Erik ten Hag vs Sancho | Sancho back in full training

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Oh feck up. He's been nothing but supportive all the while Sancho has continued to take the piss. He gave him 2/3 months off to get himself right in the busiest period of the season, only for Sancho to revert to the type of behaviour that followed him at City and Dortmund. Let me guess, they created those conflicts too?

He's a 23 year old man (child) who's on £300k a week and he can't even turn up on time. Get rid of the fecking wanker.

What a childish way to answer.

A manager should know how to handle the individual player in terms of personality. Ferguson would never have publicly trashed a player who six months ago had severe depression. And I would in no way call ETH supportive in this matter.
He could have dealt with Sancho internally if he was unhappy with his performance in training. It is a lack of situational awareness to direct such harsh - public - criticism against an employee, when you as a boss know that the person has just been ill with severe depression. What reaction did ETH expect?

It is as if ETH is not allowed to be criticized among some fans.
What a childish way to answer.

A manager should know how to handle the individual player in terms of personality. Ferguson would never have publicly trashed a player who six months ago had severe depression. And I would in no way call ETH supportive in this matter.
He could have dealt with Sancho internally if he was unhappy with his performance in training. It is a lack of situational awareness to direct such harsh - public - criticism against an employee, when you as a boss know that the person has just been ill with severe depression. What reaction did ETH expect?

It is as if ETH is not allowed to be criticized among some fans.

Of course he is. On this occasion he hasn't done anything wrong. He answered a question. He didn't berate him like Jose did Shaw. To be fair to Erik he has tried various ways to get sancho sorted.

If I was late multiple times my boss would be calling me out.
I strongly dislike that internal discussions are aired in the media; this is petty and unnecessary. Much of my respect for ETH has been lost after this. How on earth is Sancho supposed to bounce back from this? He can comfortably sit back and collect his salary while the club looks for a new employer for him. If I were Sancho, having struggled with mental health issues and experienced this, I would never play for the club again! It's beneath the club's dignity to air their dirty laundry in the media.
I see no difference between Jose and ETH, I don't think he's worthy of beeing our manager anymore, unless he fixes the problem he created! No more internal matters should be brought to the media.
Wtf ??
What a childish way to answer.

A manager should know how to handle the individual player in terms of personality. Ferguson would never have publicly trashed a player who six months ago had severe depression. And I would in no way call ETH supportive in this matter.
He could have dealt with Sancho internally if he was unhappy with his performance in training. It is a lack of situational awareness to direct such harsh - public - criticism against an employee, when you as a boss know that the person has just been ill with severe depression. What reaction did ETH expect?

It is as if ETH is not allowed to be criticized among some fans.
Give me strength. Tell me where he 'trashed' Sancho in public.
It's somehow true... Sancho has really overestimated his importance to United.

What a childish way to answer.

A manager should know how to handle the individual player in terms of personality. Ferguson would never have publicly trashed a player who six months ago had severe depression. And I would in no way call ETH supportive in this matter.
He could have dealt with Sancho internally if he was unhappy with his performance in training. It is a lack of situational awareness to direct such harsh - public - criticism against an employee, when you as a boss know that the person has just been ill with severe depression. What reaction did ETH expect?

It is as if ETH is not allowed to be criticized among some fans.
Jadon "snowflake" Sancho is how he will be remembered after he joins the Saudi League and fades into the distant memorybooks of football.
Give me strength. Tell me where he 'trashed' Sancho in public.

I don't think any player will appreciate being described as lazy in training by their boss. It's fair enough to criticize Sancho internally, but why do it publicly against a player who has just had a prolonged bout of depression.

It's too bad that many fans don't even try to see this situation from more than one side. Of course Sancho should not have answered in public. But after all, it was his boss who started this discussion in public.
Berbatov got left out of CL final, then got used as a reserve to much inferior player (Welbeck), but never spoke out against Fergie while in the club.
Kept his head down and kept working. Then he moved on.

But he is a man and a true sportsman. Many modern footballers are entitled, spoiled man children.
What a childish way to answer.

A manager should know how to handle the individual player in terms of personality. Ferguson would never have publicly trashed a player who six months ago had severe depression. And I would in no way call ETH supportive in this matter.
He could have dealt with Sancho internally if he was unhappy with his performance in training. It is a lack of situational awareness to direct such harsh - public - criticism against an employee, when you as a boss know that the person has just been ill with severe depression. What reaction did ETH expect?

It is as if ETH is not allowed to be criticized among some fans.
What kind of a job do you do where someone saying you've not been selected because you've not met the minimum standard is considered harsh?

What kind of lame mentality is this?

Edit: I see you think EtH called him 'lazy' which he didn't. He answered a direct question about Sancho's absence from the squad in a huge away game by saying he didn't perform well enough to be selected. You must be part of the Sancho's adviser firm.
What a childish way to answer.

