Erik ten Hag vs Sancho | Sancho back in full training

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Posts like this annoy me no end, it comes under the presumption that the manager hadn't tried other approaches or tactics until this point.

We are I'll informed on what has been going on behind closed doors and to say the manager could've handled it differently then tell me what is wrong with this statement?

On his performance on training we didn't select him, [...] You have to reach the level every day at Manchester United. You can make choices in the front line, so in this game he wasn't selected

Sancho decided to take this nuclear, when AWB & Rashford knuckled down and got on with it. The player is at fault and I've seen nothing to change my mind on this, if you are not performing to a required level then I'd expect to get called out for it.

And using a crisis as an excuse to reward poor behaviour with gametime is ridiculous, what kind of precident does that set within a squad?

You have experienced winners in the squad who will see players get gametime due to crisis when they aren't up to scratch, do you not think this would cause players to lose faith in a manager?

I bet you defended the players who were throwing previous managers under the bus on a consistent basis, we have a manger taking a stand and demanding a standard now.

EtH should be given support considering the toxicity we've had up until now with the players ousting managers who they disagreed with.

This is Manchester United, if you are told you aren't up to scratch then either put the work in or get your agent to go club searching for a club with lower standards demanded.
I agree with a lot of what you said but I havent felt this loyal support on the CAF to the manager when Jose got sacked and Pogba just neatly made a post on his Instagram account hours after his sacking. At the end of the day this is a professional football club, Sancho is a player and we have issues with the lack of options on his position
When you have a group that's about 30 players deep and you're finishing last for effort that says a lot about your self-discipline and professionalism. It doesn't take talent to arrive early in training, it doesn't take talent not be the laziest of the lot. That alone would get you fired in the real world. People defending Sancho has never managed anyone.
He should really go back on loan to the Bundesliga, perhaps even Dortmund again and try to rebuild. Felt like he was comfortable there and his output was phenomenal.
When you have a group that's about 30 players deep and you're finishing last for effort that says a lot about your self-discipline and professionalism. It doesn't take talent to arrive early in training, it doesn't take talent not be the laziest of the lot. That alone would get you fired in the real world. People defending Sancho has never managed anyone.

The 'real world' is different to a football club though. This isn't managing an office of people that can be hired and fired at no cost - he is an £80m asset and it comes at huge cost to the club when he is not playing or is being forced out.
I agree with a lot of what you said but I havent felt this loyal support on the CAF to the manager when Jose got sacked and Pogba just neatly made a post on his Instagram account hours after his sacking. At the end of the day this is a professional football club, Sancho is a player and we have issues with the lack of options on his position
Mourinho was toxic though. He would have issues with players, officials, opposition managers etc, he had a long history of this. ETH comes across as calm and diplomatic when people like this openly criticize you then there's usually a good reason.
Yet another disaster of a transfer, this has gone pear shaped very quickly, £80m down the drain.
The 'real world' is different to a football club though. This isn't managing an office of people that can be hired and fired at no cost - he is an £80m asset and it comes at huge cost to the club when he is not playing or is being forced out.
We were never getting any serious amount back for Sancho and with that attitude he is never becoming the player we hoped. And the real world isn't that different, with an attitude like that and the level of application he brings his career will only go down hill.
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Evidence would suggest EtH has tried the soft approach last season when Sancho had the best part of 3 months off.

If the player is not responding (and has been at the club for 3 seasons) then the why not try the public approach?
When has something like that ever worked? It only vilifies the player more. What with the increased social media spotlight, players are under pressure as well. Fans especially our fans are quick to turn on players especially when something comes from the manager. We have seen it with Shaw, Marital and Pogba under Mourinho. I'm not siding with Sancho in this case, he could be in the wrong but to hang him out to dry in public was unwarranted.

IMO what EtH should have done is just drop him.
In a way this is a good opportunity for ETH and the club to make a proper defining statement about what is expected from our players. Namely that if you come to Manchester United, if you accept the generous terms we give, then you have to be willing to give 100% all the time, everywhere on and off the pitch. If you don't want to, or can't do that to the required standard anymore, then you either leave at the earliest opportunity or you take the consequences for your career by sitting out the squad. For that reason we should be very careful what loans and conditions we might accept for Sancho if indeed he is willing to sit out his contract. Obviously we should try to resolve underlying issues first, as we have in this case, but if not then this is the way it has to be.,

It might sound harsh, but we cannot be seen to allow players to get away with this disrespect by giving comfortable loan moves for them when there is no prospect of rehabilitation. An attitude of willing to sit it out won't go away, so there is no point in trying to appease it. It has to be seen to be detrimental to have that attitude here. It will hopefully send a message, one that has been lacking for years, to any young players and potential signings that we aren't soft marks anymore. Does it mean it might make it harder to recruit? Yes. Does it mean we are less likely to get mugged off by chancers like this? Yes. I'll take the former to get the latter.
Sounds like he's been trying to solve it in house. He had 3 months off last year let's not forget, and ETH and the club were very cagey about the reasons.

