Film Captain Marvel

Or it could go in the “PC gone maaaad” thread, with all the other articles no one actually reads before posting, that don’t really say what the headline suggests...WooHooo!!!
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Looks like a CW superhero tv series. Anyway, I'm sure it will make money though. For some reason I can't seem to fathom, people seem to enjoy these no effort Marvel movies.
Or it could go in the “PC gone maaaad” thread, with all the other articles no one actually reads before posting, that don’t really say what the headline suggests...WooHooo!!!

I've read the article and it's not a good one. At some point journalists also need to take responsibility for their headlines or clickbait.
Brien Larson is fit.

The trailer looked like a crossover of Man of Steel and Green Lantern.

I am intrigued if there will be many jokes, because other Marvel flicks which looked dead serious also ended up with many jokes in the actual movie. Infinity War may be the exception, with a very low amount of jokes in the second half of the movie, which was fitting.
It's obviously best to keep her look cryptic in teasers. What a weird thing to tweet about :lol:
Exactly. Plus it's Nick Fury introducing us to a new character who he started introducing us to in Infinity War. Madness.
Trailer was a bit underwhelming.But they have to make this work if she is to be a key part in the future of the MCU.
Trailer was a bit underwhelming.But they have to make this work if she is to be a key part in the future of the MCU.

Yeah, this has to be a hit as she's going to be the reason Thanos loses.

I think the trailer looks trash.
If I had a movie, id love Samuel L Jackson being the one to introduce me.
Him or Morgan Freeman.

Im waiting to see what the final trailer looks like, though the reason I liked this is because it doesnt give away a lot of the plot (which I like in trailers)
Looked ok, but the CGI looked terrible at the end. I hope this does well though.
Still not feeling it. Must be the actress playing the role.
Think it looks an interesting origin movie.

The Kree have been involved in Agents of Shield for a while now so from my perspective it'll be interesting to see a different side to them (they look like kind of the good guys in this, until she goes rogue).

I can't work out if Samuel L Jackson is going to be in this a lot, or they're simply picking his scenes because they have good chemistry.
Think it looks an interesting origin movie.

The Kree have been involved in Agents of Shield for a while now so from my perspective it'll be interesting to see a different side to them (they look like kind of the good guys in this, until she goes rogue).

I can't work out if Samuel L Jackson is going to be in this a lot, or they're simply picking his scenes because they have good chemistry.

Looks good. At least we saw more of her powers this time. Hopefully Fury is in it a fair bit, so she has some one to bounce off. And more Sam Jackson is never a bad thing.

Tiny thing but I like how her hair drops when her helmet/mohawk thing comes off, live that kind of attention to detail.
Looks good. I expect it will set up her character for the impact in Avengers 4.
Don’t really know much about her, but will probably end up seeing this so I understand her character in Avengers 4.
This is gonna get a good turnout due to the fact its just before Avengers and will be a key piece of Avengers 4.

I think it looks decent as it will be an origin movie back in time. I assume the post credit scene will be her receiving a message / page.
looks fine, it's as interesting as any other generic marvel superhero movie. no difference.
Marvel is always accused of every movie being the same, but this looks different. Like a different tone, no Groot or Rocket Racoon or Spider Man or Ant-Man who deliver child humour. I like it.

Except for the helmet, I want to see her hair while she fights.
Marvel is always accused of every movie being the same, but this looks different. Like a different tone, no Groot or Rocket Racoon or Spider Man or Ant-Man who deliver child humour. I like it.

Except for the helmet, I want to see her hair while she fights.

they've always had a mix - guardians was always the most light - but some of the others, the Captain America movies for instance, share a similar tone to this.
they've always had a mix - guardians was always the most light - but some of the others, the Captain America movies for instance, share a similar tone to this.

I don't share the accusation that everything is the same at Marvel and I really enjoyed the Cap movies. I just have a minor complaint that those light-hearted characters were brought into big apocalyptic ensemble pieces and made them less serious. See Spider-Man in Civil War or the Guardians in Infinity War. I know Spidey hat just 2 scenes, but the Guardians had sooo much screen time during Infinity War and made a very serious movie more vanilla. You are absolutely allowed to be funny or witty as I think Benedict Cumberbutch for instance has been very good at making jokes in darker scenes, but you really don't need any element of "cuteness" in there.

So not a problem with the Guardians per se, if anything the elements brought into the story by Gamorra and Star-Lord have been very good. Still, I feel like anything Rocket, Drax and Groot have done was unnecessary and could have done by other characters instead, who have much less screen time, but more interesting back stories and powers.
I don't share the accusation that everything is the same at Marvel and I really enjoyed the Cap movies. I just have a minor complaint that those light-hearted characters were brought into big apocalyptic ensemble pieces and made them less serious. See Spider-Man in Civil War or the Guardians in Infinity War. I know Spidey hat just 2 scenes, but the Guardians had sooo much screen time during Infinity War and made a very serious movie more vanilla. You are absolutely allowed to be funny or witty as I think Benedict Cumberbutch for instance has been very good at making jokes in darker scenes, but you really don't need any element of "cuteness" in there.

So not a problem with the Guardians per se, if anything the elements brought into the story by Gamorra and Star-Lord have been very good. Still, I feel like anything Rocket, Drax and Groot have done was unnecessary and could have done by other characters instead, who have much less screen time, but more interesting back stories and powers.

Can sort of see the point although I thought the interaction between the Guardians and Thor was very funny.
Marvel is always accused of every movie being the same, but this looks different. Like a different tone, no Groot or Rocket Racoon or Spider Man or Ant-Man who deliver child humour. I like it.

Except for the helmet, I want to see her hair while she fights.
Hair fetish?
Can sort of see the point although I thought the interaction between the Guardians and Thor was very funny.

I thought it was hilarious, they really know how to do their humour at Marvel. I just thought it didn't need to be in this movie, it could have been a scene in Thor Ragnarok or Guardians 2 or something.

Hair fetish?

Is that a thing?

I would also call Wonder Woman the worst movie ever if Diana was fighting in an armor with a medieval helmet on. Watching her fight was the whole point of the movie for me.:lol:
Think it looks an interesting origin movie.

The Kree have been involved in Agents of Shield for a while now so from my perspective it'll be interesting to see a different side to them (they look like kind of the good guys in this, until she goes rogue).

I can't work out if Samuel L Jackson is going to be in this a lot, or they're simply picking his scenes because they have good chemistry.

Suspect not a significant amount but enough for 2nd billing, we all know about his character anyway so by showing him they're not giving much away. It seems as though they are purposely keeping Jude Law's character hidden.