Film Captain Marvel

I don't watch these Marvel films or stuff in the genre anymore. But intuitively I think I'm less interested in seeing action movies with female lead roles, but for a good reason. Lesbian porn isn't anywhere near as popular as straight porn, despite the vast majority of the audience of straight porn watching it for the women. It's because men empathize with the dude banging the hot girl and imagine he's them. It's the same with action movies. As a kid I used to pretend to be Han Solo or Superman etc. It just doesn't work for me if the character is female.
That’s sad dude.
Has anyone seen the movie?
Hopefully this movie being not so great (according to few reviews) doesn't affect Avengers Endgame.

Speaking of Captain Marvel, Shazam seems to be getting very good reviews, some even calling it the best DC Movie yet

I'll trust Caftards opinions over actual reviewers. Caftards so far say it's above average and a fun film. I dunno what it is about Shazam, but I wont watch it, I like the lead actor but the story does nothing for me. Reminds me of that Tom Hanks film back in the 80s but that film actually had some emotion given he was locked in the older body. This film just seems like every other origin film frankly.
I'll trust Caftards opinions over actual reviewers. Caftards so far say it's above average and a fun film. I dunno what it is about Shazam, but I wont watch it, I like the lead actor but the story does nothing for me. Reminds me of that Tom Hanks film back in the 80s but that film actually had some emotion given he was locked in the older body. This film just seems like every other origin film frankly.
Mate Forrest Gump wasn't locked in an older body, he was mentally retarded.
Ok mentally retarded and mentally disabled.
No, just disabled. As someone who’s mentally disabled himself, I’d appreciate it, if you‘d put more thought into your choice of words.
No, just disabled. As someone who’s mentally disabled himself, I’d appreciate it, if you‘d put more thought into your choice of words.
Mental retardation is a widely accepted medical term, there's nothing offensive about what I said. Maybe it's the language barrier and you think it's the same as calling someone a re**rd or something?
Mental retardation is a widely accepted medical term, there's nothing offensive about what I said. Maybe it's the language barrier and you think it's the same as calling someone a re**rd or something?
That might be the case. Thanks for clearing that up.
Mate, if people had such a big problem with female leads as you claimed in your original post, then every female led movie ever would have this same issue don't you think? Anyways, score is 6.5 now, hope you have absolutely no problems with that since its what you wanted?
Your reasoning doesn't stand. Not every film would be downvoted that had a female lead and this film is one of a few that attracted the anti-feminist brigade for reasons including:
1. It's the first Marvel superhero movie with a female lead and that is literally without precedent in a male dominated genre
2. Brie L is a vocal feminist, which generates a vitriolic reaction

The film may, or may not be, crap. I don't know. Even if I did have an opinion it would be subjective. For instance, the recent Ghostbusters remake, which was absolutely dreadful and deserved to be panned, was also targeted by the same groups of individuals. This doesn't change the fact that it would have had dreadful audience scores anyway due to the fact it appears to have been sellotaped together from unfunny improvisations rather than actually written and is in direct contrast to the very well made original.

However it is clear in this case, and there's plenty of evidence in this thread, that there are people who are downvoting this film, without having seen it in some cases, for reasons of politics.

Also, as a side point the fact that many women may not like this film is irrelevant to the points above, especially when said women are professional film critics who, in general, are not overly fond of superhero movies.
Your reasoning doesn't stand. Not every film would be downvoted that had a female lead and this film is one of a few that attracted the anti-feminist brigade for reasons including:
1. It's the first Marvel superhero movie with a female lead and that is literally without precedent in a male dominated genre
2. Brie L is a vocal feminist, which generates a vitriolic reaction

The film may, or may not be, crap. I don't know. Even if I did have an opinion it would be subjective. For instance, the recent Ghostbusters remake, which was absolutely dreadful and deserved to be panned, was also targeted by the same groups of individuals. This doesn't change the fact that it would have had dreadful audience scores anyway due to the fact it appears to have been sellotaped together from unfunny improvisations rather than actually written and is in direct contrast to the very well made original.

