Gaming Cyberpunk 2077 (PC, PS4/5, Xbox One)

The story thing doesn’t fly either for me. It builds fantastically as things go from bad to worse. You really feel it going to shit.

The world is unbeatable and anyone saying otherwise is perhaps one of those pretentious gamers that can’t accept a mainstream game being that good, or they didn’t like how slow the gameplay was at times and couldn’t look past it.

There are issues, like with all games. Some people just look back on older games with rose tinted glasses. Probably helped that the world didn’t use to be so cynical. The main issue is the clunky controls and shooting, but it wasn’t game breaking by any stretch.

As for those suggesting a PS4 exclusive is better, well, we’ve seen how they act in the console thread. They’re still pretending the ps5 constantly fecking up is ok, so they can’t be trusted with an opinion.
Mainstream games can be that good - see Witcher 3 and God of War being better. And if we're discussing it as gamings greatest ever, then we have to be cynical and ruthless. The core gameplay was very poor. Overall, it was an excellent experience, as it had a lot of strengths but the actual gameplay was sorely lacking.

Like I said people seek different things from games. For me, there's a bar which the gameplay experience must at the very least reach, otherwise it hurts the overall quality. With RDR2 it absolutely nailed some things but that bit was sub par.

It's fair enough to agree to disagree. But I don't believe it's down to "AAA games not getting credit" or "cynicism of modern times".
That's great. But I'll be able to re purchase it in a few months right? Why on earth are they removing it?!

Because CDPR told everyone to contact Sony for a refund and Sony probably didn’t like their phone lines jammed as a result of that, so they probably felt it’s best taking it off the store.
Wow, that's pretty amazing that it's being removed. I'm actually still enjoying it :lol:
I wonder, if the game is ever patched to an acceptable level would they release some DLC (if any was planned) for free as way of an apology? Some sort of nice gesture to fans. The DLC for Witcher 3 was of ridiculously high quality (better and longer than most full games)
Damn that’s big news. Embarrassing for CDPR.
I wonder, if the game is ever patched to an acceptable level would they release some DLC (if any was planned) for free as way of an apology? Some sort of nice gesture to fans. The DLC for Witcher 3 was of ridiculously high quality (better and longer than most full games)
They won't pour resources into a Blood & Wine-sized DLC unless they think it'll be a financial success. They certainly won't do it as an apology or give it away for free.

EA abandoned Mass Effect: Andromeda after 4-5 months and cancelled all planned DLC. The way this is going I wouldn't be surprised if CDPR do the same for 2077 and abandon it as a lost cause, on Playstation 4 at least.
They won't pour resources into a Blood & Wine-sized DLC unless they think it'll be a financial success. They certainly won't do it as an apology or give it away for free.

EA abandoned Mass Effect: Andromeda after 4-5 months and cancelled all planned DLC. The way this is going I wouldn't be surprised if CDPR do the same for 2077 and abandon it as a lost cause, on Playstation 4 at least.
I thought maybe they might have had some DLC already half complete or cut from the end game but yeah that makes more sense :( maybe there is no coming back from this, on the last generation at any rate. What a disaster!
Just bought some CDPR shares, good time to buy considering their stock at an almost all time low :lol:
They won't pour resources into a Blood & Wine-sized DLC unless they think it'll be a financial success. They certainly won't do it as an apology or give it away for free.

EA abandoned Mass Effect: Andromeda after 4-5 months and cancelled all planned DLC. The way this is going I wouldn't be surprised if CDPR do the same for 2077 and abandon it as a lost cause, on Playstation 4 at least.

I can see them quickly moving to another Witcher game. They’d probably release one DLC expansion rather than two. They also have multiplayer lined up for this and no idea how that is going to work. They are saying 2023 for multiplayer and by that time new GTA should be on the horizon.

