City and Financial Doping | Charged by PL with numerous FFP breaches | Hearing begins 16th September 2024

This is the scourge the league let in and bedded down with. Now, they’re trying to destroy the fabric of the game as we know it.

Let’s see how the media treat them for this. It’ll be the biggest indication yet that they’re in cahoots if they entertain this scandalous behaviour.
Exactly, the premier league and the government are culpable of this, i read somewhere that the government pressured the premier league to let the Saudis buy Newcastle which in turn forced the premier league to introduce the ATP rules.

Greed, facilitated buy oil rich Middle Eastern nations that own football clubs will destroy football as we know it but they won’t give a feck as long as they can buy the next big thing and essentially cheat their way to titles and I’ll doubt the media will say feck all seeing as they’re bosses are probably owned by the same people.
Interesting. Hopefully, this is the beginning of the end of state ownership in football. Either that, or it's the death of football. Fairly high stakes case, this one.
Absolute monarchy owned sports washing project having a hard time understanding the concept of a democratic vote
That’s it. Lawyers trying to advise a client who knows only obedience
Let's just hope that common sense prevails.

Keep your f*cking dirty oil money. Create your own middle eastern league and play with no rules. Please don't ruin centuries of history with your greedy and egoistic agendas. State ownership NO TY.

FFP is clearly illegal. You can't stop an owner from putting his money into his company.

By this logic I can buy a mobile phone network, issue all contracts at £1 per month with the latest handset for free, wait for my competition to go out of business, then raise prices back to normal and be the only mobile network on the market. The huge losses deliberately sustained in stage one were just me ''putting money into my company'' after all, how can it possibly be illegal?
By this logic I can buy a mobile phone network, issue all contracts at £1 per month with the latest handset for free, wait for my competition to go out of business, then raise prices back to normal and be the only mobile network on the market. The huge losses deliberately sustained in stage one were just me ''putting money into my company'' after all, how can it possibly be illegal?
He/she joined the Caf today, about 15 minutes after the story excl broke.

And despite that coincidence and one single anti FFP comment, apparently they’re a Chelsea fan.
I think this has finally broken blue moon, very hard to think you are innocent of something when you’re simultaneously suing the league to change the very thing you’re supposedly innocent of.
They just simply want to be allowed to be crooked and play by their own rules. It would be the best thing for British football if City get exactly what they deserve. The fighting every step of the way says it all.
’Tyranny of the majority’ makes no sense :lol:

If they’re not kicked out of the football league I’ll probably just ignore the Premier league. Won’t have to pay Sky too.
This is definitely existential now!
’Tyranny of the majority’ makes no sense :lol:

If they’re not kicked out of the football league I’ll probably just ignore the Premier league. Won’t have to pay Sky too.
This is definitely existential now!
I’ll just switch to watching the WSL and the Championship. Seen a lot of both last season or two and it’s more than entertaining enough.
Im yet to find a single blue who’ll call this out, even now they’ve more or less admitted breaking the rules. They’re like Trump supporters at this point.

It all feels like a desperate last attempt to derail the league’s case, and I hope they Get the worst possible punishment.
As much as we will all delight in City getting what they deserve, this ultimately is a terribly sad story of how a club was taken advantage of by some extremely wealthy people for their own selfish reasons. Brainwashing it's gullible fan base with promises of greatness and success like that of their mighty neighbours and rivals. But will probably return to the hole they crawled from IF the club is relegated to which ever tier of football, leaving it languishing at the bottom of the football pyramid for Decades, with its name forever tainted.

City fans should absolutely despise the owners for potentially ruining their club, instead they defend them to the death, how tragic.
I’ll just switch to watching the WSL and the Championship. Seen a lot of both last season or two and it’s more than entertaining enough.
Yeah, I’ll probably watch more League of Ireland. I like basketball too but NBA is on at all hours.
Your erudition is clearly beyond reproach, and I love your contributions, but this is overlooking the possibility the poster might be aware of this. In which case, their point still has legs.

Alright. I think it's safer to assume that whichever lawyer wrote the text is at least vaguely familiar with political philosophy, rather than them being from a non-democratic country. Most lawyer names I've seen mentioned are distinctly Western. Their chief legal counsel is British, as is the guy leading the FFP thing.
Hopefully this pisses the PL off even more and they simply expel them from the league.
Does that mean there are 8 clubs on their side on this?
Yes potentially and you'd imagine Newcastle and United will be In there considering our ownership models, can see Chelsea, Forest as well. Possibly Palace and Everton too.
Oh, anyone remember this story from February?

The Premier League is facing the threat of legal action from a club over amended rules around commercial deals.

League officials have not named the club but informed all 20 of the threat at a shareholders' meeting in London.

The legal threat concerns whether the Premier League's rules are compatible with competition law.

At least we know for certain who the club are now...
FFP is clearly illegal. You can't stop an owner from putting his money into his company.
Good job no one is stopping them then.
The premier league has a set of rules that you have to adhere to. No one is forcing Man City to participate in the competition.
The depressing thing about all of this is that City just celebrated lifting the PL trophy only a couple of weeks ago.

It's like why celebrate winning the competition if you essentially want no competition? What is the end goal here?

Feels like we are just watching the soul being sucked out of football as time goes by. Even the talk of break away leagues, relegation, expulsion, it just taints the whole thing doesn't it? I'd love to see us reclaim top spot fair and square, but everyone is just waiting around for this judgement day.

Is the Manchester Derby going to cease to exist? Will people lose their jobs? How do City move forward as a reputable club from this? 6 in 7 titles isn't enough? The CL treble last season. Like what is the message they are actually sending right now as a club?

The "sporting" element of the most followed sport in the world is slowly becoming more and more irrelevant. The City saga is more akin to an episode of Suits, and is so ill-fitting to the sports arena. But the general media apathy to what is happening before our very eyes shows just how effective the sports washing has been.

Kind of scary really, because it's not just sporting records and titles on the line, but potentially people's livelihoods, incomes, futures, families and much more.

Be wary of the hand that feeds you.
So how do the people on here who were drooling over City's "achievement" of winning 4 in a row feel now?

There's just nothing legitimate or commendable about what they've done, and the club have confirmed it with their actions today.

This mutinous action should see them obliterated and all the ill-gotten gains given back or struck off.
I have always advocating banning of State owners which is just not sustainable and kills of every other real competition. Virtually no single billionaire or corporate can fight against the resources of a State. I'm not sure why it even was allowed to happen for City and Newcastle, notwithstanding the potential political influence they might have on the sport in the country.
If they don't wish to play by rule, they should just form a new league called the State League. Let all the State owned clubs spend unlimited money in their team and show off their shiny assets to everyone. Just leave the premier league and other proper league alone.
Sadly as their statements read and the news of this I think the gov will.get involved and smooth things over. They have threatened that it will stop funding in the community which is basically code for anything they were doing infrastructure and investment wise the gov were benefitting from. Maybe the election could have some say in this.
So to sum it up, their position is "We are rich and powerful, and expect to be able to get our own way and do what we want, so you'd better allow us to cheat to our hearts content, otherwise we are going to bully you until you do".

They don't want a competitive league. They just want to destroy the competition to promote their awful "brand" that everyone hates anyway.

How can any fan of any club support this?

The only type of person who is actually in favor of this are those 12 year olds who play Call of Duty with aimbot on, then mock the rest of the lobby for losing to them.

I'm curious to see what type of ridiculous mental gymnastics City fans will be performing in order to defend this.