However it is clear in this case, and there's plenty of evidence in this thread, that there are people who are downvoting this film, without having seen it in some cases, for reasons of politics.

Also, as a side point the fact that many women may not like this film is irrelevant to the points above, especially when said women are professional film critics who, in general, are not overly fond of superhero movies.

It still got 74% fresh for critics on rotten tomatoes. I wonder how much of that was due to the initial backlash?
It was a truly awful film.
I don't watch these Marvel films or stuff in the genre anymore. But intuitively I think I'm less interested in seeing action movies with female lead roles, but for a good reason. Lesbian porn isn't anywhere near as popular as straight porn, despite the vast majority of the audience of straight porn watching it for the women. It's because men empathize with the dude banging the hot girl and imagine he's them. It's the same with action movies. As a kid I used to pretend to be Han Solo or Superman etc. It just doesn't work for me if the character is female.

key distinction here. you're not a kid anymore.
It still got 74% fresh for critics on rotten tomatoes. I wonder how much of that was due to the initial backlash?
It was a truly awful film.
Did it? My word. Yes, I wonder if that was a backlash against the backlash.
It is staggeringly dreadful. It is pretty much beat for beat like the original film but every single scene, line of dialogue and plot point is terribly mishandled. It's as if someone who'd never made a film before, or seen Ghostbusters, had the original film described to them over lunch a few years ago and then somehow got a massive budget to shoot a remake from a wealthy lunatic and the script consisted entirely of half remembered plot points and no scripted dialogue.
Mate, if people had such a big problem with female leads as you claimed in your original post, then every female led movie ever would have this same issue don't you think? Anyways, score is 6.5 now, hope you have absolutely no problems with that since its what you wanted?
You're like a brick wall:lol:
I just YouTube searched Captain Marvel to watch the trailer and was bombarded with all these anti Captain Marvel videos. Even watched a couple and it was pathetic. These are grown men doing this, adults. Some bragging about the Rotten Tomatoes score being at 37% before released and whinging about Disney silencing them. Review bombing a film before release because you didn’t agree with the lead actors comments made months ago is ridiculous, you should be silenced.
I don't watch these Marvel films or stuff in the genre anymore. But intuitively I think I'm less interested in seeing action movies with female lead roles, but for a good reason. Lesbian porn isn't anywhere near as popular as straight porn, despite the vast majority of the audience of straight porn watching it for the women. It's because men empathize with the dude banging the hot girl and imagine he's them. It's the same with action movies. As a kid I used to pretend to be Han Solo or Superman etc. It just doesn't work for me if the character is female.
I don't feel like that for movies - but I do for gaming actually. If I'm playing a game with a male character - then I feel it's me.
I just YouTube searched Captain Marvel to watch the trailer and was bombarded with all these anti Captain Marvel videos. Even watched a couple and it was pathetic. These are grown men doing this, adults. Some bragging about the Rotten Tomatoes score being at 37% before released and whinging about Disney silencing them. Review bombing a film before release because you didn’t agree with the lead actors comments made months ago is ridiculous, you should be silenced.
Spot on. That said, I am excited to see the insane conspiracy theories they come up with to explain how it got a high RT score and likely big box office.
Found it

This gem is why so many people's neck hairs stand up when they see Brie Larson.
For what it's worth, she's way of the mark there.

Aww man. You have totally ruined 'She's out of my League' for me. One of the few rom-coms I actually enjoyed as a child.

Do I have to watch this to fully enjoy End Game? I've seen them all so far but not sure I can bring myself to see this one as most of the recent MCU films (Dr. Strange, GOTG2, Black Panther and Antman & The Wasp)) were all turd in my opinion.

Well if you didnt enjoy those this one wont be any different, i would say those were better.

