Erik ten Hag | 2022/23 & 2023/24

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Think he has to win today.

I think pressure is mounting to be fair and even though I don’t want him sacked , I do think the next 2 weeks could make it hard for him to stay if he doesn’t get any wins.

And it’s not because I don’t want him to stay, it’s cause once a team gets to a certain point then it’s impossible for any manger to arrest the fall. I always think of Ranieri at Leicester, winning the league and getting sacked the next season.

I don’t think for a second the players disliked Ranieri or he just stopped being able to manage/cosch a few months after winning the league. You can see how coaching a team doesn’t matter if the players aren’t responding to the coaching. Players don’t respond for different reasons.

For me, I’d prefer if ETH can hang on until at least end of January. At that stage we have everybody back fit , hopefully the leprechauns have given sir Jim the football reigns and maybe he can steer things back on track.
Think he has to win today.
A win would definitely always help but for me it's more important to see him address the issue of the non-existing midfield that is overrun far too easily. For me this is the biggest reason why United never look like controlling a match and too often can't get a result even when leading in a match. If Chelsea should win by a lucky goal in a match United generally control than that's fine for me as it would still be progress, but I just don't believe that this will happen. To me it looks like EtH has an idea how to build his "transition team" and is not willing to change this setup. I'm still ready to be pleasantly surprised, but this is just going on for too long to believe in it.
You're writing a load of shite to completely miss the point yet again.

I didn't even bring up Ten Hag, you did. If we can't pick-up a decent number of points from our next run of games then Ten Hag will likely rightly be fired because it'll have passed "bump in the road" and well and truly entered "wheels come off".

Literally all I did was respond to a poster asking why people kept bringing up long term managers by pointing out that the three best sides in the league had managers that matched his definition of "long term".

Again, whether it's Tem Hag having turned things around or a new manager, having a manager in post for 5+ years is a sign that things are going consistently well. That doesn't mean you have to give every manager that time, but there's also a middle ground between sticking with a manager despite results and performances and sacking one at the first real dip in form.

You're literally just waffling shite about other managers and now bringing up footballing philosophy because you're desperate to spin it about Ten Hag. I don't care.

The point is as simple as people wanting a long term manager because that will almost certainly mean things have been going well for that long term. Again, this hypothetical manager does not have to be Ten Hag, and I never said it did.

Probably because the two most successful English clubs in the past decade have had their managers for eight years and seven years, and the club emerging as a potential third title challenger has had theirs for four and required a bedding in period of around three seasons before results picked up, yet our fan base seems to think one and a bit seasons is enough regardless of massive injury issues affecting on-field performances and numerous off-field issues casting a massive shadow over the club.

Ideally, your manager will stick around for a long time, because that means things are going consistently well. It's hard for things to go consistently well when reaching a third season is considered a long tenure.

If not ETH, then who is managing this club? Santa Claus?

You had zero argument after your top fan stance got picked apart for using cheap lazy favorable comparison, now you're trying to hide by going off tangent about big picture, future scenario. All after literally discussing about the "now" (bolder part). Bad faith discussion. You had proven that your input in any discussion so far in this thread is worthless.
You don't need to go the whole season to see signs that the wheels have come off, and the trajectory has gone off the rail. Even ETH went on record stating he wanted us to be the transition team, and evidence pointing to this direction and it's the terrible type. Who's in the right mind what a Dutch coach to build transition team, especially one that has no experience to do so.

There is no spin on my counter argument with unfavorable comparison because the bad outcome outnumbered good outcome. You would run out of giving time to turn good comparison way before I need to Google for more examples (can easily recall bunch of occasions where sacking manager help the situation). And the point I brought up with these unfavorable comparison was to show you, most comparison is bogus. Too many different variables to have similar situation. ETH is vastly different to Pep, Klopp, Arteta, Emery...

Long term manager concept is based on success and evidence of progress. What ETH is showing is not simply stagnation but regression with more money and time. No long term managers would stay as long as they would without proof of achievement, evidence of progress. Quickly abandoning one's principle is almost unheard for these long term managers. The progress would already show in second season, not look like it gone back to square one.

The ownership under Glazers don't deserve to "make" a "new" long term manager. They knew a long term manager, one if not the best in the history, but they can't learn to identify another one all this time. There is no point on wishful thinking when comparing to other clubs which had learned to change and restructure themselves to move forward, when Glazers cronies still runs the club like they find a new SAF in ETH who is not.

