Film Captain Marvel

Maybe the little boys like WW's bikini more, plus she has an actual arse
Innit though l mean Brie Larson looks nice and all, but Gal Gadot in a short skirt. No one is going to 0/10 that. Ive not seen the ghostbusters one. I prefer movies with male protagonists actually.

Doesnt make the statement about 12 year old incels downvoting movies from their mommy's basement because they're SJW and beta and **** or whatever reddit users call it l less true though.
Innit though l mean Brie Larson looks nice and all, but Gal Gadot in a short skirt. No one is going to 0/10 that. Ive not seen the ghostbusters one. I prefer movies with male protagonists actually.

Doesnt make the statement about 12 year old incels downvoting movies from their mommy's basement because they're SJW and beta and **** or whatever reddit users call it l less true though.

There's a bit of irony here that you're mocking their juvenile insults whilst at the same time calling everyone hating on the film a 12 year old Incel. You do sound just as silly as them, just saying.
Laughable bullshit.

Come on, you need to be better than this if you want to have a serious discusion around this subject.

You throw something like that out, while ignoring that most of the people you are accusing of that worship the likes of:

Sarah Connor.
Black widow.
Wonder woman! A female led super hero film universally lauded as an awesome film and an incredible performance from Gadot.
Lara Croft.

And so and so on, and so on and so on.

Why are these characters worshipped, appreciated, loved amd respected by women and men across the board by the..... “incels” and “little boys” while the characters in the last Jedi and Captain Marvel (apparently) are not?

Answers on a postcard.

Because the backlash isn't for Captain Marvel or any other fictional female character, it's with Brie Larson and identity politics- at least if the titles of clickbait youtube videos are to be believed.
There's a bit of irony here that you're mocking their juvenile insults whilst at the same time calling everyone hating on the film a 12 year old Incel. You do sound just as silly as them, just saying.
That's been my point from the beginning :wenger:speaking of irony, people complaining about triggering snowflakes are the easiest to trigger.
@KirkDuyt you are wasting your time. The movie was downvoted on IMDB before it's release just like on rottentomatoes. The same thing happened with Wonder Woman to an extent before it was released, only that got buried by more sensible voters on that site later on. Now that Captain Marvel has been released, the rating has actually gone up. Currently the average for male voters is 5.9, while 7.7 for female voters. It's quite telling.
You think people rated the WW movie so high is just because Gadot is beautiful?
No also because it's a better movie. And because Gal Gadot is not a vocal feminist.

Ive never once stated that all the bad reviews stem from people who dislike the fact that there's a woman in the lead. Just that some of them do. Especially the 1/10 ones that where actually quoted inthe thread.
That's been my point from the beginning :wenger:speaking of irony, people complaining about triggering snowflakes are the easiest to trigger.

Hmmm ok.

Thing is you kinda missed the mark with your original post, it's not just "boys not liking strong girls".


And whilst no doubt it has got political, maybe even personal, posts like yours don't even touch upon whats got peoples backs up.
@KirkDuyt you are wasting your time. The movie was downvoted on IMDB before it's release just like on rottentomatoes. The same thing happened with Wonder Woman to an extent before it was released, only that got buried by more sensible voters on that site later on. Now that Captain Marvel has been released, the rating has actually gone up. Currently the average for male voters is 5.9, while 7.7 for female voters. It's quite telling.
About the male female thing I do think that it works both ways and some women give it a higher rating simply because the lead is female, but yes, wasting my time, I know :)
No also because it's a better movie. And because Gal Gadot is not a vocal feminist.

Ive never once stated that all the bad reviews stem from people who dislike the fact that there's a woman in the lead. Just that some of them do. Especially the 1/10 ones that where actually quoted inthe thread.

