Gaming Cyberpunk 2077 (PC, PS4/5, Xbox One)

I started playing it when it first came out on PS4 and enjoyed it even though it was crap. I think I moved house and it was hectic and I stopped playing and went back to it but by that point I had my PS5 and the quality of other games was so good I still haven't hopped back on to start a new playthrough. I doubt I will for a while either as there are good games coming out this year on PS5 almost every month.
I’ve also heard that the final wanted police level results in a boss fight with Maxtac. Not sure if this is correct but that could be a fun little addition as I generally don’t care for the whole police system (even in GTA).

Otherwise I spent way too much time obsessing over my various builds in my first three playthrough. They’re going to suck me right back into that rabbit hole with the new perks and relic ability.
I've just started playing this, about 8 hours in and it's all a bit overwhelming. Enjoying it though.
Must say, the reboot through the DLC has got me interested again.

At the time I thought it was ok and I did enjoy my play through, but it was an early access version and my opinion did sour on it the longer I had to ruminate on the game.

This DLC is basically making the game what they promised originally.
Any cheap cnut like me who played this on last gen console? Wanted to know if this is patched enough to play to ps4
Any cheap cnut like me who played this on last gen console? Wanted to know if this is patched enough to play to ps4

I think they pretty much jettisoned the previous gen editions to focus on what they could do with current gen.
I've just started playing this, about 8 hours in and it's all a bit overwhelming. Enjoying it though.
Stop playing it now. May as well wait till 26/09

But if you carry on, try and focus on a specific build and play style and take your time with the world and quests. My experience with some of the gigs was so different in my stealth build vs the all guns blazing one which I loved.
The only thing I'm positive about is the fact that TW3's DLC was almost better than the main game. If that's the case here it could really add meat to the bone and it bloody needs it.
For Fecks Sake.

Please don't do this to yourselves again. Learn!
When I played the game after launch (on the pc, so the most stable version) I remember at the time thinking it would take them years to turn it into the game it was supposed to be. I’d be baffled if they’ve done that in 2 years. Sounds like there a lot of improvements but let’s not kid ourselves, this will never be the game we were promised and Idris Elba and a load of marketing about revamping the police system won’t change that.
When I played the game after launch (on the pc, so the most stable version) I remember at the time thinking it would take them years to turn it into the game it was supposed to be. I’d be baffled if they’ve done that in 2 years. Sounds like there a lot of improvements but let’s not kid ourselves, this will never be the game we were promised and Idris Elba and a load of marketing about revamping the police system won’t change that.
Played it the same time and thought the same things. I'll go in sceptical and i think i'll enjoy whatever is there. I'd be shocked if it isn't still barebones. I really liked the story of the game and I'm pretty sure I'll get the dlc for that alone so, we'll see.
Played it the same time and thought the same things. I'll go in sceptical and i think i'll enjoy whatever is there. I'd be shocked if it isn't still barebones. I really liked the story of the game and I'm pretty sure I'll get the dlc for that alone so, we'll see.

Thing is there's a feck ton of dead assets around the world that they must have been planning to make interactive. Let us buy some food at those stands, throw in some mini games Rockstar style. TW3 even has amazing ones like Gwent. I do know they added actual playable arcade machines in a previous update. Basically just more of that along with more meaningful side quests would go a long way.
Thing is there's a feck ton of dead assets around the world that they must have been planning to make interactive. Let us buy some food at those stands, throw in some mini games Rockstar style. TW3 even has amazing ones like Gwent. I do know they added actual playable arcade machines in a previous update. Basically just more of that along with more meaningful side quests would go a long way.
It felt like there was a lot of dead space in there originally. I think it would take an awful lot of that stuff before it stops feeling paper thin. It'll be a good time to give it a second look though so we'll see.
I enjoyed my time with Cyberpunk and always felt that the game's horrible shortcomings were in some ways mitigated by the things it was actually good at: story, world-building, characters etc. The state of it at release was inexcusable though.