Stop moving the goal post. You were talking about giving ETH time as is to turn it around, not scenario in the after he actually turned it around. If you want to discuss wishful thinking fairy tale future, then wait until that time comes, or show us proof that you can see into future.

The "now" discussion is ETH is reaching close to sacking point where his record is almost Mourinho bad in the league (already worse in CL. Undoing last season work in the league to get CL football), when he got the boot. He cashed in last season result with decent transfer budget.

How do you know that ETH is to blame for "the wheels coming off" and it's not down to:

Uncertainty due to ownership mess
Injuries to key players
Poor recruitment strategy from Murtough et al
Shite attitude from players
Said players simply not being good enough

Or are you just blaming the most visible person at the club for how you feel?
If not ETH, then who is managing this club? Santa Claus?

You had zero argument after your top fan stance got picked apart for using cheap lazy favorable comparison, now you're trying to hide by going off tangent about big picture, future scenario. All after literally discussing about the "now" (bolder part). Bad faith discussion. You had proven that your input in any discussion so far in this thread is worthless.

I have said about fifty times that Ten Hag can go.

I deliberately didn't name him in the bolded because I wanted to focus on the circumstances at the club and not the specific manager. You then came in making out I was comparing Ten Hag to Klopp and Guardiola, which wasn't the case at all.

As I've said, there's a middle ground between giving a manager, and I mean literally any manager, time regardless of performances and results, and sacking a manager as soon as things aren't going smoothly.

You want Ten Hag sacked now. Fair enough. I think he's earned a little bit more time, but acknowledge that the next run of games need to be better than what we've seen so far this season.

Neither of these things are remotely relevant to the point I've made about how a long term manager is a sign things are going well, and that's why people have a desire for a long term manager.

You don't want to engage with what I'm actually saying to you and have now made some bizarre comment about "top fan stance" because I'd quite like a manager that performs well for multiple seasons.

I don't even disagree with a lot of your criticisms of Ten Hag, but as I've tried to point out, this is all beside the point when we're talking about a general desire to have a "long term manager".
Think he has to win today.

Honestly, a win is always great. But, if we get torn apart again and fluke a win, it's not going to do much. We've been here before with previous under pressure managers where they managed to pull out a-few unconvincing wins to delay the inevitable.
How do you know that ETH is to blame for "the wheels coming off" and it's not down to:

Uncertainty due to ownership mess
Injuries to key players
Poor recruitment strategy from Murtough et al
Shite attitude from players
Said players simply not being good enough

Or are you just blaming the most visible person at the club for how you feel?

It's a perfect storm of all of the above that has amalgamated over a 10 year period. We're just here watching the finale of the fireworks. And ETH simply cannot change what is unfolding. I don't think any manager could. My greatest hope is Sir Jim, but hey...I'm an eternal optimist
It's a perfect storm of all of the above that has amalgamated over a 10 year period. We're just here watching the finale of the fireworks. And ETH simply cannot change what is unfolding. I don't think any manager could. My greatest hope is Sir Jim, but hey...I'm an eternal optimist

Always darkest before the dawn mate. I hope this is the final act of Glazer mismanagement, I hope ETH is the man who can get us winning again and I hope the new ownership install competent decision makers at the club.
How do you know that ETH is to blame for "the wheels coming off" and it's not down to:

Uncertainty due to ownership mess
Injuries to key players
Poor recruitment strategy from Murtough et al
Shite attitude from players
Said players simply not being good enough

Or are you just blaming the most visible person at the club for how you feel?

He's pounced on a general point about a manager being in post for a long time meaning things are going well and made out like I think we should give Ten Hag five seasons, and not, you know, a few more matches to see if he can turn things around.

It's the same with all of the most prolific Ten-Hag-Out lot. They don't engage with what anyone actually says and anything that isn't a call for his immediate sacking is met with hysterical straw men arguments portraying others as "top reds" and being blindly loyal to Ten Hag.
It's a perfect storm of all of the above that has amalgamated over a 10 year period. We're just here watching the finale of the fireworks. And ETH simply cannot change what is unfolding. I don't think any manager could. My greatest hope is Sir Jim, but hey...I'm an eternal optimist
He can change the tactics though.
But, but, I thought we spent 3 years doing a 'cultural reset'.

