Film Captain Marvel

Really enjoyed this. Brie Larson does really well in her role and the story is entertaining. It's a shame that they took so long to introduce captain marvel and when they did it feels like they had to cramp her entire story just so they can force her into end-game. She is a great character and they could easily have had a couple of movies about her.
I saw it tonight. It's up there with Iron Man 2, 3 and Thor The Dark World as worst Marvel films. It was shit. Brie Larson was not good in it, really hard to like and she just came across as kind of cheesey.

Samuel L. Jackson and Ben Mendelson were great, but everything else felt so hard to connect to or forced.
It was OK. Not my favourite and not the worst of the Marvel films. Can't see myself re-watching it anytime soon.

I did like the Skrull guy. The music choices were a bit shit.
I saw it tonight. It's up there with Iron Man 2, 3 and Thor The Dark World as worst Marvel films. It was shit. Brie Larson was not good in it, really hard to like and she just came across as kind of cheesey.

Samuel L. Jackson and Ben Mendelson were great, but everything else felt so hard to connect to or forced.

My feelings exactly.
Why I love forums, the huge difference in opinions where none are really wrong due to different tastes
When I was watching this, for the most part I was wondering why this was so bad. The Marvel formula almost guarantees a 6/10 baseline movie so how they managed to make something so cringy & corny and poorly fleshed out, its something you would expect was made by DC where it's clear nothing is thought out in advance.

Anyway, and then the credits started to roll, and it all made sense, why the feck was it required to have 5 people to come up with that story???

Its mind boggling why Marvel put out such a poorly made movie, the last before Endgame, in which 12 years of storyline/22 movies have been building upto. It almost made me less excited about Endgame, especially since how powerful she is, it provides a easy go to character. I am also presuming she is immortal so couldn't be earsed as her DNA is fused with the spacestone, which is infinite...

Please do not @ me with Endgame spoilers.
When I was watching this, for the most part I was wondering why this was so bad. The Marvel formula almost guarantees a 6/10 baseline movie so how they managed to make something so cringy & corny and poorly fleshed out, its something you would expect was made by DC where it's clear nothing is thought out in advance.

Anyway, and then the credits started to roll, and it all made sense, why the feck was it required to have 5 people to come up with that story???

Its mind boggling why Marvel put out such a poorly made movie, the last before Endgame, in which 12 years of storyline/22 movies have been building upto. It almost made me less excited about Endgame, especially since how powerful she is, it provides a easy go to character. I am also presuming she is immortal so couldn't be earsed as her DNA is fused with the spacestone, which is infinite...

Please do not @ me with Endgame spoilers.
Have to agree, it took away some of my excitement for Endgame. It felt kind of cheap, like it's not really part of the MCU.

It's hard to describe why it's so bad, partly due to making no sense and partly due to Larson being so unlikeable I suppose are the main issues. But there's just so little of it that really worked.
Was an enjoyable film not one of the top Marvel films but I liked it. Her powers are incredible, don't see why people are moaning about it, it will take something like that to stop Thanos with his very own OP gauntlet.
Was an enjoyable film not one of the top Marvel films but I liked it. Her powers are incredible, don't see why people are moaning about it, it will take something like that to stop Thanos with his very own OP gauntlet.

Thor can manhandle Thanos solo.

You don't need another "noble warrior hero" out of nowhere.
It was ok. Felt like 3 origin stories plastered one on top of the other. Felt a bit like an exercise in box ticking and catching everyone up with details so they could make a proper movie next time out and not have to spend an hour on the setting. There was a few decent scenes (basically anything with Samuel L Jackson). I liked Alison Brie. It was very skippable, i wouldn't go out of my way to watch it.
Didn't watch the movie, but I'd be really annoyed if Captain Marvel was key to them defeating Thanos in Endgame.
It was ok. Felt like 3 origin stories plastered one on top of the other. Felt a bit like an exercise in box ticking and catching everyone up with details so they could make a proper movie next time out and not have to spend an hour on the setting. There was a few decent scenes (basically anything with Samuel L Jackson). I liked Alison Brie. It was very skippable, i wouldn't go out of my way to watch it.
Man I like her too but don't think this is the right thread.
That'll be Hulk. Redemption after his bottle--job.