At some point, people just have to be called out.
Not really you know. One thing it actually puts off any potential buyers when we try to sell those players. Who is going to pay the premium for a player who doesn't train properly or has attitude issues? Players like these should be phased out silently.
We were never get any serious amount back for Sancho and with that attitude he is never becoming the player we hoped. And the real world isn't that different, with an attitude like that and the level of application he brings his career will only go down hill.

You can't just fire him though (or, in this case, buy out his contract). There's two options - try to keep him ticking over to retain value, before selling in the next window. Or work with him to try to get him on track and fulfilling his potential. What we have done is neither - it was the worst outcome.
When has something like that ever worked? It only vilifies the player more. What with the increased social media spotlight, players are under pressure as well. Fans especially our fans are quick to turn on players especially when something comes from the manager. We have seen it with Shaw, Marital and Pogba under Mourinho. I'm not siding with Sancho in this case, he could be in the wrong but to hang him out to dry in public was unwarranted.

IMO what EtH should have done is just drop him.
No one hung anyone out to dry, people need to chill with this shit. The manager was asked where he was and he simply said he wasn’t selected due to his performances in training. This is after Ten Hag has publicly and privately covered for him for the last 12 months.
Not really you know. One thing it actually puts off any potential buyers when we try to sell those players. Who is going to pay the premium for a player who doesn't train properly or has attitude issues? Players like these should be phased out silently.
So you’re saying we should just do what dortmund did? Tell McLaren his new job is to wake Sancho up every day and make sure he attends things on time, help him get dressed and wipe his arse, then when he’s playing well we sell him? Do you not think that would piss off the rest of the playing staff immensely and raise suspicion amongst buyers who know that United don’t sell their best players?
So you’re saying we should just do what dortmund did? Tell McLaren his new job is to wake Sancho up every day and make sure he attends things on time, help him get dressed and wipe his arse, then when he’s playing well we sell him? Do you not think that would piss off the rest of the playing staff immensely and raise suspicion amongst buyers who know that United don’t sell their best players?
"Hi Jadon, you want picking up in the morning pal?"

Should be fun. Speaks volumes when even Chelsea walk away from signing you. Have Juve got any cash left?

It really is frustrating. I've managed hundreds of high level people myself over the years, and there's nothing more disappointing than someone with all the talent and potential in the world failing because of their attitude, especially when you've invested so much time and effort in helping them try and become the best version of themselves. Ultimately, beliefs drive behaviours and Jadon's focus is clearly way off centre.

He's almost becoming the figure, which epitomises the monster moden day football has systemically helped to grow (although I know many have walked this road before). Sancho has to take overall responsibility of course for his own actions, but the senior leaders he works for - and I include United, The Premier League, UEFA, FIFA - even Sky - in all of that, also have a collective responsibility. You cannot expect to throw millions of pounds at inexperienced, naive, immature (in some cases) lads, and expect them to turn into well balanced, considered, grounded, team players, without a great deal of support. Those who do either have fantastic support around them, old heads before their time, or both.

Not making any excuses for Sancho here, he's had his chance and in my opinion needs to leave. We need to move forward, and in any business if there are barriers to growth then you need to either change the person, or change the person. He's had plenty support from ETH by the sounds of it and has chosen to go on his own path. So be it, he's old enough to make his bed and lie in it. I just feel that he's one in a long line, and clubs are going to be spending a lot more on repeat recruitment unless the sport as a whole changes the reward structures currently in place. United, you have to admit, continue to be the head of this particular snake.
In a way this is a good opportunity for ETH and the club to make a proper defining statement about what is expected from our players. Namely that if you come to Manchester United, if you accept the generous terms we give, then you have to be willing to give 100% all the time, everywhere on and off the pitch. If you don't want to, or can't do that to the required standard anymore, then you either leave at the earliest opportunity or you take the consequences for your career by sitting out the squad. For that reason we should be very careful what loans and conditions we might accept for Sancho if indeed he is willing to sit out his contract. Obviously we should try to resolve underlying issues first, as we have in this case, but if not then this is the way it has to be.,