I have no doubt after listening to Matic that ETH has had some serious shite to deal with since joining. Ronaldo, Greenwood, Sancho. Even Ronaldo, whilst a complete dipshit at the end, hinted strongly at it.

Ole was a fecking massive waste of almost 3 years, as we told everyone from the moment the wheels came off his honeymoon.

But that said, ETH is failing himself and his own players. It’s great he sets standards for them, but abandoning the style/tactics that actually got him the job, whilst buying his former players who excelled in those tactics, the craziest of all Onana, must make these players question him. Just as it must confuse the feck out of them how so many players can go from the scrap heap to being fully relied upon and vice versa.

I think he’ll lose his job because of this stupid transition experiment and for either not having the courage to execute his original plan, else being so naive to think he can experiment in the PL with tactics he’s never previously used.
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It's a perfect storm of all of the above that has amalgamated over a 10 year period. We're just here watching the finale of the fireworks. And ETH simply cannot change what is unfolding. I don't think any manager could. My greatest hope is Sir Jim, but hey...I'm an eternal optimist

I agree it's important to limit the critical view to the things which he can actually control. However, it's starting to look more than a little iffy on that basis too.

We're approaching the halfway point of the season, and have so far been playing consistently on the level of a mid-table team. Our squad is better than that, even with the injuries.

Stylistically, there seems to be three possibilities:

- We're playing a style that the squad lacks the will and/or skills to implement
- We're playing a style that is implemented ok, but which doesn't work
- We've failed to develop a clear plan and style

The point being that in either case, much of the blame must fall on EtH.

This summer's recruitment looks like an obvious failure, and last summer's is looking increasingly bad too.

On top of this, he is making statements that makes you wonder about his judgement - such as talking up the Everton and Galatasaray games as great performances. If that's his idea of where we should be, then please someone pull the emergency break. I can only hope he's lying through his teeth, although that would speak volumes about his level of desperation.

Still think it's premature to sack him though. But this is very obviously not moving in the right direction.
He can change the tactics though.

The brigade calling for his head at every opportunity can't even make their minds up on that.

One minute he has no clue, no clear tactical direction and has stupidly changed his philosophy to fit the players, then yesterday an article comes out criticising him for stubbornly sticking to his philosophy and tactics despite the players not fitting it and that's been the problem they've had all along.

At the same time they're all salivating over Ange-ball being kept despite Spurs lacking the personnel and picking up one point from their last 12, and will complain about the manner in which United have actually won games.

For those that have made their mind up about wanting Ten Hag gone, he can simply do no right.

Someone says he sticks to his preferred tactics and they agree and say he's shit because the players available don't suit them.

Someone says he's changed his tactics and they agree and say he's shit because he's abandoned his principles.

He wins games and he's shit because he didn't win them the right way, but you can absolutely guarantee that had we lost them but "dominated" the stats, he'd be shit because all that matters is the score and losing is a sign of us playing ineffective football that doesn't get results.

It's the same with the squad selection. The same people criticising him for not dropping Rashford are the exact same people that are now criticising him for dropping Sancho.

There are things to criticise Ten Hag for, bit when one side consistently contradicts themselves with what problems they have with Ten Hag, it's very difficult to take anything they say about him seriously.
He can change the tactics though.

Can he make self interested premadonnas run though?

It blows my mind that there are posters here calling for another manager's head (not aimed at the quoted poster btw) when we've seen this exact movie before. New manager comes in, players try a bit harder then when there is a bit of adversity on the pitch they down tools.

There are players in this squad that have been here since LVG for goodness sake and they do the same fecking shit everytime and a bunch of emotional fans fall for it because they can't handle poor performances.

No one knows if ETH can win us a league title, equally no one knows if mystery contestant number 4 will win us a title either, but what we do know, based on literally a decade of evidence, is that there are players in this squad who just aren't up for playing for Manchester United.

**spelling mistakes due to emotional typing**
The brigade calling for his head at every opportunity can't even make their minds up on that.

One minute he has no clue, no clear tactical direction and has stupidly changed his philosophy to fit the players, then yesterday an article comes out criticising him for stubbornly sticking to his philosophy and tactics despite the players not fitting it and that's been the problem they've had all along.