Seems like Sony probably didn’t want to be involved in potential lawsuits, which are going to come with this game as they admitted to misleading and releasing faulty product.
The Management Board of CD PROJEKT SA with a registered office in Warsaw (hereinafter referred to as “The Company”) hereby publicly discloses the decision of Sony Interactive Entertainment (hereinafter referred to as “SIE”) to remove Cyberpunk 2077 from PlayStation Store until further notice. The decision was undertaken following our discussion with SIE regarding a full refund for all gamers who had purchased Cyberpunk 2077 via PlayStation Store and want a refund at this time. All copies of the game previously purchased digitally on PlayStation Store remain available for use by their respective buyers. Gamers can still buy physical versions of the game in retail and mail order stores. All copies, whether digital or physical, will continue to receive support and updates from the Company.

The Management Board of the Company has decided to publicly disclose this information in the form of a current report due to its potential influence on investment-related decisions.

Seems like patches will still be available to people who don't opt for refund.
Has anything like this happened before?
Because this will stand out as the biggest feck up in recent history when it comes to games.
That's a pretty big step from Sony. I guess they were mightily pissed off. :lol:

Hope CDPR stick with the game and don't abandon it. Some great DLC potential. However they must be regretting ever attempting this game at this point with all the controversy.
Seems like Sony got royally pissed off with the unilateral offer of refunds.

CDPR have thrown years worth of reputation into the garbage into the space of a week. They’ll be studying this fiasco in business schools for a long time to come
You'd expect majorly defective products to be removed from stores, if the store in question has any sense of customer service.

I was a big GOG advocate early on but some of their edgelord shit over the last while has left a bad taste and means I'll laugh this up a treat. Gamers.
Has anything like this happened before?
Because this will stand out as the biggest feck up in recent history when it comes to games.
i was wondering this earlier. Is this worse than Fallout 76? Bethesda did some pretty messed up stuff in the weeks after that came out. There’s a great video on YouTube about it.
Seems like Sony got royally pissed off with the unilateral offer of refunds.

CDPR have thrown years worth of reputation into the garbage into the space of a week. They’ll be studying this fiasco in business schools for a long time to come

Really disappointed with this. CDPR was(is?) one of the better guys. They have just played into the hands of the EAs/Bethesda's of the world by releasing such an incomplete game.
I was really rooting for them, an independent and loved studio bringing out a completely new AAA+ IP. Would have given so much confidence to other studios.

I hope they can come back from this debacle, and re-release the game with all the bugs/glitches/game mechanic issues. Huge Development and PR challenge for them to stay afloat.

For what its worth, I ain't getting a refund yet. CDPR has always delivered for their 'gamers' - albeit slightly delayed. And I owe them my loyalty for bazillion hours of awesomeness that was the Witcher series.
Really disappointed with this. CDPR was(is?) one of the better guys. They have just played into the hands of the EAs/Bethesda's of the world by releasing such an incomplete game.
I was really rooting for them, an independent and loved studio bringing out a completely new AAA+ IP. Would have given so much confidence to other studios.

I hope they can come back from this debacle, and re-release the game with all the bugs/glitches/game mechanic issues. Huge Development and PR challenge for them to stay afloat.

For what its worth, I ain't getting a refund yet. CDPR has always delivered for their 'gamers' - albeit slightly delayed. And I owe them my loyalty for bazillion hours of awesomeness that was the Witcher series.
I can understand their dliemma. They've spent years (years and years and years) developing PC, PS4 and Xbox One versions of this game. And it's not ready. And every month they wait the PS4 and Xbox One version they've spent years working on becomes less relevant.

How long do they push it back? 3 months? They would surely be laughing stock if they have to don't have a PS5 and Xbox Series S|X version.

One year? That's enough time to complete the PS5/Series versions but might as well scrap the PS4 and Xbox One versions.

I guess they felt like it had to launch this Christmas in whatever state it was in.

