Gaming Cyberpunk 2077 (PC, PS4/5, Xbox One)

I'm almost certainly going to get the expansion pack. I know the game had some serious faults at launch and would never have been an all-time great like Witcher 3 even if those bugs had been absent but there's still quite a lot about the game i actually liked.

The performance and graphics on the PS5 are actually pretty decent now.
It is said to completely overhaul, among others, the skills system and "police and combat AI", so it looks promising on paper. We'll have to wait and see how substantial those improvements really are.
The combat is already excellent and super fun - it’ll be even better with the new perk system and cyberware. No harm in waiting for a few updates in case there’s some teething issues but I can’t given I already love the base game.
Wonder if CDPR couldn't pull a Microsoft and fine tune the engine to release a new version of Cyberpunk with everything added in they wanted to at first like public transit and other making the world feel more alive like enhancements. I'm referring to what MS is going to do with Flight Simulator 24. It pissed some people off for sure to get that announcement, but it also has the ability for them to still take all this and repackage it into the proper GOTY like material it should have been in the first place.
I think they've said this is the one and only expansion pack because they're moving to a new engine going forward with new games like Witcher 4 and any Cyberpunk sequels. I'm curious to see how the revamp of the gameplay turns out with the police and vehicle combat. Also, they're no longer constrained by having to work with adapting it to last gen consoles so hopefully that'll help.

I know the game disappointed a lot of people on release and for good reasons but there's so much they can do with this IP. The world and aesthetic is really interesting.
Im going to be getting this for my December break instead of at launch now due to some bad gaming decisions! But still, there’s no game im looking forward to more than 2.0 and this DLC.

Only problem is - how on earth do I decide on a build!? I want to try them all out but I know I can’t.
Deciding on a build is my issue as well. I was looking at some of the dev build videos. The advanced netrunner hacking type builds this go around was kind of appealing to me as I didn't really go that route before. And I didnt use monowire at all before and now you can actually hack with it.

Is 2.0 out then?

Sept 21 is 2.0
is 2.0 a full sequel or just some added levels?

Stellar! I really enjoyed Cyberpunk 2077, this looks great
Agreed. Stopped playing it rather quickly back then in the intial launch phase but enjoyed the general idea and gameplay a lot. Seems like a fresh dive into Night City for me! :devil:
Agreed. Stopped playing it rather quickly back then in the intial launch phase but enjoyed the general idea and gameplay a lot. Seems like a fresh dive into Night City for me! :devil:
I played it once as a street rat female V, then a second time as corpo male V. Just driving around the city was great. Production design was incredible, graphics, sound effects, musical score, voice acting, it was amazing. Second time I went and bought all the vehicles, bought all the apartments, and walked around with Gorilla arms pulverizing enemies’ heads with one hit. I didn’t realize Jackie was a Valentino until after I killed all of his gang mates. I got to the point where I would make displays of the dead bodies. Occasionally I would challenge the police and kill 50 or 60 in a row, then they just give up. Then I’d revert to a save where I killed 0 cops and 0 civilians. Just like Omar, a man has to have a code, I never drew down on nobody who wasn’t in the game.
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I played it once as a street rat female V, then a second time as corpo male V. Just driving around the city was great. Production design was incredible, graphics, sound effects, musical score, voice acting, it was amazing.
Cyberpunk/Steampunk is my fav setting, Shadowrun etc, so even with the shortcomings at launch it was awesome already. Not really a fan of Keanue Reeves appearing but no real biggie.

would be amazing if there would be coop, could be roaming nightlclubs together with you, doing drugs, taking down crime syndicates and the likes :D
Stellar! I really enjoyed Cyberpunk 2077, this looks great

Same, I'm really excited for Phantom Liberty and I think the game will finally be in a state where it feels finished.
I was one of the few who never had any major problems with the game. Yes, the game had bugs and many promises were not included, but it was the same with Witcher 3 at release. A game this size is extremely complex and CDPR always plans more than they can actually include. It's their biggest weakness and they admit it. If you know and expect this for their releases, you won't be disappointed. I think their big mistake was to release it on the old consoles. It ran like dog shit on them and it was also the reason for the delays. I feel like the bad reviews would have been halved without the old consoles.
The game was never a GTA copy, free roaming was never the focus. Cyberpunk focuses on immersive storytelling and aesthetics. In both cases, the game set new milestones. That's CDPR's strength and they delivered on this field.
Cyberpunk/Steampunk is my fav setting, Shadowrun etc, so even with the shortcomings at launch it was awesome already. Not really a fan of Keanue Reeves appearing but no real biggie.