At the same time they're all salivating over Ange-ball being kept despite Spurs lacking the personnel and picking up one point from their last 12, and will complain about the manner in which United have actually won games.

For those that have made their mind up about wanting Ten Hag gone, he can simply do no right.

Someone says he sticks to his preferred tactics and they agree and say he's shit because the players available don't suit them.

Someone says he's changed his tactics and they agree and say he's shit because he's abandoned his principles.

He wins games and he's shit because he didn't win them the right way, but you can absolutely guarantee that had we lost them but "dominated" the stats, he'd be shit because all that matters is the score and losing is a sign of us playing ineffective football that doesn't get results.

It's the same with the squad selection. The same people criticising him for not dropping Rashford are the exact same people that are now criticising him for dropping Sancho.

There are things to criticise Ten Hag for, bit when one side consistently contradicts themselves with what problems they have with Ten Hag, it's very difficult to take anything they say about him seriously.

So what. All that shows is that people criticising his tactics don't know how to fix it. They do know however that it needs to be fixed, because it very visibly and very obviously isn't working. All this season, we've been consistently outplayed by every top team we've met, and have struggled to beat weaker teams. Even in our only win by a more than one-goal margin, we were plainly (and statistically) not dominating the game, which means that we were basically lucky. Things are clearly not working well.
There are players in this squad that have been here since LVG for goodness sake and they do the same fecking shit everytime and a bunch of emotional fans fall for it because they can't handle poor performances.

Weird to point out that, looking at the fact that as boring as it was they played how Lvg wanted back then. We can say lvg tried and failed to implement his philosophy but eth gets goal posts moved all over the place when how we play is brought up.
He can change the tactics though.

On one hand you have people moaning that he's not sticking to his principles and using that as a stick to beat him with.

On the other you have people saying he should change his tactics and are using his stubbornness and inflexibility as a stick to beat him with.

It's a situation where he can't do right for doing wrong.
On one hand you have people moaning that he's not sticking to his principles and using that as a stick to beat him with.

On the other you have people saying he should change his tactics and are using his stubbornness and inflexibility as a stick to beat him with.

It's a situation where he can't do right for doing wrong.

And on the third hand you have the fact that whatever the solution might be, what he's currently doing isn't working.
It's outstanding how you've completely and utterly missed her point.
Her "point" is being captain obvious. A new manager is not all that we need and will not fix everything. We also need changes in footballing structure. Such insight. Calling for getting rid of players and underperfoming personnel at important positions but not the manager who's underperforming more than all of them.
Weird to point out that, looking at the fact that as boring as it was they played how Lvg wanted back then. We can say lvg tried and failed to implement his philosophy but eth gets goal posts moved all over the place when how we play is brought up.

It's like, somehow, incentives motivate people and if people know they can serve up shit on a stick and suffer no consequences then they will serve shit on a stick as long as you let them.

The brigade calling for his head at every opportunity can't even make their minds up on that.

One minute he has no clue, no clear tactical direction and has stupidly changed his philosophy to fit the players, then yesterday an article comes out criticising him for stubbornly sticking to his philosophy and tactics despite the players not fitting it and that's been the problem they've had all along.

At the same time they're all salivating over Ange-ball being kept despite Spurs lacking the personnel and picking up one point from their last 12, and will complain about the manner in which United have actually won games.

For those that have made their mind up about wanting Ten Hag gone, he can simply do no right.

Someone says he sticks to his preferred tactics and they agree and say he's shit because the players available don't suit them.

Someone says he's changed his tactics and they agree and say he's shit because he's abandoned his principles.

He wins games and he's shit because he didn't win them the right way, but you can absolutely guarantee that had we lost them but "dominated" the stats, he'd be shit because all that matters is the score and losing is a sign of us playing ineffective football that doesn't get results.

It's the same with the squad selection. The same people criticising him for not dropping Rashford are the exact same people that are now criticising him for dropping Sancho.

There are things to criticise Ten Hag for, bit when one side consistently contradicts themselves with what problems they have with Ten Hag, it's very difficult to take anything they say about him seriously.
Not all of us who think he should be gone think the same way and see the same reasons, so of course there will not be a single minded argument about why he should be sacked.

So I can only speak for me here when I answer to your post.

I do think he has a clear tactical direction, which is a change to his Ajax philosophy, and he sticks to this idea during the whole season. But I think he has no clue to fix the issues this results in as he changes nothing after committing to this idea how to become an amazing transition team. And I personally don't think that this tactical approach will ever work consistently.