They made the wrong decision.
Mainstream games can be that good - see Witcher 3 and God of War being better. And if we're discussing it as gamings greatest ever, then we have to be cynical and ruthless. The core gameplay was very poor. Overall, it was an excellent experience, as it had a lot of strengths but the actual gameplay was sorely lacking.

Like I said people seek different things from games. For me, there's a bar which the gameplay experience must at the very least reach, otherwise it hurts the overall quality. With RDR2 it absolutely nailed some things but that bit was sub par.

It's fair enough to agree to disagree. But I don't believe it's down to "AAA games not getting credit" or "cynicism of modern times".
It's interesting how you corrected @Paxi for generalising about Red Dead 2 yet throw around such sweeping statements as what I've bolded above.
Holy shit game deleted from the PS store......crazy

Possibly the biggest fail launch of all time now

im only about 14 hours in but I’m enjoying it on ps5 with little problems so far but I’m considering a refund and re-purchasing when it gets fixed
That is humiliating for CDPR.

The most hyped game of the year and Sony shitcan it off their store.
Followed by a 17% drop in their share price today.

This must be the most fecked up launching of all time.

Still no reply for my refund. I guess I have to torrent Witcher 4, when it comes out. Fair is fair, after all.
Holy shit game deleted from the PS store......crazy

Possibly the biggest fail launch of all time now

im only about 14 hours in but I’m enjoying it on ps5 with little problems so far but I’m considering a refund and re-purchasing when it gets fixed
Final Fantasy XIV was worse to be fair. They had to pull the game completely and basically redo it, and it worked out well.

At this stage CDPR should just focus on PC and getting good next gen versions out in six months or a year. The PS4 and XBONE versions seem unsavable.
It's interesting how you corrected @Paxi for generalising about Red Dead 2 yet throw around such sweeping statements as what I've bolded above.
Yes because his was factually incorrect - most gamers don't see it as the 'perfect' game. Barely anyone sees anything as perfect. Critics viewed it as an excellent game with some flaws.

Mine was an opinion. And a statement that people don't not rate great commercial games. That's just silly.
Wasn’t expecting that kind of action from Sony.

Amazing to think with all those digital PS5’s ready to be opened at Xmas, they are saying nah you can’t buy this game in its present state.
Why are people losing their shit over this being removed from the store? As a story it's big. But if the developer is saying take your refund the game has issues, Sony would be silly to keep selling such a game through Psn and then increasing their admin costs of refunding.
Why are people losing their shit over this being removed from the store? As a story it's big. But if the developer is saying take your refund the game has issues, Sony would be silly to keep selling such a game through Psn and then increasing their admin costs of refunding.
You answer your own question with your second sentence.
Why are people losing their shit over this being removed from the store? As a story it's big. But if the developer is saying take your refund the game has issues, Sony would be silly to keep selling such a game through Psn and then increasing their admin costs of refunding.

Yeah, if CDPR have asked Sony to provide refunds whenever required due to bugs the only reasonable action from Sony is to temporarily remove it. Why sell a game which you're saying needs fixing so you can have your money back if you don't like it?
Yeah, if CDPR have asked Sony to provide refunds whenever required due to bugs the only reasonable action from Sony is to temporarily remove it. Why sell a game which you're saying needs fixing so you can have your money back if you don't like it?
I think so. It's just an unecessary mess for them to sell a game on their store which may well have to be refunded to the consumer. And it's not as if it's a small game which won't care about the issues with. It's cyberpunk. It's a huge story and everyone now knows how differently it runs on the new consoles and PC. And the developer has acknowledged it's poor on the old consoles. So it's bound to lead to people buying it now, trying it out for a bit and then returning it. Then theres the issue of how much playing time is too much.
Why on earth are they removing it?!
Why are people losing their shit over this being removed from the store? As a story it's big. But if the developer is saying take your refund the game has issues, Sony would be silly to keep selling such a game through Psn and then increasing their admin costs of refunding.
:lol: Are you talking to yourself, or has it blown up elsewhere I've not seen.

Edit: Ah Damien's got it.