Erik ten Hag vs Sancho | Sancho back in full training

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Why? Because Piers wouldn't give Sancho a platform or because Sancho wouldn't sink that low? I think you're wrong in either case :D

IMO Sancho isn't a big enough celebrity or sport star...most people wouldn't know who he is...on a global scale he's done feck all.

Plus the story he was half-arsed in training is not exactly riveting stuff the wider public would care about either.
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He won't do it. He should atleast be smart enough to know that if he tries it, he essentially gives up his chance at playing at a top club. No top club will sign a player who is going to give interviews slamming the club or manager when things aren't going their way.
Can't wait for him to leave. Probably setting a bad example for our youth team right now. Toxic.
IMO Sancho isn't a big enough celebrity or sport star...most people wouldn't know who he was...on a global scale he's done feck all.

Plus the story he was half-arsed in training is not exactly riveting stuff the wider public would care about either.

He has already been invited to do an interview.

He has already been invited to do an interview.

Yeah, but that's more to do with Piers being an Arsenal fan, and the Ronaldo vs EtH angle. I don't think its serious.

But none of that really changes my mind on Jadon, he isn't a big sport celebrity, he has what 2 cup medals, he just isn't that big on the global scale.
Yeah, but that's more to do with Piers being an Arsenal fan, and the Ronaldo vs EtH angle. I don't think its serious.

But none of that really changes my mind on Jadon, he isn't a big sport celebrity, he has what 2 cup medals, he just isn't that big on the global scale.
I think Piers genuinely thought he was hurting United by getting rid of Ronaldo, he was actually our unsung hero last year.
Then he better get used to sitting in the reserves and destroying his career in the process. If he's desperate enough he'll chose Saudi Arabia, the money is out there and someone will pay it at some point. United aren't going to budge.
It would have to be Saudi. I don't see anyone else offering anything near £65M, let alone meeting his wage demands.

I think UTD would take half of that if we could get rid of him cleanly (no supplemented wages).
He’s (Sancho) seriously been misinformed, if he thinks he can come out of this with reputation enhanced. ETH was correct with his actions and has my backing.
Feck me, how much worse can one player make this? Seriously needs booting out of the club, and that should also happen due to his shite performances for us. Lazy and entitled.
Seems that Sancho (still a relatively young man) is being badly advised. Surely someone in his close circle of friends/family would have a word and say knuckle down, put the effort in - football is such a short career it would be a shame to waste a season or more. I know he hasn't been great since joining but he could (if he were determined enough) turn this into an opportunity at one more (last) chance.
Perhaps earning £200K + as a 23 year old takes away a lot of that realism... who knows?
It would have to be Saudi. I don't see anyone else offering anything near £65M, let alone meeting his wage demands.

I think UTD would take half of that if we could get rid of him cleanly (no supplemented wages).
If Chelsea get desperate enough they'd also make that bid. That's the value he was available for over the summer and I can't see United budging on it. Let's not forget that he's still young and showed great form in Germany a couple of seasons ago. Someone will fancy him, he's not a crocked 30 year old who's done nothing for 8 years at United.
To be fair to Sancho and his camp, I don’t think they have ever attempted to claim mental health issues as an excuse.

The ones doing so are either anti-ETH/United trolls, or a weird group who seem to be desperate for him to be mentally ill so they can bask in a glow of righteous virtue. Which is rather sad.
I'm not one to talk because I posted a thread a couple of years back pontificating on whether Rashford was depressed or not, but you're right. People will make up anything they can to suit their argument.

IF Sancho struggles with mental health issues, and if those issues are the main cause of his lack of effort, then fair enough. But like you say, not even his entourage are briefing anything like that (not that they would be required to either, just saying).
He’s (Sancho) seriously been misinformed, if he thinks he can come out of this with reputation enhanced. ETH was correct with his actions and has my backing.
He's clearly surrounded by dickheads who enable him and his dickhead behaviour. His agent should be pulling his hair out at this moment and doing everything possible to get him back in the team.
I'm not one to talk because I posted a thread a couple of years back pontificating on whether Rashford was depressed or not, but you're right. People will make up anything they can to suit their argument.

