I didn't accuse you of using insults but your posting style is insulting and condescending, it's improved somewhat over a few humblings however and yes I like to call a spade a spade and just insult you directly

there was actually a smattering of kindness in those insults mind you.
It's got nothing to do with a few humblings. That in itself is condescending on your part, I posted with respect to most and continue to do so however when others direct me with disrespect and insults then I too returned them and continue to do so.
If you want respect then you too must give it.
However off you pop to multi quote my flawed statements regarding Moyes, considering I was still hanging on to hope of him turning this round until very recently although he lost me mostly around the City Liverpool doubles.
Not sure what you mean here, do you want me to post 3 or 4 incorrect statements regarding Moyes? If so, I will do it tomorrow, I'm off in a minute.
It would seem the board are about to finally get this right but there is also argument that leaving it this late in the day to save a few quid on severance has ultimately cost us in the long run.
They gave him every possible chance and that's their method. He went 7 games unbeaten before losing to Everton and Newcastle in December before winning another 4 games and then 1st of January things started to get worse. But just prior to the opening of the Jan window they might very well have sanctioned the Mata transfer as it was getting close, and they had good reason to as we had lost 2 in 13 showing we were improving.
They were willing to trust him and gave him what they considered a fair chance. They are playing the long game, they want United to be successful but in the short term they were willing to take a calculated risk. I don't think there is anything wrong with their mentality of affording the manager a fair chance, I think allowing Mata to sign was the right thing due to what appeared to be an improvement in results prior to January 1st. I think in the long run United will be successful therefore everything they have done, including what has been dubbed the failed david moyes experiment, has been done with the long term in mind tolerating short term sacrifice.
Financially they will recover. Lack of champions league football (one could argue) will give us greater focus on the league, although I want Europa to keep the big squad happy however I think we should play mostly our second string to keep the main eleven fresh for the league.
If we sign Louis van Gaal or whoever else, he will get time and I think we could mount a serious title challenge next season. The problem with van Gaal is the timing as he has a busy and tiring summer planned.