Erik ten Hag | 2024/25 | Votes can now be changed

Erik ten Hag

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One thing I also don't understand about all this is why the players aren’t protesting. It’s their careers, their reputations, and their opportunities to play in major tournaments with both United and the national team. If I were playing for United, I would be furious with his bloody tactics and way of leading (excuse the language). I would have confronted the idiot on the training ground. If he benched me, at least I wouldn’t have to run around like a headless chicken at Old Trafford.

But no one seems to speak up. Do they have clauses in their contracts saying they have to follow every word EtH says? Can’t they act like normal people? You wouldn’t accept such a situation in your own job, would you?
Because their United career would be over. To our fans, a player going against the manager is the greatest crime one can commit in football - even more outrageous than sacking the manager.
If you've reached the point where you're giving him two games (Porto and Villa) to save his job you should probably sack him. Why would two results make a difference? You get rid of someone based on a long period of results, so two more won't change anything.
Playing for time I reckon. Get a plan together and source a replacement, sack him during the internationals and don’t be accused of being knee jerk. They’ve only just “renewed” his contract or whatever it was.
It's only a matter of time. Dead man walking. Interesting to hear why United considered firing him but didn't ultimately choose to go that way yet. A new manager, selling Rashford, and keeping Sancho was the more logical move they were considering but ultimately didn't pursue.
Playing for time I reckon. Get a plan together and source a replacement, sack him during the internationals and don’t be accused of being knee jerk. They’ve only just “renewed” his contract or whatever it was.
They should already have a list of candidates ready to go. It's worrying if they don't.
Spot on. Basically since Wout became a regular fixture :lol:
Weghorst stinking up the starting XI game after game is when alarm bells started ringing in my head, although I didn't fully turn against ETH until a few games into the disastrous CL campaign last season.
Let's start a Gofund me, I'm good for a couple hundred, in sure we could raise this is few days if all United fans chipped in. Seriously this shouldn't even be an excuse, the future of this season and the next years hangs on them sacking Erik, they shouldn't be worried about that money, bigger things at risk here.
If you've reached the point where you're giving him two games (Porto and Villa) to save his job you should probably sack him. Why would two results make a difference? You get rid of someone based on a long period of results, so two more won't change anything.
He's getting these two games because the results will magically change. The players he wanted will suddenly start playing well together. They'll suddenly start to understand how the feck Ten Hag wants them to play. They'll suddenly make this whole "headless chicken, fullbacks turn into CMs, CFs into wingers and AMs, AMs into strikers" work so we're suddenly not leaving massive holes where players are climbing on top of one another because nobody knows what the feck is going on. They'll suddenly start seeing the manager make reactive tactical changes when things start going wrong, instead of just sitting there going "heheheheh klootzak" and waving his hands around like an animatronic at some bankrupt theme park called "Arsehead Land".

Oh, yeah, things will get better if we give this eejit another couple of games. If we're lucky he might just quit.
Because their United career would be over. To our fans, a player going against the manager is the greatest crime one can commit in football - even more outrageous than sacking the manager.
Well, seems like players who have done it has had quite the careers elsewhere, sad for us as United fans in som cases. But in this scenario, there must be som kind of player council who can speak as a group?
Listening to the Athletic podcast, Mitten thinks he's gone. Says this is the worst it's been under Ten Hag, he's got no excuses anymore, and he's 'seen this movie before' with Ole, LVG, and Jose.

And Mitten has been backing him for a long time even last season. When Andy think's your time is up you know it's a dire situation.

I fear our reputational damage and missing out in European football would be more expensive in the long run...

This is ridiculous. Why are there no performance clauses in manager contracts? Being a football manager is one of the few jobs where you get paid millions for doing a poor job.
The club desperately needs leadership and not panic. I don’t think Eric is the man for the job anymore, it seems to me like he lacks the gravitas to give the players belief, but sacking him now would be a bad move. We need calm, focused leadership at the top of the club. It may have been the wrong decision to keep him in the summer but it would be compounded by sacking him without an alternative lined up. Ignore the noise and get to the international break.
Nothing to do with panic. We need to get results and not try to posture while we throw the season away.
At this stage, anyone will be better then our current manager.
Most of us knew it will go this way. Nothing to do with panic. The more he is at the club, the more the club shows how it is badly run.
Villa are absolutely flying; Villa Park is becoming a cauldron; once they smell blood there, they go for the throat with a ferocity few in the league can match.