It might sound harsh, but we cannot be seen to allow players to get away with this disrespect by giving comfortable loan moves for them when there is no prospect of rehabilitation. An attitude of willing to sit it out won't go away, so there is no point in trying to appease it. It has to be seen to be detrimental to have that attitude here. It will hopefully send a message, one that has been lacking for years, to any young players and potential signings that we aren't soft marks anymore. Does it mean it might make it harder to recruit? Yes. Does it mean we are less likely to get mugged off by chancers like this? Yes. I'll take the former to get the latter.
Yeah exactly we have been crying out for proper leadership, people complaining about players not playing to the required levels expected. How they phone it in and get managers fired. ETH is being proactive here, getting rid of players who don't fully buy into his principles. If he doesn't get rid of them they'll soon get him fired. And this sends a message to prospective signings and new arrivals. Its serious business here. You earn every penny you get. No coasting around. Sancho has a nickname over here . 'Yahoo boy'. A term used to describe young men who are into internet fraud due to how he wants it easy without putting the work.
Can we all please stop pointing to the glory days of SAF? Management style like that is a thing of the past. It won't work anymore. Always looking back on those days has caused our current stagnation and continued deterioration. If EtH thinks Sancho doesn't train well then drop him, he could have indicated to the management to try and sell him as well. Why can't we handle things professionally anymore? There are plenty of bad eggs when it comes to players and every other club seem to handle them very well. We are the only basket case these times.
'Oh but it's only ok if you're Pep'

This is a nonsensical argument. It's the equivalent of saying a player shouldn't play or train like a top player because he isn't a top player yet.

When Pep makes a critical judgement over a specific player has it ever gathered traction to the degree it has when other managers do it ? Just look at what he said about Phillips :lol:. It's just how the cookie crumbles in the game. The argument is not that a manager cannot publicly criticize a player it's that unless a manager falls within a certain caliber of credibility the consequences of doing so is often more damaging. This is comprehensively worse than a decade or so ago now that the players in some instances have more power than the manager.
This is what I saw too. I mentioned it on the transfer thread at the time he concerned me that he would be a bust but everyone seemed so sure.
I remember hearing back down then that he benched Pulisic at Dortmund. However after watching the both of them, I remember thinking Pulisic was a better fit for the EPL because of his intensity and aggression. Hope I was wrong, turns out I wasn't. Pulisic just has an injury problem.
So you’re saying we should just do what dortmund did? Tell McLaren his new job is to wake Sancho up every day and make sure he attends things on time, help him get dressed and wipe his arse, then when he’s playing well we sell him? Do you not think that would piss off the rest of the playing staff immensely and raise suspicion amongst buyers who know that United don’t sell their best players?
United doesn't even sell their terrible players and it's also sometimes not understandable who they sign, so no one will care.

And if necessary to get him perform, why not create the position of a personal assistant to Sancho and deduce his wages fron Sancho's? Offer the same thing to all players and no one will complain (but of course some would make fun of the lazy guys who use that offer).
So you’re saying we should just do what dortmund did? Tell McLaren his new job is to wake Sancho up every day and make sure he attends things on time, help him get dressed and wipe his arse, then when he’s playing well we sell him? Do you not think that would piss off the rest of the playing staff immensely and raise suspicion amongst buyers who know that United don’t sell their best players?
Why make up a silly strawman argument? I never said we should baby Sancho. Just don't call him out publicly. Put him on the transfer list, say he doesn't suit our style, say he is only good on the left wing and Rashford is much better over there. There are plenty of diplomatic ways to phase out a player and then sell him. You don't have to call him shit or lazy in public.
When has something like that ever worked? It only vilifies the player more. What with the increased social media spotlight, players are under pressure as well. Fans especially our fans are quick to turn on players especially when something comes from the manager. We have seen it with Shaw, Marital and Pogba under Mourinho. I'm not siding with Sancho in this case, he could be in the wrong but to hang him out to dry in public was unwarranted.

You can't just fire him though (or, in this case, buy out his contract). There's two options - try to keep him ticking over to retain value, before selling in the next window. Or work with him to try to get him on track and fulfilling his potential. What we have done is neither - it was the worst outcome.
Don't you think ETH has tried all that, remember the three month break last season. I remember the arms around the shoulder when he was about to get subbed in after his return. I remember ETH keeping it vague without giving away what led to him being away. I don't think ETH hasn't tried. I remember ETH using him on the left, behind the striker and as an 8 just to get him to. At some point its simply up to Sancho, he's ultimately responsible for himself isn't he?
We'll probably sell him in January for what we can get. At the end of the day Sancho will bear the bigger loss throwing away the best opportunity he'll probably get in his career.
No one hung anyone out to dry, people need to chill with this shit. The manager was asked where he was and he simply said he wasn’t selected due to his performances in training. This is after Ten Hag has publicly and privately covered for him for the last 12 months.
EtH hung Sancho out to dry in the public. There is nothing to chill, it's the truth. In this age of media, telling a player isn't selected because he didnt train well is akin to saying he is a fecking lazy bastard.
People may be in his ear to get him to move for less though judging by this?