Which is the difference to Ange, I get how this system is supposed to work and I think its strength and weaknesses are balanced in a reasonable way. I don't see this reasonable way with EtH's tactics.

Winning games by riding your luck is unsustainable, playing well but failing to score is unsustainable as well. But a team that plays well is more likely to pick up results again. A win is a win and in hindsight I don't care, but looking forward I do care about how the matches looked.

Rashford is a case in point that I don't see how his tactics should work - he looks terrible, but it also looks like he is forced to play so far out wide that it just doesn't suit him, so it would be reasonable to try a different player if he wants to keep his tactics, or vice versa keep Rashford and adjust the tactics. Sancho just is a case that escalated far beyond what's reasonable but Sancho definitely played the bigger role in this escalation.

It's perfectly fine that other people have different reasons to dislike than me, just like those who want him to stay can have different reasons why the want that.
Her "point" is being captain obvious. A new manager is not all that we need and will not fix everything. We also need changes in footballing structure. Such insight. Calling for getting rid of players and underperfoming personnel at important positions but not the manager who's underperforming more than all of them.
The point is no manager performs well after a very familiar period of time at the club. And that's because
of the shit structure and shit culture of downing tools at the club. So saying the manager isn't performing and therefore should be sacked is just lazy, you have evidently missed the point.
Honestly, a win is always great. But, if we get torn apart again and fluke a win, it's not going to do much. We've been here before with previous under pressure managers where they managed to pull out a-few unconvincing wins to delay the inevitable.
Kind of feel the same to be honest. So much uncertainty around the club. You also have to look at the performance and if it’s a case of players downing tools, then you don’t pander to them and get rid of ETH you ensure those players leave the club asap. Too long have we allowed players such leeway.
The point is no manager performs well after a very familiar period of time at the club. And that's because
of the shit structure and shit culture of downing tools at the club. So saying the manager isn't performing and therefore should be sacked is just lazy, you have evidently missed the point.
Except that's mostly nonsense so no point missed there. There isn't are more lazy argument than the "downed tools" one.
Except that's mostly nonsense so no point missed there. There isn't are more lazy argument than the "downed tools" one.
Its not nonsense. It happens literally every 18 months or so in the past 7 years. It's outstanding how wide of the mark you are :lol:
So what. All that shows is that people criticising his tactics don't know how to fix it. They do know however that it needs to be fixed, because it very visibly and very obviously isn't working. All this season, we've been consistently outplayed by every top team we've met, and have struggled to beat weaker teams. Even in our only win by a more than one-goal margin, we were plainly (and statistically) not dominating the game, which means that we were basically lucky. Things are clearly not working well.

Because a lot of their criticisms are hysterical nonsense and show a clear agenda to sack him no matter what.

They don't want it fixed, they want him gone.

We've had a ridiculous season with injuries, varying, major issues with player conduct, and an ongoing saga with the sale of the club. We're a club with a woefully inadequate footballing structure and have been limited by the need to adhere to FFP after a decade of horrible mismanagement. We have a squad pieced together with no clear direction, a host of players on contracts far exceeding their ability or performances.

None of this matters to them though, and each of the above is either ignored when convenient or twisted to somehow entirely be the fault of Ten Hag.

This isn't a group simply highlighting a problem but not knowledgeable enough to provide a solution. This is a group that sees no further than "sack the manager" and will wave around anything remotely resembling evidence to support that stance, even if it's in direct contradiction to other evidence.

It's agenda driven nonsense clogging up the forum and stopping actual debates about actual concerns from being had. You can't have a sensible discussion when one group flies in and just wants to be the loudest.
He's got a tough few weeks ahead, the players haven't covered themselves in glory but neither has he.

He needs to make tough choices and get us playing well soon or the game is up. It's been tough to watch but happy to give him 4 weeks to see if he can turn it around, otherwise he should go.
And on the third hand you have the fact that whatever the solution might be, what he's currently doing isn't working.

