City and Financial Doping | Charged by PL with numerous FFP breaches | Hearing begins 16th September 2024

its time that the Premier league clubs stand up and simply boycott their matches with Shitty, simply dont turn up to play them. If they can all agree to do this together that would be the biggest fck u to that scum club
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Yes. Its bad for all the little clubs who otherwise would have limitless funds to pump in were it not for us big boys having said they can't. It's all for the greater good. It's not possible to dominate with such unfair rules in place, as they have proven by being so spectacularly successful over the last 10 years whilst complying totally.. oh.

This is what I don't get. They say they haven't broken any rules. So let's believe them. In the space of what, little over a decade / 15 years, they went from near relegation candidates, to dominating English football winning 6 from 7 leagues, with multiple domestic cups along the way.

A perfect example that with rich owners, but more importantly a great strategy, you can grow organically within the rules, and become successful within the rules, to the point you dominate the game. So what the problem here, they should actually be held up as a perfect case study here, so why are they so up in arms now.....yeah something isn't quite adding up here like!
This is what I don't get. They say they haven't broken any rules. So let's believe them. In the space of what, little over a decade / 15 years, they went from near relegation candidates, to dominating English football winning 6 from 7 leagues, with multiple domestic cups along the way.

A perfect example that with rich owners, but more importantly a great strategy, you can grow organically within the rules, and become successful within the rules, to the point you dominate the game. So what the problem here, they should actually be held up as a perfect case study here, so why are they so up in arms now.....yeah something isn't quite adding up here like!
The real irony here is their ownership hasn’t understood that if they did the latter - they’d be unbelievably popular even though they’d have won much less. Likely still would have won loads anyway given how bad many of the bigger teams have been for long periods.
“City are also arguing the league’s democratic system of requiring at least 14 clubs, or two-thirds of those who vote, to implement rule changes should be abolished to guard against decisions being made by 'the tyranny of the majority'."

How ironic to argue against tyranny of any kind but especially against the pesky majority :lol:
Absolute monarchy owned sports washing project having a hard time understanding the concept of a democratic vote
farage fighting the establishment, city fighting the premier league. it’s nice to see the common man standing up and fighting for what’s right.
Could this possibly be another stalling tactic? Sueing the PL to push their lawyers into dealing with this issue and causing them to delay the hearing for the 115 charges.

Kind of like those mega corps who batter people with endless litigation to avoid being sued/prosecuted for dumping chemicals into the drinking water
The real irony here is their ownership hasn’t understood that if they did the latter - they’d be unbelievably popular even though they’d have won much less. Likely still would have won loads anyway given how bad many of the bigger teams have been for long periods.

And the fact they are using the fact the cartels rules make it no competitive, at a time when THEY have been the most dominant side ever.

Imagine what it would be like if there was no restrictions for them?
This is what I don't get. They say they haven't broken any rules. So let's believe them. In the space of what, little over a decade / 15 years, they went from near relegation candidates, to dominating English football winning 6 from 7 leagues, with multiple domestic cups along the way.

A perfect example that with rich owners, but more importantly a great strategy, you can grow organically within the rules, and become successful within the rules, to the point you dominate the game. So what the problem here, they should actually be held up as a perfect case study here, so why are they so up in arms now.....yeah something isn't quite adding up here like!

My understanding is their current legal action relates to new rules voted in only in the past year, meaning they aren't protesting over anything in place during the time they built their success, only over the fact they won't be able to repeat the process going forwards. So it also shouldn't have any bearing on the charges which pre date the rules relating to the legal challenge.

They've been called up on charges for (allegedly) breaking the existing ffp rules, and now their work around to avoid breaking them has also been made against the rules, so I think it makes perfect sense for them to suddenly be up in arms about it, because their choice is either challenge the new rule changes or face being less successful.

Their discrimination argument only makes sense if you think that sponsoring yourself with your own money isn't giving you an unfair advantage in the spirit of ffp rules, which it (obviously) is. So I reckon what it hinges on is if the PL have been allowing other similar or comparable nonsense by other clubs, or have demonstrably directly targeted the rules in some way at City, which again its pretty obvious they have.

I don't think there's a good guy in all this unfortunately. It's just bickering over which unfair process is the less dubious.
Fundamentally, democracy is the rule/dictatorship of the majority over the minority. "Tyranny" is just a cynical way to put it, especially by City's side, and has been a term in use since the 1700s by political theorists.

Democratic Dictatorship? :confused:
That’s unfortunately true about English/British people in general. The UK has nowhere near the revolutionary spirit as continental European countries like France do.
I could not believe that in England most of the land is owned by nobility. You basically can’t by land. I cannot understand how English people is okay with that.
The thing that's missing from this whole discussion is that this is the most obvious / stupid way they could've funelled money into clubs and this one specific loophole is the thing that's closing. There are so many creative ways that have already been tried by other clubs and I'm sure City are in on the action and there's no comment about how to prevent those.

When Mbappe and I think CR7 / Messi got offers from the Saudis (and I think even from PSG), they were promising them all sorts of perks beyond just their wages. Business shares after their retirement, high profile administration posts etc.

Chelsea had Saudi investment in Clearlake capital. A totally legit way for the Saudis to protect their investment would be to funnel money from the Saudi league to Chelsea by buying players at inflated values. Who's to say what a fair value for a player is?

There were some rumors that Newcastle got Trippier on a discount because the rest of the money came as part of a totally unrelated to football contract between the Atletico owner and the Saudis.

There's the whole situation with Pep's brother having a share in Girona FC.