IF Sancho struggles with mental health issues, and if those issues are the main cause of his lack of effort, then fair enough. But like you say, not even his entourage are briefing anything like that (not that they would be required to either, just saying).
It's only the manager that has used the term "physical and mental" issues. In my opinion, the managers done him a solid here, when what he really wanted to say is he's a dickhead who can't get his head from up his arse, stay fit, and come to training on time. Never at any point has anyone suggested Sancho has poor mental health or mental health problems like depression, and his camp got annoyed that Ten Hag suggested his head wasn't right last season. All things point to him thinking there's nothing wrong and the manager thinking there is.
I've only skimmed the thread but I can't believe there are some people who back Sancho and criticise ETH here.

The manager has to set high standards and the players have to bust a gut to demonstrate their willingness. Sometimes the manager may set an expectation that is not reachable, but in that case players still need to bust a gut as much as they can to prove they are giving it their all. Just giving up and saying it's unfair is ridiculously childish behaviour. Elite sportsmen need to push themselves to the limit and embrace challenge. If Sancho would rather wallow in self pity then he doesn't have the mentality required, simple as. He's undoubtedly talented and young enough he could potentially turn things around but he needs to accept some humble pie and show the desire and effort required. Seems like he has been terribly advised maybe. Bending to the petty complaints of an underperforming player would set a terrible precedent.
He's clearly surrounded by dickheads who enable him and his dickhead behaviour. His agent should be pulling his hair out at this moment and doing everything possible to get him back in the team.
Totally. There just wouldn't be all these shenanigans if a medical problem was involved, he would effectively have a 'sick note' and would be excused from training, team meetings etc and the club would be involved in supporting his therapy and treatment, with or without medication and his privacy rights would be respected in accordance with the law.
It just looks like he's immature and acting like a kid to be honest but if he's thinking things can't get much worse then this 'interview' would be one way of doing that.
The club isn't going to offer any easy escapes for 65mm Saudi Riyals or even 65mm Turkish Lire, they're rightly going be tough on negotiating.
Just imagine this team is at the start of a 'new era' and we actually win big things, when journalists and writers ask players what the feeling was like. You know 'EtH was a relatively new manager and new faces were added after the League Cup, what was the sentiment in the dressing room? Err, well I had a long standing bust up for being a slacker so was on the naughty step getting my wages docked'

He's probably getting the equivalent of Mejbri+Garnacho+Pellistri.

Hope Piers knows how to stream his Fifa game on twitch. It might be opportune for Morgan's lot to have another headline grabber but he just doesn't have the profile, truth be told, he's not a 'name' for the type of viewer Morgan has.

I do have huge sympathy for anyone suffering from any kind of mental health issue that affects their work ; it's not fun but ignoring it doesn't hide it away, maybe he's still not accepting it, but it certainly doesn't seem like it judging from all the stuff we're seeing. There would be other signs about concern for his wellbeing, not least of which is privacy and the club wanting to protect the value of its asset.

Even at this stage it seems like the club would start again if he was to make a full and frank apology to EtH, team and fans, agree he was wrong and wanted to go back and try to win his place by hard work and follow the boss's orders so to me it just seems like a teenager playing up and being childish.

But whatever your job, health>wealth, I know it's easy to say but it saved my life.
It's only the manager that has used the term "physical and mental" issues. In my opinion, the managers done him a solid here, when what he really wanted to say is he's a dickhead who can't get his head from up his arse, stay fit, and come to training on time. Never at any point has anyone suggested Sancho has poor mental health or mental health problems like depression, and his camp got annoyed that Ten Hag suggested his head wasn't right last season. All things point to him thinking there's nothing wrong and the manager thinking there is.
Hell yeah, I thought he handled that really well. It was after all an extremely 'odd' form of special treatment which would guarantee loads of journalist enquiries and to be honest it was underplayed. Like it's a given for all premier league football players ; they need to be superfit physically and mentally so to be free from distraction and able to concentrate as much as possible.
To me, it didn't seem like he 'knew' of some other psychological condition and was trying to hide it, like I said he just kind of batted it away calmly.
It's just like I'd expect Rory Mcilroy to say something similar like 'every Ryder Cup player needs to be in top nick physically and mentally etc' and it just makes perfect sense.
I've been through the 'process' as a patient and also as a manager and even with that knowledge, none of what EtH said made me think 'uh oh, what's going on here?' in a negative way. It seemed genuinely bland while he would probably have had a list of things he could have said in private, looking back at it!
With a smiley....

