophies when he did that please dont compare them

SAF was just as strict when he walked into Man Utd, plenty of stories about him and Knox, it didn't start just when he started winning trophies. So yes, you can compare them to be fair.
This whole argument is so insane to me, I genuinely don't see how anyone can take Sancho's side in this. We have no idea exactly what is going on behind the scenes but we do know that last season ETH gave him a lot of slack and a lot of time to deal with whatever was going on and was nothing but supportive. It seems like ETH doesn't feel like Sancho is repaying that good faith and like Sancho can't even be bothered to turn up to training on time.

Sancho's reaction tells you all you need to know about him and his desire to succeed here. He'd rather play the victim than turn up on time and give a little effort. His attitude shows on the pitch and has been collaborated by all of his past clubs and England as well. Sancho is the issue, not ETH.
You are right. I agree with your posts here. It was a mistake by ETH. He probably has not realized yet where he is, and that any negative comment will be discussed for a long time. It was pointless for him to start a public spat with a player. He has all the power to not play him, to reprimand him in private, there is nothing more to gain by reprimanding him in public.

The explanations I can see are: 1) ETH just lost his nerve and said something without thinking, or 2) he really misjudged the repercussions, or 3) he really feels the need to show everyone "who is the boss here". All three possible reasons are signs of bad management and unfortunately, they will bring more problems in the future.
Thank you. Finally some sense.
We fined Rashford. Why can't we consistently fine Sancho as well?

Again I'm not supporting Sancho. All I'm trying to say is that all these issues should always be handled internally. Why bring it out in a press conference and bring on this shitstorm?
We didn't just fine Rashford, he was benched for being seconds late.He then came on and won us the game.

Everyone was puzzled why he was benched before the game, the question got asked and EtH answered. Rashford confirmed.

Nothing in that screams favouritism toward Rashford. If anything, Sancho should be out of the squad until he buys a proper alarm clock.
Who asked all this? The club doesn't have power to dictate what players can or can't do in their off time. I'm pretty sure all of this down in their contracts.

What do you mean? Implied in every contract, you have to be prepared for work. Coming to work with a hangover will not be tolerated many places, for instance. Therefore, it is not unheard of that athletes have strict rules when it comes to drinking.

Apparantly, Ferguson had a no-drink rule when in training - so that made drinking quite prohibitive as a general rule. Now, Sancho had a lengthy leave so he was entitled to do as he pleased, but considering the effect of alcohol and jetlag, it was definitely not a wise thing to do. It wasn't wrong by law or stature or even norms, but it was unwise.
SAF was just as strict when he walked into Man Utd, plenty of stories about him and Knox, it didn't start just when he started winning trophies. So yes, you can compare them to be fair.
You cant can you mate? Saf won the CWC beating Bayern and Real on the way with Aberdeen and ETH got a much richer and influential Ajax playing fancy football and reaching the SF of the CL
This whole argument is so insane to me, I genuinely don't see how anyone can take Sancho's side in this. We have no idea exactly what is going on behind the scenes but we do know that last season ETH gave him a lot of slack and a lot of time to deal with whatever was going on and was nothing but supportive. It seems like ETH doesn't feel like Sancho is repaying that good faith and like Sancho can't even be bothered to turn up to training on time.

Sancho's reaction tells you all you need to know about him and his desire to succeed here. He'd rather play the victim than turn up on time and give a little effort. His attitude shows on the pitch and has been collaborated by all of his past clubs and England as well. Sancho is the issue, not ETH.

I don't think anyone is taking Sancho's side. Sancho should be sold. But ETH did not make it easier to sell the player by telling everyone that this player is lazy.

ETH is the boss. If he needs to tell the public, he is actually undermining himself as a boss, because he shows he cannot solve the problems internally. And he has many tools, fines, not playing Sancho, selling him, whatever. He does not need to tell us about it. He needs to solve the problem internally.
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