Yet you felt the 5.9 score was because of little boys who couldn't handle female leads? What score do you think the movie should have, 7.5 despite you yourself saying WW is better?
Yet you felt the 5.9 score was because of little boys who couldn't handle female leads? What score do you think the movie should have, 7.5 despite you yourself saying WW is better?
The user score of this movie is dragged down by it's agenda. I have no doubt. Feminism is a polarizing subject, the discussion on here is proof of that. If you read all of my posts, you can see that I also argue that some women undoubtedly score the movie too high for the same reason. In the end though super hero flicks are aimed at young men generally, so their agenda tends to skewer the score more severely.

And yes I said little boys, because I''m a cnut and I tried to own the libs in reverse.

As for the score Id give it around a 7. It's by the books and doesnt break any new ground, yet it has some good performances and a few laughs.
On the subject of movies with a female lead, I just finished watching the Tomb Raider remake. Now that is a properly shite movie.

And even that's rated higher :lol:
Not seen it yet (and I mean "yet" because feck aye, Marvel movie!) but heard someone say it was an age defining movie because it teaches people that it's ok to show your emotions and not hide from them, thus lashing out at the alpha male patriarchal society that is instilled in ALL superhero movies.

Right now I'm watching The Dark Knight Rises, who's main theme is that it's ok to show your emotions and not hide from them.
Found it

This gem is why so many people's neck hairs stand up when they see Brie Larson.

For what it's worth, she's way of the mark there.
Laughable bullshit.

Come on, you need to be better than this if you want to have a serious discusion around this subject.

You throw something like that out, while ignoring that most of the people you are accusing of that worship the likes of:

Sarah Connor.
Black widow.
Wonder woman! A female led super hero film universally lauded as an awesome film and an incredible performance from Gadot.
Lara Croft.

And so and so on, and so on and so on.

Why are these characters worshipped, appreciated, loved amd respected by women and men across the board by the..... “incels” and “little boys” while the characters in the last Jedi and Captain Marvel (apparently) are not?

Answers on a postcard.
Come on now, you know fine rightly that there have literally been no "strong female characters" in cinema before the last couple of years. White men just aren't ready to handle strong female characters like Rey or Captain Marvel. Them white men and their opinions are irrelevant, they can all be clumped together as one generic group of fools.

The sheer cheek to not only try to ostricise the biggest part of the audience, but also tell the very people that grew up with Leia, Ripley and Sarah Connor that they aren't ready for a strong female character is mind boggling. To cry that it's all about being inclusive then using one particular demographic as a shield against criticism is so ridiculously cynical that you almost couldn't write it.

That they would write someone as lazy and generic as Rey and then put her in the same film as Leia while claiming she is the strong female character that Star Wars needs says it all really.
Superscreen or imax? Are there any scenes shot in imax?

I can see cineworld have put up their imax prices....:rolleyes: if they start charging for superscreen i am cancelling my unlimited card :nono:
Come on now, you know fine rightly that there have literally been no "strong female characters" in cinema before the last couple of years. White men just aren't ready to handle strong female characters like Rey or Captain Marvel. Them white men and their opinions are irrelevant, they can all be clumped together as one generic group of fools.

The sheer cheek to not only try to ostricise the biggest part of the audience, but also tell the very people that grew up with Leia, Ripley and Sarah Connor that they aren't ready for a strong female character is mind boggling. To cry that it's all about being inclusive then using one particular demographic as a shield against criticism is so ridiculously cynical that you almost couldn't write it.

That they would write someone as lazy and generic as Rey and then put her in the same film as Leia while claiming she is the strong female character that Star Wars needs says it all really.
Fine, I will try one last time to explain my point which I'll start of with some words that have been put in my mouth:

- I do not think Captain Marvel is a great movie. It's a 6.5, 7 at best.
- I do not think everyone who dislikes captain marvel is a sexist incel pig.
- I do not think men in general are incapable or unwilling to accept strong female characters (this movie doesn't even have one)
- I most definitely do not think Captain Marvel is in any way shape or form a ground breaking movie.

