Maybe you can try to find tweets from his youth coach? Or his mother?

Why would you bring up a tweet from 2021?
Some of the critique in here is definitely over the top. But I guess that is what you get when polarization is as strong as it is here. Acting as if Bruno is the sole reason of why we play how we play is just as short-sighted as people who seemingly cannot comprehend to even think about selling a player for a big offer if (!!!) the opportunity was there even though said player reaches an age top clubs should prepare for life after him anyways.
Lets hear another one telling us that he was the best player for us. By that logic, maybe we should raid Luton or Burnley. They have a "the best of us" player as well.
The dilemma here shouldn't be whether or not Bruno is a useful (very useful) player - the question should be whether he is the right player for us right now. Same way as a mechanist probably shouldn't try to hang on the carbon spoiler while transmission and engine aren't on an acceptable level.
That is, how I see it. A bit like with Pogba back in the day - a great player who probably would have worked wonderfully when inserted into a well-working machine that is able to balance his freedom out. No question, Bruno isn't as difficult to integrate as Pogba nor is he a mere luxury piece, I get that, but whether he is here or not, we are not going to make a big step up as a team. Only chance to do so is to bring in a couple of players in defense and midfield and on the wings, give them time to get into sync and have a coach who finds a way to make this group of players play well together. And I would genuinely shocked if that takes less than 2 years. Surely Bruno could be part of such a process, but he could also be part of it when selling him would bring in some funds for the reset. The reset is inevitable anyway. For me, the question is should we take the funds or let it slide for 2 more years of him during a period where we most likely still won't compete for the highest honors.
But why bother. Lets roll on the next statman dave tweet proving that we have (one of) the bestest player in the world in our team with chance creation stats.