City and Financial Doping | Charged by PL with numerous FFP breaches | Hearing begins 16th September 2024

Newcastle I can understand but Villa are a strange one, they do seem to have a lot of money somehow.
I've tried to find the soundbite from Kaveh on Sky, but I'm 90% sure he said Newcastle and Villa.
There are a lot of clubs against it, 12 I think, so they need 2 more to get it thrown out, a lot of clubs are reported as sending reps to the hearing to speak against City.
Newcastle I can understand but Villa are a strange one, they do seem to have a lot of money somehow.
Look for clubs with very rich owners who such a ruling, away from the current status quo, that would benefit hugely from having carte blanche to throw as much money as they want at their project and expedite the process of becoming a powerhouse in a fraction of the time. For them, this is a bigger dilemma, one they can see sense in not supporting the current structure, even at the risk of becoming pariahs.

If this goes through, you’ll have an even bigger version of what Serie A was in the 80’s and 90’s. A proper free for all, and it’ll likely entice even more entities who have no place in football to buy in.
I've tried to find the soundbite from Kaveh on Sky, but I'm 90% sure he said Newcastle and Villa.
There are a lot of clubs against it, 12 I think, so they need 2 more to get it thrown out, a lot of clubs are reported as sending reps to the hearing to speak against City.
Some clubs have abstained so it’s interesting to see what happens next ?
If this doesn't turn the media against City, it'll be a self-evident fact that they've been bought. Up until now, they have been fawning over City and conveniently ignoring all the controversies, and it was very clear that they were going out of their way to fluff the club up. There was room to suppose that they might just not want to rock the boat and denigrate the current top team, though. Now, with this underhanded and politically charged assault on English football in its entirety, the media must finally stop coddling City or they'll effectively have admitted that they're in the owner's pocket.
There's another way to view it: City's investigation dodging and instigation of a game of legal top trumps has effectively diverted money from grassroots football and community projects into the pockets of lawyers.

If that sounds like it's stretching, City have argued that being financially compliant will force them to divert money from the very same things!

Came to post that, hopefully they get the costs back and don't hold back on them now.
They got rid of Klopp who I think was really the only threat to them, if the PL don't do anything City will just win the title for ever more. They keep saying it is competitive. Well sorry but who has won the last four titles, the only break was when Liverpool won durig covid. The the Leicester win of course. I know we were successful, but Arsenal broke it up at times, Chelsea broke it up at times. City will destroy the PL and it has been on the cards since they were allowed to buy City.
1. There’s no crime we are clean.
2. So what if we did it, it’s so minor and inconsequential.
3. The rules are rigged against us and we’re the victims.
4. We did nothing wrong, it’s these two rogue executives who went off on their own breaking the rules.

We are at stage 3. We’ll likely soon enter stage 4 with a couple of lackeys taking the fall. The only question is how heavily the PL will penalize them.

They're the Donald Trump of football clubs
They will get away with it , no question. The gov will get involved with it.
They got rid of Klopp who I think was really the only threat to them, if the PL don't do anything City will just win the title for ever more. They keep saying it is competitive. Well sorry but who has won the last four titles, the only break was when Liverpool won durig covid. The the Leicester win of course. I know we were successful, but Arsenal broke it up at times, Chelsea broke it up at times. City will destroy the PL and it has been on the cards since they were allowed to buy City.

Klopp was never a threat. Long term, the average club just can't compete with state ownership.

That's the difference now. Success in the past was dictated by great managers and great teams, and those cycles always come to an end. State ownership doesn't abide by the same laws, as enough money will guarantee your place at the top. There are no real consequences of making bad decisions. They might lose out on the title every now and then, but they will always be in contention.
Maybe there was some "extra" funding in the Grealish deal!

Villa have very rich owners and are being restricted by PSR, they will have to sell Duglas Luiz or someone pretty good this summer
A lot of ‘noise’ from city fans this morning is that this new revelation is going to do nothing but absolutely exonerate beyond doubt that city have done nothing wrong and in two weeks, the whole footballing world will have been turned upside down in their favour

i genuinely fear that they are probably right and football as we know is gone.
It's time for away fans to completely boycott there games too methinks, not a lot we can do as rival fans but this would send a big message. Would also be great if clubs refused to play them in friendlies too.

Although their own "fans" seemingly boycott games too so not sure how much of an effect this will have :lol:
Stefan Borson is live on Talksport discussing at the moment

He thinks it is unlikely City will win this case.