Having said that, there's a very large (or rather vocal) part of the internet who agressively downvote and hate on anything that doesn't fit their anti PC agenda. I urge you to browse through reddit for a few hours, if you don't believe me. And no, I don't think these people worship Sarah Connor, Ripley or some other strong female characters of the past (Lara Croft :lol:). It is these redditers that I refered to when saying "little boys". Furthermore, these movies from different era's do not exist in a societal vacuum. People from different generations have a different outlook on life. The rise of political correctness and counter rise of anti political correctness obviously contributes to the polarization of the topic. Surely this is rather obvious?

That's also the key here, the internet. You ask me why there was no reddit or IMDB backlash over Leia in the original Star Wars movies? No angry Twitter threads with thousands of responses? Really? I feel there's an explanation for that somehwere. I just can't really put my finger on it.

There's plenty of men that love a movie with a strong female lead character (I don't by the way, imagine that, I can't even watch Harry Potter, because I think he's a sissy cnut). That doens't mean that there's no such thing as internet trolls that massively downvote stuff to suit their agenda. How, in the current age, people still doubt this is truly and utterly baffling.



I mean, come on, I just can't:lol: The end is nigh! Disney are weaponizing their movies to urge young women to make false accusations of rape! Hide your willies and run for the hills!
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Yet you felt the 5.9 score was because of little boys who couldn't handle female leads? What score do you think the movie should have, 7.5 despite you yourself saying WW is better?

Well, even critic reviews on this one are not as good as WW's so even that might be lower. I know there are idiots who downvoted this movie but they do this for lots of movies. There's lots of reasons the movie might be 5.9 including the movie being a 5.9 movie. To just waltz into the thread and suggest that little boys not liking female leads is the reason the movies score is not as high as you would have wanted is weird as feck.

Personally I didn't even like WW and thought the high scores and reviews was mostly due to the whole first female hero thing which was ok. Thought all the action dirction was wank, like most DC movies, there's so single memorable action scene I remember. It's more than likely ill like this more for all the shit it's getting, because Marvel are usually just better with the action thing
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is the reason the movies score is not as high as you would have wanted is weird as feck.

It's not though. Like it or not but a portion of the internet do not like Brie and will therefore automatically hate Captain Marvel because of it. They'll down vote the film for that very reason and those muppets probably won't have even bothered to watch it. These are the same fecking tools that hounded Kelly Marie Tran on Twitter. If you honestly think this isn't an issue then you're living in a hole or simply not reading up enough about the dark side (no pun intended) of the internet. There are males on the internet who if they even sense the word feminist become detestable savages.
Fine, I will try one last time to explain my point which I'll start of with some words that have been put in my mouth:

- I do not think Captain Marvel is a great movie. It's a 6.5, 7 at best.
- I do not think everyone who dislikes captain marvel is a sexist incel pig.
- I do not think men in general are incapable or unwilling to accept strong female characters (this movie doesn't even have one)
- I most definitely do not think Captain Marvel is in any way shape or form a ground breaking movie.

Having said that, there's a very large (or rather vocal) part of the internet who agressively downvote and hate on anything that doesn't fit their anti PC agenda. I urge you to browse through reddit for a few hours, if you don't believe me. And no, I don't think these people worship Sarah Connor, Ripley or some other strong female characters of the past (Lara Croft :lol:). It is these redditers that I refered to when saying "little boys". Furthermore, these movies from different era's do not exist in a societal vacuum. People from different generations have a different outlook on life. The rise of political correctness and counter rise of anti political correctness obviously contributes to the polarization of the topic. Surely this is rather obvious?

That's also the key here, the internet. You ask me why there was no reddit or IMDB backlash over Leia in the original Star Wars movies? No angry Twitter threads with thousands of responses? Really? I feel there's an explanation for that somehwere. I just can't really put my finger on it.

