Gaming Cyberpunk 2077 (PC, PS4/5, Xbox One)

I know Spanner will jump on me, but I loved it and very much looking forward to both the DLC and general improvements. I think many of the criticisms above are harsh and you could say about the vast majority of games, but as always perception plays a big part in how something is seen.
It’s not perfect in many areas but it’s fantastic in many - soundtrack, writing, characters, the density and design of the world, voice acting, visuals etc

My issue with this game is that it just wasn’t very fun to play, the combat in particular.

If a game is going to feel like a chore then it at least needs to be fun to play when you’re doing the mindless shit.
I found the moment to moment gameplay a blast. Miles better than the likes of RDR2 or GTA which are extremely linear and generic point and shoot affairs. Here the guns feel satisfying and offer a lot of variety - tech, smart, ricochet, cyberware, blades, knives etc
I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone love cyberpunk as much as amol. Fair play.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone love cyberpunk as much as amol. Fair play.
You wouldn’t notice it by this place but the game has seen a big resurgence and has garnered a pretty decent fanbase now. It’ll only increase when FL comes around.
My issue with this game is that it just wasn’t very fun to play, the combat in particular.

If a game is going to feel like a chore then it at least needs to be fun to play when you’re doing the mindless shit.

The combat is really bad. It's the reason why I stopped playing. I don't know what's going on there, but the shooting was just awful. I was enjoying aspects of the game, too. I loved the look of the world, even though it was incredibly shallow. But the shooting just killed the game for me.
Cyberpunk and Fleet Foxes are his only two loves.

I have many loves but in gaming Outer Wilds, Witcher 3 and of course Deus Ex would be my all time top 3. In music, I adore Nirvana and among contemporary artists Joanna Newsom is the bees knees (aside from FF of course).
Can you please explain this?
The launch was an unmitigated disaster and the game that released was nothing like expected, this we all know. That clearly impacted the view on the game (rightly so really) but I still think at its core it’s far more fleshed out than the vast majority of other games I’ve played in the last few years. I know I’ve used this comparison before but Ghost of Tsushima which is raved about was such a bland world with a painfully boring story. Cyberpunk’s writing puts it to shame. Hell even take a game like Spider-Man which I loved and platinumed. It was really well done and well polished but hardly a complex game. Ultimately Cyberpunk probably tried to do too much, reached too high and promised the world which meant its launch was a disaster, but fundamentally what they built is really impressive and an underrated gaming experience. Post patches I’d expect that this would be one of the best games around.
It’s not perfect in many areas but it’s fantastic in many - soundtrack, writing, characters, the density and design of the world, voice acting, visuals etc

I found the moment to moment gameplay a blast. Miles better than the likes of RDR2 or GTA which are extremely linear and generic point and shoot affairs. Here the guns feel satisfying and offer a lot of variety - tech, smart, ricochet, cyberware, blades, knives etc
Couldn’t agree more. The combat is brilliant, not really sure what the issue is there! The AI left abit to be desired but hell my favourite game is Skyrim so I don’t really care!
Couldn’t agree more. The combat is brilliant, not really sure what the issue is there! The AI left abit to be desired but hell my favourite game is Skyrim so I don’t really care!
Maybe it has changed since launched? Or maybe it’s just my jam - because whether it was my first playthrough charging up tech rifles though walls and taking everyone out around cover using smart pistols, being a hacker katana ninja in my second or my third experimenting with shotguns and fists, I enjoyed it all. So much so that I made it a point to complete every scanner mission. Things like double jump / hover and switching between the mantis / mono wire just gives you so much freedom which I really enjoyed.

And Im not even a completionist gamer.
Yep. Also the endless reused assets dotted around just make the whole thing just still seem so half finished despite the updates.

The thing is, it's like the Witcher 3 where most of the elements than should be cool additions are just shallow and mostly pointless, it was the same in the previous games too. If they made crafting, food and all the bits like that actually make a difference and mean something then it would instantly be a much better game. Same can be said about their mission/XP systems too. They write such good stories and dialogue that you want to see and hear everything, but then in doing so you are overpowered for all the cool stuff to come.

The A.I is still by far the worst thing about it though. They just aren't capable of fixing it and making any of the enemies ever be anything other than charging morons in their games.

TW3 had one mini game. Albeit it’s the best mini game ever made but it was just the one. It would been great had they come up with something that good but you rarely see that in gaming. Botw has pick up rocks and find Korok seeds and some weird shoot the arrow activity. Yakuza is filled with them but they’re all low quality anyway (mind you I really like Yakuza. RDR had hunting I guess. But I couldn’t be bothered with the generic fishing and card game stuff.

Btw Cyberpunk had fantastic side quests. That’s one area the game excelled in. Did you do the following ?
Coin operated boy
The whole entire River Ward quest line
The crazy pop star one
The beast in me
The girlband one
Heroes - Jackie
Pyramid Song - Judy
The Paralez one

@Redlambs Agree completely on the AI it's one of CD Projects Red biggest weaknesses. Sometimes people get blinded by the masterpiece that TW3 obviously is and don't actually realize how simplistic the AI is for a game of that stature even just around the towns and city's. Still better than Cyberpunks especially in compat but not great!