A manager should know how to handle the individual player in terms of personality. Ferguson would never have publicly trashed a player who six months ago had severe depression. And I would in no way call ETH supportive in this matter.
He could have dealt with Sancho internally if he was unhappy with his performance in training. It is a lack of situational awareness to direct such harsh - public - criticism against an employee, when you as a boss know that the person has just been ill with severe depression. What reaction did ETH expect?

It is as if ETH is not allowed to be criticized among some fans.
Do you know that he had a severe depression or are you just making up excuses for him?
What a childish way to answer.

A manager should know how to handle the individual player in terms of personality. Ferguson would never have publicly trashed a player who six months ago had severe depression. And I would in no way call ETH supportive in this matter.
He could have dealt with Sancho internally if he was unhappy with his performance in training. It is a lack of situational awareness to direct such harsh - public - criticism against an employee, when you as a boss know that the person has just been ill with severe depression. What reaction did ETH expect?

It is as if ETH is not allowed to be criticized among some fans.

Where is this documented severe depression? Or did ETH give him three months away from the squad to try to resolve this?

He was asked a basic question and gave a pretty basic answer, which is that he is not meeting the standards required. He didn’t label him in any sort of way.
If I were Sancho, having struggled with mental health issues and experienced this, I would never play for the club again! It's beneath the club's dignity to air their dirty laundry in the media.
Yes, it is a slap on Sancho's face. He should just unilaterally annul his contract and leave.
Think some of the posters make up their own stories, like ETH called Sancho lazy or ETH said Sancho had depression, and then base that to write paragraphs to shit on the manager.
Let's be clear about one thing here: If Sancho has genuine mental problems/issues, he should - of course - get help, and to be frank he's in a better position than most to get first class help if he's honest about his situation.

But, if so, it's obviously way beyond ETH.
Think some of the posters make up their own stories, like ETH called Sancho lazy or ETH said Sancho had depression, and then base that to write paragraphs to shit on the manager.

It wasn't quite written the way you phrase it here. Maybe you made up a story here?
I strongly dislike that internal discussions are aired in the media; this is petty and unnecessary. Much of my respect for ETH has been lost after this. How on earth is Sancho supposed to bounce back from this? He can comfortably sit back and collect his salary while the club looks for a new employer for him. If I were Sancho, having struggled with mental health issues and experienced this, I would never play for the club again! It's beneath the club's dignity to air their dirty laundry in the media.
I see no difference between Jose and ETH, I don't think he's worthy of beeing our manager anymore, unless he fixes the problem he created! No more internal matters should be brought to the media.
What about Ten Hags mental health being called out in public? :(
I strongly dislike that internal discussions are aired in the media; this is petty and unnecessary. Much of my respect for ETH has been lost after this. How on earth is Sancho supposed to bounce back from this? He can comfortably sit back and collect his salary while the club looks for a new employer for him. If I were Sancho, having struggled with mental health issues and experienced this, I would never play for the club again! It's beneath the club's dignity to air their dirty laundry in the media.
I see no difference between Jose and ETH, I don't think he's worthy of beeing our manager anymore, unless he fixes the problem he created! No more internal matters should be brought to the media.

Sancho, is that you?
What a childish way to answer.

A manager should know how to handle the individual player in terms of personality. Ferguson would never have publicly trashed a player who six months ago had severe depression. And I would in no way call ETH supportive in this matter.
He could have dealt with Sancho internally if he was unhappy with his performance in training. It is a lack of situational awareness to direct such harsh - public - criticism against an employee, when you as a boss know that the person has just been ill with severe depression. What reaction did ETH expect?

It is as if ETH is not allowed to be criticized among some fans.

Fergie publicly trashed plenty of players who were just as "severely depressed" as Sancho. Since you just pulled that diagnosis out your arse to justify his appalling behaviour.

Also appreciate the irony of you moaning about ETH not being allowed to be criticised in the same post as labelling what he said about Sancho harsh public criticism. When actually it was a tame and benign response to a quick interview question.

ETH bent over backwards last season accommodate Sancho's unprofessionalism, immaturity and laziness and all he's had is a slap in the face for it.
Do you know that he had a severe depression or are you just making up excuses for him?
I don't think any player will appreciate being described as lazy in training by their boss. It's fair enough to criticize Sancho internally, but why do it publicly against a player who has just had a prolonged bout of depression.

It's too bad that many fans don't even try to see this situation from more than one side. Of course Sancho should not have answered in public. But after all, it was his boss who started this discussion in public.
I don't like arguing but for me personally I've commented on my practical experience working with bipolar disorder and also managing a staff member who had another mental condition.

Who has said Sancho has had depression or severe depression?

I don't think EtH has ever said Sancho was 'lazy' either and I've commented about how I felt about EtH's handling of the Netherlands training camp.
I would hope I would be among the first to criticise a manager who castigated a player for being ill, there should be no stigma attached, any more than if a player tore a muscle.

I think EtH has played this correctly and probably under advisement from a club lawyer.
Once he has apologized make him drive around in a vehicle for worst trainer like Pompey had;

I don't think any player will appreciate being described as lazy in training by their boss. It's fair enough to criticize Sancho internally, but why do it publicly against a player who has just had a prolonged bout of depression.