There's plenty of men that love a movie with a strong female lead character (I don't by the way, imagine that, I can't even watch Harry Potter, because I think he's a sissy cnut). That doens't mean that there's no such thing as internet trolls that massively downvote stuff to suit their agenda. How, in the current age, people still doubt this is truly and utterly baffling.



I mean, come on, I just can't:lol: The end is nigh! Disney are weaponizing their movies to urge young women to make false accusations of rape! Hide your willies and run for the hills!
Sorry dude, I didn't mean that to come across like it was aimed at you. I was talking about the bizarre media circle jerk defence that's going on where they seem be denying film history while blaming white men for everything.

I'm not denying there's people on both sides of this that are extreme twats taking it too far, that's never been my point. My point has always been that it's insane that this is a thing at all and that Hollywood itself is pushing this because it's all a massive deflection from any criticism and free publicity which up until now has worked entirely in their favour. Ghostbusters seems to be the only one that couldn't deflect hard enough.

I don't agree though that Ripley or Leia would have faced the same thing if the internet was a thing, obviously some people would be dicks, that's a given. But I feel like they are actual characters. Ripley had the entire first film and then most of Aliens to build up to her "Get away from her you bitch!!" moment. She'd earned that and her character was perfect for it. Compare that to Rey who starts off infallible and keeps getting stronger all because she's a strong female.

We had how many Marvel films before they pulled in this not very popular character and declared her the most powerful Avenger and the key to stopping Thanos? They cynically placed the film before Endgame and then Brie went full feminist. It's not really surprising that people voted on Rotten Tomatoes that they didn't want to see it. Which by the way was all they did on RT, before that function was removed and it was painted as trolls writing angry reviews. When they couldn't even review it, it was just people voting on if they wanted to see it or not and giving various reasons.
Sorry dude, I didn't mean that to come across like it was aimed at you. I was talking about the bizarre media circle jerk defence that's going on where they seem be denying film history while blaming white men for everything.

I'm not denying there's people on both sides of this that are extreme twats taking it too far, that's never been my point. My point has always been that it's insane that this is a thing at all and that Hollywood itself is pushing this because it's all a massive deflection from any criticism and free publicity which up until now has worked entirely in their favour. Ghostbusters seems to be the only one that couldn't deflect hard enough.

I don't agree though that Ripley or Leia would have faced the same thing if the internet was a thing, obviously some people would be dicks, that's a given. But I feel like they are actual characters. Ripley had the entire first film and then most of Aliens to build up to her "Get away from her you bitch!!" moment. She'd earned that and her character was perfect for it. Compare that to Rey who starts off infallible and keeps getting stronger all because she's a strong female.
Ah my bad then. I sort of fell down a reddit rabbit hole which blurred my vision I suppose.

I think that to some extend, the better the movie, the smaller the backlash, but there's plenty of internet trolls that give the movie a 1/10 because there's a female lead. Inversely, there's also plenty of people that give it a 10/10 for the same reason. I just think the 1/10 crowd is more vocal on the internet. Aside from that, I think this subject has been polarized massively in the last few years.

That being said, Carol Danvers doesn't hold any sort of candle to Ripley or Sarah Connor. Though I'd say she comes close to the Tomb Raider remake Lara Croft. Just saw that, awful film :)
Do I have to watch this to fully enjoy End Game? I've seen them all so far but not sure I can bring myself to see this one as most of the recent MCU films (Dr. Strange, GOTG2, Black Panther and Antman & The Wasp)) were all turd in my opinion.
Ah my bad then. I sort of fell down a reddit rabbit hole which blurred my vision I suppose.

I think that to some extend, the better the movie, the smaller the backlash, but there's plenty of internet trolls that give the movie a 1/10 because there's a female lead. Inversely, there's also plenty of people that give it a 10/10 for the same reason. I just think the 1/10 crowd is more vocal on the internet. Aside from that, I think this subject has been polarized massively in the last few years.