Looking forward to playing this expansion. Kind of hoping they'll let me reset my level up abilities or increase the level cap. I've got the plat for the PS4 and am at 96% for the PS5 but don't want to play the game again to fill in the rest of the remaining skills trophies.
I’ve had it on PC since launch and managed less than three hours. For context I hardly ever game at all but made an exception for this title.

It just felt so hollow and lifeless. The city felt empty and the NPCs were like robots.

Roll on Starfield.
It’s fecking amazing and Starfield won’t come close.

I’ve never understood the need for an open world to have pointless filler content like baseball practice and pool. I mean it’d be a nice option for some people I guess but give me fantastic writing and characters, and fluid combat any day over that :drool:
Thing is there's a feck ton of dead assets around the world that they must have been planning to make interactive. Let us buy some food at those stands, throw in some mini games Rockstar style. TW3 even has amazing ones like Gwent. I do know they added actual playable arcade machines in a previous update. Basically just more of that along with more meaningful side quests would go a long way.
TW3 had one mini game. Albeit it’s the best mini game ever made but it was just the one. It would been great had they come up with something that good but you rarely see that in gaming. Botw has pick up rocks and find Korok seeds and some weird shoot the arrow activity. Yakuza is filled with them but they’re all low quality anyway (mind you I really like Yakuza. RDR had hunting I guess. But I couldn’t be bothered with the generic fishing and card game stuff.

Btw Cyberpunk had fantastic side quests. That’s one area the game excelled in. Did you do the following ?
Coin operated boy
The whole entire River Ward quest line
The crazy pop star one
The beast in me
The girlband one
Heroes - Jackie
Pyramid Song - Judy
The Paralez one
Still haven't played this yet. Presuming it makes sense to wait for the DLC? Will it be bringing improvements to the base game?
It’s fecking amazing and Starfield won’t come close.

I’ve never understood the need for an open world to have pointless filler content like baseball practice and pool. I mean it’d be a nice option for some people I guess but give me fantastic writing and characters, and fluid combat any day over that :drool:

I'm not bothered about pool, baseball practise etc, the world just didn't feel very alive. I can't explain it.

I'm not sure you're right about Starfield though man, it looks pretty special :D

(or it could be Bethesda hype, we'll see)
I'm not bothered about pool, baseball practise etc, the world just didn't feel very alive. I can't explain it.

I'm not sure you're right about Starfield though man, it looks pretty special :D

(or it could be Bethesda hype, we'll see)
To each their own really. For me the writing, characters, Night City’s incredible design and intensity, cyberpunk theme and just the fun factor / diversity of the builds hooked me with CP 2077.

Personally I’ve never really loved Bethesda games. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed Elder Scrolls, Skyrim and Fallout 3 when I was growing up and all, but none of them are anywhere near my all time favourites because of how gamey and wooden they felt. It’s a very old school formula that Bethesda has always had and it just doesn’t draw me. Even looking a the models in Starfield is a turn off for me. But let’s see how it turns out.
To each their own really. For me the writing, characters, Night City’s incredible design and intensity, cyberpunk theme and just the fun factor / diversity of the builds hooked me with CP 2077.

Personally I’ve never really loved Bethesda games. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed Elder Scrolls, Skyrim and Fallout 3 when I was growing up and all, but none of them are anywhere near my all time favourites because of how gamey and wooden they felt. It’s a very old school formula that Bethesda has always had and it just doesn’t draw me. Even looking a the models in Starfield is a turn off for me. But let’s see how it turns out.

I'll be shocked if Bethesda can match the atmosphere and character of Cyberpunk 2077. Skyrim had a lot of atmosphere in the outdoor areas, but every time you entered a "city" (read: tiny town), the NPCs look and line delivery turned it into a very gamey experience. I struggle to think of any memorable characters from Bethesda games overall, it's the overworld that they've excelled at in the past.

Starfield looks great but man are people going overboard (starting with the MS presenter who labelled it "one of the most important RPGs ever" :rolleyes:)
TW3 had one mini game. Albeit it’s the best mini game ever made but it was just the one. It would been great had they come up with something that good but you rarely see that in gaming. Botw has pick up rocks and find Korok seeds and some weird shoot the arrow activity. Yakuza is filled with them but they’re all low quality anyway (mind you I really like Yakuza. RDR had hunting I guess. But I couldn’t be bothered with the generic fishing and card game stuff.