The suggestion , which seems to be gaining some traction, is that this action is almost a Trojan Horse. City know that the Premier League legal Department is stretched ( will come back to that in a moment) they City by pursuing this action have forced that Legal Department to divert resources away from the 115 Case to this action.
Some of the things City are suggesting just seem folly, for instance how is it anti competitive if it applies to all . Surely that’s just Regulation? But then you have them challenging the voting requirements of the PL clubs in effect saying that the majority of clubs voting on something is not fair on the minority who do not agree.
They have tried to question the independence of, well everything and then throw things like the rules are off advantage to London Clubs
I can only read this as being a major attempt at distraction away from the November hearing and that surely can only mean they are worried
Final word on the legal department. That is actually funded by the clubs and if appropriate additional sums will be withheld from clubs distribution from the league and that will go down well won’t it ! The only funny bit is that City will be accountable for 5% of that additional cost
If anything, this latest action would suggest Abu Dhabi haven't receive the kinds of assurances from the Govt that they assumed. It seems like a desperation move to me, which makes sense with the Tories likely not in power beyond the summer. These aren't the actions of an organisation quietly confident of dismissing the charges.
This is just sheer speculation on my part, but maybe the election pushed them into this move? A Labour government being less connected to the Emirates?
In any case, whatever the result, they look terrible. I’m actually happy they did this since the mask came off and they basically acknowledge that their marketing deals are not market value
This is just sheer speculation on my part, but maybe the election pushed them into this move? A Labour government being less connected to the Emirates?
In any case, whatever the result, they look terrible. I’m actually happy they did this since the mask came off and they basically acknowledge that their marketing deals are not market value
The request for a hearing was made in February
I feel like the general apathy people had for City's success will start to turn now. It's not exactly like they're some plucky underdog trying to change the system.

They're making themselves look like complete pricks.
This is just sheer speculation on my part, but maybe the election pushed them into this move? A Labour government being less connected to the Emirates?
In any case, whatever the result, they look terrible. I’m actually happy they did this since the mask came off and they basically acknowledge that their marketing deals are not market value

I wouldn't be surprised if it's factored into their decision, nor would I be surprised if they expected this whole thing to be quietly squashed by the government. Politically, they've turned this into a bit of a hot potato so I can't see Starmer wanting to go anywhere near it.
FFP plus a wage cap is literally all that’s needed.

A wage cap means nothing to a state owner. They have banks and control an economy of their own. Circumventing a wage cap is the easiest form of cheating they can get away with.

All it would do is punish the non state owned clubs who are trying to compete with them.

Squad number limits are a smarter play than wage caps.
A wage cap means nothing to a state owner. They have banks and control an economy of their own. Circumventing a wage cap is the easiest form of cheating they can get away with.

All it would do is punish the non state owned clubs who are trying to compete with them.

Squad number limits are a smarter play than wage caps.
Maybe HMRC need to get involved looking into where money is going especially payments to avoid paying tax.
Khaldoon on the 115 charges resolution “It’s taking longer than anyone hoped for but there is a process we have to go through."

Erm... It's been shown that at every avenue City have tried to delay, failed to produce documentation and have been generally all-round obstructive to the process. But yeah mate, it's taken a long time.

Such an important statement. There’s no way City can win this and the integrity of the game stay intact.

If fans find out their club support City in this (and that could well include ours) then they need to do everything they can to voice their opinion.
They know with the new rules they cannot replace the squad to the level of players they need, so they need to remove rules so they can fake revenue and then spend against that inflated figure on the new squad.
Such an important statement. There’s no way City can win this and the integrity of the game stay intact.

If fans find out their club support City in this (and that could well include ours) then they need to do everything they can to voice their opinion.
I don't think it will happen, but I'd like to see which clubs vote with City, against City and abstain.
If any club (Newcastle aside) votes with City or abstains I'd hope and expect a massive fan led protest against their own club and I certainly include Utd in that statement as well.
They know with the new rules they cannot replace the squad to the level of players they need, so they need to remove rules so they can fake revenue and then spend against that inflated figure on the new squad.

And Pep is in the way out. No chance with any other manager that they would their close tittles with Liverpool and Arsenal.
Khaldoon on the 115 charges resolution “It’s taking longer than anyone hoped for but there is a process we have to go through."

Erm... It's been shown that at every avenue City have tried to delay, failed to produce documentation and have been generally all-round obstructive to the process. But yeah mate, it's taken a long time.
Why the feck have they been allowed to delay things without any apparent repercussion? That in itself should be a punishment without delay. Absolute state of them.
The whole of the footballing world is going to turn on them so quickly, they've been ignored and disliked for so long, but they're speedrunning how to be the most hated team.
Something I don't get about the City project is why they have to continue to dominate football for the project to be seen by the owners as a success?

It would actually be far more in their favour for their arguments if they had won 2-3 fewer titles in recent years and taken the domestic cups a bit less seriously in the early rounds. They could still have been successful even without the alledged financial cheating, just by getting their structure and facilities sorted.

Their traditional clubs argument is also bizarre. united haven't won the league in 11 years. Liverpool have won 1 in 34 years, Arsenal only 1 in the last 20 years. Even worse, only two of those were won within the years since City first won the league.

Their goal for total dominance, rather than realistic but sustained success is hopefully going to be their undoing
Newcastle I can understand but Villa are a strange one, they do seem to have a lot of money somehow.

Villa are owned by the incredibly wealthy NSWE group.

Teams that are likely to back City are Newcastle, Villa and Chelsea.