Erik ten Hag vs Sancho | Sancho back in full training

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And therefore it may surprise me that ETH chooses to criticize exactly Sancho in public. This does not mean that Sancho cannot be criticized for poor efforts in training. But keep such criticisms internal with an employee who a short time ago was away with "mental issues".

When did this happen?
Of course he is. On this occasion he hasn't done anything wrong. He answered a question. He didn't berate him like Jose did Shaw. To be fair to Erik he has tried various ways to get sancho sorted.

If I was late multiple times my boss would be calling me out.
Just because he didn't do anything wrong, doesn't mean he did it right.
Nonsense. what he said to Sancho wasn't even a criticism. It was an explanation.

Fcuk I hate this. You've made up an explanation that you prefer and are projecting Ten Hag will "lose the dressing room" because of it.

What a crock of shite.

I guess if you were mentally weak, you'd think that. Proper tough grown up players, great players, of the type we want, would react differently and just train harder, prove the boss wrong on the pitch not whinge about it in the media. All Sancho has proven is he's immature.

Pisses me off anyone would take his side on this, supporters shouldn't tolerate players at the level United aspires to, reacting like that.
ETH did the club and us all a great service when he ousted the over paid perpetual whiners and bad apples like Pogba and his accolytes and Ronaldo who though he was nowhere near the player he had once been still believed his hype. "Player power" had been calling the tune for several seasons but ETH sorted the problem, but now it seems theres another bad apple trying to rock the boat because he believes ETH was nasty to him, well boo hoo, grow up!
So instead, let's address it to what ETH called it in January: "Mental issues". But it doesn't change much. Sancho was out for a long period with, among other things, "mental issues". Here you can probably expect that it has not been an easy game for Sancho since he was away for so long. And therefore it may surprise me that ETH chooses to criticize exactly Sancho in public. This does not mean that Sancho cannot be criticized for poor efforts in training. But keep such criticisms internal with an employee who a short time ago was away with "mental issues".
"In this moment he is not fit enough," Ten Hag told a news conference on Thursday.

"It's physical, but physical is also the connection with mental. But I think he is now making good progress on the physical part and that will help him.

"Mental issues" is never said even once. You're just making things up again.

It's like Sancho's own defense. He's apparently being made a scapegoat because....what? His manager wants him to do better? If his reaction to what his manager said above is to go on social media and have a rant, and still turn up late for training and play FIFA until 2 in the morning then I'd bet my house that Ten Hag has privately told him on multiple occasions to apply himself more in training and had little success.
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I don't think any player will appreciate being described as lazy in training by their boss. It's fair enough to criticize Sancho internally, but why do it publicly against a player who has just had a prolonged bout of depression.

It's too bad that many fans don't even try to see this situation from more than one side. Of course Sancho should not have answered in public. But after all, it was his boss who started this discussion in public.
That didn’t happen and you’re right, no one should be happy about that, which is why you never let your standards drop to the point your boss can call you out on it. Imagine playing for United on that much money and you train so bad your boss calls you out on it? You’d be ashamed of yourself.
still amazed every time i pop in here and see people still trying to somehow defend sancho and slate EtH.
Maybe Ten Hag should be criticized for answering that JS had not done enough in training to warrant a place in the squad, maybe not. Maybe you should be criticized for making up a psychiatric diagnosis about someone you don’t know and presenting it as undeniable fact. Am I allowed to criticize you for that?
You've gone too far. This is tantamount to personally abusing the poor poster who is just talking out of his arse, Talksport style.
I strongly dislike that internal discussions are aired in the media; this is petty and unnecessary. Much of my respect for ETH has been lost after this. How on earth is Sancho supposed to bounce back from this? He can comfortably sit back and collect his salary while the club looks for a new employer for him. If I were Sancho, having struggled with mental health issues and experienced this, I would never play for the club again! It's beneath the club's dignity to air their dirty laundry in the media.
I see no difference between Jose and ETH, I don't think he's worthy of beeing our manager anymore, unless he fixes the problem he created! No more internal matters should be brought to the media.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

What relation are you to Sancho?
:lol: :lol: :lol:

What relation are you to Sancho?
ha exactly. "airing internal matters" EtH made a simple, generic, coachspeak comment on why sancho wasnt starting. Sancho threw a hissy and now dug his own grave. Not like magically having issues just now with EtH, this has been an issue before with Sancho. Made even worse by the fact that most managers wouldve essentially told sancho tough shit last year, while instead EtH gave him all the time he could need. It was his first year in a tough new league, with a high pressure situation with manchester united, and he STILL gave sancho the support to fix whatever issues were bothering him.
Unfortunately not, i can tell who's not in the match day squad due to injuries or illnesses.
I think I know who you are at the club but, without giving too much away, do you enjoy a smoke and a pancake? How many pairs of clogs do you keep in your windmill house?
I don't think any player will appreciate being described as lazy in training by their boss. It's fair enough to criticize Sancho internally, but why do it publicly against a player who has just had a prolonged bout of depression.