would be amazing if there would be coop, could be roaming nightlclubs together with you, doing drugs, taking down crime syndicates and the likes :D
Keanu’s whole deal worked better when playing as male V. I thought his acting was about par. The story made little sense the first time through, but second time it was actually a pretty cool story. Although his friend at the Afterlife, Rogue, was in her late 70s (Johnny had been in limbo for 50 years). So was Kerry Eurodyne. People look great in 2077!
Do you know if the game will continue spawning gang members or can you eventually kill all of them? I felt bad a few times, like when they are basically having a rave out in the desert, and they won’t attack until you draw a weapon, or the cowboy dudes who challenge you to get high score on their shooting game at a BBQ. Boom, killed all of them. The rave people ended up shooting their own truck and blowing it up, killing about 5 civilians, so I had to revert to a previous save.
Yeh I’m feeling pretty excited for this. I’ll wait for the reviews just to be sure, but I really enjoyed the base game and have held off doing a second playthrough. Think I might go for a street kid net runner build and focus almost exclusively on revolvers. Will make it pretty challenging without the smart guns I used the first time, but I reckon with the hacking it could be really fun.
Same, I'm really excited for Phantom Liberty and I think the game will finally be in a state where it feels finished.
I was one of the few who never had any major problems with the game. Yes, the game had bugs and many promises were not included, but it was the same with Witcher 3 at release. A game this size is extremely complex and CDPR always plans more than they can actually include. It's their biggest weakness and they admit it. If you know and expect this for their releases, you won't be disappointed. I think their big mistake was to release it on the old consoles. It ran like dog shit on them and it was also the reason for the delays. I feel like the bad reviews would have been halved without the old consoles.
The game was never a GTA copy, free roaming was never the focus. Cyberpunk focuses on immersive storytelling and aesthetics. In both cases, the game set new milestones. That's CDPR's strength and they delivered on this field.

Absolutely none of that about them as a dev is true. They never admitted anything, they doubled down and lied about the game even after release. They also treated their development team like absolute trash and blamed them for ages. Only when called out and with a huge backlash did they start damage control.

I'm all for this DLC being good and hopefully I can finally like the game like I really want to, but let's not change what actually happened and how they treated the fans and the staff.
bsolutely none of that about them as a dev is true. They never admitted anything, they doubled down and lied about the game even after release.

I follow them since W1, so I know what they've said several times over the years. Their biggest weakness is to plan way more content than they're capable to include in the game later. They've said it in the W3 making of, they said it a few times during Witcher anniversaries when talking about development of the game and they've also mentioned it for Cyberpunk. But the side effect of that "weakness" was a ton of content in W3, especially with both expansions. Way more than in any RPG on the market at that time around. Just the size of Blood&Wine was big enough to be a stand alone game and not an expansion.
Cyberpunk was worse, because they tried to press a new game into old consoles. Yes, greed was the trigger here because they wanted to sell CP on all plattforms and that was their biggest mistake as I mentioned. If they had focused only on PC and new generation consoles, they would have released the game earlier with more content, instead of wasting months in trying to run the game on the old consoles.
I follow them since W1, so I know what they've said several times over the years. Their biggest weakness is to plan way more content than they're capable to include in the game later. They've said it in the W3 making of, they said it a few times during Witcher anniversaries when talking about development of the game and they've also mentioned it for Cyberpunk. But the side effect of that "weakness" was a ton of content in W3, especially with both expansions. Way more than in any RPG on the market at that time around. Just the size of Blood&Wine was big enough to be a stand alone game and not an expansion.
Cyberpunk was worse, because they tried to press a new game into old consoles. Yes, greed was the trigger here because they wanted to sell CP on all plattforms and that was their biggest mistake as I mentioned. If they had focused only on PC and new generation consoles, they would have released the game earlier with more content, instead of wasting months in trying to run the game on the old consoles.