@amolbhatia50k True it's the only mini game.. I'll check those side quests out thanks! just jumping back into it now that I've forked out on a PC build this week. Looks absolutely stunning even with RT off hopefully this expansion brings it forward a bit now.
@Redlambs Agree completely on the AI it's one of CD Projects Red biggest weaknesses. Sometimes people get blinded by the masterpiece that TW3 obviously is and don't actually realize how simplistic the AI is for a game of that stature even just around the towns and city's. Still better than Cyberpunks especially in compat but not great!

@amolbhatia50k True it's the only mini game.. I'll check those side quests out thanks! just jumping back into it now that I've forked out on a PC build this week. Looks absolutely stunning even with RT off hopefully this expansion brings it forward a bit now.
To be honest you should hold out till September. It will look incredible on your PC plus you’d get all the new features and changes that come with the DLC.
It is a good looking game, especially on PC. Well apart from all the reused stuff around every corner, but atmosphere and use of RT is spot on.

I really hope this DLC does something to make me stick with it this time.
It is a good looking game, especially on PC. Well apart from all the reused stuff around every corner, but atmosphere and use of RT is spot on.

I really hope this DLC does something to make me stick with it this time.

I put it on last night after posting in this thread and it looks absolutely lovely on PS5 but still feels so...lifeless?
To be honest you should hold out till September. It will look incredible on your PC plus you’d get all the new features and changes that come with the DLC.

Ok yeah I will. Went with an RTX 3080 over the moon with it! Just installed it initially to check out the visuals really. September is it? Would be a great month if both Cyberpunk was improved and Starfield launching
Ok yeah I will. Went with an RTX 3080 over the moon with it! Just installed it initially to check out the visuals really. September is it? Would be a great month if both Cyberpunk was improved and Starfield launching
Yep September 26th. My brother has a gaming PC and he says with this overdrive (even without really) mode it just looks ridiculous. The world is so detailed it will be a real treat for you.
I put it on last night after posting in this thread and it looks absolutely lovely on PS5 but still feels so...lifeless?
That's my thing. The game is actually pretty cool when it comes to the mechanics especially. It feels expansive on that end. Graphics are great but like everything else in the game it becomes repetitive quickly, and as you said: feels lifeless. Once you veer off the main quest path there just isn't much to keep me hooked. Some of that may be because cyberpunk isn't quite my thing, because I also could never really get into the Deus Ex games. And those were highly rated.
Just finished it, a little late as I didn't have time to play it sooner but I enjoyed it very much, one of the best games I've played in recent years.
Being a later version of the game only ran into minor bugs and it ran smoothly on my laptop on high-ultra settings.
Took about 60 hours with almost all of the side quests and gigs completed.
Just finished it, a little late as I didn't have time to play it sooner but I enjoyed it very much, one of the best games I've played in recent years.
Being a later version of the game only ran into minor bugs and it ran smoothly on my laptop on high-ultra settings.
Took about 60 hours with almost all of the side quests and gigs completed.

Oh man, the game is undergoing a complete overhaul in the next month. You'll be able to do a re-play pretty soon.

I will definitely start a new character and go through the revamped trees fresh. Expansion will also be the launch of Nvidia DLSS 3.5 as well
Predictably I will also be starting a fresh playthrough once this releases. Only question is what type of build to go for. So many choices.
Does the traffic and people walking down the street still reset every time you turn around? :lol:
I still haven't played this game, despite building a pc for it back in early 2020 just before it got delayed. :lol: This 2.0 update looks like it might be the perfect time to get into it, though. Or perhaps I'll give it a couple of patch cycles because with this game's history, you never know.
Will probably pick this up around winter/xmas after I've done a few Starfield playthroughs.
I still haven't played this game, despite building a pc for it back in early 2020 just before it got delayed. :lol: This 2.0 update looks like it might be the perfect time to get into it, though. Or perhaps I'll give it a couple of patch cycles because with this game's history, you never know.

The game was solid and most issues solved even a few months ago when I've played it. Don't remember exactly with what patch, but I didn't run into anything bad.
The game was solid and most issues solved even a few months ago when I've played it. Don't remember exactly with what patch, but I didn't run into anything bad.
Sure but I mean the 2.0 update might introduce a bunch of new bugs and issues, considering how substantial an update it appears to be. It's reported to include a fundamental reworking of several game systems, so yeah.
Sure but I mean the 2.0 update might introduce a bunch of new bugs and issues, considering how substantial an update it appears to be. It's reported to include a fundamental reworking of several game systems, so yeah.

By far the weakest parts are the A.I (especially cops) and the shooting/combat lacking any impact. The lack of anything worth while doing in terms of crafting/general faux rpg elements, overused assets and world largely being locked off and static are lesser problems.

If by some miracle the main things above are at least improved, then I might be able to get into it. I've always wanted to as the setting and overall idea is right up my alley, but it's all just so disappointing every time I try.
By far the weakest parts are the A.I (especially cops) and the shooting/combat lacking any impact. The lack of anything worth while doing in terms of crafting/general faux rpg elements, overused assets and world largely being locked off and static are lesser problems.

If by some miracle the main things above are at least improved, then I might be able to get into it. I've always wanted to as the setting and overall idea is right up my alley, but it's all just so disappointing every time I try.
It is said to completely overhaul, among others, the skills system and "police and combat AI", so it looks promising on paper. We'll have to wait and see how substantial those improvements really are.
It is said to completely overhaul, among others, the skills system and "police and combat AI", so it looks promising on paper. We'll have to wait and see how substantial those improvements really are.

They said those things previously, and in some ways they made them worse.

But I've never refunded it so I'll have to give it another shot.