It's too bad that many fans don't even try to see this situation from more than one side. Of course Sancho should not have answered in public. But after all, it was his boss who started this discussion in public.
Proof? Or are you just making things up to support your position?
I think I know who you are at the club but, without giving too much away, do you enjoy a smoke and a pancake? How many pairs of clogs do you keep in your windmill house?
I thought you had me.with the smoking bit but none of the others are true
Maybe Ten Hag should be criticized for answering that JS had not done enough in training to warrant a place in the squad, maybe not. Maybe you should be criticized for making up a psychiatric diagnosis about someone you don’t know and presenting it as undeniable fact. Am I allowed to criticize you for that?
The specific diagnosis was never revealed, but it was widely known that he was struggling with something mentally. You would come off as pedantic to single out his post for that, however.

This is now becoming a non story……Sancho is now finished at Utd - he will leave in January - will bleat in the press about this and that - and that will be it.

He has been an unfortunate flop - not the first and not the last - let’s just hope that our due diligence on future signings is better as it’s come to light that all his misgivings were already well known at Dortmund but they still managed to pull our pants down.

Pellestri is already looking like he will be more effective than JS and Anthony will be back sooner rather than later.

Go join J-Lingz in Saudi Jadon?
All in all, what a massive waste of talent. The lad was great to watch during his time at Dortmund. Another sad case of wasted potential ala Paul Pogba.
I strongly dislike that internal discussions are aired in the media; this is petty and unnecessary. Much of my respect for ETH has been lost after this. How on earth is Sancho supposed to bounce back from this? He can comfortably sit back and collect his salary while the club looks for a new employer for him. If I were Sancho, having struggled with mental health issues and experienced this, I would never play for the club again! It's beneath the club's dignity to air their dirty laundry in the media.
I see no difference between Jose and ETH, I don't think he's worthy of beeing our manager anymore, unless he fixes the problem he created! No more internal matters should be brought to the media.
What an absolute load of drivel considering all we've seen and heard about this situation :wenger:
The specific diagnosis was never revealed, but it was widely known that he was struggling with something mentally. You would come off as pedantic to single out his post for that, however.

I mean, that interview basically has e10h showering Sancho with support and painting him as a valuable member of the team. Singling out the 'physical but physical is also connected with mental' is unfortunate and tabloid level reporting.

It's funny because they dont mention everything else said that day and everything else shows a manager willing to invest time and effort into a player that is struggling. Interestingly most outlets also put the physical and mental in quotes because they're paraphrasing.

It's also funny because this was a non thing until someone chose to make a story out of it and now we're feeding the trolls
After a certain point this thread just becomes a repeat of the last 10 pages over and over again.
I'm not one to talk because I posted a thread a couple of years back pontificating on whether Rashford was depressed or not, but you're right. People will make up anything they can to suit their argument.

IF Sancho struggles with mental health issues, and if those issues are the main cause of his lack of effort, then fair enough. But like you say, not even his entourage are briefing anything like that (not that they would be required to either, just saying).
And that’s completely fine, and something that we Sancho sceptics need to bear in mind.

Though that works both ways. Maybe Sancho doesn’t want random people on the internet “defending” him by loudly insisting he has mental health issues.

Nobody seems to know what’s wrong with Malacia. However, nobody seems to be assuming that he’s got piles and United are being mean to him by not providing him with sufficient soft cushions.
I generally couldn’t give 2 fecks about Sancho.

Get rid he’s been a massive flop
Why is this even a thread, whether ironically named or not. Are there people seriously taking the side of a spoilt brat of a player who throws a tantrum at the mildest of comments from his manager. Sancho has yet to have a single dominating performance in his time here and has never impressed me beyond his Dortmund highlight reels. At this point I don't want to hear or see anything about him, I can't wait for him to feck off basically.
Did I imply that you must not criticize? Otherwise, please feel free to quote where I write that.