Yep, I agree with all that. But it doesn't change a single thing about my post. They absolutely did lie about the game even after release, and they absolutely did con the fans and tried to blame and punish the development team.

One can like the game without romanticising the awful way they behaved and rightly got called out on.

The best thing for us as gamers and their staff is that they've learned and move forward with better processes. I really hope they finally learn lessons on the design front too, as their gameplay/rpg elements have always been ropey at best (all the way from W1), and we get this DLC and the sequel as absolutely outstanding.
Push Square released their review of Phantom Liberty expansion ahead of embargo. Apparently runs 30 hours and is Cyberpunk's blood and wine. Very positive.

Phantom Liberty is often Cyberpunk 2077 at its very best. A gripping narrative complete with great characters adds another dimension to the open world RPG, while the main mission and side quest design remains top notch throughout. It's a tremendous expansion that delivers a truly memorable experience.

  • Gripping story moments
  • Fantastic characters
  • Some top-tier missions
  • Intense boss fights
  • Dogtown art direction is superb
  • Amazing soundtrack
  • Dynamic events are a great addition
Push Square released their review of Phantom Liberty expansion ahead of embargo. Apparently runs 30 hours and is Cyberpunk's blood and wine. Very positive.

Phantom Liberty is often Cyberpunk 2077 at its very best. A gripping narrative complete with great characters adds another dimension to the open world RPG, while the main mission and side quest design remains top notch throughout. It's a tremendous expansion that delivers a truly memorable experience.

  • Gripping story moments
  • Fantastic characters
  • Some top-tier missions
  • Intense boss fights
  • Dogtown art direction is superb
  • Amazing soundtrack
  • Dynamic events are a great addition
Ahh that’s great to hear. Can’t wait to dive back in again!
$30 for the expansion??

How big/long is this?

I really had fun with the game on my PS4. Now that i have the PS5 i am seriously tempted to replay the game with the expansion.
Gamespot 10/10

2.0 with Phantom Liberty :drool:

I had already pre-ordered it as I loved Cyberpunk. If this is as good as it looks from the early reviews and it does sound like they've built on what I loved about the original, this could be a blood and wine type addition for me.
Waiting all this time for a first play through will be worth it in the end.
Waiting all this time for a first play through will be worth it in the end.

This is pretty much where I’m at. An ex bought it for me on day one and it was unplayable, tried again around the time of the show and got bored pretty quickly, but now I’m tempted to sit down and give it a proper go
I had already pre-ordered it as I loved Cyberpunk. If this is as good as it looks from the early reviews and it does sound like they've built on what I loved about the original, this could be a blood and wine type addition for me.
I sadly won’t play it till December but I already love the first game so a revamped version with fairly meaty story content (it’s what CDPR do brilliantly) is going to be lovely.

$30 for the expansion??

How big/long is this?

I really had fun with the game on my PS4. Now that i have the PS5 i am seriously tempted to replay the game with the expansion.
How long to beat hasn’t updated this there yet but I’d imagine the new campaign would be 20 hours with 5-7 hours of side content - that’s what seems standard for this sort of expansion. But that coupled with 2.0 and the fact that you’ve never played it on next gen hardware will take the experience to a new level for you.
How long to beat hasn’t updated this there yet but I’d imagine the new campaign would be 20 hours with 5-7 hours of side content - that’s what seems standard for this sort of expansion. But that coupled with 2.0 and the fact that you’ve never played it on next gen hardware will take the experience to a new level for you.

Yeah, excited about it. But limited gaming time and it's between replaying this or starting baldurs gate...
Reviews generally positive, but CDPR again not allowing content reviewers to broadcast their gameplay footage, so that's the only concerning bit.
It takes place around 3/4 into the game, so, you'll get to a certain point and then it becomes available. The story expansion also has a thread which allows for an alternative ending in the main game.
Thanks for the reply!

Ah okay! I guess ill give it a bash and if im loving the game ill buy it.
I just ordered it. Hopefully they'll have no major screw ups with the launch this time now and it is a current gen only release.