Btw Cyberpunk had fantastic side quests. That’s one area the game excelled in. Did you do the following ?
Coin operated boy
The whole entire River Ward quest line
The crazy pop star one
The beast in me
The girlband one
Heroes - Jackie
Pyramid Song - Judy
The Paralez one
The hostess mini game in yakuza 0 is amazing! So is the real estate one.
Thing is there's a feck ton of dead assets around the world that they must have been planning to make interactive. Let us buy some food at those stands, throw in some mini games Rockstar style. TW3 even has amazing ones like Gwent. I do know they added actual playable arcade machines in a previous update. Basically just more of that along with more meaningful side quests would go a long way.

Yep. Also the endless reused assets dotted around just make the whole thing just still seem so half finished despite the updates.

The thing is, it's like the Witcher 3 where most of the elements than should be cool additions are just shallow and mostly pointless, it was the same in the previous games too. If they made crafting, food and all the bits like that actually make a difference and mean something then it would instantly be a much better game. Same can be said about their mission/XP systems too. They write such good stories and dialogue that you want to see and hear everything, but then in doing so you are overpowered for all the cool stuff to come.

The A.I is still by far the worst thing about it though. They just aren't capable of fixing it and making any of the enemies ever be anything other than charging morons in their games.
It felt like there was a lot of dead space in there originally. I think it would take an awful lot of that stuff before it stops feeling paper thin. It'll be a good time to give it a second look though so we'll see.

It'll probably be my 20th look :lol:

I keep reinstalling and playing it, but it just has too much mediocrity to grab me still. At least with the Witcher (and people forget the mess that launched in too), the gameplay is serviceable enough to never put you off enjoying the wonderful story/script/acting and missions. Which is a shame, as I love the setting and idea and some of the side quests I have done are brilliant as always. Hopefully there's something the DLC brings that can suck me right into it.
My issue with this game is that it just wasn’t very fun to play, the combat in particular.

If a game is going to feel like a chore then it at least needs to be fun to play when you’re doing the mindless shit.
My issue with this game is that it just wasn’t very fun to play, the combat in particular.

If a game is going to feel like a chore then it at least needs to be fun to play when you’re doing the mindless shit.
The only good things I remember about the game were some of the side quests and companions like Pan Am and Judy. Other than that it was a very mediocre affair. The main story even felt like a rushed incoherent mess.
I have a set criteria to play this game:
Has to be under a tenner
And I have to be between games.
My issue with this game is that it just wasn’t very fun to play, the combat in particular.

If a game is going to feel like a chore then it at least needs to be fun to play when you’re doing the mindless shit.

Yeah, it's so mediocre. The lack of feedback, the enemy AI, the fact it's just so easy to beat them no matter route/build you choose to try.

Which is a huge shame as it's exactly my kind of game. Just too much stuff ranging from simplistic at best to downright laughable with the gameplay. Still.
I have a set criteria to play this game:
Has to be under a tenner
And I have to be between games.

I got it for free on PS Plus I think. Or majorly discounted. Still not played though so will wait for the update.
I know Spanner will jump on me, but I loved it and very much looking forward to both the DLC and general improvements. I think many of the criticisms above are harsh and you could say about the vast majority of games, but as always perception plays a big part in how something is seen.
Yeah, it's so mediocre. The lack of feedback, the enemy AI, the fact it's just so easy to beat them no matter route/build you choose to try.

Which is a huge shame as it's exactly my kind of game. Just too much stuff ranging from simplistic at best to downright laughable with the gameplay. Still.
Enemy AI is meant to be improved. It's still a CDPR product though, mind...
I know Spanner will jump on me, but I loved it and very much looking forward to both the DLC and general improvements. I think many of the criticisms above are harsh and you could say about the vast majority of games, but as always perception plays a big part in how something is seen.

Can you please explain this?