Perhaps. For me it is more to do with the players he has at his disposal. A lot of them just aren't good enough and don't want to work hard enough to make it work.
If Onana is still launching the ball forward once Martinez and Casemiro are back, I’ll be very confused.
He's launching the ball because our defenders and midfielders don't have the courage to show for the ball and make themselves available for passes to play out from the back. Onana's ability with the ball at his feet is not an issue.
I have no doubt after listening to Matic that ETH has had some serious shite to deal with since joining. Ronaldo, Greenwood, Sancho. Even Ronaldo, whilst a complete dipshit at the end, hinted strongly at it.

Ole was a fecking massive waste of almost 3 years, as we told everyone from the moment the wheels came off his honeymoon.

But that said, ETH is failing himself and his own players. It’s great he sets standards for them, but abandoning the style/tactics that actually got him the job, whilst buying his former players who excelled in those tactics, the craziest of all Onana, must make these players question him. Just as it must confuse the feck out of them how so many players can go from the scrap heap to being fully relied upon and vice versa.

I think he’ll lose his job because of this stupid transition experiment and for either not having the courage to execute his original plan, else being so naive to think he can experiment in the PL with tactics he’s never previously used.

Yeah, he walked into a mess, but he needs to be made accountable too for the rod for his own back that he's made. I like him, but he's made too many poor decisions, and I don't really feel that there's a way back.
The point is no manager performs well after a very familiar period of time at the club. And that's because
of the shit structure and shit culture of downing tools at the club. So saying the manager isn't performing and therefore should be sacked is just lazy, you have evidently missed the point.

I personally find the argument of “downing tools” much lazier.
Not all of us who think he should be gone think the same way and see the same reasons, so of course there will not be a single minded argument about why he should be sacked.

So I can only speak for me here when I answer to your post.

I do think he has a clear tactical direction, which is a change to his Ajax philosophy, and he sticks to this idea during the whole season. But I think he has no clue to fix the issues this results in as he changes nothing after committing to this idea how to become an amazing transition team. And I personally don't think that this tactical approach will ever work consistently.

Which is the difference to Ange, I get how this system is supposed to work and I think its strength and weaknesses are balanced in a reasonable way. I don't see this reasonable way with EtH's tactics.

Winning games by riding your luck is unsustainable, playing well but failing to score is unsustainable as well. But a team that plays well is more likely to pick up results again. A win is a win and in hindsight I don't care, but looking forward I do care about how the matches looked.

Rashford is a case in point that I don't see how his tactics should work - he looks terrible, but it also looks like he is forced to play so far out wide that it just doesn't suit him, so it would be reasonable to try a different player if he wants to keep his tactics, or vice versa keep Rashford and adjust the tactics. Sancho just is a case that escalated far beyond what's reasonable but Sancho definitely played the bigger role in this escalation.

It's perfectly fine that other people have different reasons to dislike than me, just like those who want him to stay can have different reasons why the want that.

You're supposed to be a Hannover 96 fan.

I truly don't know why you care what happens to the Manchester United manager, but there we are.

To partially entertain you, if any of these people had focused on Ten Hag's tactics not working, that'd be fine. They clearly aren't.

However, they're not saying that. The tactics not working is not the focus of their criticism.

The tactics weren't working because they were shit tactics that didn't match his philosophy and he changed it to fit the players and/or "The United Way" and if he was a good coach he'd stick to his guns, but that was only true until they weren't working because he was sticking to his guns despite the players not being good enough and he was a good coach he'd adapt to suit them.

These things cannot both be true, and expose a vocal group of posters of having absolutely no good faith in their posts regarding the manager. If it's a stick to beat Ten Hag with they'll pick it up and claim to have been holding it all along.

I don't disagree with a lot of your specific analysis.

It's obviously a jump from the Eredivisie to the Premier League and what worked there might not work here.

From what I've seen, Ange-ball seems suicidal and very much not sustainable for long-term consistency. It reminds me of Rodgers' Liverpool and Bielsa at Leeds.

The current form and performances are obviously unsustainable. The optimist in me has hoped players returning from injury would see us turn things around, but the clock is very much ticking there and this next run of fixtures is absolutely crucial. A bad run of results will likely see us sink well out of the hunt for top four.

I'm beginning to think that I've vastly overrated Rashford's ability and potential. There's definitely a "square peg, round hole" argument to be made about some of his tactical suitability, but the fact is that he's spent much of the season quite blatantly not putting in the effort. Pressing and tracking back are not complicated skills, they're just a basic expectation, and he repeatedly fails to deliver on even that basic level.
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