Film Captain Marvel

If we are just going by MCU Titular superheroes who hadn't featured in a movie before the MCU

Thor (0) - Appeared in one made-for-TV Hulk Movie
Captain America (0) - Appeared in a few made-for-tv movies.
Guardians of the Galaxy (0)
Black Panther (0)
Ant-Man (0)
cular cular
Catwomen, on the other hand, had appeared in two movies.

As i said, not a big comic book fan and i know this is anecdotal as hell, but personally i never heard of that particular character before the movie and from what i've read online, so is the case with many others. Also, this particular plot development is pretty lame imo. You have this big team of incredibly powerful and established characters who gets their arse handed to them, then suddenly there is a secret super, duper powerful character that suddenly gets revealed. If half the universe was in jeopardy, why wasn't she brought in before?

Going to watch the movie with an open mind and i will probably enjoy it. Cant say i enjoy these kinds of continually escalating plots though
I think complaining about someone asking for your number is a bit much. If she says no and he persists, he's in the wrong, but surely you can be bold and nicely ask a pretty girl for her number? Unless of course you're not attractive yourself then you're obviously a creep.

Anywho, I just showed the tweet to highlight the reasonthe reddit community doesnt like her. Personally I dont really have any opinion on her as a person.

I think the fact that in the span of two pages Ive gone from being called a fembot to having to defend myself over not being a sexist is hilariously telling by the way.

It's more that it's a TSA agent asking for the number before he is about to let her through security. Like there is always a thought in the back of your head how much shit is he going to give me for saying no.
Watched the movie yesterday night and I liked it. It was a typical marvel movie. The formula works - good action scenes, with some comedy and good soundtrack. Set up well for the Endgame now.

The Marvel intro was absolutely amazing. Loved it. And all I can say after watching it is... Boy Thanos is fecked... Haha
It's more that it's a TSA agent asking for the number before he is about to let her through security. Like there is always a thought in the back of your head how much shit is he going to give me for saying no.
If he gives her shit for saying no, yes then it's definitely problematic, but I dont know the full story. I quoted the tweet making an argument that this movie is downvoted by people who perceive it as feminist or sjw.
I truly despise movies filled by political agendas, I despise feminists and I dislike the main actress. So unsurprisingly I won't watch it but I'll read the comments on it. I must say all the reviews I've watched and read are terrible for the movie. Not many people praising it. I don't think Marvel needed to go down that route.
As i said, not a big comic book fan and i know this is anecdotal as hell, but personally i never heard of that particular character before the movie and from what i've read online, so is the case with many others. Also, this particular plot development is pretty lame imo. You have this big team of incredibly powerful and established characters who gets their arse handed to them, then suddenly there is a secret super, duper powerful character that suddenly gets revealed. If half the universe was in jeopardy, why wasn't she brought in before?

Going to watch the movie with an open mind and i will probably enjoy it. Cant say i enjoy these kinds of continually escalating plots though

TBF, Thor didnt (second time around). And Dr Strange more than held is own as did scarlett witch (although latter two now gone). Heck if Quill wasnt emotional, they would have had him defeated before he came to Wakanda.

And most of this was all individually. I assume Thor and Cpt. Marvel together with all other elements (Antman with QR, Banner actually Hulking, etc) will defeat Thanos together and it wont just be one saviour.

The thing with introducing Marvel is that they had 3 other ways to do this:

-intro her in the next avengers without a backstory and make her the most powerful (which would have been worse)
-intro her ages before Endgame (but then more people would be saying where is she?)
-not intro her at all and have the same people who were defeated (but now half of them) suddenly defeat her with a better plan.

TBF, without giving much spoilers but this movie imo does do a decent job on explaining the Avengers initiative and why she hasnt been around for the other invasions.
And marvel is overpowered it's not even funny
Her powers are weird. One moment she's struggling to fight off 5 guys, despite constantly using her energy blasts on them and the next moment she destroys a fecking spaceship in about 5 seconds.
I think it was okay actually. Not great and full of cliches but I've had a few laughs and Samuel L Jackson is very good in it.
I truly despise movies filled by political agendas, I despise feminists and I dislike the main actress. So unsurprisingly I won't watch it but I'll read the comments on it. I must say all the reviews I've watched and read are terrible for the movie. Not many people praising it. I don't think Marvel needed to go down that route.

