Film Captain Marvel

My girlfriend saw it today and said it was bang average. She gave it a 5/10. I’m gonna see it on Sunday so I shall return with my thoughts then. Stay tuned for more.
The marvel intro for this movie was awesome
Love it. A classic feel good superhero movie. Quite refreshing after the heavy avenger movie.

Brie looks a bit contrived in few scenes, but pulls it off nicely. Fury rocks as usual. The end boss man fight was a bit disappointing, but still came out of movie with a good smile.

The mid post credit is quite a teaser. Can't wait for Endgame now.

Just back from seeing it, thought it was decent. In terms of first movies its not as good as the first Guardians, Iron Man or Black Panther but would say its better than Ant-Man, Hulk, Thor, Cap America. On a similar level to Dr Strange.
I'd put it ahead of Black Panther comfortably. Probably the most overrated of all Marvel movies.
Should say.
Was cool when she finally went full power, she will definetly be a match for Thor in the power stakes if not more powerful.
Actually think her character needs another movie before they chuck her in to Endgame.

She's more powerful than Thor. Definitely the most powerful avenger yet. She went through a Ronan fleet without even trying. I wonder what her weakness will be.
The best version of this was Miracleman by Alan Moore (and later Neil Gaiman)
Genuinely loved the film.

However, I saw it on the same day United beat PSG and I was loving everything that day. The noodles I had were phenomenal.

The first 10 minutes wasn't great, the acting seemed wooden (Brie and Law) but didn't notice after that. Eventually linked nicely into endgame.
I don't have a problem with her being "overpowered" and if she ends up being the one that kills Thanos. I mean, Thor was more than powerful enough to kill Thanos as well, he just "should have gone for the head". When Warlock was rumoured to be the super OP character who was going to be introduced around about this time in the story as well not many people cared.
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She's more powerful than Thor. Definitely the most powerful avenger yet. She went through a Ronan fleet without even trying. I wonder what her weakness will be.
misogyny and tight jam jar lids
Genuinely loved the film.

However, I saw it on the same day United beat PSG and I was loving everything that day. The noodles I had were phenomenal.

The first 10 minutes wasn't great, the acting seemed wooden (Brie and Law) but didn't notice after that. Eventually linked nicely into endgame.
Saw it immediately after the game after traveling for 1 hour to the movies.
I do have a fairly noisy keyboard but I keep my anger caged ready to respond to idiots in the match day thread. ;)

Besides I thought you hated Super Hero films so why are you even posting in here?

I do, i've not seen any of the MCU films although i do have a soft spot for Reeve's Superman & Batman Begins was quite entertaining.

I do find the review bombing/upvoting crazies on both sides entertaining thou and came in here to see if there was truth to the reports that RT purged 50k reviews last night and was spambotting positive ones to get the score up!
Found it

This gem is why so many people's neck hairs stand up when they see Brie Larson.

For what it's worth, she's way of the mark there.

Excuse my ignorance but what is so bad about this tweet? I mean I get her point, but what happens if she hadn’t smiled at him and he still asked for her number?
I do, i've not seen any of the MCU films although i do have a soft spot for Reeve's Superman & Batman Begins was quite entertaining.

I was the same until I gave some of the MCU a go, I tend to ignore the secondary character films and just watch the main ones. Personally if you're not a fan of Superhero films then i'd ignore all of them with one exception. That would be Logan, that to me is a fantastic film. The rest you can probably pass on if you don't like or 'get' them.
I was the same until I gave some of the MCU a go, I tend to ignore the secondary character films and just watch the main ones. Personally if you're not a fan of Superhero films then i'd ignore all of them with one exception. That would be Logan, that to me is a fantastic film. The rest you can probably pass on if you don't like or 'get' them.

This has been said to me before but i'm always worried i'll need to watch 5 other films first to understand what's going on.
Excuse my ignorance but what is so bad about this tweet? I mean I get her point, but what happens if she hadn’t smiled at him and he still asked for her number?
I think complaining about someone asking for your number is a bit much. If she says no and he persists, he's in the wrong, but surely you can be bold and nicely ask a pretty girl for her number? Unless of course you're not attractive yourself then you're obviously a creep.

Anywho, I just showed the tweet to highlight the reasonthe reddit community doesnt like her. Personally I dont really have any opinion on her as a person.

I think the fact that in the span of two pages Ive gone from being called a fembot to having to defend myself over not being a sexist is hilariously telling by the way.
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Thought it was a pretty decent if fairly unimaginatively designed Marvel film. Kinda like a big episode of Star Trek.
I don't have a problem with her being "overpowered" and if she ends up being the one that kills Thanos. I mean, Thor was more than powerful enough to kill Thanos as well, he just "should have gone for the head". When Warlock was rumoured to be the super OP character who was going to be introduced around about this time in the story as well not many people cared.

I am fairly sure it is going to be someone else.
I think complaining about someone asking for your number is a bit much. If she says no and he persists, he's in the wrong, but surely you can be bold and nicely ask a pretty girl for her number? Unless of course you're not attractive yourself then you're obviously a creep.

Anywho, I just showed the tweet to highlight the reasonthe reddit community doesnt like her. Personally I dont really have any opinion on her as a person.

I think the fact that in the span of two pages Ive gone from being called a fembot to having to defend myself over not being a sexist is hilariously telling by the way.

The issue people have with her is the usual feminist claptrap she espouses. For instance, she insisted on having more people of colour on her press tour because you know, true diversity comes from having a bunch of people of difference races there as opposed to genuine diversity of ideas.

Even the tweet you showed speaks to her character, would she be tweeting such a thing if the person asking for her number was (Dicaprio/Clooney/insert mordern day heartthrob) most likely not, she could have just said no thanks instead of going into a "woe is my gender, because some lower status men dared to show interest in me."