No, unfortunately I do. I also remember your posts during the Jose era. Somehow you didn't quite get behind the manager back then did you?
He didn't get it then, but he gets it now

I'm a match going, ST holder of over 20 years. Have been going to games most of my life. And I'll say that I agree with your sentiment, and practically every other match going supporter i spoke to was ETH out before the final.
One thing I've realised over the years is that you just don't try to judge sentiment
/feeling of our fans when it comes to managers. There's never, from what I can remember, been a time where the supporters have turned on a manager in the ground. They'll actually rather be the metaphorical brass band playing on the titanic, chanting their name, whilst they fail miserably at their job. We're a weird bunch, and will accept mediocrity and just seem to rely on the Glazers, Woodward, Arnold, Ineos to have the nuts to do what we won't, and call it a day. Just the way it is at Old Trafford.
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