Needed to go down what route? What political agenda is it filled by?
TBF, Thor didnt (second time around). And Dr Strange more than held is own as did scarlett witch (although latter two now gone). Heck if Quill wasnt emotional, they would have had him defeated before he came to Wakanda.

And most of this was all individually. I assume Thor and Cpt. Marvel together with all other elements (Antman with QR, Banner actually Hulking, etc) will defeat Thanos together and it wont just be one saviour.

Iron Man drew blood as well when he was rocking what, 4 Gems?

And I think she helps balance a final fight but Thanos will still take some beating.
I truly despise movies filled by political agendas, I despise feminists and I dislike the main actress. So unsurprisingly I won't watch it but I'll read the comments on it. I must say all the reviews I've watched and read are terrible for the movie. Not many people praising it. I don't think Marvel needed to go down that route.
Huh? There is no political agenda. People are hating on the film because of the views of the main actress on twitter.
Huh? There is no political agenda. People are hating on the film because of the views of the main actress on twitter.
My brother disliked it for its content and nothing else. He barely knew about her.
In all fairness, I need to see it for myself to make my own opinion but I trust his review and we appreciate basically the same stuff
No one with a vagaina can realistically shoot magical space fire out of their fists. Only penises can. And really big penises at that. Real comic book fans just want more penises in our superhero films. Real big magical penises. All the time. It’s superherO, not superhervagina!

Give us our penises!!
I generally thought it was a weak film and knew nothing about Brie Larson other than her role in 21 jump street.

She was good in the film but I've googled more about her and found some polarising opinions.

Back to the film though, it's pretty shite for Marvel standards. Would pass as a DC flick as a female man of steel equivalent.
My brother disliked it for its content and nothing else. He barely knew about her.
In all fairness, I need to see it for myself to make my own opinion but I trust his review and we appreciate basically the same stuff

Wait, that wasn’t a parody post!!?

I truly despise movies filled by political agendas, I despise feminists and I dislike the main actress. So unsurprisingly I won't watch it but I'll read the comments on it. I must say all the reviews I've watched and read are terrible for the movie. Not many people praising it. I don't think Marvel needed to go down that route.

For the sake of not derailing this thread, I'll prefer not to answer.

My brother disliked it for its content and nothing else. He barely knew about her.
In all fairness, I need to see it for myself to make my own opinion but I trust his review and we appreciate basically the same stuff

What was the point of posting in this thread at all then? You have literally nothing to contribute. There are plenty of people and reviewers that liked the movie.
Weakest Marvel film since Age of Ultron, for me. I watched it in 3D iMAX and felt it would be no different watching it at home, which is not a feeling I've had with a Marvel film for quite some time. They made Captain Marvel way too smug and trite - Larson walks around for the whole film with this silly, knowing half grin on her face and an overconfidence that distances you from the character. I really feel they need to stop doing this with female leads in these films, but in this instance, and because of the assumed power level, the other character in these comic films who has that same stupid exterior is Superman, which is part of the reason his films, and general showing in anything is a letdown.

Let the female lead act like a person rather than a poster girl for empowerment. It's fair enough and clear what they are doing for girls and teenage females, and the fruits of that labour will probably show themselves in 10 years or so, but for an adult audience, that whole angle is contrived and leads to detachment as these Mary Sue characters make the film they are in redundant on numerous levels. They didn't even bother to give her an opponent, a final boss or any kind of struggle in this except the cliche of battling oneself, which is a trope done better in countless films.

Further to that, her powers and capabilities weren't explained, at all, for the fact it was a film to explore and explain away the character, the exposition, contextual to the wider Marvel universe, simply wasn't there. What they've put out is not a bridge for her to make her debut in the next Avengers, nor to battle with Thanos: as far as stated, she can fly 'halfway across the universe'; shoot beams from her arms; glow; look smug, but what else? Without giving her an opponent in this film, they left a void you can assume a Rey-like quality of just being able to pick up, overcome and do anything, because female empowerment. It's lazy writing and there's no need for it.