Ultimately the whole damn thing is corrupt and there's not a lot that can be done.
My understanding is their current legal action relates to new rules voted in only in the past year, meaning they aren't protesting over anything in place during the time they built their success, only over the fact they won't be able to repeat the process going forwards. So it also shouldn't have any bearing on the charges which pre date the rules relating to the legal challenge.

They've been called up on charges for (allegedly) breaking the existing ffp rules, and now their work around to avoid breaking them has also been made against the rules, so I think it makes perfect sense for them to suddenly be up in arms about it, because their choice is either challenge the new rule changes or face being less successful.

Their discrimination argument only makes sense if you think that sponsoring yourself with your own money isn't giving you an unfair advantage in the spirit of ffp rules, which it (obviously) is. So I reckon what it hinges on is if the PL have been allowing other similar or comparable nonsense by other clubs, or have demonstrably directly targeted the rules in some way at City, which again its pretty obvious they have.

I don't think there's a good guy in all this unfortunately. It's just bickering over which unfair process is the less dubious.

Ah OK, thanks for the correction.
It’s funny how many neutrals have gone from not really caring, to wanting City kicked out the league with the release of this news. Nice one Abu Dhabi.
My understanding is their current legal action relates to new rules voted in only in the past year, meaning they aren't protesting over anything in place during the time they built their success, only over the fact they won't be able to repeat the process going forwards. So it also shouldn't have any bearing on the charges which pre date the rules relating to the legal challenge.

They've been called up on charges for (allegedly) breaking the existing ffp rules, and now their work around to avoid breaking them has also been made against the rules, so I think it makes perfect sense for them to suddenly be up in arms about it, because their choice is either challenge the new rule changes or face being less successful.

Their discrimination argument only makes sense if you think that sponsoring yourself with your own money isn't giving you an unfair advantage in the spirit of ffp rules, which it (obviously) is. So I reckon what it hinges on is if the PL have been allowing other similar or comparable nonsense by other clubs, or have demonstrably directly targeted the rules in some way at City, which again its pretty obvious they have.

I don't think there's a good guy in all this unfortunately. It's just bickering over which unfair process is the less dubious.

The spirit of FFP is keeping the status quo at the top. What’s so good about a Corporatocracy? Besides it being good for you in the short term.

For example, Nike sponsors someone and nobody else is allowed to spend. It’s not like Nike’s money is ethical either. Sweat shops etc. I’m not sure what is worse a corporate mule or state owned club.

I think City may well have a case of racism, discrimination and xenophobia against their owners. A lot of it stems from jealousy and return on investment pressure from key stakeholders like Nike and Sky.
Worst club in the world, officially. Ever. Not even close
This is what I don't get. They say they haven't broken any rules. So let's believe them. In the space of what, little over a decade / 15 years, they went from near relegation candidates, to dominating English football winning 6 from 7 leagues, with multiple domestic cups along the way.

A perfect example that with rich owners, but more importantly a great strategy, you can grow organically within the rules, and become successful within the rules, to the point you dominate the game. So what the problem here, they should actually be held up as a perfect case study here, so why are they so up in arms now.....yeah something isn't quite adding up here like!
This is it 100%
Apparently having to wait to dominate everything was not acceptable and so they cheated and sped things up by a decade or so.
This truly is the nuclear option and I don’t think it’ll work out as they intended.
Any relationship with the PL and the majority of other clubs is in the gutter and will be as long as city owners stay in place.
It might take a while but in say 5 years time I think we’ll see that they have flushed x billion down the gurgler and city will be permanently expelled from the PL .
As others have said I’d be in favour of other teams refusing to play or putting out reserve sides against them and making a mockery of the whole thing (it is already that I know). Let them “win” whatever, none of it will matter and it never ever has.
It's a pretty common phrase. Tocqueville, Burke, etc.
Your erudition is clearly beyond reproach, and I love your contributions, but this is overlooking the possibility the poster might be aware of this. In which case, their point still has legs.
This is it 100%
Apparently having to wait to dominate everything was not acceptable and so they cheated and sped things up by a decade or so.
This truly is the nuclear option and I don’t think it’ll work out as they intended.
Any relationship with the PL and the majority of other clubs is in the gutter and will be as long as city owners stay in place.
It might take a while but in say 5 years time I think we’ll see that they have flushed x billion down the gurgler and city will be permanently expelled from the PL .
As others have said I’d be in favour of other teams refusing to play or putting out reserve sides against them and making a mockery of the whole thing (it is already that I know). Let them “win” whatever, none of it will matter and it never ever has.
The best part about City is that the UAE funded it to sportswash their reputation with excellence etc. and have actually only ended up further associating themselves with corruption, fraud and dodgy business dealings; the very reputation they are trying to escape.


Something that’s concerning me is that it’s “more than half” of teams which suggests it’s likely 11 or 12. There’s a key number, 14, which is required when voting on anything significant and I can’t help but think that for whatever reason we are not at that number yet and that could prove decisive if action beyond’s fines and sanctions is recommended by the EPL. If we were at that number I think the journalists would be making that connection already.
I don't see how they can win this...and they're basically admitting guilt with it at the same time.

Hope they're feeling that the inevitable is coming.
This was a premeditated attack on the league when the Premier League were already stretched with legal battles. This is a bad time for the league, the relationship between the league and its "champions" is at an all-time low.

Man, I'm so glad we beat them cheats in the FA Cup final. I think the FA were too, judging by the volume of content they have put out around United's victory.