The answer for me is no, you dont need to. There are some endgame credits in the end but i guess you can watch them on youtube.
Only thing you will be missing is where Captain Marvel comes from and what she's capable of, i guess.
Just came back from seeing it and it’s alright, it is what it is, just entertaining, nothing ground breaking, it is basically just an introduction to Captain Marvel before they throw her in the deep end.

The story seems somewhat lacking and the film feels thrown together/rushed like it was an after thought and someone thought crap we need to get a back story out there for this character, and I can’t really make my mind up about Larsons performance. I mean there isn’t really that many challenging acting scenes but she seems a little wooden to me in this but maybe it’s just because there is very little emotional interaction in the film so I don’t think you get a sense or feel for what she is like, they seem to try and tell you instead of letting you come to the conclusion.

I think Wonder Woman is a better film and I watched that back a couple of weeks ago but I mean Captain Marvel is still enjoyable probably on par with Black Panther for me.

Should say.
Was cool when she finally went full power, she will definetly be a match for Thor in the power stakes if not more powerful.

Actually think her character needs another movie before they chuck her in to Endgame.
Actually think what she has done between the first movie and Endgame would be more intresting, her off fighting the Cree and protecting the skrull, think that would make for a more intresting movie where we can get to know the character a bit more as I’m not really feeling any warmth towards her for Endgame, definetly needed more groundwork.
Just seen the movie

Not sure if this counts as a spoiler but
feck me is she powerful, wtf? She wasn’t even trying and didn’t even break a sweat in the end
Just seen the movie

Not sure if this counts as a spoiler but
feck me is she powerful, wtf? She wasn’t even trying and didn’t even break a sweat in the end
Aye think that was a big part of the point of introducing her.
Your reasoning doesn't stand. Not every film would be downvoted that had a female lead and this film is one of a few that attracted the anti-feminist brigade for reasons including:
1. It's the first Marvel superhero movie with a female lead and that is literally without precedent in a male dominated genre
2. Brie L is a vocal feminist, which generates a vitriolic reaction

The film may, or may not be, crap. I don't know. Even if I did have an opinion it would be subjective. For instance, the recent Ghostbusters remake, which was absolutely dreadful and deserved to be panned, was also targeted by the same groups of individuals. This doesn't change the fact that it would have had dreadful audience scores anyway due to the fact it appears to have been sellotaped together from unfunny improvisations rather than actually written and is in direct contrast to the very well made original.

However it is clear in this case, and there's plenty of evidence in this thread, that there are people who are downvoting this film, without having seen it in some cases, for reasons of politics.

Also, as a side point the fact that many women may not like this film is irrelevant to the points above, especially when said women are professional film critics who, in general, are not overly fond of superhero movies.

I'm not a huge Marvel or comic book fan for that matter, but i think the issue here is the character, not the fact that she is female or that Larson is a feminist (though the latter might piss off some neckbeards)

Captain Marvel, AFAIK, is a pretty obscure character and not the most popular one by a long shot. Almost everyone knew about the Hulk, Spiderman, Thor, Iron Man etc even before the MCU movies. In Infinity War you had the combined powers of all their favorite superheroes get defeated by Thanos and now they are building up for a obscure and relatively unpopular character coming swooping in to save the day.

Some vitriol might come from the fact that its a female lead and the fact that its Brie Larson, but i think a lot of it is down to the way it fits into the larger MCU movie universe
Aye think that was a big part of the point of introducing her.

Another powerhouse alongside Thor means poor old guys rocking bows and arrows or similar almost feel redundant. Her, Thor, Dr Strange are seriously heavy hitters.
Not nearly as bad as some would like to make out.
Far from as preachy as well. On second thought, I think it could do with being even more preachy because it fits the character damn well.

Some fun bits, decent action without being so much that my girl disliked it.
Liked the movie, decent marvel-film. I think my only issue with it is that I would have prefered to see her story play out on the screen instead of over flashbacks, but I believe that's more to do with preference on my side.