That being said, Carol Danvers doesn't hold any sort of candle to Ripley or Sarah Connor. Though I'd say she comes close to the Tomb Raider remake Lara Croft. Just saw that, awful film :)
The 10/10 crowd seem to hold more power, while the 1/10 crowd seem more vocal. As I said the whole thing is really fecking weird and it should never have been allowed to become a thing.

Well you could tell from the trailers TR was going to be a bit of a turd. :lol:. Bits of it seem to be shot for shot lifted from the game, which was excellent by the way. Despite the lack of hot bike courier action.
Well, even critic reviews on this one are not as good as WW's so even that might be lower. I know there are idiots who downvoted this movie but they do this for lots of movies. There's lots of reasons the movie might be 5.9 including the movie being a 5.9 movie. To just waltz into the thread and suggest that little boys not liking female leads is the reason the movies score is not as high as you would have wanted is weird as feck.

Personally I didn't even like WW and thought the high scores and reviews was mostly due to the whole first female hero thing which was ok. Thought all the action dirction was wank, like most DC movies, there's so single memorable action scene I remember. It's more than likely ill like this more for all the shit it's getting, because Marvel are usually just better with the action thing

In fairness you seem to be missing the part of his posts that states that Larson's vocal feminism, in comparison to Gadot's, has an undoubted impact on how fiercely a certain subsection of internet weirdos will push back against her movie. I haven't seen Captain Marvel yet but have little doubt that it'll be a standard middling Marvel movie (which is pretty much the level WW was at too) and so I reckon the fairly wide difference in scores is likely likely due to my first point.
In fairness you seem to be missing the part of his posts that states that Larson's vocal feminism, in comparison to Gadot's, has an undoubted impact on how fiercely a certain subsection of internet weirdos will push back against her movie. I haven't seen Captain Marvel yet but have little doubt that it'll be a standard middling Marvel movie (which is pretty much the level WW was at too) and so I reckon the fairly wide difference in scores is likely likely due to my first point.

In other words, little boys not being able to handle female leads has absolutely nothing to do with the movies score, but people having issues with this particular female?
Do I have to watch this to fully enjoy End Game? I've seen them all so far but not sure I can bring myself to see this one as most of the recent MCU films (Dr. Strange, GOTG2, Black Panther and Antman & The Wasp)) were all turd in my opinion.
Damn, if you think all of those were turd - why are you still bothered about the franchise?
In other words, little boys not being able to handle female leads has absolutely nothing to do with the movies score, but people having issues with this particular female?

You are right. There's absolutely no one in the world that would give a bad review for that reason. Except the 100k subscribers to this ridiculous reddit, which is one of many of it's kind.

You are right. There's absolutely no one in the world that would give a bad review for that reason. Except the 100k subscribers to this ridiculous reddit, which is one of many of it's kind.

Mate, if people had such a big problem with female leads as you claimed in your original post, then every female led movie ever would have this same issue don't you think? Anyways, score is 6.5 now, hope you have absolutely no problems with that since its what you wanted?
Damn, if you think all of those were turd - why are you still bothered about the franchise?
Because I did really enjoy certain ones like Ragnarok, GOTG1, Winter Soldier etc.

I've stuck with it this long, might as well finish the saga.
Has anyone seen the movie?
Hopefully this movie being not so great (according to few reviews) doesn't affect Avengers Endgame.

Speaking of Captain Marvel, Shazam seems to be getting very good reviews, some even calling it the best DC Movie yet
I don't watch these Marvel films or stuff in the genre anymore. But intuitively I think I'm less interested in seeing action movies with female lead roles, but for a good reason. Lesbian porn isn't anywhere near as popular as straight porn, despite the vast majority of the audience of straight porn watching it for the women. It's because men empathize with the dude banging the hot girl and imagine he's them. It's the same with action movies. As a kid I used to pretend to be Han Solo or Superman etc. It just doesn't work for me if the character is female.