It's too bad that many fans don't even try to see this situation from more than one side. Of course Sancho should not have answered in public. But after all, it was his boss who started this discussion in public.
You need to go back and see what ETH has answered in his press conference. If you call that a 'public trashing' as you said in another post of yours then literally every manager has done it at some point in their careers. Just couple of weeks back Pep was complaining about Nunes first touch being not good enough. He also called Phillips fat last season. You don't see Nunes and Phillips losing their shit over it.

Seems like you are indeed making up things and losing your shit over it. For a fact, ETH didn't call him 'lazy'. He just said that others performed better than Sancho in training and that he had other options in those positions so Sancho was left out.

He might or might not have had depression, you don't know that. None of us do. But he has been given 3 months paid time off bang in the middle of the season and ETH didn't criticize him one bit during that time. Seeing both sides, people prefer to side with ETH here, it's not that hard to see.
I don't think any player will appreciate being described as lazy in training by their boss. It's fair enough to criticize Sancho internally, but why do it publicly against a player who has just had a prolonged bout of depression.

It's too bad that many fans don't even try to see this situation from more than one side. Of course Sancho should not have answered in public. But after all, it was his boss who started this discussion in public.
Did he say that? He said something along the lines of “the wingers who he selected were ahead of Sancho is training that week”.

How the player has reacted and what some people are interpreting it to mean says a lot. Why would Sancho take It to mean he is lazy and not that that week the others trained exceptionally well. And either not all of them will be able to keep it up every week or he has to find out what he has to do to reach or surpass that level?
What a childish way to answer.

A manager should know how to handle the individual player in terms of personality. Ferguson would never have publicly trashed a player who six months ago had severe depression. And I would in no way call ETH supportive in this matter.
He could have dealt with Sancho internally if he was unhappy with his performance in training. It is a lack of situational awareness to direct such harsh - public - criticism against an employee, when you as a boss know that the person has just been ill with severe depression. What reaction did ETH expect?

It is as if ETH is not allowed to be criticized among some fans.
Maybe Ten Hag should be criticized for answering that JS had not done enough in training to warrant a place in the squad, maybe not. Maybe you should be criticized for making up a psychiatric diagnosis about someone you don’t know and presenting it as undeniable fact. Am I allowed to criticize you for that?
Yeah, the way some posters are going about at ETH it seems like he is the first ever manager to call out a player in a press conference in the history of football.

And I'm pretty sure they are one the best managers out there in there own professional role and know more inside info than EtH himself.
Yeah, the way some posters are going about at ETH it seems like he is the first ever manager to call out a player in a press conference in the history of football.

And I'm pretty sure they are one the best managers out there in there own professional role and know more inside info than EtH himself.
Yep and the sad part is, he didn't even "call him out". Answered a question and said there were others who trained better.

Also pulling diagnosis out of their arse and presenting it as fact...
What a childish way to answer.

A manager should know how to handle the individual player in terms of personality. Ferguson would never have publicly trashed a player who six months ago had severe depression. And I would in no way call ETH supportive in this matter.
He could have dealt with Sancho internally if he was unhappy with his performance in training. It is a lack of situational awareness to direct such harsh - public - criticism against an employee, when you as a boss know that the person has just been ill with severe depression. What reaction did ETH expect?

It is as if ETH is not allowed to be criticized among some fans.
:lol: did you just make both of those things up?
The unspecified ‘mental health issues’ could also be delusions of grandeur?

I’m saying nothing more. I’m not going to go do a GifLord
Maybe Ten Hag should be criticized for answering that JS had not done enough in training to warrant a place in the squad, maybe not. Maybe you should be criticized for making up a psychiatric diagnosis about someone you don’t know and presenting it as undeniable fact. Am I allowed to criticize you for that?

Did I imply that you must not criticize? Otherwise, please feel free to quote where I write that.

I don't invent diagnoses, but you may be right that I should be more thorough when I write "depression". So instead, let's address it to what ETH called it in January: "Mental issues". But it doesn't change much. Sancho was out for a long period with, among other things, "mental issues". Here you can probably expect that it has not been an easy game for Sancho since he was away for so long. And therefore it may surprise me that ETH chooses to criticize exactly Sancho in public. This does not mean that Sancho cannot be criticized for poor efforts in training. But keep such criticisms internal with an employee who a short time ago was away with "mental issues".

My point is that ETH is not without blame in this situation and it is far too easy to point the finger at Sancho alone. The criticism is almost entirely aimed at Sancho.
The unspecified ‘mental health issues’ could also be delusions of grandeur?

I’m saying nothing more. I’m not going to go do a GifLord
Haha! Got me! Video game addiction is a recognised mental health disorder now and is in the DSM-5 and ICD-11 of the US and Global psychiatric disorders manuals but nobody can remotely diagnose anyone, it has to be a doctor.
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