City and Financial Doping | Charged by PL with numerous FFP breaches | Hearing begins 16th September 2024

I said it before, they will be off the hook in few months. Reason: technicalities, small prints and other petty shite.

If they get away with it again I think other PL clubs would start refusing to play them, or refuse to follow the rules.

They'll have to be punished. I'm just worried they'll get away with something small like a fine and a transfer ban for a couple of windows, which won't really affect them.
I have a feeling they'll get away with it. Or they'll just get a big fine.

My head says that the Premier League takes a half measure and gives them a 40 point or so deduction, thereby losing the title this season. I don't think they'll be stripped of anything and they'll sit out the champions league for a season then requalify next season not having to play as many games.

The punishments won't be enough for players to get out of contracts but they might lose one or two who are really determined to leave.
He's bragging on his website about helping Saudi Arabia get away with torture on a technicality... am I reading that right?
Yeah but he's also responsible for the greatest trial in the history of trials.

Represented Sheptonhurst Ltd - who defeated the British Board of Film Classification in establishing the right to buy, in licensed sex shops, videos of "Nympho Nurse Nancy" and "Horny Catbabe"
I said it before, they will be off the hook in few months. Reason: technicalities, small prints and other petty shite.
I’m 99.9% certain they won’t.

The emails are true (how obtained doesn’t wash here), City officials said they were real emails.

The only question I can see is how many charges are found guilty and what the punishment is. I’ll be hugely disappointed if main charges proven and they only get say … 30 points deduction.

Then it’s down to how hard the punishment is and whether owners (1) want to continue and (2) are ok with the rep hit (I’m sure they would be).
You would think the powers that be at UEFA are probably secretly hoping the PL are able to do what they weren’t able to
But this current hearing has nothing to do with CAS?

Maybe the logic is that they've given answers to CAS on the record and if they contradicted those answers in this case, then it could prove they lied to CAS thereby they committed perjury? No idea if any of that is true or makes sense.
It’s hard to see how they don’t lose this one. They won’t have access to CAS and even if the PL loses on some of the finer points, the failure to co-operate charges are pretty much open and shut. It’s all about what is deemed an appropriate punishment. Given the length of time involved, the scale of what has happened, the level of wilful deceit and the awful consequences, expulsion for at least 5 years seems inevitable. I’ve no interest in claiming PL titles for Jose and Ole, just null and void for everything City has won.

The real fun will start after this process has concluded when the like of United and Liverpool and relegated clubs start suing for loss of revenue due to their cheating. That could see them bankrupted.

Fun times ahead.

All those coaches deserve those titles to their name though. It was blatant and relentless cheating that took them away from their CVs and the clubs fans.

They deserve them, as do Klopp and Arteta. They had phenomenal seasons, and got absolutely nothing because one team hadn’t played by the same rules for 15 years.

It’s absolutely massive and can’t be understated.
I’ve not followed this as much as I probably should do, but is the hacked evidence not going to cause the same issues it caused UEFA in that it’ll be struck out at some level of appeal in the future? I just can’t envision a resolution that is built on legally inadmissible evidence?
One of the reasons it has been delayed is because City were fighting to keep additional evidence from the PL but the PL won and gained access to City's emails and text messages. So the PL have more than UEFA did and legit from a legal perspective.
Not to be the arbiter of what people can and can't post, but for all the people who keep coming in and saying "They'll get away with it. The PL won't do anything" etc etc. on every page, you really aren't adding anything to the discussion. I get that it's probably a defense mechanism to avoid the disappointment if it actually goes that way that nothing happens to city, but there's been a lot of very detailed stuff posted that suggest there is every chance that city might actually get properly punished for this. Particularly now that the hearing has actually started, would it not be worth it to just see how things go rather than continuing the same doomposting over and over?
Not to be the arbiter of what people can and can't post, but for all the people who keep coming in and saying "They'll get away with it. The PL won't do anything" etc etc. on every page, you really aren't adding anything to the discussion. I get that it's probably a defense mechanism to avoid the disappointment if it actually goes that way that nothing happens to city, but there's been a lot of very detailed stuff posted that suggest there is every chance that city might actually get properly punished for this. Particularly now that the hearing has actually started, would it not be worth it to just see how things go rather than continuing the same doomposting over and over?
Prepare for the worst, hope for the best
Yep, depressingly that is what I am anticipating as well. I am not going to get my hopes up.

Yes, exactly what I think. They have had years and years to refine their defense and have enough money to hire the most capable lawyers.
In a sense, while we were all waiting for the verdict, at least there was a suspicion of wrong doing.

In the event they get off, they can laugh at the rest of us.
There's absolutely no chance of this. Relegation isn't happening either.

In order to not lose face, both parties will agree to a middle ground with City 'making a mistake' and the PL getting a huge fine with maybe a few points docked this season to give City a year without winning the league. Everyone's a winner.

The PL get:

A cash injection and to look like they did something.

Arsenal as champs for a season to make the league look less ridiculous.

City get,:

Away with it, essentially.
Funny I've been hearing pretty much this, with a two window ban on foreign transfers.
In the unlikely scenario where City are found guilty,..Any idea what might be the repercussions be with regards to the Champions League?