I hope it's Thor, but it'd be cheesy if he did it after failing in Infinity War.

I'm guessing it's Cap or Iron Man in a sacrifice(maybe even both).
It was ok. Felt like 3 origin stories plastered one on top of the other. Felt a bit like an exercise in box ticking and catching everyone up with details so they could make a proper movie next time out and not have to spend an hour on the setting. There was a few decent scenes (basically anything with Samuel L Jackson). I liked Alison Brie. It was very skippable, i wouldn't go out of my way to watch it.
Me too, she's great in Community. So was Brie Larson. Pity Larson is fairly awful in this.
I watched this. Thought it was not great, probably on the lower end of the MCU.

They clearly just hashed this one out knowing people will watch due to wanting to be caught up before End Game.

I do however think they'll not make her be the one to stop Thanos, the outcry will be too much. She'll probably help destroy a whole load of minions or something like that.
Didn't watch the movie, but I'd be really annoyed if Captain Marvel was key to them defeating Thanos in Endgame.

I reckon it's a combo of iron man, cap and ant Man in terms of planning and then muscle of her, Thor and hulk
Thor can manhandle Thanos solo.

You don't need another "noble warrior hero" out of nowhere.

Exactly, it cheapens the story and growth of other characters if they shoehorn in a character now thats going be the difference in beating Thanos. It gives a easy get out for the writers to conclude the story.

No he can't.

He hasnt got the Odinforce yet. If he gets it, he could. And considering they did nothing with Odin himself, presumably they are saving that power and story for Thor, and he ends up rebuilding Asgard.
Depending how far they are planning but I wont be surprised if Marvel intend of having Thor around for however long Hemsworth want the role. i.e you could still see him in the role in some capacity 30 years from now..
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Have to agree, it took away some of my excitement for Endgame. It felt kind of cheap, like it's not really part of the MCU.

It's hard to describe why it's so bad, partly due to making no sense and partly due to Larson being so unlikeable I suppose are the main issues. But there's just so little of it that really worked.

Anna Boden
Ryan Fleck
Meg LeFauve
Nicole Perlman
Geneva Robertson-Dworet

Thats the amount people involved in coming up with the story and script. Having that amount people involved in the story generally ends up making it a mess. Especially given that only one had experience in making a comic book movie. Nicole Perlman co wrote Guardians, but she or the rest of the writers of Captain Marvel didn't have Chris Pratt delivering the goofylines this time round..
I saw it. I liked it. Not as well as a few. Probably bottom half. (I've liked every MCU movie on some level) But...

Seeing Coulson again was great. And this movie seemed more in line with Agents of SHIELD than with the movies.
Jackson carried this thing. I've been missing him in the recent films; even when he's there, he's not. This one made me happy.
Lots of bits and pieces of backstory loose ends thrown in. Unfortunately, as far as the MCU is concerned, it seems simply a vehicle to propel one previously unmentioned character from behind the scenes to the one character capable of saving the day. I'm hoping I'm wrong.

As far as BL, she's an actress. Not a great one, just another one. I watched her ply her trade well enough here, given the material. As has been pointed out above, you cannot have 5 scriptwriters and come up with a great script. That's gonna leave a mark on anyone trying to act it out.

As far as a first female lead in the MCU is concerned, I would have been happy with anyone, as long as it was Scarlett Johansson/Black Widow. So in that, I was really disappointed on that mark.

And I don't get the Black Panther hate... I thought it was a great take on James Bond.
Thought it was a decent enough movie with some interesting characters. Nowhere near as good as Wonder Woman which (for me) is one of the best super-hero movies to date. Thought the story was clever in bringing the whole MCU timeline together and primed for Endgame. Be interesting to see how she affects the dynamic of the Avengers in the next movie....the trailer seems to imply that she is gonna be the top dog?