Because of the way the character has been written, allied with her having no opposition in the film, you are left to your own devices a lot of the time as the world she is in is not immersive, nor do you care because you know Mary Sue won't just win through, she'll absolutely smash it, to the point it's a non-contest - like Superman only becomes interesting when a villain of his own level enters the fray and his smugness is replaced with actual doubt and fear, so too will be the case for Captain Marvel and I feel in an ideal world, she'd get a second film where she's not just smashing through Kree minions, but actually encounters opposition that gives you a better sense of the character and any emotion to/for her. The other heavy-hitters in the Marvel films have been padded out and they've had foes that have smacked them about (a lot) and they've overcome actual adversity rather than a bit of mental gymnastics. This character needs the same otherwise it/she will be a very lazy deus ex machina in the upcoming Avengers movie who the audience is to just to accept will win the day, because.

I could go on, but it feels like a rant, which it actually isn't. The film is an average popcorn flick. It's not good, but it's not terrible, either. It's a 5/10, for me.
I haven't watch CM, and I for sure won't spend my money on it. but reading all these mess about CM made me happy.

Disney, you can't shove your political agendas to us, we won't tolerate any shyte like Brie Larson.
I haven't watch CM, and I for sure won't spend my money on it. but reading all these mess about CM made me happy.

Disney, you can't shove your political agendas to us, we won't tolerate any shyte like Brie Larson.

This has come up a few times in this thread, you and the others who share this view have said you haven't watched the film, yet you're complaining about the political agenda. You can't have derived any agenda from watching the film, so how have you arrived at that conclusion? Because the lead is female?
It’s a formulaic, watchable, enjoyable and forgettable film. I’d put it somewhere close to Dr.Strange/Ant Man and The Wasp/Age of Ultron territory, defo not a train wreck like Thor:TDW or Iron Man 3.

6, 6.5/10, around that. Don’t think there’s any apparent preaching/feminism in the film, her powers do feel poorly explained/inconsistent.
I truly despise movies filled by political agendas, I despise feminists and I dislike the main actress. So unsurprisingly I won't watch it but I'll read the comments on it. I must say all the reviews I've watched and read are terrible for the movie. Not many people praising it. I don't think Marvel needed to go down that route.
I haven't watch CM, and I for sure won't spend my money on it. but reading all these mess about CM made me happy.

Disney, you can't shove your political agendas to us, we won't tolerate any shyte like Brie Larson.

What world do you weirdos live in? It’s got largely good reviews and a 79% RT score, and has banked a strong opening weekend box office, including in China where it’s only been bettered by Infinty War! What horrible little dank cave of the Internet are you getting this idea that it’s been a disaster?

Putting aside how utterly pathetic a human being you have to be to be performatively “happy” that a film about a magic space woman with alien fire hands is getting bad reviews (which it objectively isn’t, by any stretch) because of an imagined political agenda it doesn’t have, which you admit to not even watching to know about anyway... Even if it DID have such an agenda, the very optics of being sad enough to openly and giddily celebrate, or campaign against the only solitary female lead Marvel film in 10 years and 20 odd films, because it potentially dares (but doesn’t really, which you wouldn’t know, beause you haven’t seen it!) to be somewhat aware of this fact, and subsequently champion it as a unique promotional facet, is so astronomically ridiculous and demonstrably pathetic, that it basically brands you as an outright cast iron idiot forever IMO. An absolute twat monkey of the highest order. A squirmy little shit sloth deserving of endless ridicule. An embarrassingly little bum worm that should be pushed back into the sloppy anus of what passes for culture in 2019.

Slap yourselves upside your heads... right now. You deserve it.... Now do it again.

I mean I’m drunk, sure, but you’re just.... feckng... pillows! It’s just an average Marvel film FFS. You’re the ones making an agenda out of it.
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It's funny. This movie appears to be bland and pointless going by most reviews yet you have people determining it's place amongst the MCU universe as if that changes anything.

"Above these but below that.."