If I actually thought he was racist, I'd say he was racist rather than the use of an ellipsis and a question mark.

Forgot why I don't post on football forums much, thanks for reminding me!

Racist? Oh I wasn't paying attention at all. I saw the reply to the goatee comment, completely forgot what your first post was and assumed you'd responded seriously which happens. Carry on :)
I strongly dislike that internal discussions are aired in the media; this is petty and unnecessary. Much of my respect for ETH has been lost after this. How on earth is Sancho supposed to bounce back from this? He can comfortably sit back and collect his salary while the club looks for a new employer for him. If I were Sancho, having struggled with mental health issues and experienced this, I would never play for the club again! It's beneath the club's dignity to air their dirty laundry in the media.
I see no difference between Jose and ETH, I don't think he's worthy of beeing our manager anymore, unless he fixes the problem he created! No more internal matters should be brought to the media.

Someone really likes drama, don't they? Precious!
I strongly dislike that internal discussions are aired in the media; this is petty and unnecessary. Much of my respect for ETH has been lost after this. How on earth is Sancho supposed to bounce back from this? He can comfortably sit back and collect his salary while the club looks for a new employer for him. If I were Sancho, having struggled with mental health issues and experienced this, I would never play for the club again! It's beneath the club's dignity to air their dirty laundry in the media.
I see no difference between Jose and ETH, I don't think he's worthy of beeing our manager anymore, unless he fixes the problem he created! No more internal matters should be brought to the media.

Come on, comparing him with Jose is just ridiculous - JM has mindgames as his default approach, and does this more or less constantly. EtH only as a last resort, and exceptionally. In making this comparison, you are missing the key point, which is what do you do once you've exhausted the in-house approach, and it's not providing results? Sancho has been underperforming for more than two seasons. Sooner or later, you have to either back down or escalate. I am not blaming EtH for choosing the latter. Ole chose the first, see how that turned out.
It's an excuse blaming people around him. he's 23 not 14. Does he not have the capacity to think for himself, I'm sure jetting on a plane to New York was thought of all by him
In that scenario it would have to have been something the manager and the club just randomly decided to institute a few months into the season, As opposed to before the season started or the transfer window ended.

Again I admire your optimism that there's some sort of plan or long term strategy behind all this drama.

I think the clubs a shambles, I guess I’m just trying to be optimistic, moreso then actually being optimistic. :(
That’s the problem with modern footballers these days. They’re pampered like children even beyond their teenage years and are perpetually stuck in some kind of arrested mental development until they retire potentially. No wonder a fair few of them go off the rails in retirement. They’re huge manchildren who think the world owes them something because their sycophantic entourage told them the things they only want to hear when they were playing, and once they’re retired and thrust into the real world where the majority of people live, they’re a baby in the woods, deer in the headlights etc.

Not all of them are like this but a fair few of them certainly are. Sancho‘s a big enough boy to know what’s correct conduct and not. Even I knew at 17 that if I publicly talked shit about the people paying me to work there, I’d be fired faster than you can say ‘insubordination’
I strongly dislike that internal discussions are aired in the media; this is petty and unnecessary. Much of my respect for ETH has been lost after this. How on earth is Sancho supposed to bounce back from this? He can comfortably sit back and collect his salary while the club looks for a new employer for him. If I were Sancho, having struggled with mental health issues and experienced this, I would never play for the club again! It's beneath the club's dignity to air their dirty laundry in the media.
I see no difference between Jose and ETH, I don't think he's worthy of beeing our manager anymore, unless he fixes the problem he created! No more internal matters should be brought to the media.
Location checks out...
But like you say, not even his entourage are briefing anything like that (not that they would be required to either, just saying).

True. But then again they didn't actually brief anything of the sort last year either - when he was sent on...whatever it was (but whatever it was didn't seem like a pure fitness camp, to put it like that). It was rather heavily rumoured that he wasn't in a good place mentally.
I strongly dislike that internal discussions are aired in the media; this is petty and unnecessary. Much of my respect for ETH has been lost after this. How on earth is Sancho supposed to bounce back from this? He can comfortably sit back and collect his salary while the club looks for a new employer for him. If I were Sancho, having struggled with mental health issues and experienced this, I would never play for the club again! It's beneath the club's dignity to air their dirty laundry in the media.
I see no difference between Jose and ETH, I don't think he's worthy of beeing our manager anymore, unless he fixes the problem he created! No more internal matters should be brought to the media.
How on earth is ten Hag supposed to bounce back from this?
I think the clubs a shambles, I guess I’m just trying to be optimistic, moreso then actually being optimistic. :(

Fair play to you mate I wish I could be as well but the last few months and the multiple dramas have me fearing the club is still rife with incompetence and poor decision making from top to bottom.
man i hope he does the interview. Make yourself look even dumber sancho. Perhaps you can do the interview over headset while you play some fifa
Gosh you're being over the top.