I have no idea where the romanticised notion we can go there and a fluke a result is coming from. Even keeping the score down sounds fanciful; I’d have it down as a potential humiliation with a cricket score conclusion if they aren’t looking past us to the next game(s) once we’re walking dead.

If they go at us full throttle from start to finish and don’t take their foot off the pedal, well… take your guess at what the final score might be. The key is scoring a goal or two early. If they do that, we’ll give up.

Not only are none of us conifdent of getting a result vs Villa a lot of us are wary of getting a battering.

What has he done to this club?
If you've reached the point where you're giving him two games (Porto and Villa) to save his job you should probably sack him. Why would two results make a difference? You get rid of someone based on a long period of results, so two more won't change anything.
United continue to surprise me with their silliness. If I’m giving them credit though - maybe it’s to give themselves a week to figure out a plan for post-Villa. And then let the caretaker start on a home match against Brentford rather than throw him in for two tricky away matches.

The turd that won't flush kinda vibes :lol:

Feck, it's depressing how negative i've become - and the season's barely started.
I’d say you’re one of the most positive posters even now, my elevator friend. I keep typing things and then cringing about it 5 mins later. This form is messing with me
This is ridiculous. Why are there no performance clauses in manager contracts? Being a football manager is one of the few jobs where you get paid millions for doing a poor job.

There are, but unlikely so early on in a season. I think there are clauses in terms of league finishes. It used to be cheaper for the Glazers to sack managers once they failed to qualify for the CL.
Public backing now from Ineos - there’s clearly a lot going on from an operations perspective they want to get done before they pull the trigger on a new manager

Becoming a complete laughing stock in the football world seems to be at the top of their list, sadly.
My concern is we’ll get rid of him and nothing will change. A lot of our bad play is down to players mentality and commitment, Rashford pulling out of that 50/50 is a prime example, he’s been like this under numerous managers. I think the squad is still too fragile. The next manager needs to be able to light a fire under the players arses.

The vast majority of this squad has been signed or promoted by the manager. Rashford pulling out of 50/50 tackles isn't causing the midfield and defence to play like a bunch of uncoached amateurs.
I'm giving him till the New Year because i said I would. But it's really not looking good.
United continue to surprise me with their silliness. If I’m giving them credit though - maybe it’s to give themselves a week to figure out a plan for post-Villa. And then let the caretaker start on a home match against Brentford rather than throw him in for two tricky away matches.

I’d say you’re one of the most positive posters even now, my elevator friend. I keep typing things and then cringing about it 5 mins later. This form is messing with me
Yeah, I changed my vote to EtH out 2/3 into last season - having sat on that fence for quite a while leading up to that point. Then he miraculously survived his end of season review, having won the FA Cup (should have been a good "send off" for him actually when Ineos should have fired him and a clean start for everyone after that point etc.)....

Soooo....i figured "what the hell, might as well be positive and hope he turns it around this season" - i didn't necessarily change my vote to "in" but was looking forward to the season. Feck, I thought I'd at least make it to December with my glass half full shite but it's what, 7-8 games in & I want him to feck off.
Mid-table form for the best part of a year and we're still talking about hoping for resets.

I've gone from strongly wanting him out of the club, to complete apathy, to genuine confusion as to how he's still here. Actively becoming a worse team for every day that he stays in post.
If you've reached the point where you're giving him two games (Porto and Villa) to save his job you should probably sack him. Why would two results make a difference? You get rid of someone based on a long period of results, so two more won't change anything.

Likely because they want to give the new guy some decent time to get adjusted, rather than throwing Ruud in there now in two back to back away matches before the International break. I think it's sensible too.

Ridiculous if anywhere near true. Given he probably had a minimum performance clause in his contract for CL qualification. It's seems like incompetence not to take advantage of that and move him on over the summer and gross negliance to compound that by actually extending his contract. There by increasing the pay-off when we inevitably have to sack him a few months into the season.

What fecking fumes were the new set-up wafting over the summer to think any of this was a sound business or football decision? :confused:

I fear our reputational damage and missing out in European football would be more expensive in the long run...

If this is true regarding the contract extention this summer it just adds to the insane idiocy surrounding our club. I refuse to believe there isn't any result based clauses in the extention, like for instance losing back to back 3-0 at home in the PL...or just plain and obviously doing an absolutely shocking job. I mean it's also beyond reasonable doubt likely that keeping this man in the job will cost us a lot more than 10M a year.
The only thing that matches his naivety is his stubborness. How are they expecting anything to change?