I mean, it somehow makes it better that it's better than worse films or something? Is it specifically an MCU thing where a movie just can't be called out on being plain mediocre but must be scene in the grand scheme of things?
This has come up a few times in this thread, you and the others who share this view have said you haven't watched the film, yet you're complaining about the political agenda. You can't have derived any agenda from watching the film, so how have you arrived at that conclusion? Because the lead is female?
Views like that justify femanism, if anything. I find people being anti femanism strange. Essentially you're drowning a much needed campaign due to some going overboard. People on the telly play the racism card too often. I guess that's a pointless cause too and we should be against any anti racist agenda?
It's funny. This movie appears to be bland and pointless going by most reviews yet you have people determining it's place amongst the MCU universe as if that changes anything.

"Above these but below that.."

I mean, it somehow makes it better that it's better than worse films or something? Is it specifically an MCU thing where a movie just can't be called out on being plain mediocre but must be scene in the grand scheme of things?
It isn’t like Aquaman is compared to MOS/WW instead of BvS/JL, right?

Comparing films of the same genre is, I don’t know, the thing we’ve done for decades?
look I might not have seen the film but my ultra feminist purple haired (that's how you know she's the worst) friend told me it's not feminist enough and doesn't even have any vulvic imagery, now she hasn't seen it either, but her opinion is fact and this film has therefore failed
Views like that justify femanism, if anything. I find people being anti femanism strange. Essentially you're drowning a much needed campaign due to some going overboard. People on the telly play the racism card too often. I guess that's a pointless cause too and we should be against any anti racist agenda?

Yeah, but what you’re not getting here is that women just make agendas out of everything! And comic books, or Sci Fi, or any kind of narrative fiction has never had any type of agenda attached to it ever! Or at least one that I could understand.

And by “agendas” I mean “acknowledging that the first Marvel film in 10 years and 20 attempts to feature a woman as the lead is in some small way significant for some women, maybe”

And they shouldn’t do shit like that, because it unfairly makes men aware of it. And then our willies fall off, or something. I’m not quite sure, but it’s definitely super serious and not childishly stupid.
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Hi, I'm a large adult son and I'm campaigning to keep big titties in videogames. Women have infiltrated the video game journalism through youtube channels and tumblr blogs. They have forced the male video game industry to make no big titties in my video games. This is a serious issue. Why can't I have my big game titties? Because women don't want titties in my video games. They don't even play video games, video games are for boys like me and not for girls with coloured hair. Gamers, rise up, get the titties back in my game! please do it I want game titties, this is really serious guys. This is what feminism does, it ruins video games for real gamers, large adult sons like me.
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Right on. And also, once Captain Marvel flops, which it’s definitely going to, because I’ve seen loads of YouTube reviews where disembodied voices shout over ghetty images and memes, and they’ve all said it’s shit, and I’m completely confident that is literally all there is to culture in 2019, so again, once it flops, Marvel will realise just how important the constantly neglected white male consumer is, and immediately cancel all* their illuminati funded Mary Sue fronted feminist films and give us what we all really want, which is - obviously - all male, full on homosexual erotica superhero (and Star Wars) movies! Where the men are all real men, and the women are all also men!

* it’s basically just this one.
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I generally thought it was a weak film and knew nothing about Brie Larson other than her role in 21 jump street.

She was good in the film but I've googled more about her and found some polarising opinions.

Back to the film though, it's pretty shite for Marvel standards. Would pass as a DC flick as a female man of steel equivalent.

Wot? Who was she in 21 Jump Street
Liked the movie however I haven't read Captain Marvel comics. Is she always that overpowered? It's a bit bland but that's always a problem with origin movies.

Also anyone who has a problem with feminism and feminist is a weirdo.
Right on. And also, once Captain Marvel flops, which it’s definitely going to, because I’ve seen loads of YouTube reviews where disembodied voices shout over ghetty images and memes, and they’ve all said it’s shit, and I’m completely confident that is literally all there is to culture in 2019, so again, once it flops, Marvel will realise just how important the constantly neglected white male consumer is, and immediately cancel all* their illuminati funded Mary Sue fronted feminist films and give us what we all really want, which is - obviously - all male, full on homosexual erotica superhero (and Star Wars) movies! Where the men are all real men, and the women are all also men!

* it’s basically just this one.

It's numbers are excellent. It's definitely not going to fail.
Liked the movie however I haven't Captain Marvel comics. Is she always that overpowered?

Also anyone who has a problem with feminism and feminist is a weirdo.

Yes, one of the most powerful ones. Will be intereting to see what the Russo brothers do with her.