The squad looks like it has very much moved on, the only people looking to make a deal out of it are clickbait gossip papers.

Hes been isolated and made to train with the reserves. That's dealing with it. You can't do much more than that really.

Unless you're insinuating the club should reintegrate him which would be daft.
Yep, spot on.
I strongly dislike that internal discussions are aired in the media; this is petty and unnecessary. Much of my respect for ETH has been lost after this. How on earth is Sancho supposed to bounce back from this? He can comfortably sit back and collect his salary while the club looks for a new employer for him. If I were Sancho, having struggled with mental health issues and experienced this, I would never play for the club again! It's beneath the club's dignity to air their dirty laundry in the media.
I see no difference between Jose and ETH, I don't think he's worthy of beeing our manager anymore, unless he fixes the problem he created! No more internal matters should be brought to the media.
:lol: troll
So far ETH has been handling the situation well. Be professional or your existence wont even be recognized.
Sancho is on very thin ice as it is now, but if he gives an interview to anyone he will fall though the ice, the sheet of ice will quickly come back together and he'll be looking through the sheet of ice for help for a very long time.
Sancho's career at United I think is unsalvageable. I think if he was to go on Piers uncensored he'd only be making it considerably more difficult for him to get a move to any self-respecting, top tier football club.

Chelsea probably would though.
I strongly dislike that internal discussions are aired in the media; this is petty and unnecessary. Much of my respect for ETH has been lost after this. How on earth is Sancho supposed to bounce back from this? He can comfortably sit back and collect his salary while the club looks for a new employer for him. If I were Sancho, having struggled with mental health issues and experienced this, I would never play for the club again! It's beneath the club's dignity to air their dirty laundry in the media.
I see no difference between Jose and ETH, I don't think he's worthy of beeing our manager anymore, unless he fixes the problem he created! No more internal matters should be brought to the media.
How can someone spout so much shite and nonsense in one post ? How he supposed to bounce back ? Get a fecking grip he is paid 350k to do his job professionally but he cant even come on time cause he stayed up late playing shite game. Air dirty laundry ? Didnt your boy make a big deal out of a nothing comment ? Imagine your boy doing this under Fergie he's gonna get a boot kicked to his face and sent into some random arab club immediately. What a fecking joke
That’s the problem with modern footballers these days. They’re pampered like children even beyond their teenage years and are perpetually stuck in some kind of arrested mental development until they retire potentially. No wonder a fair few of them go off the rails in retirement. They’re huge manchildren who think the world owes them something because their sycophantic entourage told them the things they only want to hear when they were playing, and once they’re retired and thrust into the real world where the majority of people live, they’re a baby in the woods, deer in the headlights etc.

Not all of them are like this but a fair few of them certainly are. Sancho‘s a big enough boy to know what’s correct conduct and not. Even I knew at 17 that if I publicly talked shit about the people paying me to work there, I’d be fired faster than you can say ‘insubordination’
That's the only slight concession I can make ; it seems that paying young players huge sums that aren't linked to performance at both an individual and team basis can lead to personality issues.

Seems so obvious though, and it makes me question why have we had two high profile issues with young players. Why did Phil Foden get the Pep treatment after Iceland and got his head down and grafted?
Any job that has a code of conduct where the enforcers have a tendency to look the other way will inevitably start showing disintegration.

Even people serving in the military, in special forces like the Australian SAS and USA's Navy SEALs have come under scrutiny for war crimes and shocking acts of indiscipline. All attributable to a blind eye being shown when the code of conduct has been broken. And they're not earning anything like a PL footballer but they have power.

Something is going wrong somewhere, maybe clubs are just happy to give ethics, passing exams and citizenship a 'box ticking' approach in their haste to get a very valuable asset earning a return on their investment.
It's no excuse for Sancho though, unless we are told any different, I still think he's acting childishly.
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