Erik ten Hag | 2022/23 & 2023/24

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Evans coming in and performed just as well, the only thing vindicated is that he has been making pathetic excuses for shit performance and results. As has been shown that by not leaving the midfield open we actually can be decent.

Martinez’ passes into midfield was noticeable first half tbf
So you are putting it all on one game vs a whole season? ‍♂
Yes? Because process takes time and no matter what people say, he never had any luck with injuries this season. With players fit, he delivered didn’t he? This wasnt a smash and grab.

It's sad all these celebrations are marred by slimy reporters asking the same question to every staff member and player 15 different times in 15 different ways.

If we assume he's getting sacked it would have been so much better to announce a separation a week or two ago.

Maybe it would have risked changing the performance today, but given it all came out in the last 48 hours and how they still performed, I dont think so.
Fair enough. I don't disagree. Just seems to me like he has figured out where we are going wrong (finally) in the last few weeks.
He knew all along mate but he insisted on playing his way regardless, that’s what’s annoying. I think he probably believed he’d built enough good will to throw the club into a transitional season and force his vision instead of building on last year and sacrificing his values. Or he felt the pressure from the fans regarding our ambitions, as in we won’t win the league playing like we play today. We absolutely fecking know that, but you still have to win games and slowly build towards total football.
Disagree respectfully. Rapha and Licha did so much good work in the first 70 minutes that it's difficult to imagine us doing that well without them. The better midfield structure helped though granted.

And Evans slotted in and was no different. So the setup was more important than individual players.
He cannot always play as defensively and on the counter as he did today. This is underdog tactics and yes it can work well if the team is disciplined and if we get a lucky goal like the 1st one. But it's not a way to play for a whole season.

When we try to play higher up the pitch and press in search of a result we are abysmal. There's holes everywhere and relegation fodder teams cut through us. He has been unlucky with injuries this season but he has failed to create a team that looks like it has identity and cohesion. He's overused McTominay and Antony all season and didn't give Amad, Mount and even Amrabat enough minutes when he could have and arguably should have.
What do you do for a living? Assuming it's not managing a football club at the highest level, clearly you should switch jobs mate (unless you earn more money doing what you do now).
You think parking the bus against City today means he should get another season? Feel free to offer an alternative opinion that isn’t laced with ‘we won a final’ rose tinted glasses.
I feel like the last few matches the penny may have dropped too late. You need to be compact in the middle. Injuries don’t excuse that. Amrabat has been available most of the season and could have been shoring the middle up. He may not be the best passer and as slow as a ship turning but he’s a warrior. I feel we may have won or drawn a few of those 19 we lost if he has played a double pivot with him
I can understand this. I do think EtH made a very overlooked statement to Gary Neville in that interview recently saying that he didn't want the team to fall back into old habits with being compact and 'hard to beat' but, sometimes you have to change your plan if it's not working and I think that will cost him. I kind of admire him for sticking to his principles instead of taking the easy way out but it cost us in the end.
This is the perfect farewell to ETH. Even though we had such a bad season, I always have utmost respect to him. I especially admire his insistence to the system he wanted us to play. It doesn’t work out as hoped. But he can leave on high and I know it won’t be the end of him associated with us. He has been part of our history.
Don't think I've wanted us to win a trophy post Ferguson as much as this one. Last seasons fa cup maybe on par
Fair enough. I don't disagree. Just seems to me like he has figured out where we are going wrong (finally) in the last few weeks.
Wouldn't it be quite alarming if that's really the case for a professional football manager though? Especially today doesn't mean much. Playing compact and hitting them on the counter. That's how most coaches would have set us up and it's not really a sustainable tactic over a season vs different opponents.
Yep exactly this, I was saying earlier in the thread that we only finished 8 points behind Villa in the end, a few more compact performances and not being so open and we easily would've got an extra 9 points.
He gave up or lost his head in March and the team went into meltdown. Seems like someone finally got through to him to utilise Amrabat more and to think we lost so many points due to that ridiculous hole in midfield is so madenning. Yes you play and try to impose a style but you then have to ask whether it's persisting with after half a season, reevaluate and change course to ensure club objectives are met.
Genuine question.

Lets say we improve in a few areas over the summer and set up the way that he have done in the last 3 games, what do you think would happen?

I'm pretty certain we would push very hard for top four at the minimum.
I think top 4 is an easy target, we need to achieve that consistency in performances and style to a stage whereby you could actually point out that if this team got Player A it can win a title. You look at Arsenal they have this consistency and stability that a little X factor gets them across the line. That has to be our target - consistency and stability and that can only be achieved by getting a manager who has a tactical blueprint that works in this league and getting players with the right mix of physicality and technical ability to thrive in this league.
Wouldn't it be quite alarming if that's really the case for a professional football manager though? Especially today doesn't mean much. Playing compact and hitting them on the counter. That's how most coaches would have set us up and it's not really a sustainable tactic over a season vs different opponents.
Easier said than done at a club like ours.
This news conference is like 20 Gary Linekars, shower of idiots. Asking the same question 20 different ways.
I think he deserves another season. In the first season he overachieved. 2 cup finals, 1 of which he won and 3rd place was more than any of us expected with that squad of slackers. This season he has undearchieved, but he has still won a trophy. How many United managers post-Fergie can say that? And he has had to deal with massive off the field issues throughout the entire season and an unseen injury crisis. He deserves a shot with a new proper management structure behind him without the Glazer circus he's had to deal with. He hasn't lost the squad, the players seem to absolutely love him, he has developed some amazing talents like Mainoo that are going to be absolutely integral for us and his resume is impeccable.

I feel like if we sack him now, we're no different than Chelsea or any of those other plastic clubs chasing for the next quick fix. Who are we gonna replace him with? Tuchel or Poch? Give me a break. Both of them are coming from worse seasons than ETH and their resume when it comes to squad building is zero, especially Tuchel. And before anyone accuse me of being that guy who wants to give every manager more time, I was all for sacking Ole because as much as I love him, he never had the credentials to manage United and as such we couldn't afford to give him time since there's no evidence he would have ever turned it around. But Eric's resume before United is impeccable and at United he has the trophies to back it up.

INEOS sacking him will greatly diminish my enthusiasm about their leadership of the club. Would be short-sighted and stupid. I don't want us to become another Chelsea that sacks its managers left and right chasing short-term success . United should be different from those types of clubs. Yes, we've struggled this season, but Arteta and Klopp also struggled initially before their rid themselves of the trash and look where they ended up.
Agreed. They have been disgusting. I want him out but we just won the FA Cup for fecks sake.

There's only one question that needs to be asked "Is this your last game for United?", and it only needs to be asked once. Once asked and answered, there is nothing else on this subject to ask him. But they keep battering him with it and it's pretty fecking pathetic.
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