"Sources close" is a journalists alternative way of saying "I made some shit up, please click".

And, invariably, it gets lapped up by the horde on Twitter and taken as gospel.

The sooner society realises that unless it comes directly from the player or the club, it is most likely a load of made up shite that people just accept as truth, as it fits the narrative or agenda being pushed that they want to be true.
Why can't all this shit happen when the Saudi window was open? We could have at least saved ourselves some wages.
The 'real world' is different to a football club though. This isn't managing an office of people that can be hired and fired at no cost - he is an £80m asset and it comes at huge cost to the club when he is not playing or is being forced out.
But football clubs also need to live in a meritocracy, don't matter the size of your contract you either put up or ship out. Even if he is an £80m asset he is no good to us if he is slacking because that attitude is contagious and will spread around the squad quickly. The good thing about football is that as you are losing an £80m player in Sancho you are also opening up an opportunity for another to emerge.

Protecting the value of contracts is what led us to keeping unserious footballers for far too long and contributed to the rot we are struggling to cut out. I am sure in is contract there are break clauses that can see him get sacked or fined heavily for everyday this spat is unresolved but we won't because the Glazers want a fee but sometimes at this level you have to forgo the fee and move on - this will show the other players that slacking won't be tolerated and help maintain high standards.
I have a theory a factor in ETH wanting Mount is due to his ability to provide cover and flexibility with his ability to play a number of positions (RW, LW, CAM, CM). This wouldn't have been as pressing a need in the squad if Sancho, a player who in theory could provide options on both flanks and at 10, but ETH saw enough last year to know he wasn't a player he could count on.

Bringing in Amrabat, as well as ETH's apparent plan to use Mainoo in the first team this season, should allow us to use Mount more in attacking positions, specifically on the right, where we are short on numbers and quality atm. It's worth noting that in preseason, before being injured, Mainoo was selected in what was obviously ETH's strongest XI, with Mount at RW against Real. It's just 1 match in preseason, but at the very least it's a tactical setup he was at least considering.

Perhaps I'm thinking about this way too hard, but to me it seems Mount and Sancho offer some similar qualities and positional flexibility, but one plays and trains with the actual intensity, commitment, and focus that ETH demands. It would not surprise me if Sancho's lack of dependability which ETH witnessed first hand last year played into the thinking that led to United chasing and ultimately landing Mount in the summer window.
I think you are right that Mount‘s flexibility is a factor. Every squad should have some players like that, which makes dealing with injuries easier and allows more tactical flexibility as well.

I don‘t know if it is related to Sancho, but it could be. Sancho can play as lw, rw, false nine and am. If he fecking trained.
So you’re saying we should just do what dortmund did? Tell McLaren his new job is to wake Sancho up every day and make sure he attends things on time, help him get dressed and wipe his arse, then when he’s playing well we sell him? Do you not think that would piss off the rest of the playing staff immensely and raise suspicion amongst buyers who know that United don’t sell their best players?
United don’t sell their worst players either.
United don’t sell their worst players either.
Fred was sold, telles gone. a bid was accepted for Maguire, a bid was accepted for Vdb if I'm not mistaken. It was reported united was open to a sale for Sancho. Jones ran out his contract. That and the exits the previous summer suggests the club is trying to move on players ETH doesn't fancy
There needs to be discipline at the club. Yes, we're short on options, but worse is to have the manager and club cater to someone with this shit attitude. I'd rather take the pain of a rough season, than have us compromise with someone who doesn't give a shit about doing his job. What kind of message would that send? The club may as well not exist if players think they can come in and run things.

Club needs to stand strong here, it's the best option in the medium and long term health of the club.

Sancho has really infuriated me. Does he know how much sacrifice most fans make to support the club and ultimately pay his salary? And this guy does not believe he should give the bare minimum in exchange for his huge wages? I have no patience for this kind of attitude.

Also happy the club is communicating with the fans on what is going on. Don't mind the announcements. Much better than letting the tabloid press set all the narratives.
I'm hoping for the biggest turnaround we've ever seen but I think it's curtains for him at Manchester United unfortunately.
When has something like that ever worked? It only vilifies the player more. What with the increased social media spotlight, players are under pressure as well. Fans especially our fans are quick to turn on players especially when something comes from the manager. We have seen it with Shaw, Marital and Pogba under Mourinho. I'm not siding with Sancho in this case, he could be in the wrong but to hang him out to dry in public was unwarranted.

IMO what EtH should have done is just drop him.

Yeah it’s something that will divide the fans.

I can’t really sympathise with a player who can’t be bothered turning up on time. That’s where I am with Sancho.

Quoting players like Pogba just makes me feel the manager was correct or they should have binned them off sooner haha. SAF and Pep are ruthless in that regard.
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