I don't invent diagnoses, but you may be right that I should be more thorough when I write "depression". So instead, let's address it to what ETH called it in January: "Mental issues". But it doesn't change much. Sancho was out for a long period with, among other things, "mental issues". Here you can probably expect that it has not been an easy game for Sancho since he was away for so long. And therefore it may surprise me that ETH chooses to criticize exactly Sancho in public. This does not mean that Sancho cannot be criticized for poor efforts in training. But keep such criticisms internal with an employee who a short time ago was away with "mental issues".

My point is that ETH is not without blame in this situation and it is far too easy to point the finger at Sancho alone. The criticism is almost entirely aimed at Sancho.

Just checking, because you stated that it seems not to be allowed to criticise Ten Hag, but the only ‘punishment’ I can see for criticizing him is that people can criticize you for it. What else would make it ‘not allowed’?

I think people laying into Sancho is caused by too many people thinking they know what they don’t know, and it’s not helped by more people claiming unknowable things for fact in order to chose sides and make it a battle.

This is what I’ve found Ten Hag to say about Sancho’s mental aspect:

‘"Sometimes there are circumstances with fitness and mood. He was not in the right status or fitness state," Dec 2022

"It's physical, but physical is also the connection with mental. But I think he is now making good progress on the physical part and that will help him. I hope he can return quickly but I can't say a duration of how long it will be." Feb 2023

I don’t think Sancho or anyone else with knowledge has said anything about any mental theme regarding him. This can mean anything from ‘he’s got a niggle that won’t go away and it’s hard to focus in England’, to ‘he’s moody and badly trained, he needs a special training program but I‘m not gonna say he’s lazy to you public lot’ to ‘he’s mildly depressed and we thought he could do with a change of scenery’ to ‘he’s got delusions of grandure, is addicted to SoMe-ing about his grandness and this hs made him severely depressed’ to ‘he can’t handle tough love and I can’t stand for a weakling’ to ‘he lost his girlfriend to Ronaldo but he refuses to talk about it’ etc etc etc. We don’t know, and it certainly doesn’t help Jadon Sancho that the lot of us makes a big argument to decide it.

If he has serious mental health problems, it will not help to read social media or argue about your quality of training or attack your boss in public. If not, it’s also a bad idea. That much is pretty clear to me. Apart from that, it’s speculation.

What Ten Hag said after the Arsenal match, that mad Sancho accuse him (or ‘someone’) of speaking untrue and scapegoating him, was, as an answer to why Sancho wasn’t picked for the game: ‘on his performance in training we didn't select him’.

Unless you think Sancho has special rights to be in a Man Utd matchday squad, or you that is neither possible to call a lie, nor specially abusive. Wether Sancho thought himself the beat trainer that week and Ten Hag thought him the worst, or Sancho was clinically depressed and that impeded his performance’, it’s at best subjective and at worst harshly honest. It’s not a statement about his mentality though, in fact it’s the opposite. He could say he was mentally ill, or lazy, or was being difficult, or had done something wrong, but he didn’t, he simply said he had not warranted a place in the squad ahead of others. You and I can speculate on whatmust have happened that we don’t know that would explain this. Probably we ahould refrain. I think the whole thread title sucks, to be honest.

I don’t think anyone should be calling for Sancho’s head, nor claim he’s a victim, nor crticise Ten Hag based on projection or speculation. I do think it’s fair to say that Sancho’s public statements and non-statements are out of line for any scenario, and that if he can’t adress that, he has no human right to play in a particular professional football team ahead of others, so he will have to find another employer or accept that he’s not picked for squad’s or even collective training sessions. That’s just a fact about professional sports, not a moral issue. Apart from that, I think really we should all shut up and find something else to speculate about.
The specific diagnosis was never revealed, but it was widely known that he was struggling with something mentally. You would come off as pedantic to single out his post for that, however.

Then so be it. To me, the difference between ‘widely assumed’ and ‘widely known’ is more than academical in these matters. I can’t see it’s widely ‘known’ what was - and more importantly - is - the case. I’m sure you agree that anyone suffering from a real mental illness at some point in their life, should not therefore be exempt from the same standards others abide by for the reat of their lives? The accusation of ‘on his performance in training we didn't select him’ ahead of other professional footballers doing their best in training’ is not really anything anyone can link to mental health issues in any way shape or form, maybe with the exception if the one who said it was aware of that the person was currently mentally ill, which could be a good reason not to pick him for a professional football match, but also a reason not to compare his training performance to others’. I can’t see that anyone has implied that Sancho is currently mentally ill though, least of all himself, so I guess that is not so relevant. Again, I think we’d do best not to speculate about it either way. We know four things that’s been said, not the reasons why.
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