I'd give it a 7.5/10 personally on first viewing.
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I'm not a huge Marvel or comic book fan for that matter, but i think the issue here is the character, not the fact that she is female or that Larson is a feminist (though the latter might piss off some neckbeards)

Captain Marvel, AFAIK, is a pretty obscure character and not the most popular one by a long shot. Almost everyone knew about the Hulk, Spiderman, Thor, Iron Man etc even before the MCU movies. In Infinity War you had the combined powers of all their favorite superheroes get defeated by Thanos and now they are building up for a obscure and relatively unpopular character coming swooping in to save the day.

Some vitriol might come from the fact that its a female lead and the fact that its Brie Larson, but i think a lot of it is down to the way it fits into the larger MCU movie universe
Pretty obscure?

17 -
32 -
78 -
I'm not a huge Marvel or comic book fan for that matter, but i think the issue here is the character, not the fact that she is female or that Larson is a feminist (though the latter might piss off some neckbeards)

Captain Marvel, AFAIK, is a pretty obscure character and not the most popular one by a long shot. Almost everyone knew about the Hulk, Spiderman, Thor, Iron Man etc even before the MCU movies. In Infinity War you had the combined powers of all their favorite superheroes get defeated by Thanos and now they are building up for a obscure and relatively unpopular character coming swooping in to save the day.

Some vitriol might come from the fact that its a female lead and the fact that its Brie Larson, but i think a lot of it is down to the way it fits into the larger MCU movie universe
If we are just going by MCU Titular superheroes who hadn't featured in a movie before the MCU

Thor (0) - Appeared in one made-for-TV Hulk Movie
Captain America (0) - Appeared in a few made-for-tv movies.
Guardians of the Galaxy (0)
Black Panther (0)
Ant-Man (0)

Catwomen, on the other hand, had appeared in two movies.
Just saw the film, here's some thoughts. General theme level spoilers below but nothing major and I haven't talked about major events or twists:

Half baked. Its basically marvels Man of Steel. It follows the EXACT same blueprint. Half hour of space stuff, then a broken story told on Earth through flash backs, followed by a big fight between the Aliens to save the world.

Brie Larson is good, I liked her in the film but she was given no help by the script whatsoever. Its literally just a film trying to cram too much content in one viewing and just poorly directed too.

A lot of Marvel content thrives on a brilliant soundtrack and they missed a serious trick by not having 90s belters being more prominent at places.

For anyone not keen on even seeing mild theme spoilers - I basically thought the film was just about average. I liked Brie Larson but thought the script and direction was pretty shite.

Oh and its not preachy. I didn't care if the main character was a man or a woman and the directors broadly treated it the same way (thank god).
Just back from seeing it, thought it was decent. In terms of first movies its not as good as the first Guardians, Iron Man or Black Panther but would say its better than Ant-Man, Hulk, Thor, Cap America. On a similar level to Dr Strange.
Just back from seeing it, thought it was decent. In terms of first movies its not as good as the first Guardians, Iron Man or Black Panther but would say its better than Ant-Man, Hulk, Thor, Cap America. On a similar level to Dr Strange.

This is fair
It's not ground breaking but it didn't need to be. Its a fun introduction to the character and showing how powerful she is (especially towards the end). Her and Thor on screen could be so much fun

Seeing coulson back on screen esp as the rookie compared to how he is in AoS is fun too

The deaging of SLJ is just fantastic and he's always fun.

Typical mcu villain and for me it didn't seem preachy at all. Some cool 90s nostalgia too. The end scene (mid credit) is the one that's mcu based though
Just back from seeing it, thought it was decent. In terms of first movies its not as good as the first Guardians, Iron Man or Black Panther but would say its better than Ant-Man, Hulk, Thor, Cap America. On a similar level to Dr Strange.

Hmm. I thought it was comfortably at the bottom of the pile, albeit not a bad film.